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Jul 10, 2015 8:00 AM

Jan 2014
Aws, those kisses were so cute :3
Shinji's short interaction with his father was weird as expected x)

And daym, Adam, is that you? o_o The first Angel they say...
He looks like something else to me :)
Aug 13, 2015 4:42 PM

Aug 2015
The best parts of this episode were Adam at the end, and Asuka kissing Shinji. The rest was just so-so. I thought it was cute and sweet that Asuka kissed him, especially with how long she did it (even though Shinji couldn't breathe lol), but her running to the bathroom and washing her mouth out kind of ruined that moment. But it was funny. :P ★3/5
Oct 28, 2015 10:22 PM

Apr 2014
Gendo displayed a slight amount of softness and sentimentality this episode. Just what was going on in the scene with him and Rei and why do they value each other so much?

It was amusing to see Shinji embarrass Rei by commenting how she reminded him of a mother and how she would make a good one. It's interesting to note how this has only been the second time where we've seen her display any real emotion that didn't involve the presence or direct topic of Gendo. However, her smile at Shinji back at the end of episode six was after Shinji had rescued her in the same manner that his father did, so I'm curious if Shinji had somehow inadvertently brought Gendo to Rei's mind.

I wasn't a fan of how Asuka taunted Shinji into kissing her by referencing his dead mother.

The crucified Angel at the end O_O Wow Adam has grown. So that was what the Lance was for. Wait...

*goes back to episode 8*

Upon receiving the frozen fossil thing from Kai, Gendo said, "This is Adam, the first human being." But it's an angel... There are several possible implications here, particularly in regards to all the activity regarding the Human Instrumentality Project...

(Placing speculations in spoiler tags just in case)
ZeroDragonOct 28, 2015 11:10 PM
Oct 31, 2015 2:56 PM

Jun 2011
Numbuh 3, you've got to get off the couch, you cannot sit in that tree house, girl you like Rainbow Monkeys so grab your little shit and then swing!

Hand tracks be tracking me to different doorways. In a maze, and I don't know what to do. Guaranteed though, Ima find the emeralds.
Nov 6, 2015 1:10 PM

Jan 2015
I wish i had a bored Asuka near me lol
great Characters developments in this episode, we see another side of Katsuragi's character, and the final scene of 'Adam' holds a lot to the future plot.
Nov 22, 2015 3:39 AM

Feb 2013
Wasn't it said Adam was the first human? Or did I just hear that wrong? If not, does that mean humans and angels are related? And eva's too? Are eva's just captured angels? Because that Adam thing kinda looked like Rei's Eva to me...

Speaking of Rei, wth is up with her? Is she an Angel too? And what exactly is Shinji's father doing with her?

I honestly have no clue, but this is getting super interesting.
Dec 4, 2015 11:04 AM

Nov 2012
Shinji and Asuka kiss.

Kaji and Misato's kiss.

Kaji a triple agent.

That one scene Misato was vomiting I thought they were having sex.

Crucified Adam.

Some connection between Rei and Shinji's mom.
Dec 30, 2015 7:36 PM

Feb 2013
(rewatching again)

5/5 There's romance in the air! That kiss! (both of them)

Kaji backround. If you've been paying attention, you've seen him sneaking around.

Now then, priority in previous episodes has been to protect Central Dogma from danger. Now you see why.

Asuka's reaction to smelling Misato's perfume on Kaji... you could just feel her little heart breaking. It's the little touches like this all over the place that make Eva such a great anime.
BurntJellyDec 30, 2015 7:42 PM
Feb 5, 2016 10:23 AM

Aug 2014
I would like to live with Asuka if that's what she does with her free time lol .
Last part raised many questions .
Great Episode .
Jul 17, 2016 7:03 PM

Feb 2016
That's what I call an awesome kiss scene between Shinji and Asuka. It's so obvious thats she likes him more than she would admit.

I think Gendo is hiding a big secret from Shinji about his mother. Her remains are missing and there are no photos of her. Maybe he used her dead body (or she is still alive?) for an experiment and it might failed horribly. This could be the reason why his relationship to Shinji is so cold. He feels guilty and he can't tell him the truth about his mom. That's just pure speculation and I could be totally wrong though.

Another interesting point was that the gun wasn't loaded when Misato pulled the trigger as soon as Kaji opened the door. She probably never intended to kill him no matter what he was trying to do.

The first angel looks very creepy if you ask me. There are still so many mysteries which have to get reaveled yet and I totally enjoy that. Great episode ofc.
SilentSword114Jul 17, 2016 7:07 PM
Aug 15, 2016 6:45 AM

Aug 2016
The romance in this episode was refreshing and verry likeable. Intresting ending again.
Oct 31, 2016 1:44 PM

Aug 2014
Rei blushing <3

This has to be the most awkward kiss ever lol.
Oct 31, 2016 2:22 PM

Jun 2016
Shinni's comment on why he hasn't stoppied playing the instrument: Nobody told me to stop, I guess. :D

Asuka, kissing to kill time? That sure was hilarious.

I really enjoyed Misato and Kaji this episode. The emotional deprh of this series is something I've missed seeing in anime. This show has such a unique way of reflecting emotions, I love it. Especially in the case of Misato.

What was Adam anyway?
Nov 5, 2016 10:10 PM

Dec 2015
Kryptiq said:
This has to be the most awkward kiss ever.
karineyn said:
Asuka, kissing to kill time? That sure was hilarious.

It's funny (for me, it was more embarrassing) and tells/confirms interesting things at the same time. Very good scene.

@karineyn It was said earlier in the series I think.

@karineyn All my excuses then. ^^
Rei_IIINov 6, 2016 11:51 AM
Nov 6, 2016 11:44 AM

Jun 2016
Rei366 said:
Kryptiq said:
This has to be the most awkward kiss ever.
karineyn said:
Asuka, kissing to kill time? That sure was hilarious.

It's funny (for me, it was more embarrassing) and tells/confirms interesting things at the same time. Very good scene.

@karineyn It was said earlier in the series I think.

Yeah, it took me awhile to understand who is who, and what each person/group is trying to achieve, but I got it at some point.
Thanks for the information :)
Nov 17, 2016 12:15 AM

Nov 2016
Great episode. Was going to give this anime an 10/10 in the first 6 episodes, then it dropped to either a 7 or an 8/10 in the 9-14 episode. This episode has bought it up to a 9. Let's hope it stays consistently good this time.
Nov 17, 2016 2:24 AM

Dec 2015
@Pixel_Vapour I sense a 6~7/10 incoming. XD

@Pixel_Vapour Since the manga ends with a modified take on the movie, you should watch The End of Evangelion first. I'm sure you'll enjoy the manga a lot more, it features improved drawings (since everything is drawn by the charadesigner himself and a way more "in-the-face" approach. (in other words, it removes the creator's intent and focuses on the plot)
WARNING: the last manga chapter is something not linked to Evangelion TV or manga, but a bonus to read between the 2nd and 3rd Shin Evangelion movies to add a bit of infos (who were only suggested in the 2nd Shin movie). In othernwords, it is a spoiler if you haven't yet watched the first 2 parts of the new continuity.

Have a good time !


@PriestSlayer In a sense, she is disgusted (that Shinji never participated actively after she gave him "a chance"), I think.

edit @PriestSlayer Something like... a love confession or a teenagers date between a "hedgehog" and a terribly insecure girl? They would need some serious fixes on themselves before, I suppose.


@CatSoul Wasn't she disgusted mainly because of Shinji's "passiveness"?
Folr your last comment, "congratulations".


@RarePepes May I ask you wich romantic story you're mentioning?
(I love reading your episodic reactions, thanks a lot for coming back here when I fought you had given up this show. I can't wait for your take on the ep.25-26 )

April 30, 2019
@Kajo_Senpai69 Sucking his air for laugh? Amusing interprétation. Never imagined it that way. ^^
Rei_IIIApr 29, 2019 3:09 PM
Nov 17, 2016 2:52 AM

Nov 2016
@Rei366 I hope not. I've been really enjoying this series. Once I've finished this I'll start reading the manga.
Dec 14, 2016 5:44 AM
Dec 2016
The kissing scene is comic just on his cover. It is a tentative from Asuka to be accepted by Shinji which behaves like he always do... he does nothing.

If you notice there is a moment, just before they kisses, that Asuka it's waiting for Shinji to approach. Then she will hope that Shinji will not be so passive (in a future episode, on the director cuts version, Asuka will accuse Shinji to do nothing always, even to not embrace her).

When finally she realize that Shinji will not unlock she is angry and frustrated.
Jan 3, 2017 2:04 PM

Feb 2013
Great episode!

So Kaji is a spy. I didn't know that. But it seems other people know but are letting it slide since he's a friend. Misato has a bit of a breakdown too.

So Shinji's mother is dead. I kinda guessed that. No photos of her and Ikari still remembersome her. Shinji apparently does not. I'm guessing she died in the Second Impact.

Didn't expect Asuka to casually just kiss Shinji. I though she was gonna pull other the last second but nope! Lol at Shinji who was holding his breath the whole time. Got another laugh when Asuka went to wash her mouth.

HHHHNNNNGGGG! Rei blushing is so damn cute! Also what is she doing? She seems to be doing something we don't really know. In the previous episode she was holding that Lance in Unit 00 and we find it being pinned on "the first human" ADAM, the first Angel. Some sort of special weapon? Man-made or of angel origin? Rei was also put in some tube attached to some giant machine. I wonder why. Hmm. This is some real interesting stuff. What could they be doing? Experiments?

No action in this episode but damn were my eyes glued to the screen. I want to find out more. Onto the next episode.
Jan 12, 2017 12:54 PM

Sep 2015
That was a kawaii blush from Rei :3

Kaji bad guy aka opposing force confirmed??

I hope Katsuragi doesnt get a change of heart
Jan 17, 2017 9:01 PM

Dec 2013
Well, Asuka really did kill a lot of time with that kiss...poor Shinji couldn't even breath. Then she tried to act disgusted, lol plz.
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Jan 18, 2017 11:30 AM

Dec 2013
@Rei366 I was hoping something would happen later on, but as I'm progressing through the episodes, that's looking increasingly unlikely. A shame...
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Jan 28, 2017 7:31 PM
Mar 2016
Cero said:
Wonder what else they'll do while being bored ;-;

I'm sure someone somewhere on the internet created a fanfic to your idea :p
Mar 26, 2017 8:50 PM

Dec 2012
Very interesting plot development with Kaji being some sort of spy... I wonder if he still has feelings for Misato since he was broken up with. Seems like everyone has issues with their parents in this show haha, makes me wonder about the creator of the series

Everyone's talking about the bored kiss scene, hahaha, makes me definitely appreciate being older and out of that awkward stage of development

Seeing Adam at the end was interesting as well! I definitely agree with a comment on the fist page: that must be the reason all of these angels are targeting the N.E.R.V headquarters!! This show finally feel like it's starting to take more of a direction, the plot has felt rather weak thus far
Apr 27, 2017 3:59 AM

Jun 2016
Everybody in this show is screwed up in the head, I love it. This was a great episode overall, some great character developement. The scene with Asuka and Shinji was very funny, especially how she ran off immediately after to wash her mouth.

Pen Pen did not give a fuck. I bet that penguin has seen some weird shit.
Sep 15, 2017 3:16 PM

Nov 2016
Lol dat kiss, but more surprising than that is the fact that Kaji is spying Nerv and they kept Adam as a "hostage".

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 18, 2017 7:45 AM

Jan 2016
Cero said:
Wonder what else they'll do while being bored ;-;

i like the way you think
Oct 16, 2017 2:28 AM

Nov 2016
Best kiss with best girl ever.
Nov 12, 2017 6:43 PM

Jul 2013
That Adam angel creeps the hell outta me
Jan 4, 2018 7:23 PM
Jul 2017
I love all the character development and fan service in this episode...

And poor shinji, asuka is relentless :/
Jan 24, 2018 5:44 PM

Apr 2015
For being so disgusted by Shinji's kiss, Asuka sure held on for a long time. And then getting so upset because Kaji was kissing Misato...Asuka realizes she's a child, right? All the girls want Kaji, but it's only realistic that he would be after an adult woman.

Are the Angels targeting NERV because they've got part of the First Angel ("Adam") locked away? The plot thickens...
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Feb 18, 2018 12:02 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
LOL! Misato really needs to decide to either love or abandon Keiji.

Well in this episode, Shinji visited her mother's grave with his father. (More hope for a better father-son relationship!?) Then talked about how Rei can be a good mother. (Made her feel embarrassed which must be rare!) And finally be brave enough to accept Asuka's kiss-to-kill-time (A kiss is still a kiss)

I am honestly surprised that Asuka and Shinji actually kissed, even though it's not really romantical... This episode got some really great fanservice moments! Then finally... Adam
Mar 8, 2018 3:09 AM

Sep 2017
This was an okay episode. But Rei squeezing that towel was kind of waifu material. I guess I agree with Shinji here. It also turned me on(Oops!). Man, this series is definitely affecting my brain.

Atleast Rei blushed. That's a win.

We see that the characters discover how deep the rabbit hole goes. But Asuka kissing Shinji on his mom's death anniversary proves that Asuka is worst girl. She just kisses Shinji just because she wants to take advantage of him. Also, she could have killed Shinji there. I am gonna pretend that kiss never happened. In fact, I wouldn't even call it a kiss.

I could care less about what happens to the other characters on the show.
JeremiahOrangeMar 8, 2018 3:12 AM

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Mar 17, 2018 6:10 AM

Feb 2018
Wow, best episode so far by far, so much happened, yet it didn't feel rushed.

The "Tell me Rei, what kind of a person is my father" sceen was enough to make it 5/5, simply brilliant. This show explores well how we are all alienated from each other and even from ourselves, it can just be so deep sometimes...

The scene at the grave was great, it's so good to see the Ikaris as a family, just talking, even if it was brief and unemotional on Gendo's side.
The smile exchange with Rei (again) was endearing(again).

The kiss was priceless, and poor Shinji turning colors. Love Asuka, she's such a true embodiment of a teenage girl. "Because it's boring."
Also having a crush on an older guy - so typical.

Of course Shinji has been playing because his teacher told him so, and of course he hasn't stopped because nobody told him to. So typical for him.

Misato's confession+fly me to the moon on violin in the background was also a great touch.

So many things here, a favorite episode definitely!
Aug 26, 2018 2:15 PM

Feb 2017
Possibly the least eventful episode yet, but holy moley they start dropping hints at huge plot points right at the end! At this point, I've had enough plot teases. I wish they'd do less filler episodes and move on to the meaty portions of the story.
Dec 15, 2018 11:07 AM

Aug 2013
That long kiss lol. And Shinji couldn't breathe.

Dec 24, 2018 6:33 PM

Dec 2018
another completely pointless episode minus the last 30 seconds or so of a plot teaser. The "romance", much like every other character interaction so far feels so forced and falls flat.
Jan 9, 2019 7:20 PM
Jan 2019
I love this episode. It's like the beggining of the Act 3 of the anime
Act 1 - Episodes: 1-4
Act 2 - Episodes: 5-14
Act 3 - Episodes 15-24
Final - Episodes 25 and 26

I think it's pretty straight now that Evangelion is't about mecha fights but focused on their characters. This episode not just buids an awesome tention for the following episodes, explore their character backgrounds and minds but also give us more information about SEELE, NERV and the story itself. I really like how the relationship of Rei and Shinji/ Asuka and Shinji is showed in this episodes. Shinji have feelings for both girls but it's not sure about them. Rei is slowly learning about herself and Asuka can't hide her true identity anymore. The tention start to skyrocket and you know something is going to happen
Apr 29, 2019 10:18 AM

May 2016
Katsuragi's drunken walk home with Kaji was simply beautiful when she opened up to him about her desire to escape from her memories of her father and inexplicably failing to do so by working where he did and falling for someone like him as the piano version of Fly Me to the Moon played.

Too bad that she had to find out that he was an undercover agent the very next day but he ended up letting her into the hidden truth of NERV harboring the first Angel who caused the Second Impact.

Sucking the air out of Shinji for laughs was totally something Asuka would do but it looks like Shinji would be the only one she'll be kissing anytime soon because lavender perfume~

May 16, 2019 8:22 PM
Apr 2016
Well goddamn, this episode was amazing, loved that it was without action the entire way through. Shinji sure is pathetic though, but, not surprised that he failed making that moment "right." Interesting ending, so that's the first Angel.
Jun 1, 2019 7:59 PM

Dec 2018
Might be my favorite episode so far. Also holy shit Adam at the end.
Jul 12, 2019 1:25 AM

Jul 2009
Nice! We're now getting deeper in the lore!

Seems Rei blushed at being the thought of a mother! She does have a motherly presence :)

It's sad how Second Impact really destroyed everything. Not even the mom's corpse was found. I can see why Gendo wanted to throw everything away for now. I won't be surprised if he still remembers what happened back then and still think of it everyday.

Seems Misato can't handle her alcohol at times. Surprised Kaiji was just playing it cool with her breaking up with him and it turns out, she never liked somebody else besides him. As she said in the first few episode. Misato and Shinji are a like.

That infamous kiss scene!! Why would Asuka even hold Shinji's breath :P

Finally get a glimpse of Rei inside a tube and this is probably the "Human Instrumentality Project" Gendo was talking about.

Even got to see where Rei got Longinus Lance which came from Adam. This is some heavy religious stuff!! Good show!!

Aug 6, 2019 5:32 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Sp much goes on in this episode. Gendo Ikari has his own agenda going on and is keeping secrets from Seele, NERV and the Japanese government. Asuka the reckless girl gets one weird first kiss in to our cello playing wonderboy. And how much does beer guzzling Misato have to drink in order to get that drunk?!

Don't even get me started on that ending.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Aug 16, 2019 5:42 PM

Aug 2016
I think I start to understand, why this anime is called classic.
Oct 6, 2019 3:18 AM

Oct 2012
I don't understand Asuka one bit, guess that's early tsundere girl for you :P

Seems like the "real story" is going to start from here
"Signature removed"
Nov 9, 2019 11:48 AM

Sep 2011
Amazing episode, it's always so good to see the characters interacting with each other in this series. I think that Asuka is in love with Shinji, she just don't want to accept that.

That ending was really interesting, so that was Adam, the first Angel. I wonder if he was the cause of the second impact. He looks a little like a Eva, maybe the Eva are based on him,?
Jan 21, 2020 9:14 PM
Dec 2019
Much better dialogue and chemistry in this episode, thankfully without relying on fanservice or perverted humor. However, Misato spilling her entire motivation and life story in a monologue is kind of clumsy, especially since there was no foreshadowing or hinting that her boyfriend reminded her of her father (at least, not that I recall, if anyone knows, please let me know).

I agree that Asuka using Shinji's dead mother to taunt him is over the top, just like her pettiness over being the group leader when the city was being attacked by angels a few episodes back. There are certain situations that even a very flawed person would recognize as "Now's not a good time to pull this shit." Maybe you can argue that Asuka is 14 and her exaggerated personality is intentional, but up until now Asuka narcissism and competitiveness is way overplayed. It's fine that she has these qualities, but just like with the rest of the cast these traits are blown out of proportion without any subtlety. (I anticipate that the reason Asuka is such a celebrated tsundere is because they stretch the "tsun" so far in one direction that her switch to the "dere" becomes more satisfying to watch. It's storytelling method in which you turn things around from one extreme to another to add dynamicism.)

Another example of this is Shinji playing the violin, which could have been a much needed element of individuality and self expression and/or a means of escape in a character that's otherwise completely spineless. However, even with this, the decision was made to make his music another thing that he was told to do. I don't dislike Shinji at all, because his flaws are very real and believable, but I do have a problem with him being spineless in every scene. A lot of introverts or people with low self esteem have a hobby or a certain environment which allows them to behave normally because they're in their element.

The polarization around this series might be due to the lack of a softer touch in handling these characters in an effort to emphasize their most prominent features. At least, that's what I see so far.

But anyway, this episode does have good development and things are trending in the right direction.
RecynonJan 21, 2020 9:23 PM
Apr 5, 2020 7:25 PM

Dec 2019
Holy what's up with Rei, and that ending scene, thing are getting interesting !

Jun 21, 2020 11:07 PM
Discord Moderator
Divine Protector

Sep 2019
Super cute moment with Shinji and Asuka when they kissed! Shinji turning bright red like I thought he would 😂

Wierd stuff with Rei and Shinjis dad. And seeing Adam crucified, with the lower halves of people at the bottom of his torso, very strange. I'm guessing the Eva's are actually repurposed Angels. And that there is some sort of religious-like connection between them and humans. Will see.
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