How I rate shows:
- 10/10: A great show, that I didn't just enjoy, but that connected deeply with me on some emotional level. A show that made me think for days, that had me in tears or stitches, something that went beyond pure enjoyment.
- 9/10: A great show, with minimal flaws. A show, that I enjoyed greatly from start to finish. These are still the best of the best, they just didn't go that one step beyond.
- 8/10: A very good show, that I enjoyed a lot, that had small flaws. Basically enjoyment from start to finish.
- 7/10: A good show, but with noticable flaws. Make no mistake, these are still good and enjoyable shows, but there were things, that bothered me.
- 6/10: Above average. There is enjoyment here, but that enjoyment was tainted by very noticable flaws. A 6 is still a positive rating, so these are still shows, that I had an okay time with.
- 5/10: Shows, that sometimes I had fun with, and sometimes had me go "Urgh". These are shows, that had things that I enjoyed, but also things that I really didn't like.
- 4/10: Below average. These are shows, where the flaws outweighed the positive aspects, that may have been there. A show that gets a 4 isn't all bad, but it's a series, that was mostly bad.
- 3/10: A bad show. These are series, that brought me little to no enjoyment. There may have been aspects of it, that were fine, but they were buried under a pile of shit.
- 2/10: These are shows, that are straight up shit. There was nothing in this, that I enjoyed. A 2 is the negative equivalent of a 9 to me. These are the worst of the worst, they just didn't do what a 1 show has done to me.
- 1/10: This is that special place for shows, that weren't just utter garbage, but also offended me on some level. Nobody should enjoy anything about these shows.
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