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Jun 13, 2014 4:45 PM

Apr 2014
What's an anime where everyone says it's TAH BES TING EBAR, but you really

beg to differ.
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Jun 13, 2014 5:01 PM

Mar 2013
So basically scroll down the MAL top and start naming titles I dislike? While I don't necessarily hate certain anime, I certainly find them either unworthy of what praise they get [Clannad After Story] or simply uninteresting [Monogatari].

On the manga side, easily 20th Century Boys.
Jun 14, 2014 3:25 AM

Oct 2008
Dragon Ball - quality how the characters are drawn.
Sailor Moon - same reason.
Pokemon - simply boring.

Anime that I personally hate, sorry I just had to add these.

"Arcana Famiglia" because the characters piss me off with everything they do despite the good quality, the setting, story and backstory. The way the anime progresses upsets me alot, and it sucks that they couldn't do a better job since the anime did have potential.

"Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" this was appalling, if only they didn't make it a comedy it would have had some real charm to it. But some people still rated it above 7 and it irritates me that it could have been made better if it was a serious series, but was made into a parody instead.

"Fate kaleid liner Prisma�Illya" um well... sooner or later it had to happen. After good anime like Fate stay night, Fate zero, The garden of sinners, it just had to happen. They had to make one crappy enough, just to show us that they could. And I was left dumbfounded.
SofiaBulgaJun 14, 2014 3:41 AM
Jun 14, 2014 7:04 AM

Nov 2012
Excellent Topic.

1.) Kuroko no Basket (Both Seasons)
2.) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
3.) Angel Beats!

Honorable Mention - Wolf Children Ame and Yuki (Movie)

I don't have any on the manga side yet.
Jun 15, 2014 1:17 AM
Nov 2013
zieek said:
Dragon Ball - quality how the characters are drawn.
Sailor Moon - same reason.

Oh I'm sure they're sorry that they made the shows in the 90s, instead of time traveling to years into the future so they can have access to better technology for char design

On topic:
1) Geass
2) Anohana
3) Clannad afterstory
4) Madoka
Jun 20, 2014 9:21 AM

Aug 2010
ooooo interesting

I hate
last exile

I think its super boring, and pretty dumb. The only thing that was somewhat cool, was its steam punk setting.

and I dont hate gantz, but I really don't thinks the anime is any good at all. Ive also read the manga for gantz, which was somewhere between "meh" and crap. - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Jun 20, 2014 1:41 PM

Jul 2012
1)AnoHana -hated it. Nagi no asukara is 1000 times better.
2)Clannad AS. Almost all my friends gave it 10/10, but I've seen much more intense drama anime than this.
3)Mushishi. Kino no tabi has much more depth (in my opinion)
4) Chimera ant arc from HxH 2011. It's very-very slow comparing to the previous arcs.
Hayama-MizukiJun 20, 2014 1:45 PM
Jun 23, 2014 3:32 PM

Apr 2014
Me personally:

1. Akira (find it to be the definition of hyper-condensed manga material complete with

a plot that makes no god damn sense, and two-dimensional characters)

2. Sword Art Online (It had plenty of plot holes and inconsistencies, stereotypical

characters, incredibly rushed story and character development (usually copping

out with time skips), and writing so sexist and incompetent that it feels like it was

written by a horny thirteen year old)

3.(Certainly the biggest offender) Elfen Lied (not only is the voice-acting and

character development crap, but it's also incredibly pretentious and emotionally-

manipulative; completely relying on shock value to get its points across; which is

very lazy writing. It makes actual good horror series look like the same thing; such

as Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni. People still see this piece of shit as good; albeit for

superficial reasons like its fan-service and action, but some see it as "thought-

provoking" and "deep". In reality though, it's nothing more than an edgy pandering

DesuBMar 22, 2015 9:06 PM
Jun 23, 2014 3:45 PM

Mar 2014
Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Redheadphones said:
The 'Children' continue to flock around me. They see me as a guide on their path to salvation. They wish to transcend their powerless existences, to grow from mere boys and girls into men and women of worth and value.

Pick a number between 1-4 and hope to get lucky.
1 2 3 4
Jun 25, 2014 5:16 AM

Nov 2012
Not surprised.
Jul 22, 2014 7:28 PM

May 2011
I'll never understand why people like Another as much as they do, and why it still holds a rating of 8 on MAL. It's a wonder how much a simple OST can do to make an anime "thrilling" when it does nothing to redeem itself with anything else. The setting doesn't make sense, the plot doesn't make sense, and the characters make so little sense that it's enough to make me hate them. And when it wasn't trying to scare your pants off (lol), it was the slowest and gloomiest series I've ever had the misfortune to watch. I mean, seriously, if you're not gonna put any effort into the writing, you could at least sugar-coat it with more exciting stuff. Seriously, if they made it to where there were 5+ people dying every episode, and threw in a little more fan service, I would've loved the hell out of Another.
-Kenshin-Jul 22, 2014 7:33 PM
Jul 22, 2014 8:58 PM
Dec 2012
I got one no one will top... I really disliked Gurren Lagann. People tell me I should turn my brain off when watching it, but I think that's just a poor excuse, and I have a pretty tolerant brain as it is. It glorifies everything I loathe about standard shounen.
Jul 22, 2014 10:59 PM

Jan 2012
ZeroReq011 said:
I got one no one will top... I really disliked Gurren Lagann. People tell me I should turn my brain off when watching it, but I think that's just a poor excuse, and I have a pretty tolerant brain as it is. It glorifies everything I loathe about standard shounen.

Nice of you to confirm why it will forever remain on my drop list, but hey. To everyone their own.

I'd like to list a few for myself, but the fires would just spiral out of control... haha
Jul 24, 2014 1:48 AM

Mar 2014
For me Cowboy Bebop and Durarara!!
I realize and agree that Cowboy Bebop was well made, but I just can't bring myself to like it.
But that's just one opinion.
Jul 24, 2014 4:22 PM

Jul 2014
The monogatari series - found them quite slow/uninteresting
deadman wonderland - interesting premise that totally blew it for me
og hellsing - loved the soundtrack, but everything else, especially compared to ultimate, fell flat for me. the big bad guy at the end was kinda lame, and the plot itself was kinda meh
Jul 26, 2014 6:46 PM
May 2014
The first FullMetal.
i dont mean Brotherhood.
i was never really interested in the anime of FMA - and this one is why.
i decided to skip its episodes and watch the final.
having read the manga before... i could only think of things that included swear words.
the only thing in it that is actually on track is the first episode.
after that, it goes so far off track its in outer space.
now watching brotherhood, i love the FMA anime.
Jul 27, 2014 7:41 AM

Nov 2012
StyleF1re said:
ZeroReq011 said:
I got one no one will top... I really disliked Gurren Lagann. People tell me I should turn my brain off when watching it, but I think that's just a poor excuse, and I have a pretty tolerant brain as it is. It glorifies everything I loathe about standard shounen.

Nice of you to confirm why it will forever remain on my drop list, but hey. To everyone their own.

I'd like to list a few for myself, but the fires would just spiral out of control... haha

Agreed with ZeroReq.

That's one drop that I don't have a problem with Style.
Jul 29, 2014 9:21 PM

Oct 2011
For me, pretty much any slow-paced, episodic shows that most critics seem to love, tend to be rather boring to me on a subjective level, albeit, I can somewhat appreciate most of them from a writing standpoint. The most striking example of this, is Mononoke; a show generally praised for its intriguing short stories and its enigmatic protagonist, I came into it expecting it to offer an enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, what I got from it was just a series that did everything well on paper, but offered next to nothing on a sentimental level; I was not particularly invested in any of the characters, including the protagonist himself, nor did I especially love any of the stories it had to offer. Does that mean I hate the show? Absolutely not. I think it succeeded in what it set out to do, and I respect it for what it did well at. But, on a personal level, it wasn't a very entertaining watch, so I can't say that I hold it in such high regards, as most people do. Linearly objective shows just aren't my thing, apparently.

And then there's Neon Genesis Evangelion -- a show that started off quite enjoyable, but eventually became so "d33p" that I couldn't see it anymore... :(

Jul 30, 2014 10:22 AM

Apr 2012
The usual suspects:
Guilty Crown
No Game No Life
Sword Art Online
Elfen Lied
Death Note
One Piece
Jul 30, 2014 10:22 PM

Jan 2012
Dashiawia said:
For me, pretty much any slow-paced, episodic shows that most critics seem to love, tend to be rather boring to me on a subjective level, albeit, I can somewhat appreciate most of them from a writing standpoint. The most striking example of this, is Mononoke; a show generally praised for its intriguing short stories and its enigmatic protagonist, I came into it expecting it to offer an enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, what I got from it was just a series that did everything well on paper, but offered next to nothing on a sentimental level; I was not particularly invested in any of the characters, including the protagonist himself, nor did I especially love any of the stories it had to offer. Does that mean I hate the show? Absolutely not. I think it succeeded in what it set out to do, and I respect it for what it did well at. But, on a personal level, it wasn't a very entertaining watch, so I can't say that I hold it in such high regards, as most people do. Linearly objective shows just aren't my thing, apparently.

And then there's Neon Genesis Evangelion -- a show that started off quite enjoyable, but eventually became so "d33p" that I couldn't see it anymore... :(

I can relate wholeheartedly to this. Not to mention, I've also taken a dislike to the word objective as of late. Subjective is the more prominent term in my book.

I still need to get to that additional ending of NGE and it's reboot movies, although I can't say I look forward to any of them.

SamuelLJackson said:
The usual suspects:
Guilty Crown
No Game No Life
Sword Art Online
Elfen Lied
Death Note
One Piece

Aside from Death Note, none of those are on my good side either. I've seen bits and pieces of the last three, but have no incentive to follow up with a serious attempt and completing any of them.
Jul 30, 2014 10:56 PM
Jul 2018
So many to list.. I just list a random one.

Tokyo Ghoul - It is disgusting yet so many people, some notable members of MAL actually like it and have been promoting it. Yuck!!!
Jul 31, 2014 6:21 AM

May 2014
I got two.

Haruhi Suzumiya (series) - I don't hate the show, it does have some pretty awesome things. However, the point I don't like is the fact, that instead of concentreting on it's strong and unique sides, the show goes for a pulp of playing baseball, making a movie and such stuff. A pity. However the movie does everything right, what the series did not.

OreImo - I dislike the show, wasted my time on it. Many people disliked the ending, but the ending fits the show very very well. There is like no story at all, the characters are silly and grotesque, exactly like the ending. I wouldn' say it's shit, but it's realy close by.
Aug 3, 2014 1:54 AM

Nov 2012
I hope Honey and Clover delivers for me. I don't want it to end up here.
Aug 3, 2014 1:33 PM

Oct 2011

I haven't watched too many episodes of H&C, but from what I can see so far, it has a fairly mature setting, along with realistic character relationships on top of that. So, I'm pretty sure it will live up to my expectations, once I get further into it. Josei shows rarely ever disappoint me for some reason. [Then again, I don't exactly have a huge sample size to work with for that particular demographic.]

Aug 3, 2014 9:29 PM

Nov 2012
That's not my problem Dashi. I'm fine with it being a Josei. It's just that it's so hard to.get into for some reason. I don't feel any motivation to watch the next episode at all. I expect it to be a good show nonetheless and will go through with completing it. I dearly hope that it doesn't bore me. So far it has though. Maybe it's because I already know how it'll all end up. That doesn't usually affect me but this time it is.
Aug 6, 2014 4:36 PM
Aug 2014
Mine has to be Trigun, though it's mostly an irrational hatred. I simply despised the main character's attitude, voice, and thought process. The world felt empty and uninteresting. It was the first anime I truly disliked. I don't bash any of the many people who laud it as a pillar of anime history, but I don't understand it either.

I have to agree with NGE as some people have said as well. It's not that I hate it, I just don't understand how people still cling it it as 'great.' Sure, I watched and enjoyed it when I was younger, when I hadn't seen much anime yet. If this anime were to come out today after all I've seen, I'd probably drop it once it started getting too far up its own ass.

There are some others people have mentioned that I enjoy, as guilty pleasures or 'turn your brain off' shows as someone mentioned. I really enjoyed Guilty Crown and the world they were in, but it did get a bit derailed halfway through. I'm also guilty of loving SAO. I can acknowledge that there's a relatively simple formula at play throughout the story, but I ultimately don't care and am enjoying the ride =)

Hello all btw, first time poster =) I figured here was as good as anywhere to make my 'debut'
Aug 7, 2014 11:51 AM

Aug 2010
im not gonna lie, I thought aside from Wolfwood, trigun was super boring.
And I watched it before the animation/art were dated.

And I don't hate NGE - but I didn'tfind it special. Possibly due to when I watched it, I may have been too old and had already watched like 200+ series.
I wasn't phased by how "deep" it was, and I didn't like shinji or asuka. - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Aug 11, 2014 8:25 AM

Jun 2013
So far:
1) Sword Art Online + SAO2
2) Angel Beats
3) Black Bullet
4) Clannad (First season was so boring and shallow haven't gotten around watching second season yet)
5) Highschool of the Dead

@Reply on my profile, rarely check back forum threads

HummingBird | DeviantArt | MAL | MML

Aug 12, 2014 3:33 PM

Jul 2013
definitely SAO
Aug 16, 2014 10:31 AM

Nov 2012
Oh! SAO......
Aug 16, 2014 9:02 PM

Aug 2011
In the past I would have said Madoka Magica or something, but I'm a changed man... I don't hate any anime, but there are too many to list of "popular or otherwise frequently well-liked animu that I don't consider special in any way". Since a 5 represents a rather average story, the vast majority of my list is scored 5 or lower, and I tend to prefer more uncommon stories, there are plenty of fan favorites with less than admirable scores, so you can take your pick of whatever strikes your fancy.
Soge_king999Aug 17, 2014 9:14 AM
Aug 16, 2014 9:37 PM

Nov 2012
You're a wonderful man Soge....
Aug 17, 2014 5:12 PM

Jul 2013
lol damn i forgot a 5 meant average lol
Aug 17, 2014 8:38 PM
Jan 2012
Looking at the top 30 anime people rated the one that sticks out to me the most is No Game No Life. I really don't see anything great about this series.
Aug 18, 2014 6:48 PM

Nov 2011
MeatBoi said:
Looking at the top 30 anime people rated the one that sticks out to me the most is No Game No Life. I really don't see anything great about this series.

Amen to that. The stupidity is stronk within the anime community ***cough SnK 2nd season at 8.92 there there is no news on the actual airing date cough***
leiwu1991Aug 18, 2014 6:53 PM
"His (Lancer's from fate zero) end is also very anticlimactic. I mean as soon as he gets betrayed, he kills himself, and yeah." ---- Rorico's Hipster Gang
Aug 18, 2014 10:32 PM
Jan 2012
leiwu1991 said:

Amen to that. The stupidity is stronk within the anime community ***cough SnK 2nd season at 8.92 there there is no news on the actual airing date cough***

More like some people just haven't expanded their horizons yet. I dropped SnK so I can't really say but a friend of mine that reads the manga told me it doesn't go anywhere so I can't disagree with what you said and rating when a show hasn't even started yet typical MAL people.
MeatBoiAug 18, 2014 10:45 PM
Sep 8, 2014 1:17 PM

Nov 2012
It happens all the time.
Sep 25, 2014 2:05 PM

Jul 2013
so many good anime people are missing out on, its a shame :/
Sep 25, 2014 3:08 PM

Sep 2014

Aquarion EVOL.

Date a Live.

Lucky Star.

Gundam Wing.

Sep 30, 2014 12:16 AM

Nov 2012
Oh! My!
Sep 30, 2014 12:58 PM
Jul 2018
I wouldn't say hate, but I feel these are overrated:

Kokoro Connect
Wolf's Rain - Just like idk mayn. I don't wanna use the word "pretentious", but if I had to this show just feels like it'd fit the bill.
Denpa Teki na Kanojo
Kuragehime - Big time overrated

Last, and very least:
Voices of a Distant Star - If I was locked in a theater and they randomly played this without me knowing anything about it, I'd think that either the worst anime studio banded together to make a film, or that it was clearly made by one person. The story is a shaved version of 5 Centimeters Per Second (just happens to be made by the same person), the animation is very below average, the designs very below average, the dialogue/writing weak and melodramatic, and the character priorities way out of wack. The only anime I have come out of regretting watching as I felt I gained absolutely nothing from it. Even anime like "Kemeko DX" have more meat to them than this does. Don't feed this fish to your family, throw it back in the water.
Sep 30, 2014 10:39 PM

Nov 2012
I can see why you listed those.
Oct 1, 2014 3:58 PM

Jun 2011
I don't get the few who listed Evangelion here, it's not "universally acclaimed" or anything. It was always controversial because you either love it or hate it. I say that as a fan of the show so my opinion probably doesn't mean much.

As for the topic at hand, I can't say I hate anything that others like (or any anime for that matter). That seems like too strong of a word for me, to be honest. Though I honestly didn't like Madoka Magica: Rebellion as much as most people.

Oct 1, 2014 10:58 PM

Nov 2012
I probably didn't like that either.

You make an excellent point about Evangelion by the way.
Oct 10, 2014 9:02 AM

Jul 2013
cowboy bebop
no game no life
Oct 10, 2014 9:27 AM

Nov 2012
Those are surprising picks.
Oct 10, 2014 10:08 AM

Jul 2013
Those are surprising picks.

i think no game no life is a good anime but it doesn't deserve more than 8/10.
i think cowboy bebop is boring.

everyone has their own choices.
Oct 10, 2014 11:00 AM

Nov 2012
Well I can understand that. I haven't rated both above a 7.
Oct 10, 2014 11:59 PM

May 2014
I gave NGNL a 7 out of 10. The approach is fine, I loved the art style, but besides that... nothing great
Oct 11, 2014 5:09 AM

Nov 2012
Fair Enough.
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