All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 419.4
Mean Score:
- Watching7
- Completed1,572
- On-Hold3
- Dropped29
- Plan to Watch118
- Total Entries1,729
- Rewatched172
- Episodes24,969
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 279.6
Mean Score:
- Reading55
- Completed333
- On-Hold20
- Dropped27
- Plan to Read84
- Total Entries519
- Reread93
- Chapters22,905
- Volumes2,596
All Comments (8526) Comments
was going through my old HDD and found a folder with your old youtube videos, your Rosario + Vampire TAS and manga recommendation videos. I really enjoyed them, Went to your channel and saw it was abandoned, was worried you might have died, saw the link to MAL and was happy that you were ok and still active.
Just wanted to say I was a fan and hope life is treating you well.
Thanks for all the laughs back in the days.
I personally had and still have Pluto above Monster, mostly due to recency bias after reading Pluto way after Monster, but they are both amazing and I need to re-read them soon. 20th Century boys is good too, but not on the same level, I might have to re-read that one too.