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Feb 5, 2015 7:36 AM

Nov 2011
This episode felt a bit more slower in terms of work but overall was a refreshing watch seeing our main core characters doing what they love.

What's with those pig outfits though? Lol. That felt out of space there. Fantastic ending though with that montage. What a way to conclude this episode especially when the airplanes flew over the sky!
Feb 5, 2015 7:40 AM

May 2009
Whoa, what happened to Honda?
Feb 5, 2015 8:47 AM
Jun 2012
bastek66 said:
Whoa, what happened to Honda?

I know. Surrounded by cakes all day .. and he drops that much?
Feb 5, 2015 9:02 AM
Mar 2013
Ouch! Another "Funny story!" I have to punch the editor... But anyway, it has done well in the end. Oh well.

By the way, I had a very bad impression about that seemingly uncooperative five year old production coordinator newly hired few weeks ago at first. But now, I guess he can get along with Taro. Possibly he is a little matured Taro as a professional even he is a bit egoistic, he seems to know how to manage his job to meet the deadline. I admit I know it may be just a wishful speculation. But at least, he seemed to know how to short cut some procedures and tried to meet the deadline when emergency even if there can arise a risk that cause another problem.

By the way, the terminology list on Shirobako web site added the term sorter before Episode 16 aired. A sorter is an ordinary accessory for photo copy machine used any office so it seemed to me a bit strange whey they put it on the list in particular. I guess it was because Taro was going to use the copy machine's sorter when the two now coordinators worried what they should to at the time.
I mean Taro was going to make copies of the storyboards to provide to animators even the final character designs weren't authorized. He was planning to prepare make-shift key frames in advance and revised them after the designs of the characters are decided finally. Which is a typical way of short cut if they have to do something in advance but it can be much heavier burden to animation directors who have to correct them. So when he said to use the sorter, which can be an important moment for him to choose an irregular way of production. I guess that why the word put on to the terminology list before Episode 16.
htsujiFeb 6, 2015 5:01 AM
Feb 5, 2015 9:13 AM
Mar 2013
Helpme said:
bastek66 said:
Whoa, what happened to Honda?

I know. Surrounded by cakes all day .. and he drops that much?

If you have always have a chance to eat cakes as much as you can, you don't need to eat them passionately any more because you can have them anytime whenever you want. There is no feelings on Honda about starvation about them now.
htsujiFeb 5, 2015 9:21 AM
Feb 5, 2015 9:34 AM

Jan 2012
bastek66 said:
Whoa, what happened to Honda?

Good lord was that ever quick!! :D

That scene with Ema translating Kunogi's nervous babble speech reminded me of Spongebob translating to Mrs. Puff for Mr. Krabs. Random I know but still hilarious! :D But uh yeah, that editor really enjoys messing with them, forcing them to make a PV on such short notice.
Feb 5, 2015 9:46 AM

Jul 2010
Honda appearing like that feels like much time has passed!

Still not used to seeing Aoi and Ema being relied upon to this level! Seeing how the music is made and used was quite nice. A small laugh always slips out when the Director is in his creative mind.

Shizuka doing her job! Getting the kids involved was cool, everyone dancing too.

Seeing the PV at the end was great.
Feb 5, 2015 9:58 AM

Jun 2012
Seems that the tension that's been building between Oi-chan and Hiraoka is going to come to a boil next week
Feb 5, 2015 10:00 AM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Honda slimmed down so quick, but I still prefer the fat Honda though.

Not sure if Kunogi's extreme nervousness is cute or annoying. Imagine if Ema wasn't there to help her out every time she needed to talk to other people.

Kantoku's imagination while listening to the OST recording was hilarious! Everyone's reaction though. XD

Decent episode. Musani pulled of the PV well, but now they'll have even more of a tighter schedule to deal with.

Feb 5, 2015 10:21 AM

Aug 2010
Honda!!! O_O Poor Kantoku his fat alliance was destroyed XD

Aoi is so awesome :3 Agreeing to ask a legend without any hesitation XD She's become such an amazing senpai ^^ I'm falling for her more and more every ep <3 Loved her clothes in the second half :3

Loved seeing how PVs are made :3 It was pretty nice. Ai was so lol as usual XD With the flustered brushing scenes and seeing herself on the mirror lol She's so cute XD

Dat flying Kantoku was lol
Feb 5, 2015 10:24 AM

Aug 2013
So many funny situations ^^
PA Works doing really good work.

Even that 3d planes are looking not bad (for 3d models of course).

Ps I can't wait for ending song release.
Feb 5, 2015 10:25 AM

Apr 2013
I can't decide who's cuter: Kantoku or Kunogi?
Feb 5, 2015 10:42 AM

Jan 2013
animefan8800 said:
bastek66 said:
Whoa, what happened to Honda?

Good lord was that ever quick!! :D

That scene with Ema translating Kunogi's nervous babble speech reminded me of Spongebob translating to Mrs. Puff for Mr. Krabs. Random I know but still hilarious! :D But uh yeah, that editor really enjoys messing with them, forcing them to make a PV on such short notice.

Honda-san looks cute ^^

I also loved the reaction of Kantoku while listening to the music. That was brilliant. The PV was awesome, awesome episode overall.

Feb 5, 2015 10:49 AM
Oct 2012
htsuji said:
Helpme said:
I know. Surrounded by cakes all day .. and he drops that much?

If you have always have a chance to eat cakes as much as you can, you don't need to eat them passionately any more because you can have them anytime whenever you want. There is no feelings on Honda about starvation about them now.

He is probably one of those people who used food to deal with stress, so now that his stress is gone, he doesn't need to eat as much.

Plus he is standing near hot ovens all day, running around, kneading dough, it uses up a lot of energy and gives him a workout at the same time, considering his previous job was mostly sitting and stressing, it is little wonder he lost weight.

Doing what you want in life is actually the best medicine in the world. So don't be afraid to live the dream!

Great episode. Love that they are showing how powerful the publishing side of the production team can be, and how Miyamori is now considered the "pro" by both the new people, but also all the artists (the one assistant using Miyamori, the other artist saying "have Miyamori explain" etc. Nice way to show growth.
Takuan_SohoFeb 5, 2015 1:23 PM
Feb 5, 2015 10:51 AM
Mar 2014
That weight loss..

Man, this series just gets better by the episode. Absolutely love how wild it's been recently. But now we've gotta wait another week!
Feb 5, 2015 11:06 AM

Apr 2010
Seems that PV's are allot of trouble, but if it gets a good response the trouble is more then worth it.
Still it must be hard on the staff.

The advantage is that you get to see part of the finished product which motivates the staff.
It's always nice the see the finished product of something that you helped to create.
Feb 5, 2015 11:20 AM

Mar 2014
That Honda-san though, Kantoku should take a break every once in a while if their works are that stressful.

I wish everyone put as much thought into their PVs as these guys, even one month before a show starts sometimes all we get is some fancy fonts and character designs that we have seen 3 months prior to the PV.

Those internet comments were pretty realistic too.

The newbies are completely different from Miyamori too, I was left wondering "how would Miyamori deal with this situation?" since they just wanted to get the current job done and weren't really worried/didn't know about the implications while Miyamori has more attention to those, I liked that, also made me feel like I took Miyamori's attitude for a standard when she's actually up there.

Still waiting for Zuka-chan to join ;_;

Diesel-san being sugoi as usual.

Kunogi 9moe4me.

And damn Miyamori is turning into a fine senpai, it's nice to see how she's the one supporting the new guys now, I've grown to respect her more and she just feels more adult really.

That wasn't even a PV, was more like a movie trailer, damn, too much CG though, even the door opening was CG, and their faces were kinda weird at parts, mouths too high.
Feb 5, 2015 12:13 PM

Feb 2014
Kantoku's imagination while listening to the music was pure gold. His pose at the end simply screamed "Bitch please, I'm fabulous!" to me! XD

Konugi's many expressions took her cuteness level up to the max! =3

I do worry about Hiraoka though. He just doesn't seem to try to get along with his co-workers whatsoever. I won't be surprised if someone at Musashino loses their patience with him inevitably. =/
Feb 5, 2015 12:58 PM

Oct 2012
At long last, we get to see some good old-fashioned swimsuit fanservice. That should boost Blu-ray sales.

In case the above image failed to display properly, or to see a much higher resolution version, please click
on this link:

I suspect that the words on the sign PV完パケ mean "finished package of the
preview" or "final version of the preview". After all, it appears that Mimujii and
Roro are partying at the pool to celebrate the completion of the preview.
okanaganFeb 5, 2015 1:15 PM
Feb 5, 2015 12:59 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Having a colleague like Hiraoka is one of the most woeful things that can happen in a work place. Guys like that make things difficult for everyone else. It's up to the leadership to either motivate him or fire him. Unfortunately it seems that our cute protagonist will have to deal with him all by herself.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Feb 5, 2015 1:01 PM

Dec 2013
Honda lost crazy weight! I don't think I've seen such a huge change in such a short time frame.

The episode itself wasn't too tense, that editor throwing a curveball was painful on the eyes. I've seen a many people forget to tell others to do stuff and end up foisting all responsibilities onto those other people to deal with their own screw-ups a lot of times in my line of work, yet it still annoys the hell out of me when I see it happen. That said, Miyamori did a great job to organize and direct the others to deal with the mini-challenge.

Looking forward to seeing what Zuka will bring to the show. Seeing her able to keep her spirits up was a treat to see.

Seems like next episode will deal with Hiraoka and that Titanic Studios that he introduced to Musani. Got the feeling this episode was totally just the calm before the storm.
Feb 5, 2015 1:45 PM
Oct 2012
Farabeuf said:
Having a colleague like Hiraoka is one of the most woeful things that can happen in a work place. Guys like that make things difficult for everyone else. It's up to the leadership to either motivate him or fire him. Unfortunately it seems that our cute protagonist will have to deal with him all by herself.

Though on the bright side this is a golden opportunity for Miyamori to get rapidly promoted. Given the power vacuum at the studio (from the CEO down), everyone pretty much knows that Miyamori is the only reason that things are moving forward (particularly with her senpai absent): if she navigates the Hiraoka problem as well as the expected animation company problem and the eventual VA problem, then she will ride the rise of the studio because of this success like a phoenix rising out of the ashes.

That's how one rises in the world, don't wait for opportunities to arise, take them. Miyamori has done a great job at that (symbolized by her willingness to be the one who will get that star artist to work for them). Her Rolodex is expanding nicely, she has talent who wants to work for her, and she is acquiring the reputation as someone who gets things done.
Feb 5, 2015 1:51 PM
Jul 2018
Honda has lost some weight!

The PV @ the end was nice.
Feb 5, 2015 4:04 PM

Jul 2014
This weeks episode was awesome. It's good to see Honda in his new slim bearing after him not appearing in the series for a while. Also, Miyamori is showing her experience as the Andou and Satou are making mistakes up the ass. But no Zuka pain and suffering? This had the prospect if being the best episode.

That PV looked pretty decent at the end too. Maybe PA Works can make a spin-off series in respect to the Exodus and Third Girls Aerial Squad shows. I'd watch it.

One question though, are PVs really that complicated to make or the show just make it look hard just for the sake of making a whole episode comprising of the process?
Why do people have such bad taste? Anime isn't subjective anymore.
Feb 5, 2015 4:08 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Woah Honda, you go :) Doing what he has always wanted to do has done him a lot of good.

Aoi is just amazing. Everyone relies on her a lot and she gets things done. I like how she's very open and would even ask a well-known person in the industry for help. "Asking is free." Very true, and I wish I had guts like her. It's been said many times before, but can't help but feel proud of Aoi's growth since the beginning. She seems less stressed and is able to handle things well. Ema as well, especially when she was checking up on her kouhai's work, and giving her some critiques. Midori is also amazing when she made that thing (idk what you call it) for the animator's reference. She's a jack of all trades. So happy for Shizuka too when she took over the Plum Piggie, omg so cute.

Liked that PV in the end, good job everyone :)
Feb 5, 2015 4:15 PM

Mar 2014
KittyDaFuhrer said:
This weeks episode was awesome. It's good to see Honda in his new slim bearing after him not appearing in the series for a while. Also, Miyamori is showing her experience as the Andou and Satou are making mistakes up the ass. But no Zuka pain and suffering? This had the prospect if being the best episode.

That PV looked pretty decent at the end too. Maybe PA Works can make a spin-off series in respect to the Exodus and Third Girls Aerial Squad shows. I'd watch it.

One question though, are PVs really that complicated to make or the show just make it look hard just for the sake of making a whole episode comprising of the process?
You can answer this question yourself by watching some PVs, this is a PV 2 months before the show airs, most of the PVs that are released in that time are very basic stuff mostly just showing character designs and some info about when it'll air and whatnot, one would think those don't really take much effort to make aside from basic video editing skills, thing with this one is that it was going to air on a special event so they wanted to include animation and that sort of PVs usually only come out when less than 1 month is left for the show to start, unless it's a movie or a big project like that, so obviously it required a lot more work here.
Feb 5, 2015 5:08 PM
Nov 2013
Great episode, the PV was awesome for being done in only 2 weeks. Honda losing weight should be inspiring to otakus everywhere~
Feb 5, 2015 5:37 PM

Aug 2011

Feb 5, 2015 5:49 PM

May 2013
How even. Teach me your ways Honda! Haha, Director's jealous xD

That's what I like about Miyamori, absolutely fearless.

I've had enough with that a**wipe manager = =

Ahh the noobies have it rough;;


Nice one Zuka!

Been a while since that donut ritual.

Miyamori's sendpie status is amazing.

Awesome PV! Good work everyone!
Feb 5, 2015 6:17 PM

Jun 2013
The new colleagues are learning! Dawwww.

Liked the episode with the characters developing well (and in Honda's case extremely well). We should at this point, appreciate the effort put into making an anime.
Feb 5, 2015 8:35 PM

Aug 2013
Dat Honda extreme makeover.

That Zuka-chan pig dance was hilarious.

I literally cant fucking stand Takanashi anymore. He already pissed me off in the first half, but he's become noticeably more worthless and goddamn annoying in the second cour. Now he literally complains about everything, and then immediately struts around the office bragging about useless and pathetic he is at his job knowing he wont get fired. And since he wont get fired he just trolls and talks about how ridiculously awesome he is.

Honestly is this show left the SoL genre for 2 minutes just to kill his ass off, I'd immediately rate this show a 10.

I love how when Hiraoka was first introduced in the second half, everyone was like "oh yea, he seems like a cool character. He's probably going to be really good"....nope, just turns out he's another fucking asshole. At least he got chewed out a bit this episode. Put the dog in his place.
Feb 5, 2015 9:09 PM
Dec 2014
L-Ryoshi said:
Honda lost crazy weight! I don't think I've seen such a huge change in such a short time frame.

He's been gone for seven months.
Feb 5, 2015 9:09 PM

May 2012
"To ask is free". Haha. I love you Miyamori. Just love her guts. And Honda really looked good now; still can't get enough of Director's cuteness every time he is in the zone. HAHA. That pose.
Feb 5, 2015 9:28 PM

Jul 2013
Lol... fat alliance!! Man, Honda is handsome without his fat.

The new PAs have their own quirks and the new animator was so adorable ^^ How the heck Ema understands her??

Director Kinoshita was fuckin' hilarious in this episode. From being tsundere towards Honda, suddenly standing up & spreading his hands during the sound recording, and then trying out the harness XD

I want to see Shizuka doing the piggy dance without costume!! The PV was awesome though.. especially the flying jets part. The clouds are indeed beautiful. Hopefully the 2nd special would be about 3rd Aerial Girls Squad.
Feb 5, 2015 9:28 PM

Apr 2012
Honda since when you become slim!!? XD

Don-Don-Donuts once again xD

poor Satou and Andou they get lost

congrats the PV is completed :D

Shaniyaz said:

lol kantoku imagination is so awesome

Feb 5, 2015 11:00 PM

Apr 2010
Techno-rave piggy! All we need now are glow sticks, lasers and a night scene.

Feb 5, 2015 11:12 PM

Apr 2011
Kantoku is awesome. Honda-san became attractive.

Lol at Fat alliance.

Andou, and Satou are doing fine. Good thing they aren't taking after Takanash. But Hiroaka is an ass.

PV shows that Titanic company is gonna give Miyamori some problems next episode.
MagitoFeb 5, 2015 11:24 PM
Feb 5, 2015 11:18 PM

Jan 2014
The Director had me laughing throughout the entire episode.
Feb 5, 2015 11:35 PM

Nov 2012
that PV looked pretty awesome, i'd totally watch it if it were an actual TV show.
kunogi is awkward as fuck, thank god there's ema to help her communicate lol
hiraoka is still annoying, i wonder how aoi will deal with him.
Feb 6, 2015 1:32 AM

Jan 2011
Why are the dances in this show so good lol!
Feb 6, 2015 1:35 AM

Jul 2014
Zuka-chan ver. of the ending <3
Damn Honda tell me how to lose weight while you're surrounded by cakes!

The PV's awesome! I want to see the anime they're making...
Feb 6, 2015 3:36 AM

Jul 2013

Musani-who + Jiggly x2 Heaven's Kinoshita lol. Naniwa Animation should handle this since they're good at stuffs related to cute girls. G.I. Staff is a good alternative too. Musani isn't a good choice for this, Exodus was literally littered with still frames, badly-drawn cats and car chase with only the last episode being the only well-animated episode.

Oh boy, Aerial Girls' already fucked.
inb4 recaps and original ending
HachiKirraFeb 6, 2015 3:40 AM
Feb 6, 2015 4:06 AM
Jul 2018
The director is definitely my favourite character in the anime, omg I laughed so hard in the orchestra bit. This new anime they're working on is so much better than the last one, I will definitely be looking forward to scenes from it in the next episodes.
Feb 6, 2015 6:12 AM

Nov 2011
Brilliant, the inclusion of the PV business makes Aerial girls squad feel far more complete than Exodus, also great balance between the two shows, with Exodus we see what happens during the season and AGS is pre-season.

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Feb 6, 2015 6:36 AM
Sep 2013
omg honda so slim o_o

ema sure have a very good 'translating' skill LOL

Finally myamori is talking to hiraoka about his attitude, it's a team work that u cant do thing as u please.
Feb 6, 2015 10:14 AM

Feb 2012
Wow, the Aerial girls character designs look so good! Newbies looking up to Ema and Aoi, I love it! I'm still hoping they will end up getting Shizuka to voice one of the Aerial girls.

The animation quality has been really good the whole series!
Feb 6, 2015 11:12 AM

Nov 2010
Am I the only one who noticed that Takanashi is becoming somewhat bearable? I mean, while he's still stupid and talk a lot, at least now he kinda accepting his flaws, breaking some lil bit of ice on that new white hair PA by offering some beer, and most importantly he actually get the job done. I prefer working with him for a week rather than with that funny story fu*kin editor for a single day.
Feb 6, 2015 3:46 PM

Jan 2013
And they managed to do the preview without that much trouble.
And slowly the girls are getting united.

It was fun seeing Konugi's trying to express what she wanted, it was so cute <3

Also, looks like the ED is doing each girl by the time.
Feb 6, 2015 4:36 PM

Jul 2013
zeroyuki92 said:
Am I the only one who noticed that Takanashi is becoming somewhat bearable? I mean, while he's still stupid and talk a lot, at least now he kinda accepting his flaws, breaking some lil bit of ice on that new white hair PA by offering some beer, and most importantly he actually get the job done. I prefer working with him for a week rather than with that funny story fu*kin editor for a single day.

Nope you're not the only one. He's more of a joke character now. Actually it was the same case before this too, just that his mistakes were blown up more than others but as Miyamori stated everyone makes mistakes. As goofy and as delusional as he is, as you said he got the job done and in a timely fashion too. He actually learned from his experiences and made no mistake this time.

I'd rather have Takanashi in a team rather than someone who's unmotivated and unhelpful like Hiraoka. He's the worst kind of person you'd want working in a team project.
Feb 6, 2015 8:12 PM

Oct 2012
Mallony said:
The animation quality has been really good the whole series!

I'm going to agree with you 95%, but whenever I re-watch the early episodes,
it always seems to me that there were noticeable problems with Episode 1 that
are not subtle at all.

When we first meet the girls, there is quite a lot of attention to their love of
donuts. So we are all staring at the donuts. However, the animation of the
donuts was remarkably poor. To those of us who live in places where donuts are
commonly eaten, they have a normal size and shape. To be technical, they have
a certain inner diameter and outer diameter. However, the five girls were eating
donuts whose dimensions changed magically during the scene. Especially, look
at the size of their fingers compared to the donuts that they are holding.

Here are three webpages which were specifically about Episode 1 and show
many still images:

The first day Aoi came to work, one of the first people that she met was Misato
Segawa (瀬川 美里) the work-at-home freelance key animator. Misato was also
the animation supervisor (作画監督) for Episodes 4 and 9 of "Exodus!". So this
is an important person. But look at the first views of her. Warning, major large-
cup-size fanservice, made all the more remarkable given that Misato was leaning
backwards! I mean, is that even physically possible without 100% silicone?

I am not complaining about the fanservice. But this was entirely inconsistent
with the level of fanservice throughout the remainder of the series. The only
possible exception was much later in the series in the swimming pool scene in
Episode 17 where we briefly got to see Mimujī and Roro in revealing swimsuits.
But that was tasteful and story-related.

Another thing in Episode 1 which I think was a major flaw was that Aoi went
into the party room and we were all introduced to many characters all at once.
I just can't see how that was a sensible idea. It made Episode 1 confusing.

The normal thing in anime, or any kind of story telling, is to introduce a few
characters at a time. This principle applies even for series with an enormous
cast, such as "Girl Friend Beta". Or "War and Peace", for that matter.

Another possible criticism was the long "Initial D" scene which was great
animation but ineffective story telling.

In summary, Shirobako is a classic. But I think there was something not quite
in gear in Episode 1.
okanaganFeb 6, 2015 11:53 PM
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