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pludel2 Today, 5:43 AM
Yeah. Not to mention, rent going up every damn year. -_-

Ah, nah, I'm clinically mentally ill, lol. Been inpatient more than once in my life. It's just that any deviation from "normal" often ends up being pathologized, which is what I was trying to get at. Feeling good is, quite obviously, pleasant. But there's gotta be more to life than that. At least, that's the nagging thought I've always had, personally.

Wasn't judging, because it's totally understandable. XD

That makes DMT sound even more appealing, at least for trying to once, lol.
No wonder you have a tolerance, then. Well, whatever works, hah.

See, while that sounds like it'd be worth experiencing, I feel like I might do stupid shit in such a state. XD

I... actually get that. I don't know what your situation was, but that's how I felt when I separated from my ex a few years ago, lol.

My immediate family is small, but probably medium sized if one counts aunts, uncles, and first cousins. Family get togethers are always too loud, lol. How about yours?
pludel2 Jan 16, 7:23 PM
Yeah. It's just when I'm able to save up money, something always happens, lol.

Mentally ill. By my standards, not even so much the accepted standards, because it seems shit gets pathologized more and more as time goes on. Money can offer stability, while it lasts, but doesn't equate to happiness. Happiness, tbh, is overrated, anyway. Not trying to be edgy by saying that, it's just a feeling/mood, and they all are transitory.

That's very true. The thing is though... hedonistic pursuits eventually become hollow. Or maybe that's just my perspective.
It certainly is one of the mind-fucks of our time, lol. dissociation, taken to it's most extreme? Or even more intense than that?
Too much of a tolerance at this point?

True, I just don't know if I'd freak out doing it by myself, is all. XD

Ah, shit. Sorry to hear that man. Relationships ending can suck, especially the longer they were. Does it still feel weird to be single, then?
My Christmas was a pretty full day. New Years, all I did was to over to my brother's, lol.
pludel2 Jan 7, 7:44 AM
I mean, financially I'm fine, other than not having much of an emergency fund. Paycheck to paycheck, unfortunately. But I am fucked in the head, lol. I get what you're saying. I just have never been able to resign myself to the fact that's how it's gonna be.

I mean, that would make sense, in a way. Escapism from such a situation would be understandable, if I'm getting your point correctly. And that would be the conundrum. Not to mention, at that point the line dividing "reality" from "non-reality" would become increasingly ambiguous. Even moreso than it already is.

Cognitively I can understand what you're saying, but at the same time, have no conception of what that would feel like. XD I mean, I've eaten edibles, but I'm sure it's quite different, both in terms of magnitude and kind, lol.
Maybe. Would have to do it with someone I really trusted, though.

How'd your holidays go?
pludel2 Jan 5, 4:25 PM
You have a valid point. Yet, personally, simply being able to get by isn't validating enough. Just surviving seems like a...pointless struggle, for lack of better phrasing atm. I understand that may come off as whiny, or petulant. But I think about shit too much. Won't go into it more, because I don't wanna dump personal bs on you. Lol.

Yeah, being in a Matrix-style situation, and being aware of it, would have some extreme ramifications.

In a way, that's a good experience to have, maybe just the once. XD

Does it feel like ten minutes, though? Or is one's perspective of time effected by it? Psychedelics are definitely interesting, but I don't think I'll ever do any, let alone ones that last that long, hahahaha.

And Happy New Year!
pludel2 Dec 26, 2024 6:58 AM
It's just meaningless work, tbh. If I devoted the resources, I probably could.

It may not change in regard to the day-to-day, but could have some drastic existential consequences if we were in one, lol. entire lifecycle experienced in a dream? O_o That seems like it could have some serious mindfuck capabilities.
Did smoking it ever result in a bad trip?

And a belated Merry Christmas.
pludel2 Dec 18, 2024 7:16 PM
That makes sense. Our brains are like sponges when we're kids, so tinkering around with it for so long has probably helped, hah. Well, it's a certainly a good thing that it worked out. XD Challenges can be good, though. Meh, I just work in a warehouse. The result of poor decisions, lol.

It certainly could be a simulation, but it's impossible to prove or disprove. Just like when it comes to deities. I know a little about DMT, in that it's a powerful hallucinogen, and apparently what our brains release at death, which would explain a lot of near-death experiences (and stuff people experience right before they actually die). I had no idea it could be released under extreme duress or environmental situations, though.
Yeah, makes sense. Pros and cons, lol.
pludel2 Dec 10, 2024 6:35 AM
That...does seem a lot more complex than building a PC, hahahah. That's me, both with computers and vehicles, lol. It's a matter of devoting the time, I'd guess. I like having a collection, though. XD
How long did it take for you to get adept with technical stuff?

I've heard good things about Hitchhiker's. I think it was on the news at some point, but whether it was genuine or some tactic of misdirection, beats the hell out of me. Not to be stereotypical, but I have a general skeptic mindset, especially when it comes to government and news outlets, lol. You have a gov' job, eh? Hope it's one of the ones with good benefits. XD That's a valid point, about them not being tied to extraterrestrials.
$500 is expensive, comparatively speaking, even though some are ridiculously expensive. But hopefully that price range means it's good enough to last awhile. Everything is getting more expensive, and wages never keep up with inflation, lol. And the quality isn't as good, often. Which ties in to the point in previous comments.
pludel2 Dec 3, 2024 7:10 AM
I mean, I know they can be addictive, in a way. Easy? That seems...unlikely, lol. Is it more about it being time-consuming than difficulty, then?
Gotcha. It's kind of odd how expensive some older stuff is. I have a PS2 game that's worth (on average) at least double what it cost when it came out. XD

That probably would make an amazing sci-fi book. xD Semi-related (and I haven't read/watched anything on it in awhile), but it's weird that gov' personnel are coming out and saying UFOs and shit are real, hahahah.
Do the wireless chargers last awhile? It probably doesn't help I always buy cheaper phones. If I had $1,000+ to drop on a phone, I'd just get a PC. Still don't quite understand people buying such expensive phones, but maybe my head is just stuck in the past, lol.
pludel2 Nov 28, 2024 6:13 AM
Damn, man, that's a lot of hours. XD My brother put a lot into it, too. You built one that young? Envious, lol. Maybe I'll look around for one, then. I've never done any of the homebrew stuff before.

If aliens think our planet is even worth the time.
It's kinda sad. I mean, it's not even like a lot of stuff is cheap, per se, even though they aren't built to last. Sometimes it seems cheap when one buys something, but having to buy a replacement a couple/few years down the road kind of kills whatever money one saved on the first thing. Phones are another good example. My last phone last two years before it wouldn't charge anymore, because the charging port was fucked. Where I had some before that lasted a few years. And old flip-phones would last a long time.

Everyone has their vices. : p I'm sure it can be great at times, just seems insular.
pludel2 Nov 26, 2024 7:39 PM
I've actually played Skyrim, and it's engrossing for awhile, but then...I get bored. Lol.
At least the newer ones are worth playing, then. How long have you been PC gaming?
Nah, I don't have a 3DS. The only handhelds I have are a PSP, GBC, and GBA.

It's a good thing to be able to do, both occupationally and personally. Especially since most things run on computers nowadays. It's actually kind of mind-boggling, in a way. All it would take to seriously fuck up how the world works are some large-scale EMPs. XD
I get what you're saying. It's not even solely with computers nowadays. It seems like everything is made to be disposed of, instead of fixed (TVs, and to an extent appliances, come to mind).
Yeah, that would be a lot of time just to donate them.

I miss forums, although I was only ever active on a few. Other than when it comes up in search results, I've never used reddit. I've heard it can be rather... unpleasant, lol.
pludel2 Nov 25, 2024 7:32 AM
Sounds interesting, then. I never finished a Zelda game, lol. It definitely is one of the most vast open-worlds, which I know is part of the appeal. It got too open for me at times, tbh. I didn't even know until recently that they still make Paper Mario games. The original for the N64 was an all-time favorite when I was a kid. The only other one I've played (and still have) is Thousand Year Door for GC. Is the Switch the only handheld around anymore? Nah, I haven't played those, but it'd be something to check out. I actually just bought the PS1 FFV+VI bundle this year, because I never played them growing up (haven't played III or IV, either). Gotta get around to it, hah.

Ah, so you're definitely tech-savvy, then, hah. How old are we talking, for the ones that get tossed? Could a Linux OS be installed on them? That's pretty cheap for Viz, tbh. I might start reading Gantz on my lunch break at work, hah. Better than just killing time with other stuff.

For the cataloging purpose, it does seem like it's still good. And I'm glad it still has comments, in addition to PMs. I wish there were still sites like this everywhere. I haven't used it in a decade, but apparently Crunchyroll got rid of comments, and limited profile customization at some point, which seems ridiculous.
pludel2 Nov 24, 2024 8:00 AM
I've heard good things about that game, but haven't played it myself. Skyrim can be fun. I'm mostly an RPG guy. FFX, Persona 3, and Dragon Age: Origins are some all-time faves. .hack too, but the gameplay isn't the best, tbh. The lore, and all the connected media is what has always made it one of my favorites. Haven't played as many new games in years, unfortunately.

Ah, I got ya. CLAMP usually puts out good stuff, though. I have a couple, but they're both pretty old and slow, lol. Just use them to torrent at this point. That's... actually a really good format for reading on the phone, thanks man. I appreciate it. ^^. Does Viz require a subscription or anything?

Ah, I get ya. It was like that when I was in elementary school, and a little in junior high, but not so much after. The 'net certainly did help with popularizing it. And at least in the late 2000's, was the only place I could find a lot of people that were fans , as well. Tbh, glad sites like MAL are still around. Some of the smaller sites I used to use are long gone.
pludel2 Nov 23, 2024 7:40 AM
I didn't know it was created by an artist; probably why the aesthetic was so appealing. What are some of your other favorite games?

Yūko was a great character, and I was glad we got her backstory in Melodies. xxxHolic is another series I've been meaning to see for decades now, lol. I take it it's definitely worth watching/reading?

That makes sense. I have the first couple volumes, tbh, but manga isn't cheap, especially for a more than a dozen volumes. Scanlations are nice, but I'd have to use a PC, because reading it on my phone is awkward. I'll have to check it out sometime, though. At least the movie was good, lol.

Also, I see we're about the same age (I was born in June, '92). This may be a random question, but does it seem odd to you how popular anime/manga has become? I mean, it was kind of mainstream growing up, but in the 2000's, people still would get made fun of sometimes for it, lol.

Thanks for the friend request, btw. ^^
pludel2 Nov 21, 2024 7:15 PM
It really is a cool art style. I do have a PS4, and maybe I'll check it out sometime. Pretty sure I rented it in junior high, so it's worth another shot after all this time, lol.

Memories was good, but there was just some about Melodies that made it great.

Also, I see Gantz is in your favorite manga. Is the manga a lot better than the anime adaptation? I just finished the first half, after finally getting around to it after all these years, and it was rather disappointing. = /
pludel2 Nov 20, 2024 7:01 PM
You're welcome. The others are good, too. Tbh, I never finished Shadow of the Colossus, but was still cool.

Yeah, most of the ones in my faves are series I've watched a lot over the years, so none of them are new (haven't seen many that have come out in the past seven years, anyway). Melodies is great, glad to meet someone else who thinks so. ^^

Hope things are well with you.
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