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Oct 24, 2015 9:23 AM

Nov 2011
Oh this episode..
I see some man service :o

Episode was more relaxing than I had thought with comedy. I think the guys and girls chilling out with a breather can be fun to see in their fantasy world. Not much different from the modern world though in terms of the structure of their activities.

It's kinda interesting to see more background story though even in small bits.
Oct 24, 2015 11:08 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Lol at the first half! Fanservice, manservice everywhere! Also Yaoi images, lol! Overall pretty much a relaxed episode. Not much happened though, but it's fine.

Oct 24, 2015 11:08 AM

Jan 2012
Twice the bath scenes equaled twice the Kuon fanservice this week! :D Guess romance really isn't in the air for Kuon. Poor Haku was certainly taken to task pretty harshly for his slacker ways by new girl Nekone, sister of Ukon. She needed to take the stick out of her ass. Haku not even being able to read does make me wonder more about his upbringing. I can see Rurutie's fujoshi dreams becoming a recurring gag.
Oct 24, 2015 11:11 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
The bath scenes (Kuon's fangasm's lol) and everytime Ruru had her yaoi fantasy moments had me dying xDDDD And I loved how Haku fit in so well at that restaurant even though he sucks at being a waiter LOLOLOL

However, I HONESTLY DID NOT expect Ukon to be the dude in the mask lol, he looks so fucking different and has a completely different aura to himself...THAT is what you call a master of disguise and I loved it....That totally caught me by surprise

Neko is a very cute girl and I like how smart and mature she is considering her age but I what I liked the most is that she listened to what Haku and Kuon had to say and now her perspective of people has changed for the better so I'm really happy for her

Great episode overall, and its funny how right now both Kuon and Haku are friendzoning each other in a sense xD That post credits scene was interesting because when they spoke of the emperor I thought that it was going to be someone from S1 but I have no idea who this guy is now

Next episode we get to see the cool looking pirate girl with the mask :DDD
TokoyaOct 24, 2015 11:16 AM
Oct 24, 2015 11:24 AM

May 2010
That a fanservice episode alright!

Also how does ukon loose the beard when he has that mark on ? or is the face + mask = mask?
Oct 24, 2015 11:25 AM

Jul 2009
Praise the lord for Rurutie-sama! Without her I wouldn't get to see all this Haku, Ukon fan service!!!! Best girl.

Ugh the kid is unbearable though. The whole episode I was waiting for someone to at least explain to her that Haku doesn't have any memories. She treats him too badly. Haku on the other hand handles everything perfectly. Love him.

Maroro needs to never put back on his makeup.
InugirlzOct 25, 2015 12:39 PM
Oct 24, 2015 11:38 AM

Jul 2010
Nekone and Ukon's relationship as siblings is really interesting. In ne way when Ukon is in "Ukon mode", she doesn't hold back her criticism, though she obviously really respects him.

I really want to see how Haku stopped that conflict back at the restaurant. Rurutie's imagination xD

I guess it was to be expected with Ukon being the general, as he wasn't in picture. Going at this pace sometimes isn't bad at all.
Oct 24, 2015 11:47 AM
Jul 2018
God I love rurutie, she's my favorite girl so far (the fujoshi is a bit of a minus, but I still love her)

That first half which was all fanservice was awesome (except for the manservice, I could do without that)

And ukon is the masked general was quite the surprise
Oct 24, 2015 11:53 AM

Feb 2014
Seriously for a 2cour show the animation is really nice, so much scenery porn. Still very laid back but enjoyable episode. We are yet to find out what the conflict is but something tells me we will next episode.

So far I love this show.
Oct 24, 2015 12:01 PM

Jan 2015
Is it just me or

Oct 24, 2015 12:21 PM

Jul 2007
Another great episode. It seems we are finally getting more into politics. Really interested in Ukon/Oshutoru motives for Haku as well as about the after-credits scene with what I guess is Emperor, who seems to know about Haku.
Oct 24, 2015 12:21 PM

Apr 2015
animefan8800 said:
Twice the bath scenes equaled twice the Kuon fanservice this week! :D Guess romance really isn't in the air for Kuon. Poor Haku was certainly taken to task pretty harshly for his slacker ways by new girl Nekone, sister of Ukon. She needed to take the stick out of her ass. Haku not even being able to read does make me wonder more about his upbringing. I can see Rurutie's fujoshi dreams becoming a recurring gag.

I take it you haven't seen the first season? That might explain some of Haku's "upbringing," where he came from, why he was dressed as he was, and why he has no memories.

It also seems like the rules of the universe have changed since season one because

Still, the new mask is just as mysterious as before for different reasons.

I know MAL finally changed this anime to a sequel instead of an alternative setting, but it's definitely becoming mandatory to watch the original for explanations. I'm noticing a lot of people commenting about things that are explained by season one in each episode's discussion.
GileonFletcherOct 24, 2015 12:30 PM
Oct 24, 2015 12:25 PM

Jul 2007
GileonFletcher said:

I think they are not THE masks.
If you remember from the first season, there was a bit about

The question is how Ukon got ahold of such an artifact, considering you know, circumstances of their creators...
Oct 24, 2015 12:28 PM

Apr 2015
CookingPriest said:
GileonFletcher said:

I think they are not THE masks.
If you remember from the first season, there was a bit about

The question is how Ukon got ahold of such an artifact, considering you know, circumstances of their creators...

Ah, yeah, your spoiler tag makes a good point. Forgot about that, but it definitely wasn't something the original heavily mentioned.

I agree on the 'circumstances'... many explanations of the universe are given thanks to the original, but so many more questions arise, haha.
Oct 24, 2015 12:35 PM

May 2015
Good episode. We got a better idea how the city works as well as more info on the people in it and some nice character moments between Haku and Nekone. Kuon Fanservice was nice too.
Oct 24, 2015 12:38 PM

Sep 2012
I knew director of this anime want to make the story look different from game version, but it changed too much. It skipped so many gags, info and add so many yaoi and bath scenes, this totally looks like fanservice epsiode.

In game version, even though the story's full of gag, it still explained the nature and power structure in Yamato. this information is important because it will help viewers understand power struggle and mystery in Yamato better in later episodes.
Sorry for my poor english
Oct 24, 2015 12:43 PM
Jun 2015
5/5 just for that quality fanservice and manservice.
Oct 24, 2015 12:48 PM

Nov 2012
hilarious episode....
Kuon fan service is always good...
Oct 24, 2015 1:01 PM

Jul 2015
Rurutie, you naughty cat-girl... And that reveal... I really thought that the masked dude was somehow related to Haku, like his twin brother or something... And that the ending with 3 cat-girl babes in a bath, OH YEAH!! Oh wait, what am i talking about... One of them is like 12yo :/ Great episode, i really enjoyed it.
Oct 24, 2015 1:15 PM

Oct 2012
Ok, so Ukon was Oshutaru, well, kinda boring revelation. Still think he is kinda related to MC as he is also human (at least I think so cause I haven seen his tail nor ears) and looks somehow similiar. But ofc, that would mean Nekone is not not his blood-related sister, only someone he adopted to his house.

Speaking of Nekone, I don't think I really like her, her voice and attitude kinda annoys me.

Also, all that fanservice wasn't needed but well. And they could really do without those cliche phrases like when Haku was talking to Nekone about friendship. But otherwise it was ok episode I guess. Not too good but not bad either.
Oct 24, 2015 1:38 PM
Jul 2018
Enjoyed throughout the episode! Laughed more than I expected.
Dayum Rurutie and her BL "delusions" <3
Oct 24, 2015 1:43 PM

Aug 2010
Nekone's "Des" is so cute XD
Lol'd at her "Typical thought process of a loser"

How the hell did Haku make that guy he was fighting his buddy in one second off screen XD

I didn't expect Oshuturo being Ukon O_o I'm still not fully trusting this info yet tho I feel there's more to it.

All Dat Kuon fanservice tho :L
Oct 24, 2015 1:57 PM
Jun 2013
Tokoya said:
The bath scenes (Kuon's fangasm's lol) and everytime Ruru had her yaoi fantasy moments had me dying xDDDD And I loved how Haku fit in so well at that restaurant even though he sucks at being a waiter LOLOLOL

However, I HONESTLY DID NOT expect Ukon to be the dude in the mask lol, he looks so fucking different and has a completely different aura to himself...THAT is what you call a master of disguise and I loved it....That totally caught me by surprise

Neko is a very cute girl and I like how smart and mature she is considering her age but I what I liked the most is that she listened to what Haku and Kuon had to say and now her perspective of people has changed for the better so I'm really happy for her

Great episode overall, and its funny how right now both Kuon and Haku are friendzoning each other in a sense xD That post credits scene was interesting because when they spoke of the emperor I thought that it was going to be someone from S1 but I have no idea who this guy is now

Next episode we get to see the cool looking pirate girl with the mask :DDD

Idk why but the grey beard reminded me of
Oct 24, 2015 2:35 PM

May 2015
Lovely episode. Ruru imagining things was pretty adorable and was pretty fun to watch XD. Nice relaxing episode it was. Episode also kinda depicted Haku's personality nicely. And can't forget about that nice Kuon fanservice either, :L. I did not expect Ukon being the man in the mask though. I'm liking his imouto so far. Can't wait for more!

Oct 24, 2015 2:45 PM

Jun 2014
really hard to pick a best girl in this one, damn it
Oct 24, 2015 3:39 PM

Apr 2012
Kinda boring but some fan service and some BL service lol

i really like the OP/ED

Hopefully it picks up next week

Oct 24, 2015 3:56 PM

Aug 2014
Now I kind of expect Haku to learn to read and then nail the "super difficult scholar exam" and then say "eh, that's it?" :P

I loved this ep.
Oct 24, 2015 4:29 PM

Oct 2014
noice, indeed ;)
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Oct 24, 2015 5:27 PM
Jul 2018
We got some fanservice in this episode!

Oshuturo is actually Ukon!!
Oct 24, 2015 6:07 PM

Jan 2008
I sure didn't see that coming nano-desu~.
Oct 24, 2015 6:43 PM

Oct 2012
Rurutie was just so awesome going straight for the BL
Oct 24, 2015 7:02 PM

Dec 2009
It war Ukon all along!
...That twist.

I always love me some relaxing friendly hang-out episodes.
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Oct 24, 2015 7:54 PM

Jan 2012
GileonFletcher said:
animefan8800 said:
Twice the bath scenes equaled twice the Kuon fanservice this week! :D Guess romance really isn't in the air for Kuon. Poor Haku was certainly taken to task pretty harshly for his slacker ways by new girl Nekone, sister of Ukon. She needed to take the stick out of her ass. Haku not even being able to read does make me wonder more about his upbringing. I can see Rurutie's fujoshi dreams becoming a recurring gag.

I take it you haven't seen the first season?

Correct. I might go back and watch it at some point, but no definitive plans on that yet. Maybe if this series ever becomes so confusing that I find myself lost entirely I will.
Oct 24, 2015 8:01 PM

Oct 2011
Awesome first half! that manservice, that fanservice so damn funny. In the second half the story did progress, and we finally see why Kuon had that look on her face at the end of last episode.

Rurutie.. why u so awesome :D
Oct 24, 2015 8:12 PM

Aug 2008
I wonder who is the emperor. I believe they are talking about Haku the end? Can't wait to see return of the old cast.

I miss Touka, Eruru and Aruru.
ZapredonOct 24, 2015 10:55 PM
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Oct 24, 2015 8:40 PM

Sep 2013
Hell yeah the fanservice
Oct 24, 2015 10:25 PM
Mar 2009
Ukon... is whaaaaat okay I totally did not see that coming
Can't wait for the next episode!
Oct 24, 2015 10:27 PM

Jan 2014
Felt like this episode was 5 minutes long, that's how much I enjoyed it :3
Oct 24, 2015 10:50 PM

Jun 2008
GileonFletcher said:
CookingPriest said:

I think they are not THE masks.
If you remember from the first season, there was a bit about

The question is how Ukon got ahold of such an artifact, considering you know, circumstances of their creators...

Ah, yeah, your spoiler tag makes a good point. Forgot about that, but it definitely wasn't something the original heavily mentioned.

Just adding things,

And this is Why people, You need to watch the first one (Or better, play the VN) before watching this.
kaimaxOct 24, 2015 10:57 PM

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Oct 25, 2015 1:02 AM

Mar 2013
SIGH, Ukon's the boring mask guy? Fucking lame. Especially since this means his cute bedhead and facial hair aren't even real. Worst revelation ever. :/
Plus his sister's annoying as sin and I want her to leave. I'm sure she wouldn't be nearly as bad if Japan didn't insist on voicing girls like they're making anime for dogs.
Oct 25, 2015 2:47 AM

Aug 2012
I wonder how many bath scenes there will be in this series.
Oct 25, 2015 4:25 AM
Oct 2015
Zapredon said:
I wonder who is the emperor. I believe they are talking about Haku the end? Can't wait to see return of the old cast.

I miss Touka, Eruru and Aruru.

As far as Touka and Aruru are concerned,

Edit: Self-fixed for probable spoilers. Also discovered how to input spoiler tags.
LeanMeanMachineOct 25, 2015 6:04 AM
Oct 25, 2015 5:31 AM

Jul 2014
A bit of a chill episode as usual, but it was still able to progress things decently, even if I don't really know how I feel about Ukon actually being that General guy. I also could have done without Rurutie's BL obsession, but I doubt that will crop up too much. I wonder who the Emperor actually is though; I'm doubting it's Hakuoro, but then I can't think who else it would be.

Also, to the LeanMeanMachine, shouldn't you put that in spoiler tags? Cos if that's true, that's a major spoiler as far as I'm concerned.
Oct 25, 2015 6:03 AM

Apr 2014
All the cat-girl bath scenes make up for the BL images.
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Oct 25, 2015 6:17 AM

Mar 2008
Still kind of cute, but four eps in and it's all rather uncompelling.
Oct 25, 2015 6:46 AM

Sep 2014
Oshutoru being Ukon o_O, didn't see that coming.
Rurutie's BL delusions haha <3
Kuon in the bath xD, delicious cat girls fanservice yay! <3
Ukon's sister is pretty cute, des.
Wonder how the emperor is like, seems pretty old..
Pretty relaxing this episode.
nerfxOct 25, 2015 7:09 AM
Oct 25, 2015 8:46 AM

Jun 2013
well that was a slow episode but at least funny at the start
Oct 25, 2015 12:11 PM

Aug 2008
Wow, it's actually getting worse. First of all, you DON'T say someone is charismatic, you SHOW that. And what they have shown is Haku being a lazy wuss who is liked by people because plot demands it. And the second thing: yaoi fangirl princess? Really? That's as far as you can ride on the first series name. First episode was really good and promising. Then it went completely downhill from there. At this point I don't even know if I want to watch it any more. Kuon is nice characters but she can't carry the whole show by herself when they load it with the worst current anime industry can offer.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Oct 25, 2015 12:12 PM

Aug 2013
Rurutie is into BL, Nanodesu-chan is into brocon, Ukon is into... bath?
The fanservice have hit the roof this episode. You know there is mucho fanservice when there is an underwater shot.

I didn't saw the mask guy being Ukon coming. Now it sense, since Nanodesu-chan was fawning over him.
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