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Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Movie -Rebellion-
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Jan 12, 2021 7:52 AM

Jul 2020
I don't know where to post this but I was checking the stats for Rebellion and found a huge number of bots with same favorites spamming this movie with 1. All of them have AOT and Eren in their favorite.

Bot accounts: (same date joined, same favorite list, and their anime/manga list is set to private)

I'm a huge fan of AOT but this is really annoying... I have no idea why they would try to downvote this movie when it's not even in MAL's top 100 lmao.
CrowGRJan 12, 2021 9:24 AM
Jan 25, 2021 8:11 PM
Oct 2019
Finally got around to watching this film... just incredible. Totally get why it wouldn’t be for some people, but it blew me away.
Feb 7, 2021 8:50 PM
Jan 2021
Spoilers for movie and TV show follow:

I just saw this, wanted to give my feedback, mostly for myself to look back on sometime if I decide to watch this again in the future. But overall, my impression was the entire movie is built around solving a problem that exists only for the movie to solve it. At the end of the show there was no pressing cliffhanger or indication the incubators were interested in researching the new Madoka phenomenon of witches not appearing. Kyuubey listened to Homura's story and found the prospect curious but also said there is no evidence for it and her memories are not reliable. After as much trouble as they had put her through, I don't think she would have volunteered that information if she thought the incubators were a risk to Madoka. I don't think originally they wrote this scene to be a lead in to a sequel, but just a way to succinctly show the viewer just how different the new world had become, and I thought it was very effective. That it eventually became an excuse for the central problem of the movie I think is doing a disservice to that scene as it was originally intended.

Furthermore, I don't think the incubators are even capable of stopping or harnessing Madoka even if they wanted to. Her wish was to save all the magical girls from past to future. Unless I am mis-remebering a quote, to me it implied the future was secured and it was a guarantee that all future girls would be saved from turning into witches because Madoka is now a being that transcends time and can exist in all places, times, and universes at once. So in a sense, the future has already happened and the meddling of an incubator in 2013 is not going to change that. Plus, it has not been shown the incubators are able to grant themselves wishes or use their immense miracle powers to achieve their own goals. They need to use a girl's own latent potential magic energy to make the wish come true. Kyuubey said in episode 12 that due to Madoka's unprecedented power levels anything she wished for was attainable, implying for most girls there are limits to the scope of the wish that can be granted, meaning an incubator is not all-powerful on its own. To be able to surpass Madoka's new universal laws they would have to first find another girl with power equal to her greater than Madoka's, I would think.

But even assuming incubators are somehow able to do that, the idea that they built a seal around Homura to study the witch phenomenon doesn't make a lot of sense. Kyuubey specifically says "We wanted to know what would happen to a Soul Gem when it was cut off from the phenomenon that you magical girls call the Law of the Cycle." How can they build a device to keep Madoka out when they don't know she exists and have no proof of it? It's like saying you don't have any proof ghosts are real, but you've built a working box to trap ghosts already. It is impossible to develop such a technology based on nothing. There is no data to work from. Madoka eventually got in anyway due to the "invitation" loophole, but that doesn't negate the fact the barrier still kept her from cleansing Homura the normal way before that. It's like the incubators just broke a law of physics and got away with it. Even though it's a very interesting concept that the incubators are trying to learn about and possibly manipulate Madoka, I don't see how it makes any sense in the way it was explained. Just as a footnote, I thought it a little out of character for Kyuubey to imprison Homura like that. In the show he always acted with consent and the agreement he made with the girl was a contract. Here he just captures her and experiments on her against her will. Seemed odd, especially after the end of episode 12 as he and Homura seemed to be on good terms.

I don't even know what to say about the twist, how Homura suddenly has the power to overthrow a god, pull apart her humanity, and then create a new universe. That is just so out of left field with no set up it's just absurd. I saw someone say the continual time loops powered her up as well as Madoka, but in the show that isn't shown to be the case at all. Even on her final loop she could not even put a dent in the Walpurgis. She lasted longer each time because of learning from her failures and being more prepared, but in terms of her own power she was helpless. Whereas Madoka took it out in one hit. Yet now we're to believe Homura is also that powerful, or even moreso? Maybe she tapped into Madoka's power when they touched? Okay, possibly, the movie didn't really hint at that, but even if so she said she only took Madoka's humanity (and presumably left her deity powers alone) so that doesn't add up either. I can only guess it had something to do with her temporarily becoming a witch, but regardless, even in witch form I don't see how she would become powerful enough to overrule Madoka immense power. However it happened, I think I'd be fine with it if it wasn't for the whole "let's re-create the universe AGAIN" angle. One time was fine, it had a point and made an impact, but now it just is becoming silly. Unless Madoka's universe was really left intact and they are all now living in another self contained witch labyrinth like at the start, but it was fairly unclear if that's the case. Kyuubey just says "the world is being rewritten" as color patterns float around galaxies. Someone said Homura's witch barrier extended out to engulf the entire universe. It sounds absolutely absurd how she is THIS powerful, but I guess that was the implication of what happened. Just saying it was due to "love" isn't going to cut it as an excuse.

Nevermind the fact that it is even possible for Madoka to have her humanity split from her divinity, when in the show it was made clear she can't exist in both forms. But now she can... just because Homura wills it? There was not any foreshadowing for how such things can happen. They just do and the movie keeps going without explaining it, which is contrary to how the show worked. My first time watching it, the entire first 10 episodes I thought Madoka was just going to be powerful "because she's the main character" and leave it at that. Then episode 11 caught me so off guard when it explained WHY she became so powerful with a reason that made sense. I really had to give the show credit for that, in that it always made a point to justify how things happened and didn't just fall back on the "well, because it's anime, don't worry about it" excuse. I just find the whole "Madoka is a human again" angle cheapens the sacrifice she made in the show. Like, oh, it's that easy to just undo it? Well what was all the buildup for then? You know? The best part of the original ending was the post credits scene with Homura about to take down some wraiths and you could hear Madoka's voice telling her to hang in there, and then she smiled. She wasn't there physically, but she was still always with her friends. It was inspirational and encouraging.

I can understand how Homura feels, and I think they did an alright job explaining that within the movie (though it does still seem to contradict the show's ending where she came to terms with it). Halfway through the film she's fed up with the incubators and can't risk Madoka being taken by them in the future, but regardless, I don't like how the ending leaves it as now Madoka and Homura are basically two warring gods destined to fight. My problem is not even that they're "enemies" now, it's that the power levels are so absurdly high, with universes being destroyed, re-created, destroyed and rewritten, it's just too much. My suspension of disbelief can only go so far and now it's like some Marvel or DC comic book with how out of control powerful everyone is. What's next, Sayaka graduates from being Madoka's assistant and also becomes a god? Seems like the foundation for that was laid. Maybe Bebe too? (Not even getting into the idea that all powerful Madoka even NEEDS assistants in her job, but whatever). It's gonna be an all out war of gods flinging suns at each other at the rate it's going, I fear. I think ultimately my issue is there are no clearly defined rules. The TV series had boundaries for what was and wasn't possible. And even the one time the impossible became possible (Madoka's wish) it was very carefully setup how that exception could occur. But here it seems like anything goes as long as the plot needs it to and they handwave away any inconsistencies by saying "love" caused it.

I think the movie had some good concepts, especially looking at it as a religion parallel, but the actual outcomes were not properly set up, explained, or had a good pay off. I could excuse the ambiguous ending if it looked like it would be concluded in a final movie, but it's been 7 years so I doubt that's happening. And as I understand it, the main writer left the project permanently after this so whoever does a sequel (if there ever is one), will be someone new, so we're not getting a conclusion to the author's vision, it'll just be made up as they go along now. So basically it is fanfic at that point. I guess even that would be acceptable if they could make some sense of this ending, or at least provide justification for how it came to be this way.

I guess that's all I had to say. I don't want to start a debate, I just wanted to sort my feelings out on the movie after just seeing it. I don't know if any of those points will be addressed in the future. Hopefully if they are I'll come to like this movie but as it stands it feels like part two of a trilogy that is probably never going to finish. I think the TV show's conclusion was more than satisfactory and was the best place to stop. It gave weight to Madoka's sacrifice and there was a real sadness to it even though the existence of all the other magical girls was improved by it. There was a positive aspect despite the sadness and left you feeling with a glimmer of hope. Now as it stands she's trapped prisoner in this fantasy world she doesn't even know isn't real and it's like all her character growth from the show was discarded since she's back to how she was in episode one. I really can't understand how they considered this franchise finished with this. It feels like a series reboot that is just getting started.
Feb 8, 2021 9:44 PM

Jan 2021
Wow. This movie made me hella depressed. Still, it’s my favorite movie of all time, and I plan to rewatch in a few days. I feel like I didn’t catch everything the movie was throwing at me.
under”Mebius” is my salvation

Feb 22, 2021 6:27 AM

Aug 2020
what the hell???? what what what what what

and I thought the original ending was already confusing. I acknowledge that there are some subtle things here but I just can't comprehend it. I'm like so confused. What's the point of this... what
Mar 12, 2021 7:28 AM

Dec 2020
Just what the person above me said the point of movie was kind of pointless. It has its moments but not much enjoyable for me to call it masterpiece.
Last 10-15 minutes of movie could be summed as yin-yang plus homura doing asspull?
Still solid movie.
Edit: why if you think it's pointless?
First, even though homura does fulfill her wish, she does the wrong in the rightest way possible. Second, incubator no longer can use magical girls to brake law of cycle. Kyubei deserve what homura did to it, props to her.
Balance is a central theme to the series, though it's normally the balance between hope and despair. With Madoka and Homura it's a balance between unconditional love for everyone and a selfish love for an individual.
Cheer_LeaderMar 18, 2021 4:17 PM
May 5, 2021 4:01 AM
Mar 2018
im fucking confused. wtf just happened
May 5, 2021 6:01 AM

Jan 2014
Do you ever get the single piece but miss the whole point? That just happened with me watching this movie, for the second time...
Jun 18, 2021 11:25 AM

Jul 2014
This didn't need to exist, but it works better than it should and I'm glad it does. While not of what happens at the tail end of the film feels kinda out of left field everything motivating it tracks and feels justifiably in character. Not to mention the overall presentation is simply dazzling.
Take care of yourself

Jul 22, 2021 11:38 PM

Aug 2018
Good show and I’m anxious to know where the next movie takes it.
Jul 26, 2021 1:02 AM

Jan 2017
There was a lot to take in from this movie, while I cant say this ending's is as satisfactory as the original TV anime, I fully understand Homura's motives and how Madoka being a god for Magical girls is the worst possible ending for her

The first half was fine with the twist of Homura trapped in her delusional world, Shaft did great again with Homura's Witch form. The second half though, didn't expect Homura to easily tore apart Madoka's divinehood. Seeing as she cant defeat the Walpurgisnacht after so many loops, seeing her basically remaking the whole world is I dunno... BS power up? I get that the duo's shared happiness will never be obtainable but not sure if this is the way to go

This could be concluded as an overall good ending since Kyubey is now subjected to Homura's whims instead of the reverse
Aug 1, 2021 8:56 PM

Mar 2020
Okay i was not a fan of the series but this movie was just amazing... I loved how homura changed and everything, plus artisticly it was great as well and the directing was hella good. Looking forward to the sequel for now
Sep 28, 2021 8:02 AM
Aug 2018
NoradTwo said:
If you want to cry buckets, watch Madoka Magica: The Series.

If you want to trip animated balls, watch Madoka Magica: Rebellion.

Totally agree with your post.
Oct 22, 2021 6:15 PM

Apr 2021
Epic mix of candy, tears and crack
Nov 5, 2021 1:34 AM

Jul 2016
i was bored by the first half, mostly was just admiring the kooky animation and art. the second half was better, think it peaked for me when kyuubey was talking to homura, then homura told him to shut up and etcetera. i know madoka and akemi are friends and all, but these two (expletive) give off star-crossed/dark and light lesbian vibes... good for them. i give this a 7, i gave the series a 9. i don't think it was needed and if someone asked if i'd want to watch it again with them, i'd pass. the most curious thing is that a new "fourth" movie is coming out which has been announced this year for mahou shoujo madoka magica. apparently, it had already been planned out since 2014 and i'd assume it continues from this movie's ending. but you're going to continue this? really? you're going to continue this? i guess i'm gonna get mindfcked again...

lol kyuubey at the end of the credits. i actually like kyuubey. didn't feel sympathy because it itself doesn't feel sympathy. still, wanted to pick it up since it looked like a drenched dog.
Dec 15, 2021 6:04 AM
Apr 2018
I have to confess, I did have my doubt at the beginning about this movie. I was afraid it would go nowhere. However, my expectation turned out to be wrong, and for that I'm glad.

Second of all, fuck Kyubey. The bastard deserves everything that happens to him in this movie.

As to Homura however, I'm conflicted. I did think that her action was selfish, but I couldn't bring myself to blame her either. It's only natural for her to feel and act that. Put me in her shoes, and I doubt I would have done differently.

At this stage, I hope that there will be a satisfying resolution in the upcoming movie. Urobutcher, please don't let me down.
Jan 3, 2022 8:53 AM
Jul 2018
this wasn't that bad but man it was boring af
Jan 6, 2022 11:48 AM

Dec 2012
Mami oppai.
Madoka wakes up.
Hitomi's schedule doesnt match with Kyosuke.
Mami oppai in that outfit.

And that was the end. Bad ending. A nice change of pace. Not all endings need to be good.

Watch date: 5/2020
RobJan 6, 2022 12:10 PM
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Jan 18, 2022 4:04 AM

Jan 2018
Just rewatched for the first time in a long while, and after some deliberating I think it's safe for me to finally place this movie in the masterpiece category. It's the sequel I didn't know this series needed (though you'd still have a fine story without it) tying up the only loose end in the show. I couldn't have fathomed how they'd justify a follow up, but this character study of Homura Akemi changed the way I saw the series as a whole giving me a new perspective to view it from.

All around, gg to Magia Quartet and everyone else involved.
The visuals still hold up beautifully as well.
KaioshinXLIIJan 19, 2022 6:31 PM
Being critical doesn't mean you have good taste.
Apr 17, 2022 4:48 PM

Aug 2014
I liked the mystery of the movie, especially in the first half. I also liked the pacing more in this movie than in the anime.

However, this movie kinda retcon the 12-episodes anime, especially with how Homura was re-written in the final 20 minutes.

Overall, this movie feels like it was done to milk the Madoka franchise, especially with the new movie coming out sometime this year or next year.

With that said, I am looking forward for a movie with Homura as a demon-villain.
oooo3333Apr 17, 2022 4:53 PM
Apr 19, 2022 4:10 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Well, it was a pretty good movie.

Kyuubey taking a bath was adorable, hehe. ^^

SerafosApr 26, 2022 4:37 AM
May 15, 2022 5:30 AM

Sep 2018
Hmm, really not sure how I feel about that twist... Almost feels like it was solely done to continuing milking the series further. These actions out of "Love" she believes, Akemi turning into the dere straight I despise the most. Though I guess your mental state wouldn't be greatest after going through so much lol.... Anyway, phenomenal film as always, 9/10.

Kind of seems pointless in the end, because I firmly believe Madoka and her friends will snap Homura out of it in the end.... maybe.
Jun 11, 2022 11:27 AM
Nov 2020
I don’t understand half of this movie lol
Aug 21, 2022 3:44 PM
May 2021
This movie was really great
Aug 21, 2022 11:18 PM
May 2021
And Homura is kinda hot
Sep 25, 2022 6:30 PM

May 2019
Rob said:
Mami oppai.
Madoka wakes up.
Hitomi's schedule doesnt match with Kyosuke.
Mami oppai in that outfit.

And that was the end. Bad ending. A nice change of pace. Not all endings need to be good.

Watch date: 5/2020

lol great description by the original Rob

Now we keep waiting for the actual "good end" the next movie predictably will provide

Rob7Sep 25, 2022 6:33 PM
Sep 25, 2022 7:58 PM

Apr 2022
What the fuck just happened?!?
Nov 13, 2022 5:15 PM
May 2022
It changed me as a person
Jan 14, 2023 1:27 PM

Feb 2016
I didn't know it was possible for such a bad series to spawn such a great movie.
Feb 15, 2023 9:50 AM

Mar 2019
I liked it, it was like Madoka Magica's End of Evangelion. I'm still a little confused about the ending though. But all in all, I think it was a great movie.
Apr 15, 2023 8:17 AM
May 2020
Where can you even watch this legally? Or buy a digital copy?
Jun 15, 2023 10:33 PM
Apr 2021
Beautiful, amazing, I'm crying
Jun 24, 2023 5:08 PM
Mar 2023
This movie made me question about my mental sanity, it made me think, its better live a life of illusions don't knowing it fake or live a life that everything is real, but bad? Or even a world that is fake but now its real? I hated this anime because of that.
Sep 11, 2023 8:23 AM
Dec 2022
it was so cool but we didnt get all the answers
Sep 17, 2023 10:32 PM

Aug 2020
Incredible movie, really loved the direction it took with the world adjusting to Madoka's sacrifice and
. Plays well into the recurring themes of fate and destiny throughout the original series. The movie was clearly meant as a setup for future stories though with Homura's
, which makes it all the more confusing that the studio waited over a decade to even announce a release date for it. Either way, looking forward to its release next year.
Watch Gunsmith Cats!!!!
Sep 22, 2023 1:17 PM
Feb 2022
masterpiece of all time SHAFT LOVE YA
Oct 14, 2023 6:48 PM

Aug 2020
A masterpiece? Can't really say it now. I just finished this movie, and the credits are rolling here. Interesting plot, surprising ending... The fourth movie will release next year, so I'm looking forward to it. Nice to watch a movie that will have a following work soon.

Also, this is my #600 completed anime here. Great.

Mar 31, 2024 1:09 PM

May 2021
I don’t have words to explain what just happened
So many twists near the end
Gonna have to go find an explanation
Inhales oxygen
Mar 31, 2024 5:07 PM
Feb 2022
not that i understood what i just watched, because i totally didn't, but this felt pretty disappointing and underwhelming. i scored the tv series a 10 and called it a masterpiece. tough act to follow i guess ( if you follow that train), but this movie went way too far with what made it amazing, and left it feeling kinda meh and character attachment dissociative. 8/10 only cuz im not sure how to score it lower than others in that range
Apr 10, 2024 2:00 AM
Oct 2019
a insult for the fan of madoka
Apr 17, 2024 7:10 AM

Apr 2015
What the actual, That was an insane plot twist and I wasn't expecting that. So from my understanding, Homura basically wanted Madoka to be free of the endless suffering as a concept of the Law of the cycle so she plucked away Madoka's powers and took them upon herself so as to balance the equilibrium. In the process, she does end up saving Madoka and everyone else but the way she did it was a bit jarring to say the least. I think what she did was out of love for Madoka but this goes against Madoka's whole selfless character.
I won't go so far as to say that Homura is evil, but it's more like she to take on that role because presumably the incubators are still there, and if Madoka lost the power it would have been wasted so instead so shouldered the power and responsibility on herself, while calling herself Evil. More like a necessary evil I think. But that's just my take, Hopefully it'll all be cleared in the next movie.
May 1, 2024 5:57 PM
Oct 2022
Rough beginning, but oh the finale!
May 10, 2024 2:04 AM

May 2020
This movie is a peak movie of the series. Really awesome concept and intertaining. Sadly, transform animation are overreaction. The story good and Homura side also really good. Point plus for the animation, Shaft really did a great job. Now Homura try to play with god and being a devil. If this get sequel, should a big match between god vs devil, Homura vs Kaname. Thought that will never happened only if they make another insane plot twist. I wasn't expecting that for the last sequence. Really enjoyable for real.
Jun 6, 2024 8:06 PM

Dec 2022
Another pretty looking movie with no real substance or cohesion behind it. Why do I keep encountering these?

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Jun 23, 2024 1:12 AM
Jun 2020
What's with all these whinings? What's so hard to understand?
Aug 5, 2024 2:35 PM

Jan 2018
The more time passes, the more this movie solidifies its GOAT status.
Being critical doesn't mean you have good taste.
Aug 23, 2024 3:01 AM

Nov 2022
I consider the Rebellion's genre as musical.

The musical suit is unbelievably perfect from the beginning to the very end...
Oct 30, 2024 9:38 PM
Dec 2016
The story is bad but the fight Mami vs Homura is one of the best fight scene have seen in my life.
Dec 5, 2024 1:54 PM

Jan 2020
400th anime milestone!

Now for the movie as such, Shaft doing a great job as always, but for the story itself... Oh dear, it's the "confusing movie sequel of philosophical anime" attacking again. Now, I understand Homura's intentions because... well... being trapped in a time loop for years would obviously leave considerable psychological sequels to the point of being excessively obsessed with Madoka and turning into a villain in the process.

Jan 11, 10:37 AM
Jul 2024
a bit confusing on the first watch, but makes sense if you think about the homuras desires and the way the world works in pmmm
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