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Oct 26, 2024 11:57 AM
Apr 2020
The episodes keep getting shorter.
We got apple Ichigo this time.
Oct 26, 2024 11:58 AM
Sep 2021
They never really gave us a good explanation to why Ishida became Yhwach's successor or whatever. Ishida always felt weak and he is the most indifferent character in the anime. Also, Yhawch was 100% correct. Ichigo is naive and that's making him look bad. Ichigo be like "The world is ending and I'm running out of time, but lets just let Ishida live because Ishida". Instead of cutting him in two pieces instantly πŸ˜‘.
Oct 26, 2024 12:02 PM

Jul 2019
This week's episode was truly as shonen as one can get! Lots of staring, lots of shouting, bleeding hearts toward your former friend...not forgetting fighting. Despite that, I'm kind of happy Bleach is going somewhat fast-paced with things, because if this episode had been made a few years ago or sort of, they would have prolonged Uryuu's and Ichigo's fight about five (would that have been even enough?) episodes or sort of. But now it was neatly started and wrapped up.

As a manga reader, this episode cleared two things for me. The first is about Uryuu and the second is about Yhwach's future role as the new king. (I won't call him Soul King, because he is Quincy and I can only imagine Yhwach would throw a tantrum over such a name.) But if we stick just with the anime...let me just write this: some foreshadowing was done in this.

Yoruichi at the beginning of the episode was pretty epic. I really liked how she tried to seal the new Soul King while others all but stood by. Too bad she got shot down in the end, but at least she tried. Let's hope her fall wasn't too far, because if she fell all the way down to Seireitei? Erm, I'm pretty sure even Yoruichi wouldn't survive from that. Maybe Ichigo got shot by Uryuu, because of his protagonist tag, but even so... this episode seriously made me once again wonder about the role of Orihime, Chad, and Ganju. While it was nice they tried to help Ichigo a little bit and fought even against the rest of the Quincies (were Uryuu and company just standing by side and sipping some drinks while Yhwach had been giving his glares to Ichigo and company or what?) it still made me question why they were there. The fact most of the time we saw them standing by felt a a wasted potential. But I suppose Ichigo needed his moment to shine with Uryuu.

Where we get to another point! I haven't ever really understood if there is a big urgent thing, instead of starting to solve your personal matters, one should focus on the bigger one. In this case, rescuing the Soul King. While it was obvious the right hand of Soul King could put up a fight, I'm pretty sure if Ichigo had put his fight against Uryuu as a secondary matter, maybe this result of Soul King getting adsorbed by Yhwach could have been avoided? Which made me wonder did Soul King truly died or not? After all, does someone die when they're adsorbed, or does their identity, the 'me' just disappear? Anyway, the all drama of everything coming down and worlds ending...was the biggest hoax. Maybe in a certain perspective, shinigamis' world will end, because I can't imagine Yhwach just letting them all live their happy (corrupted) lives. Same with the hollows, but the World of the Living? I don't know. Unless Yhwach makes himself known to everybody, nothing for them will change and I bet even with hollows things would be pretty same: getting hunted by someone. With shinigami? Erm, massacra? Slavery? I don't know. But I'm sure Yhwach will reveal his grand plan in the next episode. The next episode's title at least implied so much.

I'm also curious to see if Ichibe will patch up Ichigo or did he indeed fall down all the way down to Seireitei along with Yoruichi? Or, did Orihime, Chad, and Ganju pick up at least Ichigo? I'm sure we'll see that in the next episode. Plus, what Urahara and others will do~.
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Oct 26, 2024 12:08 PM

Dec 2018
Reply to jas-samaaa
IchiGOAT ain’t going down that easily
@jas-samaaa why people gotta always fight, but yeah uryuu is a good guy
Oct 26, 2024 12:09 PM
Oct 2014
Reply to pranavcognito
orihime and Chad along with ganju were just standing there when ishida arrived they could have tried to stop ishida so that ichigo can deal with yhwach.

the animations were good.
@_pranav_7 "dramatic effect" sadly. At least this episode had them and Yoruichi actually do stuff unlike the last couple of episodes. Still pointless, but I rather them TRY instead of just standing there aimlessly.
Oct 26, 2024 12:09 PM

Jan 2019
tasos1598 said:
They never really gave us a good explanation to why Ishida became Yhwach's successor or whatever. Ishida always felt weak and he is the most indifferent character in the anime. Also, Yhawch was 100% correct. Ichigo is naive and that's making him look bad. Ichigo be like "The world is ending and I'm running out of time, but lets just let Ishida live because Ishida". Instead of cutting him in two pieces instantly πŸ˜‘.

You want Ichigo to cut his own friend in two pieces? lol
I don’t think you understand this character, we’re talking about the guy that went to check Hueco Mundo just because Nel (a friend) said that she was in danger, now he’s trying to understand why Ishida is on Yhwach’s side, he can’t just kill him like that.

He even looked sad when Ulquiorra died and Ulquiorra wasn’t even a friend of his.
Oct 26, 2024 12:20 PM
Oct 2022
best episode so far of the cour!
the direction and storyboard are some of the most creative we seen on bleach tybw and with some of the best names in pierrot, this episode outshines others in TYBW.
Oct 26, 2024 12:25 PM

Mar 2013
Uryu as a villain? 🫣

P.S. Just heard Aizen's voice at the end.
CrazyButNot4UOct 26, 2024 12:42 PM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Oct 26, 2024 12:28 PM
Jul 2024
i wonder if Ishida Vollstandig (whatever its called) can even be considered canon, that didnt happen in the manga
Oct 26, 2024 12:30 PM
Jul 2020
the best anime to ever bless my cranium
Oct 26, 2024 12:31 PM

Dec 2015
This is their improvement on the manga? Disappointed.
Oct 26, 2024 12:39 PM
Oct 2014
The Schutzstaffel finally appear, since episode 1... Were they just like, hiding in the rubble the last two episodes? They REALLY need to write these guys into the story better.

Overall, the episode was good, but the story is just not being executed well enough.

A lot of what's happened these past few episodes plays out like it's happening due to obligation; to force set ups for the remainder of the season so that the story plays out like it did in the manga. Which if that be the case then oh boy, the criticism is going to be crazy.

TYBW had a lot of great moments in the manga, but the arc is muddled with so many moments that are just detrimental to the overall story, rushed be damned.
I was really hoping with this season and next for the rewrites and additions desperately needed to either a.) completely rework the story so that it makes more sense within the context of the arc so far and Bleach as a whole, or at the very least b.) make whatever additions flesh out the arc well enough so that what plays out in the manga makes more sense for people watching the anime.

The last four episodes kind of have me convinced that the studio is going with option b, and if so, they really gotta do better. I hope the big fights this season are as entertaining as they were in the manga if nothing else.
Oct 26, 2024 12:40 PM

Mar 2013
silversain2 said:
i wonder if Ishida Vollstandig (whatever its called) can even be considered canon, that didnt happen in the manga

The author themselves created it, so why not...? πŸ˜…
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Oct 26, 2024 12:49 PM

Feb 2021
Oct 26, 2024 1:29 PM

Dec 2018
i never liked Uruyu and so this episode carried no weight for me. also i'm just wondering why everyone is just standing around doing nothing and even Ichigo is half-assing. lots of words words words with no weight at all. no gravitas. utterly disappointing episode.
Oct 26, 2024 1:38 PM

May 2012
The tension is at an all time high right now. Uryu vs Ichigo was great.
Oct 26, 2024 1:54 PM

Feb 2020
βŒ›ZA WARUDO toki wo tomare o.O'
Oct 26, 2024 2:04 PM

Jul 2023
Well, I'm sure didn't expect the fight of Ichigo and Uryu to be that good or extended. The anime is truly a gift for Bleach fans, many would wish their favorite show was as fleshed out as this one.
Uryu's Vollstandig is also quite badass.
Oct 26, 2024 2:08 PM
Feb 2023
Wow they gave uryuu the win… That wasn’t like this in manga at all. This is way much improved upon and the fight is actually well done. Also they gave something for trio to do because wow in manga they sucked. They still suck but atleast they tried here.

I am just impressed by how much they are improving this final arc. Hyped for next step eventhough it seems hopeless for them to win right now but don’t forget the chair lol
Oct 26, 2024 2:18 PM
Mar 2023
best episode of bleach tybw yet
Oct 26, 2024 3:00 PM
May 2024
everytime i watch bleach i remember why i hate ishida he is just so annoying
Oct 26, 2024 3:14 PM

Jun 2017
Love the anime original content but Orihima and co. having a short fight with Askin etc. was super comical cause you will see how op those mofos are when they go down to wreck more havoc. lol

Also did Kubo have a brainfart here? I know he is supervising, and Ishida already used Vollstanding once, albeit the nerfed drawback version with the glove.

Ichigo losing was topkek too, but it was clear he didn't have his heart in it and missed multiple chances to win on purpose. Ishida on the other hand was not fucking around. At least he finally won a fight in ages. lmao
Oct 26, 2024 3:14 PM

Aug 2016
I mean, i loved the Ichigo & Uryu fight, absolutely great, don't get me wrong, but i expected to see some Aizen screen-time by the way the previous episode ended, so just a bit disappointed. Either way, i'm still excited for the upcoming episodes!
Oct 26, 2024 3:22 PM

Apr 2022
Every single episode is being so peak, I'm already hyped for the next one!

Hola a tots!
Oct 26, 2024 3:35 PM

Apr 2016
Awesome episode, I remember in the manga one of the biggest things I thought was missing was a proper clash between Ichigo and Uryu and here we got it in a fantastic fashion, this was amazing
This adds so much to Uryu's character and makes him even better in this last arc, bravo to the adaptation for going further than the manga did!
Oct 26, 2024 3:46 PM
Oct 2022
Reply to lucjan
Alright guys, calm down. I'm here. I have finally emerged from my slumber to rate the new Bleach TYBW episode.


I think a lot of the moments were too drawn out and much of the episode could have been told in 2/3rds the time. Uryu's vollstandig ability reminds me of Jirobo's shikai (he was the first shinigami the crew met in soul society). It's a little lame looking if I'm being honest. Also a lot of jarring inconsistencies with the art. It was like two different styles were smacked together. When high animation began, the art completely changed, then when it ended, same thing. Art change.

I don't like how the episode began with a minute and a half recap. A lot of people complained that last episode began abruptly with Ukitake proclaiming he will stabilize the worlds. What was in this week's recap could have been cut from last week's episode, allowing last week's episode to begin in a more organic fashion. I'm not too hung up on this because I read the manga but it still came to mind. If the rumors are true and we are getting 14 episodes this cour vs 13, then I don't mind the more drawn out scenes and recaps as much. That's still yet to be 100% confirmed though.

It's easy to pick out what I don't like because I have already read the manga and enjoyed the series. I still really enjoy this adaptation and I do like a lot of the new additions. I really like how Ishida was carefully explaining his ambition and intent to Ichigo.

@lucjan thanks for telling us you are trolling
Oct 26, 2024 3:48 PM
Oct 2022
Reply to pranavcognito
orihime and Chad along with ganju were just standing there when ishida arrived they could have tried to stop ishida so that ichigo can deal with yhwach.

the animations were good.
@_pranav_7 no they couldnt ishida focused just on ichigo and the royal army tried to stop them
Oct 26, 2024 4:19 PM
Mar 2020
This episode was sick!
Oct 26, 2024 5:00 PM

Nov 2023
Such a good fight between Ichigo and Uryuu. My pray about 3 cour`s masterpiece graphic was heard by Pierrots. Thanks to this guys who made it such a fckn good. As someone said before this ep feels like 5 min. 10/10, as it was before, Peak Bleach Saturday.
Oct 26, 2024 5:11 PM
Jan 2020
Reply to ShadowkillZ
Nah... Uryu's betrayal of his own friends and especially Ichigo is quite idiotic if I do say so myself. BOTH of their mothers died due to Yhwach's auswählen and BOTH of their fathers are alive and well. Hell, they even know each other and are in the same line of work.

Other than that, this episode is amazing as always!
The spotlight is now between Uryu and Ichigo. Their fight sequence was beautifully animated, I particularly love how the fight initially stated in the building before Ichigo took the fight outside in midair. Despite Uryu's spam-like attacks, Ichigo has dealt with attacks with a more insane proportions, deflecting those arrows were nothing if not for Ichigo holding back.

Ichigo could've stuck down and incapacitated Ishida after the latter was taken aback when he saw that Ichigo was innately capable of utilizing blut, something only a Quincy should usually have. Even AFTER Uryu unleashes his vollständig which looks absolutely immaculate by the way, he was really only able to slightly put a bit of pressure on Ichigo who is still in his default shikai form all this time, WITHOUT bankai or his hollow visor mask.

The real showcase of their power is shown when Uryu and Ichigo unleash their most powerful attack against one another. Vollständig + Sternenstaub vs Non-Bankai, Non-Hollow Visor Getsuga Jujisho. And oh boy is the difference in power incomparable. The Getsuga Jujisho quite literally eats through Uryu's attack and pieces through it before continuously blasting across the sky past the horizon. As Uryu himself said, Ichigo is just too naive and too kind for his own good that he'd go so far as to hold back and restrain himself from directly attacking Uryu which ultimately leads to Ichigo's Skyfall.
@ShadowkillZ Uryū was fighting Ichigo more seriously than he did with Mayuri (who killed his grandfather Sōken), even though Ichigo is his best friend.
Oct 26, 2024 5:12 PM
Oct 2022
neffst3r said:
Ichigo vs Uryuu… a much better fight in the anime compared to manga, Chengxi Huang really is one of the best when it comes to animation, I hope we see more of him in future episodes.

However, episode ended with Yhwach absorbing the Soul King, which means the Ukitake sacrifice was completely useless… which pisses me of, yes I’m a Bleach fan but there are still some issues within this arc that I don’t think are fine.

I’m probably going to enjoy the next episode a lot more, even if the animation is not as great as this one. Nice poem by Aizen tho.

to be fair ukitake wasn't going to live forever as the soul kings replacement. it was always going to be temporary
Oct 26, 2024 5:14 PM
Oct 2022
neffst3r said:
Maou_heika said:
I don't understand why the Soul King is like a mannequin, if he's supposed to be so powerful then why can't he move around and defeat or at least fight the enemy

Here's the thing, to understand why the Soul King is in his current state you would have to read the novels, which is another issue that pisses me off even though I’m a fan.

“The Original Sin” is something Kubo should have shown in the manga, not in novels that nobody besides hardcore fans have read… 70% of Bleach lore is in the novels, especially Can’t Fear Your Own World, now the anime is adapting just the manga and leaving out the novels, so there is a lot of stuff that people will not understand, for example why the Soul King has his arms and legs cut off.

Tokinada Tsunayashiro is one of Bleach’s most important villains, probably more evil than Aizen and Yhwach themselves
and anime-onlies have never heard of him, which is… sad. Man, Can’t Feeel Your Own World being adapted into anime is a ESSENTIAL thing, Pierrot Films needs to wake the fuck up. They have adapted Naruto novels, so why not the ones from Bleach?

CFYOW isn't cannon, it's basically dragon ball gt / boruto. Only a few things were done by Kubo in the novels.
Oct 26, 2024 5:15 PM

Aug 2019
Reply to tasos1598
They never really gave us a good explanation to why Ishida became Yhwach's successor or whatever. Ishida always felt weak and he is the most indifferent character in the anime. Also, Yhawch was 100% correct. Ichigo is naive and that's making him look bad. Ichigo be like "The world is ending and I'm running out of time, but lets just let Ishida live because Ishida". Instead of cutting him in two pieces instantly πŸ˜‘.
tasos1598 said:
They never really gave us a good explanation to why Ishida became Yhwach's successor or whatever

But they already explained it!
He became his successor because he survived Auswählen, which should have been impossible.
Oct 26, 2024 5:17 PM
Oct 2022
ichigo vs ishida peak fiction and yhwach sk prime is on
Oct 26, 2024 5:33 PM

Jul 2017
can't wait for them to turn this around
Oct 26, 2024 5:41 PM
Dec 2023
10/10 Really good episode can't wait for the next one the only problem it was too short now we gotta wait a whole week:( Next episode going to be crazy.
Oct 26, 2024 5:43 PM

Sep 2011
So glad Ukitake's big reveal was able to stall Yuha Baka for all of one episode
Oct 26, 2024 5:50 PM

Jun 2023
Reply to Y0ungDr3w
The Schutzstaffel finally appear, since episode 1... Were they just like, hiding in the rubble the last two episodes? They REALLY need to write these guys into the story better.

Overall, the episode was good, but the story is just not being executed well enough.

A lot of what's happened these past few episodes plays out like it's happening due to obligation; to force set ups for the remainder of the season so that the story plays out like it did in the manga. Which if that be the case then oh boy, the criticism is going to be crazy.

TYBW had a lot of great moments in the manga, but the arc is muddled with so many moments that are just detrimental to the overall story, rushed be damned.
I was really hoping with this season and next for the rewrites and additions desperately needed to either a.) completely rework the story so that it makes more sense within the context of the arc so far and Bleach as a whole, or at the very least b.) make whatever additions flesh out the arc well enough so that what plays out in the manga makes more sense for people watching the anime.

The last four episodes kind of have me convinced that the studio is going with option b, and if so, they really gotta do better. I hope the big fights this season are as entertaining as they were in the manga if nothing else.
@Y0ungDr3w Expecting a complete rework of the story is on you my dude. It isn't necessary to fix this arc and I came into the first cour knowing Kubo wasn't going to pander to that sect of fans. The problems with TYBW were never conceptual, only structural (and most of those structural problems were in the second cour anyway). This rings true even for the ending. The great ideas are there already but after those cour 1 chapters, Kubo needed to write more content inbetween his big ideas (which was coincidingly when his health problems kicked in). This cour has already been doing that and then some.

The aforementioned second cour was still celebrated despite adapting the weakest part of TYBW (the Second Invasion) with downgraded animation because aside from having high points itself, it had great direction and storyboards which did well to elevate the source material with additional content as well. The third and fourth cours together comprise most of those great moments from the final arc and you can see the staff adding more than twice the new content they did for cour 2. Unless something goes horribly wrong in the production, don't expect a repeat of the backlash the endgame received in the manga at all lmao.

And look at the pace in which this anime is adapting the chapters, and then how many chapters and episodes the anime has left. I think it's well within reason to be hopeful for new ideas implemented in TYBW (perhaps taken from CFYOW).
Oct 26, 2024 5:53 PM

Jun 2023
Reply to StateofOhayo
i never liked Uruyu and so this episode carried no weight for me. also i'm just wondering why everyone is just standing around doing nothing and even Ichigo is half-assing. lots of words words words with no weight at all. no gravitas. utterly disappointing episode.
@StateofOhayo Tourists and bandwagonners honestly should've been gatekept from TYBW back in 2022. They have a very shallow understanding of Bleach and struggle follow its story and characters yet they still feel the need to express themselves, be it appreciation or "utter disappointment".

"also i'm just wondering why everyone is just standing around doing nothing" Did you even watch the episode or what? In the manga they were effectively sidelined while Ichigo and Uryu were clashing, here they WERE doing something even if it weren't much. What did you expect Orihime and co. to accomplish against nigh-godly characters who utterly outclass them by orders of magnitude? Rukia and Renji received royal training which put them on the level of a high-tier Sternritter. Orihime and co. knew damn well they weren't going into the Soul Palace to stand their ground against Yhwach's personal Schuztstaffel, but they went with Ichigo anyway because they're his friends and because of thematic reasons.

"Ichigo is half-assing" No shit he is. He's not trying to kill his friend, he's trying to understand him. After ~400 episodes you don't know what kind of character Ichigo is?
Oct 26, 2024 5:59 PM

Jun 2023
Reply to Warlock1
neffst3r said:
Maou_heika said:
I don't understand why the Soul King is like a mannequin, if he's supposed to be so powerful then why can't he move around and defeat or at least fight the enemy

Here's the thing, to understand why the Soul King is in his current state you would have to read the novels, which is another issue that pisses me off even though I’m a fan.

“The Original Sin” is something Kubo should have shown in the manga, not in novels that nobody besides hardcore fans have read… 70% of Bleach lore is in the novels, especially Can’t Fear Your Own World, now the anime is adapting just the manga and leaving out the novels, so there is a lot of stuff that people will not understand, for example why the Soul King has his arms and legs cut off.

Tokinada Tsunayashiro is one of Bleach’s most important villains, probably more evil than Aizen and Yhwach themselves
and anime-onlies have never heard of him, which is… sad. Man, Can’t Feeel Your Own World being adapted into anime is a ESSENTIAL thing, Pierrot Films needs to wake the fuck up. They have adapted Naruto novels, so why not the ones from Bleach?

CFYOW isn't cannon, it's basically dragon ball gt / boruto. Only a few things were done by Kubo in the novels.
@Warlock1 It's actually confirmed canon.
Oct 26, 2024 6:29 PM

Apr 2022
i physically laughed out loud when all that was happening and the scene randomly cuts to orihime for a second just to say ''kurosaki-kun'' and ''ishida-kun'' xD classic.
Oct 26, 2024 6:51 PM

Mar 2015
Absolutely beautiful. I'm SO glad I lived long enough to end up seeing the "TYBW arc" be animated. The animation is flawless. Nostalgia floods through my mind WHEN or WHAT ever Bleach is a part of anything that it may be!

My VERY FIRST anime...It will forever be close to my heart. πŸ§‘πŸ–€
Oct 26, 2024 6:59 PM
Nov 2022
Reply to -Live
@StateofOhayo Tourists and bandwagonners honestly should've been gatekept from TYBW back in 2022. They have a very shallow understanding of Bleach and struggle follow its story and characters yet they still feel the need to express themselves, be it appreciation or "utter disappointment".

"also i'm just wondering why everyone is just standing around doing nothing" Did you even watch the episode or what? In the manga they were effectively sidelined while Ichigo and Uryu were clashing, here they WERE doing something even if it weren't much. What did you expect Orihime and co. to accomplish against nigh-godly characters who utterly outclass them by orders of magnitude? Rukia and Renji received royal training which put them on the level of a high-tier Sternritter. Orihime and co. knew damn well they weren't going into the Soul Palace to stand their ground against Yhwach's personal Schuztstaffel, but they went with Ichigo anyway because they're his friends and because of thematic reasons.

"Ichigo is half-assing" No shit he is. He's not trying to kill his friend, he's trying to understand him. After ~400 episodes you don't know what kind of character Ichigo is?
@-Live Ichigo not going full power against Yhwach can be said to be stupid and I understand the comment (and I mean old Ichigo was a bankai spammer so we are surprised he stopped doing it) but I just don't understand people who expect Ichigo to go Bankai and just murder Uryu, he just saw his friend betray him and he try to understand Uryu.
Bro Ichigo is eating so much revelation and shit since the beginning of cour 3, add a friend betrayal and he's lost of course he's not giving everything.

Anyway I wanted to say I'm happy about the animation, it's probably the second most well animated after episode 6 of cour 1, the whole episode is consistant and fluid, it's refreshing after cour 2 struggle in term of animation
Oct 26, 2024 7:01 PM

Dec 2016
I was not expecting Yhwach to acquire "that form" this early. So hype man.

So, next episode ... is it the Nanana scene? Where he actually does something, only to make us be "well nevermind then" after?
Oct 26, 2024 7:21 PM

Jul 2024
Don't ya just love flashbacks right in the middle of an intense fight? I loved seeing the boys fight, and Uryu showing off his own power up.
Born to shoujo, forced to shounen.

Oct 26, 2024 7:39 PM
Jun 2021
Ichigo and Uryu make a counterpoint in this episode, like Naruto and Sasuke, but Uryu is not a good rival for Icihgo, unlike Naruto and Sasuke.
Oct 26, 2024 7:41 PM
Jul 2021
God I'm loving the new changes so much. Such a pleasant surprise as a manga reader. Glad they're making the other guys at least try to do something against Ywach and the Sternritters (we all know it's futile) Chad just has to stop holding back and the show ends
And goddamm did they fuck up Yoruichi this ep
Oct 26, 2024 7:48 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Reply to TheBladeIsMe
ShadowkillZ said:
Nah... Uryu's betrayal to his own friends and especially Ichigo is quite idiotic if I do say so myself. BOTH of their mothers died due to Yhwach's auswählen and BOTH of their fathers are alive and well. Hell, they even know each other and are on the same line of work.
BlichoBoy said:
could say didn't have much going in this episode, being mostly Yhwach and Mimihagi doing some arm-wrestling, and Ichigo not checkmating Uryu twice.

Uryu:The Soul Reapers took everything from me. Uryu's mother that was killed by Yhwach plan: I'm a joke to you. Or anyone else: Your father is Quincy, and is living pretty well, from what looks like.
Can both of you remind me again who genocided the Quincies?

Also, objectively a lot DID happen in this episode if you have any idea what the context is. Yhwach and the Mimihagi were "arm-wrestling" for the linchpin of the universe, lol. Yhwach just absorbed the Soul King. The Shinigami have lost.

All of the questions I'm reading in this thread get answered in the story eventually. Just keep watching. Any writer worth their salt does not spoonfeed you narrative details immediately after it makes you ponder.

TheBladeIsMe said:
Can both of you remind me again who genocided the Quincies?

It's the Shinigami

You're welcome by the way 😎 I'll be happy if you have more questions about Bleach.
Oct 26, 2024 8:00 PM

May 2023
Reply to ShadowkillZ

TheBladeIsMe said:
Can both of you remind me again who genocided the Quincies?

It's the Shinigami

You're welcome by the way 😎 I'll be happy if you have more questions about Bleach.
@ShadowkillZ Well done. You live.

Oct 26, 2024 8:16 PM
Nov 2022
Reply to eXtripa69
I was not expecting Yhwach to acquire "that form" this early. So hype man.

So, next episode ... is it the Nanana scene? Where he actually does something, only to make us be "well nevermind then" after?
@eXtripa69 he's not dead ? I remember I saw Nanana on the pictures Kubo make for the dead character after the auchswalen
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Poll: » Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan Episode 14 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Dec 28, 2024

156 by bushman66 »»
Feb 27, 6:15 PM

Poll: » Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan Episode 13 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Softhenic03 - Dec 28, 2024

71 by bushman66 »»
Feb 27, 6:11 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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