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Jan 4, 2007 10:15 AM

Aug 2006
Wow!!! That's all I can say!!! This movie was superb!!! This movie has a bit of drama, some melancholy, a lot of GREAT comedic moments, and a cast of wonderful, unforgettable characters. Overall, Hana, the middle-aged transvestite is by far, my favorite character.

You guys must watch this!!! You'll laugh outloud, you'll shed a few tears, and you will finish this movie with one of the best feelings you've ever had. I LOVED it!!!

My favorite quote from the movie:
"You can"t get milk from an old queer's tits, no matter how hard you try."

eta: If the quote offended anyone, I apologize. But Hana is such a great character, and openly refers to himself/herself as an "old homo" or an "old queer". Again, not meant to offend.
ChelleJan 4, 2007 10:24 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jan 5, 2007 12:25 AM

Nov 2006
But never "old fart". =p That would be improper for a lady. (well, as much as he can be)
Also fun to see how all of those X-mas miracles end up having a common link. Favorite one being the last one....just when you thought nothing else can happen....right before the credits roll. (trying not to spoil anything)

Is that spoiling anything right there?
Jan 6, 2007 4:53 AM

Jan 2005
Agree with you Furubafan ;) A great movie! :)
Feb 15, 2007 9:41 PM

Jan 2007
I just watched this in my animefilms series class and wow. f***ing awesome movie. Now i'm definitly looking forward to Paprika.
Feb 16, 2007 12:54 AM
Apr 2006
As I read the discription of this I thought, how can that be good? but, oh...loved that movie!! Should be rewached every X-mas ;)
Apr 12, 2007 12:23 PM

Mar 2007
Excellent movie. I enjoyed every second of it!:)
Apr 14, 2007 8:21 AM

Apr 2007
It's indeed a wonderfull movie, especially for the holiday season. There is such a good chemistry between the characters. This, Millenium Actress and Paranoia Agent make Satoshi Kon my favourite Anime creator. And I can't wait to see Paprika!
Dec 28, 2007 12:24 AM
Sep 2007
where to downlaod this anime i can`t find anywhere need help
Jan 26, 2008 10:39 PM
Nov 2007
Honestly, I've owned this movie for over a year and never got around to watching it. Man, am I glad I bothered to spend the money on it. I just watched it last night, and am I glad spent my hard-earned money on it. I loved the characters and all their quirkiness. It almost made me cry. And that baby was so damn cute.
Feb 27, 2008 10:00 PM
Jan 2008
This is actually the first Satoshi Kon movie that I actually disliked. The problem isn't that it's not lusciously animated, but the movie unfolds too slowly, to the point where I was ready to doze off. I did like the ending song and the climactic chase does have energy, but otherwise I found myself disappointed with Tokyo Godfathers. I suppose some of it is my own fault, considering how much I loved Perfect Blue and Paprika. I was more annoyed that there was no dub available for this film. It would've been easier for me to follow the story if there was a dub in my native language track.

-Jon T.
Feb 27, 2008 10:42 PM

Feb 2008
I absolutely love this movie. And that quote Chelle, is my favorite too xD

Feb 28, 2008 12:46 AM

Jan 2008
JTurner said:
It would've been easier for me to follow the story if there was a dub in my native language track.

-Jon T.

As much as I usually like dubs, I just can't imagine actually watching a dubbed version of Tokyo Godfathers. I love the movie the way it is.
D&D Club

Because my sig making skills are non-existant.
Jun 11, 2008 10:23 AM

Jul 2006
Just finished this movie and I loved it. Definetely 10x better than I imagined. The characters were something I will remember for long time. :)
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Jun 11, 2008 10:41 AM

Nov 2007
I still just don't understand why Kon decided to create such of a different film, compared to Paprika, Millenium Actress, and even Paranoia Agent. But, it still works, and it turned out to be my favourite film of his. =D
Aug 20, 2008 7:12 AM

Apr 2007
Just watched this, even thou I should have been spending this time doing homework due tommorow... and it's past midnight already...

Anyways, this film went beyond and crushed my expectations. The comedy was pure gold, I wasn't expecting that, nor the amazing drama. Seriously, I could have just kept on watching it for a while longer to see what happened after the end, urrrggg, wish there was more T_T...

On-par with Millennium actress so far as my 3rd favorite anime movie, and in my top 10 actual movies. 10/10
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Nov 16, 2008 8:46 PM

Mar 2008
Siing said:
Just watched this, even thou I should have been spending this time doing homework due tommorow... and it's past midnight already...

Anyways, this film went beyond and crushed my expectations. The comedy was pure gold, I wasn't expecting that, nor the amazing drama. Seriously, I could have just kept on watching it for a while longer to see what happened after the end, urrrggg, wish there was more T_T...

On-par with Millennium actress so far as my 3rd favorite anime movie, and in my top 10 actual movies. 10/10

I know what you mean! I'm supposed to be doing work but I got caught up in the movie, I wanted to know what happened to the characters too. Like after the hospital where'd they all go? Did they stay together, or go their seperate ways?

But at the same time I liked the ending, as it wasn't tooo "And they all lived happily ever after", though I'm sure their life was more peaceful afterwards;P
still loved the movie:)
Apr 3, 2009 4:14 PM

Mar 2009
What a great movie. I convinced some of my non anime watching friends to sit and watch it (though I had not seen it myself) and I think I made a couple of converts to the genre.

My favorite line was when Gin said to Hana "We're homeless bums, not action-movie heroes" which is probable in a good way how I would describe the film.

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Oct 3, 2009 5:28 AM

Jun 2008
two words "Heart Warming" i loved this movie it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside
Nov 22, 2009 3:21 PM

Oct 2009
Just watched the movie last night and adored it. I think I'll be rewatching it in a month when Christmas rolls around. :D

EDIT: Just realized my question is a HUGE spoiler. Sorry about that.

So uh... If anyone has a really good grasp of the movie's plotline, could you message me and clarify something for me? Thanks. ^_^;;
Dec 11, 2009 11:30 AM

Jun 2009
just finished watching this

Dec 11, 2009 12:18 PM

Aug 2007
This is a good movie, really. I watched on tv at least 3 times. For me the final of the movie was the best of all
Jan 10, 2010 7:46 AM
Mar 2009
Was so nice! Great characters and had a positive feeling in it :)
Jul 9, 2010 1:23 AM

Nov 2009
A classic.
Oct 23, 2010 6:05 AM

Aug 2010
I absolutely loved this movie, it had everything a movie should have: action, comedy, drama, suspense, heartfelt moments. I'd give it a 10/10!
Nov 14, 2010 7:55 AM
Sep 2007
Just watched.. it really was good. It had too many coincidence. at the end where was stronge wind at the mall part it was "?" for me wtf was that xD
its 9/10 for me xD
Dec 26, 2010 4:25 AM

Oct 2010
pretty awesome, make me fell really good when i watched.
9/10 for me =)
Jan 3, 2011 10:42 PM

Apr 2008
I'm a big fan of Satoshi Kon's work, so I figured it only right that I add Tokyo Godfathers to my completed list.

I liked it. I definitely liked it. This was an all around fun movie that stayed interesting throughout and gave a lot of good laughs. The scattered dramatic moments included managed to hold up well in their surroundings without feeling out of place or ruining the mood.

But... I can't say this really stacks up to Satoshi Kon's other films. Even acknowledging that I'm a much bigger fan of the psychological genre than comedy, I have to take points off for the sheer level of coincidence in this movie. Everything from Miyuki's father being on the other train on is just so ridiculous. The movie is clearly aware of this. It relishes the coincidences and loves playing the what's the craziest thing that could happen card. There's definitely humor in the brazen improbability, but it also hurts the coherency. The movie flows jerkily because the movement from one event to another relies purely on coincidences. In addition, it hurts the immersion, since there's just no way to view it as anything other than a story. The self aware execution could only do so much to prevent it from feeling cheap.

So, overall, liked it, didn't love it, wish I could have more to really sate my Satoshi Kon fix.
Jan 4, 2011 9:57 AM

Sep 2008
I'm just sitting here and thinking what flaw the movie had, and I honestly cant come up with anything. Even the coincidences made sense with the theme ("miracle", "hope", "christmas"), when in any other movie it would have degraded the story, but here these incidences are part of the movie and its theme and make perfect sense. I think you have to be a cold-hearted soulless person not to like this movie. Honestly. I saw Perfect blue and millennium actress yesterday but was highly disappointed. They were both heavily flawed though decent, but this movie was really gold. A true masterpiece

eyerokJan 4, 2011 10:06 AM
"...our faces marked by toil, by deceptions, by success, by love; our weary eyes looking still, looking always, looking anxiously for something out of life, that while it is expected is already gone – has passed unseen, in a sigh, in a flash – together with the youth, with the strength, with the romance of illusions.” - Joseph Conrad ('Youth')
Mar 22, 2011 10:46 PM

Feb 2010
eyerok said:
I saw Perfect blue and millennium actress yesterday but was highly disappointed.

Same here. The difference was that the randomness and deus ex machina were appropriate here. The film didn't take itself seriously; it knew its place. Kon wanted to produce smiles and Tokyo Godfathers delivered.
Aug 24, 2011 12:15 AM

Jun 2011
Spectacular film! One of the best "slices of life" I've ever seen for sure. I can't believe how great all the characters were. This movie made me feel such a vast range of emotions and it's truly made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy tonight and I can't wait to watch it again sometime. (;
Dec 25, 2011 12:12 PM

Aug 2010
Saw a part of it years back on television, then I came across it on MAL and decided to watch it. It was just as good and funny as I remembered. It was a nice Christmas watch 7/10.
Dec 2, 2012 11:50 PM

Jul 2012
I loved it! :'3
Dec 24, 2012 11:55 PM

Jan 2010
It's quirky, dramatic, suspenseful, wacky, hilarious, sad, rage-worthy, action-packed, romantic, heart-warming, pants-dropping, and all around insane. So many coincidences and plot-twists happened within that hour and a half full of crazy that I just stopped caring and went with it. I can't believe something like this actually existed.
Jan 26, 2013 7:03 PM

Aug 2012
Great movie :) I don't know what to say anymore.
Feb 17, 2013 11:59 AM

May 2012
That was a great movie.. really enjoyed it! And Hana was my fave character.. he is really funny.. really like the crazy string of events..
Oct 15, 2013 4:25 PM

Oct 2007
This honestly is my favourite Christmas movie of all time (including live action) and I have to somehow get my family to watch it this year's Christmas.
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Oct 23, 2013 8:06 PM

Aug 2012
Great movie , I should have watch this at Christmas. Nevertheless , I enjoyed this !
Dec 25, 2013 7:43 PM
Jul 2012
Pretty nice movie that I actually enjoyed it. The last minute half rescue maked it enjoyable.
Apr 25, 2014 11:03 AM

Dec 2013
This was one of the best animation movies that I've ever watched, seriously. The plot was full of twists and kept me entertained all along. And the characters were just so picturesque. I loved them.
"Me ni wa me wo, ha ni wa ha wo, aku ni wa aku wo."
Jun 21, 2014 1:44 PM
Sep 2013
Did anyone pick up on the relationship between Miyuki and her father?

All i can remember is her attempt to call home at the phone booth, and now i'm a bit confused by the scene at the very end...
Dec 21, 2014 4:57 PM
Sep 2013
ichikiba said:
JTurner said:
It would've been easier for me to follow the story if there was a dub in my native language track.

-Jon T.

As much as I usually like dubs, I just can't imagine actually watching a dubbed version of Tokyo Godfathers. I love the movie the way it is.

i watched this movie in english and enjoyed it they didnt take away any of the eccentric dialogue
still on of my favorites in fact im trying to find this dubbed so my mom can watch it and she wont watch subtitled
Dec 23, 2014 4:05 AM

Mar 2013
It's almost Christmas and i decided to watch this.. and wow loved it very much! Awesome characters especially Hana~
Feb 8, 2015 10:49 AM

Nov 2013
best movie ever
Jun 21, 2015 12:46 AM

Dec 2014
awesome movie 10/10

the characters are all great,lots of very funny moments and coincidence.

for me the best is gin because the story of his life is funny as hell.
Dec 19, 2015 10:41 AM
Sep 2015
Can someone help me figure out what the gunman says to Miyuki?
Dec 19, 2015 2:55 PM

Sep 2013
Amazing movie
Jun 2, 2017 10:49 AM

Mar 2013
NekoNutchi said:
Did anyone pick up on the relationship between Miyuki and her father?

All i can remember is her attempt to call home at the phone booth, and now i'm a bit confused by the scene at the very end...

What do you mean by pick up on their relationship? I'm curious.

Also, I'm not sure if this was supposed to be an obvious conclusion, but does Hana have AIDS? Referring back to the whole Weeping Red Devil story, doesn't seem like he was planning on leaving Gin to his family? By dying?
Jan 23, 2019 9:45 PM

Apr 2016
the subs are literally wrong though so uh
moe moe ichijou seiya

Nov 23, 2022 7:40 AM
Jul 2018
Kaoreen said:
It's almost Christmas and i decided to watch this.. and wow loved it very much! Awesome characters especially Hana~

Agree, incredible character portraying.
Dec 3, 2022 5:45 PM

Aug 2020
Great movie, just like most people wrote. Might as well rewatch it on Christmas Eve.
KitsuFrostDec 3, 2022 5:50 PM

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