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Jun 2, 2011 2:33 AM

Nov 2007
She is representing okiagari in this ep.

People finding the hidden place for okiagari.

This ep. shows the cruelness and hatred of people, and okiagaris trying to survive by fighting back. And this part is where main characters don't appear at all.

People in general are scary sometimes...
tsubasaloverJun 2, 2011 3:20 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 3, 2011 3:05 AM
Feb 2011
Really good episode (too bad it's raw so far so I couldn't understand everything LOL). I love Nao so great to see her a bit more. Pretty heartwrenching episode really.
Also emphasised the facts that the humans have gone beyond simply killing okiagari and actually killed other humans with the justification they had been bitten and so would therefore change (which isn't true seeing as they killed those who bit them, therefore stopping the chances of progression).
Kinda sad there weren't main characters in this episode. (I know we aren't to discuss the manga, but in the chapter equivalent of this episode there's a lot of Toshio, so I was sad to see him cut out.)
Overall, a great episode.
(Hoping the next one is about Motoko)
EDIT: just learnt the next OVA is about motoko. so psyched.
harminiaJun 3, 2011 6:35 PM
Jun 7, 2011 8:48 PM

Sep 2009
Well that was certainly something else.

It's kind of sad to see the humans turn on each other like that, and I can see where it's coming from but it's really too bad that they didn't know that the shiki had to bite them multiple times to kill them. Still, I think it had a lot of realistic qualities, if something like this were to happen then I can imagine that trust could be easily shattered.

Derp, I was hoping to see more of the main characters though, or maybe even seeing scenes that were sort of left out from the main series and left for inference.

I dunno, still more or less looking forward to the last special. xD
Jun 8, 2011 1:19 PM
Dec 2010
Toshio wasnt in this? wow they really took it out of the direction of the manga then, he and nao are the main things in the manga (also one guy who i think is manga only)
Jun 13, 2011 9:27 PM

Oct 2010
People seem to be doing what is necessary to survive but they are loosing them self at the same time. They no longer thin straight and start killing people just because they where bitten.
Nao reflection on her actions was rather interesting.
It was really messed up how they just tied them up and let them burn rather than killing them properly.
Not sure if Nao smiles because she felt she deserves to die or because she is glad someone took pity on her.
Jun 13, 2011 11:27 PM

Sep 2010
Which is out so far? is it 20.5?
Jun 14, 2011 12:02 AM
Apr 2010
This really makes me think about the human mind.... They are the undead, which we shouldn't even count as human anymore, yet they are the ones that have GUILT, and even act more civil than the living themselves... The irony of it all...

Humanity itself is in question in this episode...
Jun 14, 2011 3:29 AM

May 2010
Great episode even they're all just side characters.

It really portrayed the dark side of human nature.
Jun 14, 2011 5:30 AM

Aug 2009
Delicious Itou Miki voice, I need moar. <3
Well, fuck you too humans. Fuck you for killing those poor vampires and my Nao that was voiced by my Itou Miki.

Seriously, it was so sad. ;_; I felt so sorry for Nao.
I'm glad that the one dude started stabbing the vampires that were slowly burning to death. It's a lot faster and less painful I think for them.

Jun 14, 2011 6:21 AM
Dec 2009
Naooooooooooooooooooooooo.. T_T
Jun 14, 2011 7:27 AM
Apr 2011
My goodness, that was insane.
They're all fucking crazy.

Really sad though ;_;
Jun 14, 2011 7:35 AM

Jan 2010
I would not have believed that I would some day cry while watching Shiki again...but this ep was just so sad and cruel. I think I'm gonna cry alot more in the next episode according to the preview. ;____;
Jun 14, 2011 7:58 AM

Feb 2010
So... I was just wondering: who are the real monsters again?

A very heavy episode. But something we had seen before, and the end of the main series.

Humans are scary.
Jun 14, 2011 8:23 AM

Jan 2008
eat or be eaten...

it's as simple as that.
Jun 14, 2011 8:24 AM

Jan 2009
Wait, they were actually weak against crosses and stuff?

Well, humans. Like always, humans are probably one of the most vicious beasts on earth. It can't be helped, really.

Oh and also, Nao ;_____________________;
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jun 14, 2011 11:47 AM

Nov 2009
It's not that simple anymore. The humans turned into demons long ago. At least Hasegawa put some of the shikis out of their pain. What humans did isn't for surviving, that was pure sadism. Poor human who died by the hands of his own 'comrades'. If we continue to act without wanting to acknowledge the truth, continue to acting on stupid emotions such as revenge, we're not going antwhere. We're still the same old animals.
Jun 14, 2011 12:50 PM

Sep 2009
Wow; that was just scary,insane, inhumane and beastly. Sort of left me speechless and overwhelmed, just like the anime did. Paranoia is one dangerous emotion *shivers*
This is what you call a special. People should watch and learn.
And the special gets a 10 for now.
Jun 14, 2011 1:23 PM
Aug 2010
Oh my GOD ... I feel sorry for Nao T_T and FUCK Human they have NO mercy At all

GOOD episode looking forward for the next episode
Jun 14, 2011 2:11 PM
Dec 2007
Wow fantastic episode. I remember how much I missed this series now. The okiagaris' point of view at the end of the series definitely isn't the happiest.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jun 14, 2011 3:22 PM

Nov 2007
I don´t feel bad for Nao...the bish killed off her whole family and also kicked fellow vampire to face and almost scalped another fellow vampire´s ass(ha:)) so she can survive...As Sirius Black would say:"You should have died! Died rather than betray your friends, as we would have done for you!"
Seriously,i know not everyone can be Ritsuko...but...

Anyway,that was pretty disgusting how they killed the guys just because they were bitten:/

This episode was pretty amazing...i totally miss watching Shiki.
Jun 14, 2011 5:11 PM

May 2009
That was really brutal. I completely support humans though.

After all each and every shiki there chose their own lives before the lives of their friends and family, just like that boy said to Nao "If you didn't kill them, then you would've died." I don't understand how can a mother choose to kill her own child in order to satisfy her hunger. I just cannot feel sorry for them.

What I didn't like was the crudeness of the men when they tied up the shikis and left them on the sun to die slowly. That is just too cruel. I liked the new couple, they seemed like nice people.
Jun 14, 2011 5:59 PM
Dec 2010
EnkoKasumi said:
That was really brutal. I completely support humans though.

After all each and every shiki there chose their own lives before the lives of their friends and family, just like that boy said to Nao "If you didn't kill them, then you would've died." I don't understand how can a mother choose to kill her own child in order to satisfy her hunger. I just cannot feel sorry for them.

What I didn't like was the crudeness of the men when they tied up the shikis and left them on the sun to die slowly. That is just too cruel. I liked the new couple, they seemed like nice people.

She wasn't doing it to satisfy her hunger. She was doing it so that they would become like her. She wanted to be with her family which was impossible since she was a Shiki and they weren't.

Unfortunately for her none of them rose up.

Also the Man from the couple appeared a couple episodes ago.
Jun 14, 2011 7:13 PM

Nov 2008
nao got what she deserved and i love how they show all the humans who were originally the victims turn all crazy and ruthless...just more shiki goodness...i wish this show continues 4ever
Jun 14, 2011 7:24 PM

Jan 2010
Forgot how good this show is. Definitely gotta re-watch when all the BDs are out.
Jun 14, 2011 8:00 PM

Feb 2010
PnkRxPrncss said:
nao got what she deserved and i love how they show all the humans who were originally the victims turn all crazy and ruthless...just more shiki goodness...i wish this show continues 4ever

Black_wind said:
I don´t feel bad for Nao...the bish killed off her whole family and also kicked fellow vampire to face and almost scalped another fellow vampire´s ass(ha:)) so she can survive...As Sirius Black would say:"You should have died! Died rather than betray your friends, as we would have done for you!"
Seriously,i know not everyone can be Ritsuko...but...

Anyway,that was pretty disgusting how they killed the guys just because they were bitten:/

This episode was pretty amazing...i totally miss watching Shiki.

Both of the above. Nao looked crazy-maniacal the whole series (Stalked the doctor...etc) and didn't seem like she was conflicted... whatever.

It was brutal to watch, but they did what they did to survive. I don't endorse some of the torture, but if they don't kill the shiki, the humans are next.

Kinda angered me during the series that we didn't see any feelings/humanity left in the Shiki (All they did was scare people, sneak around, and kill/feed - other than Tohru), and then at the end we're supposed to feel conflicted because all of a sudden they feel scared.

Either way, good show. Go Humans.
Jun 14, 2011 8:07 PM

Mar 2009
Those poor, cute vampires. T_T
Jun 14, 2011 8:29 PM

May 2009
This just blew my mind. Amazing. Most powerful episode I've seen in a long time... I didn't even know what to think half the time, it was sick. Almost started crying near the end.
Jun 14, 2011 9:06 PM

Nov 2010
This left me speechless. i cant help but feel sympathy toward the Shiki. this was a really sad episode. definitely one of the best specials ive ever seen. but it was nice to see an episode of one of my favorite horror anime again. cant wait for the next one.
Hokuto_no_FuzzJun 14, 2011 9:11 PM
Jun 14, 2011 10:06 PM

Nov 2010
i forgot how depressing this show is, my body was not ready ;-;

but finally saw a human i can have a shread of respect for.
Jun 14, 2011 10:10 PM

Aug 2009
An extremely emotionally powerful episode, even better than the tv episodes, IMO, I remembered how Berserk last 2 episodes shook me the same way as this episode.
We are the United. Even in defeat we stand united.

Jun 14, 2011 10:40 PM

Aug 2009
Well I WAS going to go to sleep...
Jun 14, 2011 11:50 PM

Sep 2007
God I missed this show so much. The humans pretty much turned into the shiki themselves, if not worse.
Jun 14, 2011 11:55 PM

Sep 2010
Wow... That was a rather great episode.
Jun 15, 2011 9:05 AM

Feb 2009
Oh how I love the bone chilling music here. Missed it so much. Simply amazing.
And dem killings. Just...I'm speechless.
Breathtaking episode. But where are the main characters?
And the characters hear sound familiar even though they only just appeared here. Any idea who are the seiyuus? I definitely heard Kakihara Tetsuya.

Nao ;____;
Jun 15, 2011 3:19 PM

Jun 2009
I think Dean Winchester said it best.

"I'll say it again. Demons I get, people are crazy.... "

"I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila."

Jun 15, 2011 4:53 PM

Jan 2008
MusashiRose said:
PnkRxPrncss said:
nao got what she deserved and i love how they show all the humans who were originally the victims turn all crazy and ruthless...just more shiki goodness...i wish this show continues 4ever

Black_wind said:
I don´t feel bad for Nao...the bish killed off her whole family and also kicked fellow vampire to face and almost scalped another fellow vampire´s ass(ha:)) so she can survive...As Sirius Black would say:"You should have died! Died rather than betray your friends, as we would have done for you!"
Seriously,i know not everyone can be Ritsuko...but...

Anyway,that was pretty disgusting how they killed the guys just because they were bitten:/

This episode was pretty amazing...i totally miss watching Shiki.

Both of the above. Nao looked crazy-maniacal the whole series (Stalked the doctor...etc) and didn't seem like she was conflicted... whatever.

It was brutal to watch, but they did what they did to survive. I don't endorse some of the torture, but if they don't kill the shiki, the humans are next.

Kinda angered me during the series that we didn't see any feelings/humanity left in the Shiki (All they did was scare people, sneak around, and kill/feed - other than Tohru), and then at the end we're supposed to feel conflicted because all of a sudden they feel scared.

Either way, good show. Go Humans.

Wasnt that the mind control?

and also this epsidoe made me cry like a freaking baby loolz...
Jun 15, 2011 6:34 PM
Dec 2010
the only thing i would point out is that the humans who are killing the shiki would have killed humans if they had become shiki
and the shiki here would have killed shiki if they were still human,
after all these are all villagers

that and one interesting observation, in the manga it was shown that a shiki disobeying the kirishiki family got tied to a tree and burned to death, here they had the humans doing that

BUT they kept my favorite pipeline moment:
you know how one of the big ways used to make kiiling someone in fiction more "heroic" or "righteous" is "I am avenging my family"
There's munetaka looking down saying "I cant kill Yuzuki-san, he was such a good person and friend to me" and I'm thinking "Mune THATS THE ONE WHO KILLED YOUR SON AND TURNED YOUR BROTHER"
and he'll never know that
Not that Sadofumi (who by the way is another of my manga favorites) cares which shiki killed his loved ones at this point, His father AND his son are already gone and he knows he'll be alone when this is over: he just wants as many of the them to die to make the buzzing in his ear go away.

anyway i heard the last special, which comes out next week and will take longer to sub, will center one of my favorite characters: Motoko
shadowiiJun 15, 2011 8:13 PM
Jun 15, 2011 9:22 PM

Feb 2009
Oh man this ova reminded me how epic and horrible are these series >.<
Jun 15, 2011 11:43 PM

Jul 2008
It was hard to watch the humans kill the other humans. Getting bitten doesn't make you a Shiki, and no one would even test the theory. They just killed.

As for Nao, it would hurt so bad being stabbed with a rusty pipe like that, dragged along a sewer, then left to burn in the sun. I am glad Hasegawa put most of the Shiki out of their misery.

I feel bad for Nao in that she just wanted a happy peaceful life, but ended up getting a terrible one. She probably thought her family would rise when she killed them, and that they could live together again as Shiki.
Jun 16, 2011 1:46 AM

Jan 2008
Good special. There's substance and not just about killing. Emotions and flashbacks were done really well in invoking viewers' understanding of the charas and the story. Here, we also got to see how cruel human can be to save themselves. Even though having no more stakes to use against the shikis, slow death under sun is sure cruel. I like the couples from the cafe. The husband killed the shiki from further torture.
Jun 16, 2011 3:56 AM

Feb 2008
GarLogan78 said:

I feel bad for Nao in that she just wanted a happy peaceful life, but ended up getting a terrible one. She probably thought her family would rise when she killed them, and that they could live together again as Shiki.

In the manga Nao even admitted that she was a cruel murderer. she willingly followed Sunako's orders to attack the villagers during the blitzkrieg. She also killed her sister-in-law out of spite that she still had a warm husband...
Jun 16, 2011 9:03 AM

Oct 2010
wow this was pretty gruesome, i feel bad for nearly every one in this story, because no one is left un hurt whether it is by memories, or by actual death.
Jun 16, 2011 10:42 AM
Mar 2011
Shiki is just too good... wonder what 21.5 is gonna cover
Jun 16, 2011 11:51 AM
Dec 2010
TuesdayBlues said:
Shiki is just too good... wonder what 21.5 is gonna cover

I hope the rumor i heard is true and it covers motoko
Jun 16, 2011 1:11 PM
Dec 2010
shadowii said:
the only thing i would point out is that the humans who are killing the shiki would have killed humans if they had become shiki
and the shiki here would have killed shiki if they were still human,
after all these are all villagers

that and one interesting observation, in the manga it was shown that a shiki disobeying the kirishiki family got tied to a tree and burned to death, here they had the humans doing that

BUT they kept my favorite pipeline moment:
you know how one of the big ways used to make kiiling someone in fiction more "heroic" or "righteous" is "I am avenging my family"
There's munetaka looking down saying "I cant kill Yuzuki-san, he was such a good person and friend to me" and I'm thinking "Mune THATS THE ONE WHO KILLED YOUR SON AND TURNED YOUR BROTHER"
and he'll never know that
Not that Sadofumi (who by the way is another of my manga favorites) cares which shiki killed his loved ones at this point, His father AND his son are already gone and he knows he'll be alone when this is over: he just wants as many of the them to die to make the buzzing in his ear go away.

anyway i heard the last special, which comes out next week and will take longer to sub, will center one of my favorite characters: Motoko

The Shiki you are talking about that burnt to death didn't actually get burnt to death in the manga. He survived. It's the same Shiki they killed first in this episode and is also the guy who attacked Masao.
LordJupiterJun 16, 2011 1:14 PM
Jun 16, 2011 2:22 PM
Dec 2010
LordJupiter said:
shadowii said:
the only thing i would point out is that the humans who are killing the shiki would have killed humans if they had become shiki
and the shiki here would have killed shiki if they were still human,
after all these are all villagers

that and one interesting observation, in the manga it was shown that a shiki disobeying the kirishiki family got tied to a tree and burned to death, here they had the humans doing that

BUT they kept my favorite pipeline moment:
you know how one of the big ways used to make kiiling someone in fiction more "heroic" or "righteous" is "I am avenging my family"
There's munetaka looking down saying "I cant kill Yuzuki-san, he was such a good person and friend to me" and I'm thinking "Mune THATS THE ONE WHO KILLED YOUR SON AND TURNED YOUR BROTHER"
and he'll never know that
Not that Sadofumi (who by the way is another of my manga favorites) cares which shiki killed his loved ones at this point, His father AND his son are already gone and he knows he'll be alone when this is over: he just wants as many of the them to die to make the buzzing in his ear go away.

anyway i heard the last special, which comes out next week and will take longer to sub, will center one of my favorite characters: Motoko

The Shiki you are talking about that burnt to death didn't actually get burnt to death in the manga. He survived. It's the same Shiki they killed first in this episode and is also the guy who attacked Masao.

I know what your talking about but thats not what i am. According to tohru's diallogue when he visits sunako its happened a few times and once they made him drag and bury one of the charred corpses
Jun 16, 2011 5:49 PM

May 2009
LordJupiter said:
EnkoKasumi said:
That was really brutal. I completely support humans though.

After all each and every shiki there chose their own lives before the lives of their friends and family, just like that boy said to Nao "If you didn't kill them, then you would've died." I don't understand how can a mother choose to kill her own child in order to satisfy her hunger. I just cannot feel sorry for them.

What I didn't like was the crudeness of the men when they tied up the shikis and left them on the sun to die slowly. That is just too cruel. I liked the new couple, they seemed like nice people.

She wasn't doing it to satisfy her hunger. She was doing it so that they would become like her. She wanted to be with her family which was impossible since she was a Shiki and they weren't.

Yet, none of them asked for that, did they? She had no right.
Jun 16, 2011 6:12 PM
Dec 2010
EnkoKasumi said:
LordJupiter said:
EnkoKasumi said:
That was really brutal. I completely support humans though.

After all each and every shiki there chose their own lives before the lives of their friends and family, just like that boy said to Nao "If you didn't kill them, then you would've died." I don't understand how can a mother choose to kill her own child in order to satisfy her hunger. I just cannot feel sorry for them.

What I didn't like was the crudeness of the men when they tied up the shikis and left them on the sun to die slowly. That is just too cruel. I liked the new couple, they seemed like nice people.

She wasn't doing it to satisfy her hunger. She was doing it so that they would become like her. She wanted to be with her family which was impossible since she was a Shiki and they weren't.

Yet, none of them asked for that, did they? She had no right.

it is too bad that despite how great this show it, it does take a few liberties with basic logic.
you'd think it would have occured to her to tell her family what was going on (hiding the fact that she must have already killed someone at that point), then get her family to leave town with her before tatsumi found out.
not a perfect solution as they would age and she wouldnt but:
instead her family died in misery as one after another died, her sons last word was mama and her husband got to hear that before he died
Jun 17, 2011 12:31 AM

Aug 2008
Oh it's this creepy and heart-wrenching(no pun intended) anime again. Perfect for the summer!

I find it creepy when the humans are humming a song while they were killing shiki. Can't wait for the second episode!
Jun 17, 2011 4:41 AM

Dec 2009
This episode reminded me just how awesome shiki is... and cruel..
Perhaps it was sad but i started laughing when the humans started killing eachother , the irony was just too big.
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