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Mar 8, 6:33 AM

Dec 2021
Welp, after the classic shounen battle arc, now it's time to sit back and relax and have some downtime going to a bathhouse with the family.... Though, unluckily for Sakamoto, even in the bathhouse he isn't safe from assassins come to him left and right... But this is probably our goofiest attempt so far lol. Poor Shin though, dude was taking all the hits for Sakamoto xD

Even still though, even after all the failed attempts, our boy Sakamoto still helped bro out, classic Goatmoto. But yeah, thought Shin had it rough this episode, but Lu also can't take a break even in the little mini break arcs lol. I mean, last time it was on accident that she was getting kidnapped, but this time she is the person they want to kidnap. But yeah, considering this is a mini break arc, there can't be any big battle to see who keep Lu....

... so the next best thing, GAMBLING! Lots on the line, from whoever keeps Lu, to information on who really was the one who put that bounty on Sakamoto. Oh well, we'll see who wins next week... the final week that is :(

P.S. Those are some delicious looking crepes there at the end lmao.
IzanaSolosMar 8, 6:40 AM

Mar 8, 7:00 AM

Jul 2017
After quite the rough terrtain of dealing with hitmen, it's time for a break at the bathhouse, though there still is the presence of hitmen like Yutaro, the amateur hitman who runs the family bathhouse business. As expected, Yutaro has traps laid all over the bathhouse, but the first jet bath...failed. Onto the sauna then, and the heat can be extrapolated for combustion...though Sakamoto's fat body provides enough resistance. Even in a cold bath, Sakamoto remains unfazed, and whatever Yutaro tries, nothing seems to work, and Shin is rather tired out from all the antics. Instead, the amateur hitman who doesn't have an achievement, gets rattled by gangsters which Sakamoto has to bail him out. In the end, all Yutaro got was a compliment from the legendary hitman himself and took a new lease on life to inherit the family business. Good for him.

It's a long due rest for Sakamoto, Shin and Lu, but the family restaurant they're in gets invaded by Chinese mafia wanting Lu back to head her clan, headed by Wutang. He may be a consigliere and Lu's perseverant stalker, but to trade her for information on the one who placed the bounty on Sakamoto, just would not do. And the setting of which they're dressed eloquently for, is an underground casino for a bet to see who earns more in 2 hours. And yes, depending on Shin may help them rack up the money, but to go against Wutang with his sharp instinct, the mission to earn the most, might not be as easy as they thought.

Both Tanaka and Seba owning a crepe truck, what an irony to find Lu, Aoi and Hana to give them business lols, what a turnaround.
Mar 8, 7:18 AM
Jan 2017
goofy ahh assassin trying to assassinate the legend himself.
Mar 8, 7:26 AM

Aug 2020
it was a good ep

Sakamoto is just different...
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Mar 8, 7:26 AM
Sep 2015
A manservice episode, I wish every episode occur in bathhouse like this.
Mar 8, 7:33 AM

Mar 2021
The family really enjoyed their trip to the bathhouse and even when he is relaxing Sakamoto is always on guard.
Mar 8, 8:19 AM

Dec 2018
I think I enjoyed the first half of this episode more than the entire previous arc, idk I just love this cast in goofy situations more than I do the serious plot stuff. That Yutaro fella was a riot with his reactions to Sakamoto casually enjoying all of his traps, all while Shin is getting reamed lol, and I liked how at the end Sakamoto ended up helping the guy out after he probably knew his intentions the whole time, I wonder if Sakamoto will come back because he actually enjoyed the extreme bathhouse features lol.

And the 2nd half comes back around to some more plot stuff, but this situation is focused on Lu with her boys from the mafia coming to get her, that Wutang guy is a bit of a nutjob but I do respect his appreciation of Lu’s cuteness, that was an insane amount of blood from that nosebleed lol. One thing led to another and now the gang is sharply dressed and in a casino battle against Wutang, it’s not the typical way Sakamoto handles things but I think that’s what will make it more interesting, I think it’ll make for a fun final episode to this first half of the season, because unfortunately we gotta wait a while for Part 2.
Mar 8, 8:32 AM

Feb 2013
I like how everyone in the diner just rolled like it was Tuesday.
Mar 8, 8:44 AM

Jul 2022
An episode at the hot springs: it was finally time to relax after so much chaos, well, except for Shin.

The first half was hilarious, full of comical elements like the old man saying, "Kids these days..." or the father denying him everything with, "When you grow up." Poor Shin, though: he ended up humiliated for not being a superhuman beast like Sakamoto.

And then there's Lu's simp. Poor Lu, trying to find peace and get away from the mob world, only to have that guy shower his face with a nosebleed. I really hope they beat that guy up in the casino. It would be awesome if Heisuke showed up and turned out to be a casino pro, especially since I doubt Shin's psychic powers will be very useful this time.
Mar 8, 8:47 AM

Feb 2019
Another fun episode that went by so quick. This show is so good when you ain’t got a manga reader crying in ya ear. At this point, Sakamoto needs to just open a hitman rehab clinic because everyone that comes to kill him end up becoming a changed man πŸ˜‚

Still cracking up about buddy turning the heat up in the sauna and it didn’t phase Taro at all because of his blubber. All those twinkies paid off! Wish that guy all the best with taking over the family business. Also it’s dope we got an Onsen episode without a single female fanservice moment lol. Sakamoto shirtless is all we needed

Nah I know I ain’t just watch Sakamoto stop a bullet with a damn fork lmaoo, I’ve seen it all now.

Lu might be done with the mafia, but they ain’t done with her. Lu Wutang is funny af man. Great addition to the cast. We’ve seen a lot of hitmen stuff, so it’ll be interesting to see how the mob underworld works in this series.

“I know you’re poor so I prepared 30 million chips” is crazy lmao πŸ˜‚ great episode
Marinate1016Mar 8, 10:03 AM
Mar 8, 9:22 AM

Jan 2018
I thought Sakamoto would be one of those people who look fat on the outside but is actually pretty built under the clothes. He's built alright. Built with a dad bod. Not quite what I was expecting tbh.

The first part of the episode was kinda wholesome if you ignore the part where the guy was literally trying to kill Sakamoto and Shin. But it's still kinda wholesome that Sakamoto helped out an inexperienced hitman go straight. Somehow his body can take all that abuse like literally burning inside a sauna and be completely fine.

Now the last part was interesting. Shin got his moment to shine. It's finally time to give more focus to Lu Xiaotang. I'm a bit shocked that this arc isn't about fighting but about gambling. I'm sure fighting will still be dragged in somehow in the next episode tho.

The post-credits scene was funny. Didn't expect to see updates on those two guys lol.

Only one episode left. Hope the last episode will be great and there will be an announcement of a second season.
Mar 8, 9:35 AM

Jul 2016
Can't help but feel for those poor boys returning to the bathhouse when they're old enough for ice cream one day and be disappointed at the facilities not being as fun as Sakamoto made them look.

I love how in a city where assassin brawls break out in random public spaces, it's floating crepes that go viral.
Mar 8, 10:22 AM

Jun 2019
The bathhouse was very fun for everyone except for Shin. It was a hell for him and a training ground. LOL. But, at least the Bathhouse guy learnt his lesson when Sakamoto showed him his nice side. Good to see it.

As for Lu, Wutang is here and he wants to take Lu back to the mafia and make her the head of the clan but she doesn't want to go with him. So, now they have to take this challenge and in that, the have to make more money than the other person. LOL. This is gonna be fun.
Mar 8, 10:30 AM
Oct 2020
So the invisible guy with the other dude got a crepe stand now.

We also got WuTang? whatever his name, he's the Lu Simp guy basically. Surprised he didn't die of a nose bleed from her wearing a dress
Mar 8, 10:47 AM
Jul 2024

One episode left, and they're trying to take Lu back to the mafia? πŸ₯²

Why do parents always say this?:

LaczPro19Mar 8, 10:54 AM
Mar 8, 11:25 AM

Jun 2014
Poor Shin, a chill day at the hot spring turned into a living nightmare for him πŸ’€ Wutang makes his anime debut and he's not messing around with trying to get Lu back. Dude really tripled his gambling winnings in like 5 seconds.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Mar 8, 12:30 PM

Jul 2012
Cool to see more of Lu's past and how this new predicament is connecting together with the main plot, much like the previous episodes with Shin.

Strangely, I'm craving for crepes now.
Mar 8, 1:45 PM

Nov 2016
I think im in a good mood today, i laughed a lot lol
Mar 8, 1:54 PM
Dec 2024
We really don't need to see the backstory of every "bad" assassin that appears. Let some be a silly bad guy in a funny montage. After all, most will be throwaway characters.
I guess it gave meaning to an otherwise a nothingburger episode. Still a little fun episode.
Mar 8, 1:55 PM
Oct 2017
Reply to TheColonel76
I think I enjoyed the first half of this episode more than the entire previous arc, idk I just love this cast in goofy situations more than I do the serious plot stuff. That Yutaro fella was a riot with his reactions to Sakamoto casually enjoying all of his traps, all while Shin is getting reamed lol, and I liked how at the end Sakamoto ended up helping the guy out after he probably knew his intentions the whole time, I wonder if Sakamoto will come back because he actually enjoyed the extreme bathhouse features lol.

And the 2nd half comes back around to some more plot stuff, but this situation is focused on Lu with her boys from the mafia coming to get her, that Wutang guy is a bit of a nutjob but I do respect his appreciation of Lu’s cuteness, that was an insane amount of blood from that nosebleed lol. One thing led to another and now the gang is sharply dressed and in a casino battle against Wutang, it’s not the typical way Sakamoto handles things but I think that’s what will make it more interesting, I think it’ll make for a fun final episode to this first half of the season, because unfortunately we gotta wait a while for Part 2.
@TheColonel76 the manga is right there
Mar 8, 1:55 PM
Oct 2017
Reply to 0451
I thought Sakamoto would be one of those people who look fat on the outside but is actually pretty built under the clothes. He's built alright. Built with a dad bod. Not quite what I was expecting tbh.

The first part of the episode was kinda wholesome if you ignore the part where the guy was literally trying to kill Sakamoto and Shin. But it's still kinda wholesome that Sakamoto helped out an inexperienced hitman go straight. Somehow his body can take all that abuse like literally burning inside a sauna and be completely fine.

Now the last part was interesting. Shin got his moment to shine. It's finally time to give more focus to Lu Xiaotang. I'm a bit shocked that this arc isn't about fighting but about gambling. I'm sure fighting will still be dragged in somehow in the next episode tho.

The post-credits scene was funny. Didn't expect to see updates on those two guys lol.

Only one episode left. Hope the last episode will be great and there will be an announcement of a second season.
@0451 2nd cour airs in fall
Mar 8, 1:59 PM

Dec 2018
Sakamoto body aren't that fat... It just his cheek and chin are so fat xD
Kid need to grow up just to eat ice cream? Such a horrible father xD

We're back with Lu's story now huh? Lu face was full of that simp nose blood, ugh -_-
When they changing to a 'formal' dress... I have a feeling that would be a casino... Bingo... Usually, I hate gambling mini arc on some anime... Wonder how does the final episode will be...
Mar 8, 2:19 PM
Oct 2022
No one can ever beat Sakamoto. He’s the strongest hit man even now. Shin and Lu are quite good too, let’s see what are Wutang’s plans.
Mar 8, 2:38 PM

Jan 2023
They skipped the cruise ship chapter :(

Good to see that they adapted the crêpes extra, though, that was nice.
MishterMann17Mar 8, 2:46 PM
Mar 8, 2:59 PM

Dec 2018
Reply to SoulReaper85
@TheColonel76 the manga is right there
@SoulReaper85 Very true, I’m just not much of a reader
Mar 8, 4:12 PM

Mar 2013
First half was a great one, but I don't really want to know more about Lu... 🫣

This random character has better character depth.

Is Lu finally getting to have one?
CrazyButNot4UMar 8, 4:17 PM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Mar 8, 5:57 PM

Apr 2022
well shit, they skipped the cruise ship chapter. i would've rather had that over the bathhouse chapter tbh, even though the goofy owner dude was fun. and now we're never gonna go back to that cruise ship chapter. so they sacrificed it for wutang, seems they wanna end this cour right before death row prisoners arc, which is where shit actually gets serious. lu's dress at the end goes harder in the anime than in the manga tbf.
Mar 8, 6:30 PM

Jan 2010
This was a fun little 2-part episode. The first part with them at the bathhouse was hilarious. The second part was a decent setup for the next (and final) episode. I have had a lot of fun with this series. I know a lot of people who think the animation was different (better) but I feel like it matches the tone the series is going for perfectly.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Mar 8, 9:16 PM
Mar 2021
it just get better!
Mar 8, 9:43 PM
Dec 2020
Looks like the next episode is gonna be peak. Casino episodes are always the best.
Mar 8, 9:46 PM
Mar 2015
Out boi got a good bath and a trip to the casino
Mar 9, 12:50 AM

Mar 2019
Is next week really the season finale? Feels like a low-energy lead into the final episode of the season.
Mar 9, 1:13 AM

Aug 2014
poemofdevil said:
Is next week really the season finale? Feels like a low-energy lead into the final episode of the season.

If only this already had a part 2 announced before it even aired..
Mar 9, 1:21 AM

Mar 2019
Reply to GTRaijin
poemofdevil said:
Is next week really the season finale? Feels like a low-energy lead into the final episode of the season.

If only this already had a part 2 announced before it even aired..
@GTRaijin Oh, I wasn't aware. Thanks for informing me without being an ahole about it.
Mar 9, 1:32 AM
Apr 2024
over the top ep, especially when they were in the public bath

Mar 9, 3:25 AM
Sep 2021
Nice episode. Was pretty funny. Surprised that Shin's powers were so weak this episode.. usually he'd be able to hear an assassin's thoughts a mile off but this episode was really just meant to show that Sakamoto is always on guard, even when he's meant to be relaxing. No one can come close to him lol.
Mar 9, 4:26 AM

Feb 2014
This episode was more entertaining than I thought it would be. Seeing that amateur assassin trying to "hurt" Sakamoto only ended up making the visit to the bathhouse more to his liking in terms of relaxation. Too bad that Shin wasn't able to handle the intense water, heat and cold that he passed out.

Lu is getting herself back into the spotlight thanks to Wutang's appearance. First off, he's a MASSIVE simp for Lu and he is going all out to try and get her to go back with him that he's challenged Sakamoto to a spot of gambling in an underground casino. I do like the attire they the trio are wearing, especially Lu's stunning blue dress, but the odds are against them. Not only Sakamoto and Shin have zero experience when it comes to playing in a casino, but Wutang's biggest strength is his brain and how quickly he already tripled his chip amount in a blink of an eye.

The post-credit scene was unexpected, but it was amusing. I now fancy a crepe myself! XD
Mar 9, 7:00 AM

Feb 2022
Ahh yes the good 'ol gambling. all in at first bet!

Seba using his abilities on a different way is cool and that's also the most innovative crepe stand lmao.

Mar 9, 7:39 AM

Mar 2017
nice soundtrack for the casino segment. probably gonna start the manga after the last ep, since no way am I gonna endure any more of this shit ass adaptation. from what I can see, they butchered the villain reveal with ep9 compared to the manga which was godly
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Mar 9, 9:41 AM

Jul 2023
Coming from the casino episode of Trillion Game, we're treated to another casino episode, this time with Sakamoto Days.

I was thinking that Sakamoto might use physical tricks to win, but your guess is as good as mine. And damn! Next week is last episode? Season 2, please.
Mar 9, 10:01 AM
Jul 2013
Mission: Relax in the hot springs.

Mission: Gambling addiction on πŸ˜…
Mar 9, 10:17 AM
May 2023
Bro Lu can't catch a break. She's always getting kidnapped or targeted. Now she's being told to return to the mafia world. Although it was a great episode. Shin had it rough. Poor guy. πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚
Mar 9, 10:21 AM

Jun 2017
Where is this alleged episode 10? Sakamoto Days is a Netflix series and has only aired 9 episodes to date. 10 is the finale that airs on March 15. Why does MAL claim there are 11?
Mar 9, 11:01 AM

Jul 2023
Reply to 0451
I thought Sakamoto would be one of those people who look fat on the outside but is actually pretty built under the clothes. He's built alright. Built with a dad bod. Not quite what I was expecting tbh.

The first part of the episode was kinda wholesome if you ignore the part where the guy was literally trying to kill Sakamoto and Shin. But it's still kinda wholesome that Sakamoto helped out an inexperienced hitman go straight. Somehow his body can take all that abuse like literally burning inside a sauna and be completely fine.

Now the last part was interesting. Shin got his moment to shine. It's finally time to give more focus to Lu Xiaotang. I'm a bit shocked that this arc isn't about fighting but about gambling. I'm sure fighting will still be dragged in somehow in the next episode tho.

The post-credits scene was funny. Didn't expect to see updates on those two guys lol.

Only one episode left. Hope the last episode will be great and there will be an announcement of a second season.
0451 said:
Only one episode left. Hope the last episode will be great and there will be an announcement of a second season.

Interestingly, MAL already has a season 2 page, and even knows the airing day:

I'm not aware if it had a press release before that it will have a season 2, but it looks like an official announcement next week is forthcoming.
Mar 9, 11:34 AM
Sep 2023
those who know and those who snow mango mango mango
Mar 9, 11:49 AM

Aug 2014
patkarunungan said:
0451 said:
Only one episode left. Hope the last episode will be great and there will be an announcement of a second season.

Interestingly, MAL already has a season 2 page, and even knows the airing day:

I'm not aware if it had a press release before that it will have a season 2, but it looks like an official announcement next week is forthcoming.

It was announced before it even began airing, that's why there is a part 2 in the database with airing date.
Mar 9, 12:48 PM
Original Denjin

Nov 2008
I wanted to watch it on Netflix, but for some reason they’re delaying it by a week! I mean they did the same thing with Blue Box a few months ago! WTF!?!

Why, after a while, when they been giving it to us on time, do they all of a sudden just decide to have the newest episodes delayed by a week!? I mean seriously! We pay damn good money for the subscription, and I’m gonna be damned if they’re just going to delay the release of these episodes like this!

I mean, what’s the explanation? Is there one?
Mar 9, 3:32 PM

Dec 2013
It's amazing how many low tier assassins think they can take on the legendary assassin with a billion yen bounty.

For this final arc, we are getting a Lu arc! I guess I shouldn't be surprised since we just got a Shin focused arc.
Mar 9, 8:29 PM

Jul 2016
Reply to G_Spark233
It's amazing how many low tier assassins think they can take on the legendary assassin with a billion yen bounty.

For this final arc, we are getting a Lu arc! I guess I shouldn't be surprised since we just got a Shin focused arc.

Is just a weird part to end the first section I guess... All good however. lu is awesome.
Mar 9, 10:10 PM
Sep 2024
NTAD said:
I like how everyone in the diner just rolled like it was Tuesday.

The civilians in sakamato days are just built different
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