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Oct 1, 2023 4:00 AM

Jul 2017
AT-X advance broadcast of Episodes 1-3.

Even as the third son, Minato still hasn't got life together, which other than being jealous of calling his own older brother Mikoto Senpai, and Hayato bringing his lunch. The problem with Minato and Mikoto being that they're just separated by 11 months being in the same age and grade, most of the family attention has to be affixed on the younger brother because of his health issues. It's safe to say that the relationship between the younger Minato and the older Mikoto is not the best, which barring their sibling fights, if only Mikoto was born younger than Minato, then he would be able to take care of him. His father giving him a toy robot, which bars as their only secret.

Minato knows that Mikoto is hiding the toy robot, which the latter tries to take it away from him, and it broke. To Mikoto, this was his breaking point that he hated Minato and wished he hadn't been born. Hayato, the high school atudent at the time, notices Mikoto sitting on the swing, lamenting that he can't take care of Minato the same way that Hayato did for him. But Hayato reassures that while Mikoto learns faster than Minato, the latter is looking up to his older brother, wanting to be like him. Accompanying him home, Mikoto apologized to Minato for his actions, though the latter does the same because he could not fix the toy robot for the former. Thereby, the older brother teaching the younger brother, and both have come to love each other to this very day.

Mikoto simply idolizes his younger brother Minato like a god. The sibling rivalry hits hard.
KANLen09Oct 12, 2023 10:00 AM
Oct 12, 2023 9:35 AM
Sep 2015
It can be scary sometimes, but everything's gonna be daijobu.
Oct 12, 2023 9:52 AM

Mar 2021
It was nice to Mikoto and Minato make peace in the end and support each other
Oct 12, 2023 9:59 AM
Jan 2023
This ep is so wholesome, but I miss cute Gakuto as well.
Being a big brother in that age is hard for Mikoto for sure, but he's going through it very well that he becomes what he is today.
I like it that they describe Mikoto's inner emotion in that style of drawing, the anger, jealousy as well as the joy and happiness.
Oct 12, 2023 9:59 AM
Aug 2021
This show really nailed the complicated feelings between siblings. I love it so far.
Oct 12, 2023 10:29 AM
Jul 2016
erikkamirsOct 12, 2023 10:32 AM
Oct 12, 2023 11:49 AM
Jul 2023
“If wholesome, why the heart hurts?”
Oct 12, 2023 12:24 PM
May 2019
I couldn't stop smiling at the end. Minato coming to the realization of how Mikoto is his little brother is so beautiful, and I adore how cute both Minato and Mikoto are. I don't even want to imagine how much their relationship would have soured without Hayato's guidance.
Oct 12, 2023 12:56 PM
May 2017

Excellent episode!
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Oct 12, 2023 2:10 PM

Nov 2016
As someone with a little brother close my age this was pretty relateable. Beautiful flashback episode.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 12, 2023 5:26 PM

Aug 2020
this was a beautiful episode, i really enjoyed this one.

i have brothers and i can really understand them
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just have a look, you won't regret it...

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Oct 12, 2023 6:18 PM

Sep 2018
They got the whole drama and complexes on point, I have a younger Brother by about 3.5 years, but most of the loathing came later on (early teens), not so early in life. There must have been a period of a couple years where we barely talked and we would get annoyed just making eye contact with each other XD. Sure, there would be instances where we somehow managed to get along back then, but it would quickly turn foul again.
Oct 12, 2023 9:19 PM
May 2021
such a cute episode. definitely going to be a favorite of mine this season if all the episodes are like this. im absolutely living for the sweet family content. i need more shows like this
My 2023 candies:
Oct 12, 2023 9:36 PM
May 2016
Man, I know this is supposed to be cute and all that, but I couldn't help being annoyed at how lousy the parents were at, well, parenting. Father wasn't even in the picture at all, and even the mother, who did appear, was there mostly to completely neglect Mikoto's needs, emotional or otherwise. It's understandable that Minato would need more attention, being younger, having a fragile health and possibly trouble keeping up with his peers (he certainly struggles to keep up with Mikoto; plus, that they're the same school year means Mikoto is one of the oldest in his class and Minato is one of the youngest, and that CAN make a huge difference, especially in younger classes), but she failed to even find out that he'd hit his head! Not to mention that yes, Mikoto is the older of the two, but he was still a child and, frankly, not even that much older than Minato, his needs weren't THAT different! Hayato was more a parent to him than his own parents...
Oct 12, 2023 9:50 PM

Feb 2019
Genuinely beautiful episode. Couldn’t help but get emotional at several points. This really captured the dynamic between siblings who are close in age so well. It’s a shame this show is going so under the radar because it is a truly heartwarming watch.

Seeing Minato slowly embrace his role as Mikoto’s older brother and realising that his little brother is just a spoiled brat was so nice. I was kind of similar with my nephew who I’m close in age to.

I think a lot of people with close knit families and siblings will have seen themselves in this episode. Especially when Minato got a new toy only to have Mikoto ruin it. I know that was for sure me with my brother lmao. That’s why we had to get separate consoles

I really like this show a lot, such a cute watch and the boys all seem to have their own quirks. Minato is becoming a lot more like Hayato as well!
Oct 12, 2023 9:57 PM
Jan 2023
It's so realistic, as if I had experienced that situation myself. This is definitely going to be the best slice of life this season, sadly its overshadowed by other animes.
Oct 13, 2023 1:28 AM
Jul 2021
Baby Jesus on a ffuking cracker! The older bro, you have to take him to the hospital bro! No but or if's. Such a bang to the back of the head can be very dangerous. Baby Jesus.
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣
Oct 13, 2023 1:49 AM

Jan 2021
What a touching episode :") I almost cried when Mikoto exploded and said those cruel words to Minato.. since the beginning I've felt that there would definitely be a moment where Mikoto got angry and raged because of their age gap, he had to become an older brother when he should still be enjoying his time as the youngest.. I'm honestly still annoyed that their mother didn't listen to Mikoto's explanation first and immediately scolded him, when Mikoto had always given in for Minato's sake.. heeeem :")) it must be hard to be the middle child, right, Mikoto? That's okay, you're cool and it's great that you can be a little brother and a big brother at the same time from a very young age! ♡

So far, I like how the story can portray well what it's like to have a sibling. Hayato is a good big brother, and I think he can be a good big brother because he has felt so much love and care for 12 years that he can give as much love to Mikoto as he received during those years... anyway, thank you for being there for Mikoto at a tough time for him and being a big brother that Mikoto can rely on and look up to, Hayato~ I love you for that.

No Gaku-chan in this episode T___T not even a glimpse, he is my favorite :( I can imagine Minato's feelings when Gakuto was born hahaha, he must be very happy because he can be a big brother aka being in the same position as Mikoto, hahaha.

"I also know, the more prickly he is.. the more I know how much he likes me" alright... the perfect life partner material is here :'3

Oct 13, 2023 5:02 AM
Mar 2020
Hinata_Plusle said:
Man, I know this is supposed to be cute and all that, but I couldn't help being annoyed at how lousy the parents were at, well, parenting. Father wasn't even in the picture at all, and even the mother, who did appear, was there mostly to completely neglect Mikoto's needs, emotional or otherwise. It's understandable that Minato would need more attention, being younger, having a fragile health and possibly trouble keeping up with his peers (he certainly struggles to keep up with Mikoto; plus, that they're the same school year means Mikoto is one of the oldest in his class and Minato is one of the youngest, and that CAN make a huge difference, especially in younger classes), but she failed to even find out that he'd hit his head! Not to mention that yes, Mikoto is the older of the two, but he was still a child and, frankly, not even that much older than Minato, his needs weren't THAT different! Hayato was more a parent to him than his own parents...

I thought I was the only one. This episode made me hate Minato tbh but halfway through I realised that most of the issues are with the parents
Oct 13, 2023 6:04 AM

Jun 2021
Their situation is very realistic. People who have siblings could relate.
Oct 13, 2023 6:11 AM
Oct 2023
I genuinely find this episode annoying. Like fr? Not even an apology from Minato? No repercussions? I know it's stemmed from their parents but damn. What can we expect from a mother who didn't even ask where Mikoto was when he got home late after running out of the house all by himself afterall. And where was the father?

I know it must be hectic as a mother with 3 children but god, I guess middle child will always be neglected by parents even in slice of life anime.
Oct 13, 2023 7:49 AM
Feb 2015
The Journey to the West comparison made me chuckle ahahahahah

MVP was definitely not the mum tho I can understand how things would be in their childhood context, a busy mother that has to tend with three kids and a husband especially with the youngest being more prioritized especially that he has more health issues but I feel like it's a common problem for this sorta tension to happen and the middle kid doesn't feel as much love to the point something big happens and the parent will say something like what in the heckie is wrong with you you're supposed to be the older sibling whereas said kid doesn't even have that kinda thought process because he's still a kid.
It's complicated tho when family situations are like this and it's nice how realistic this episode portrays that sorta aspect. Reminds me how my older sister (one and a half years older) had times when she was jealous of me too very long time ago. It didn't help the fact that like she's female and I'm male plus my family are pretty traditional Chinese so they always have more bias to the male son rather than the female daughter.
My sis and I didn't have too good of a relationship too in our past, she'd normally call to me from her bedroom and ask me to get something for her and I think I told her I felt like her slave at one point. There was a time I'll never forget when we got into a fight and she threw a dictionary at me which luckily missed, but then she threw a pencil case which hit me and made me cry. I think after that instance we just kinda stopped going at it.
Nowadays tho being in our late 20's we respect each other a lot and go through sorrow together after we realized how toxic the majority of other people around us in our family are ahahahahhahahah

I feel like the whole premise of this episode with their childhood seemed familiar, I'm pretty sure I've seen it in another anime as well that had siblings too tho I can't remember at the top of my head ahahahah

I kept thinking too like I swear there was one other child as well, but then forgot Gakuto is the youngest out of the 4 siblings so he wouldn't've been born yet 😂
BonBonToroOct 13, 2023 7:57 AM
Oct 13, 2023 7:58 AM
Feb 2015
Reply to erikkamirs
@erikkamirs Noooooooooooooooooooooo 😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Oct 13, 2023 8:05 AM
Feb 2021
This episode makes me want to have a siblings
Oct 13, 2023 1:07 PM

Jan 2021
As someone who was in the same position as Mikoto, but without someone like Hayato to comfort me, this really hit me.
Oct 13, 2023 4:29 PM

Sep 2021
This episode reminded me why I'm so glad to be an only-child. Though the issue were the parents, not Minato himself.

All in all a very realistic display of family dynamics and it's ups and downs. This could've ended far worse if Hayato wasn't there for Mikoto.
Oct 13, 2023 5:53 PM

Jul 2019
I originally wanted to comment when I watched the episode but I presume this is typical siblings with close in age type of disputes and altercations. Either way, I thought it was very nicely presented for someone who doesn't have a sibling and seeing it first hand.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Oct 13, 2023 8:43 PM

Aug 2016
I love everything about this show. They really nailed the sibling dynamics.
Oct 14, 2023 10:11 AM

Dec 2022
I started this episode expecting to see some cute fluff, but my smile slowly faded away as it progressed, pretty much tearing up. It was only uplifted slightly due to the sweet ending scenes...
Oct 14, 2023 12:15 PM

Oct 2008
so heart-warming and realistically relatable since i'm the youngest child of the family and i only have 1 older i kinda relate on this...really...lolz

Oct 14, 2023 8:52 PM

Mar 2008
I get some of the aspects of how Minato felt. I never felt I needed to compete for attention since neither of us got much but I sure got yelled at a lot for if my sister got upset.
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Oct 14, 2023 11:37 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Wasn't expecting to be hit with the feels in this episode, honestly cried for half of the episode ;_;

I was the younger sibling, but I still felt frustrated for Mikoto, because I know the same words were told to my sister when we were young, "you are older so you should know better." She had mentioned that to me in passing a few times, and I could tell that even though she knew it happened a long time ago, the effects of those words still stayed with her. Mikoto is really fortunate to have had Hayato been there for him, to talk with him through his frustrations, so that in the present, Mikoto loves his younger brother and embraces being the older brother. Of course adults and parents don't mean those words to be harmful, but they are often putting pressure on the older child, something that can be bottled up long into the future. That being said, I think jealousy between siblings who are of close age is probably something very difficult to avoid, I feel like siblings who get along well majority of the time is probably quite rare.

This episode was incredibly well directed, I love the child-like art style, so simple yet drove the emotions home.
Oct 15, 2023 1:17 AM
Oct 2017
Reply to sh2xunssi
I genuinely find this episode annoying. Like fr? Not even an apology from Minato? No repercussions? I know it's stemmed from their parents but damn. What can we expect from a mother who didn't even ask where Mikoto was when he got home late after running out of the house all by himself afterall. And where was the father?

I know it must be hectic as a mother with 3 children but god, I guess middle child will always be neglected by parents even in slice of life anime.
sh2xunssi said:
What can we expect from a mother who didn't even ask where Mikoto was when he got home late after running out of the house all by himself afterall.

Are you perhaps from the US? I'm asking because in my experience it's usually Americans who can be really puzzled about the independence of children in other countries (including Japan).
There are a lot of countries where it is pretty normal for even young kids to spend all day outside alone or with friends just to come back home for lunch or dinner.
It's in the same vein as how it is normal for elementary school children to walk/take public transport to school and back home, too.

Because the parents know they're outside playing, exploring, going to/back from school, etc. and because it's a mundane every day thing, there's no questioning needed from the parents. This is definitely not a sign of neglect.
kelpforestOct 15, 2023 1:33 AM
Oct 15, 2023 2:41 AM
Oct 2023
Reply to kelpforest
sh2xunssi said:
What can we expect from a mother who didn't even ask where Mikoto was when he got home late after running out of the house all by himself afterall.

Are you perhaps from the US? I'm asking because in my experience it's usually Americans who can be really puzzled about the independence of children in other countries (including Japan).
There are a lot of countries where it is pretty normal for even young kids to spend all day outside alone or with friends just to come back home for lunch or dinner.
It's in the same vein as how it is normal for elementary school children to walk/take public transport to school and back home, too.

Because the parents know they're outside playing, exploring, going to/back from school, etc. and because it's a mundane every day thing, there's no questioning needed from the parents. This is definitely not a sign of neglect.
@kelpforest nope, I'm east asian as well. Yes, it's normal for a child to play outside by themselves but usually they always tell their parents before going out. My parents would scold or at least ask me where have I been or why I didn't tell anyone if I go out without notifying them and slam the door like that when I was a child. It is still a sign of neglect on top of everything else.
sh2xunssiOct 15, 2023 2:45 AM
Oct 15, 2023 9:56 AM
Jun 2020
As a person who grew up with a sibling, this episode made me tear up. I could pretty much guess how the brother was feeling in that moment of neglect, and when they did portray it they portrayed it so well. Though I can also understand how difficult it is for the parents to juggle between two kids. Mikoto probably acts more responsibly and doesn't get into trouble all the time, that's why his parents are more focused towards Minato, and doesn't bat an eye when Mikoto walks out like that. I might even say the parents probably don't even know that Mikoto actually tends to bottle up his emotions like that.

Yes, the mother probably should've had patience and treated them both equally, but during the moment of heat when someone is clearly hurt and crying while the other looks just fine, I also don't think easy for the parents to see through all all of it in a split second. To be clear, I don't think it's okay to put all blame on Mikoto like the mother did, but I also don't blame her putting Mikoto aside to take Minato to the doctor first either.

Raising children is hard.
Oct 15, 2023 9:56 AM
Feb 2020
as the eldest sibling this ep hit hard ;;
Oct 15, 2023 3:30 PM
Nov 2016
Another good episode and well directed too! This series is criminally unpopular sigh

as a 3rd born child out 5, the episode hit hard! Hayato best big bro ever XD
Oct 15, 2023 7:29 PM
Aug 2015
Muy fuerte pero muy bello. Trata temas y emociones complicadas pero muy comunes entre hermanos
Oct 16, 2023 2:37 PM
Jan 2023
I really loved this episode but it sadden me that Mikoto became parentified at such a young age. The responsibility of being a big brother was put on him at such a young age that I feel he had to grow-up way too fast. I wonder does he ever get to experience being a child? I hope at some point that Minato realize the huge sacrifices he has made.
Oct 16, 2023 6:49 PM

Jul 2007
Thought this episode was much better than the first. I love how it captured the relationship between the two middle brothers. I can relate to the both of them.
Oct 18, 2023 8:58 AM

Jun 2009
That felt so realistic. Eventhough I'm the younger sister I understood Mikotos frustration being the behaving kid while the troublemaker gets every bit of attention.
Oct 18, 2023 3:51 PM
Dec 2014
tearjerker. i have an old sister and i can imagine she felt exactly how mikoto felt. i know damn well i felt how yuzuki did when i was younger.
Oct 22, 2023 2:57 PM
Apr 2021
this really hit me in the feels. I felt so deeply for the brothers. I loved how it was resolved. such a good anime about siblings. as the baby of the family I really appreciate the perspective on the older siblings.
Oct 23, 2023 1:25 PM
Apr 2021
Hinata_Plusle said:
Man, I know this is supposed to be cute and all that, but I couldn't help being annoyed at how lousy the parents were at, well, parenting. Father wasn't even in the picture at all, and even the mother, who did appear, was there mostly to completely neglect Mikoto's needs, emotional or otherwise. It's understandable that Minato would need more attention, being younger, having a fragile health and possibly trouble keeping up with his peers (he certainly struggles to keep up with Mikoto; plus, that they're the same school year means Mikoto is one of the oldest in his class and Minato is one of the youngest, and that CAN make a huge difference, especially in younger classes), but she failed to even find out that he'd hit his head! Not to mention that yes, Mikoto is the older of the two, but he was still a child and, frankly, not even that much older than Minato, his needs weren't THAT different! Hayato was more a parent to him than his own parents...

Completely agree with this take. Parents are super lousy, don’t have kids so close together if you can’t even give them the love and attention they need. Unsatisfied with how it ended with the mum saying he’s a good big brother as if there’s nothing else to praise him for and his identity is his big brother!!!
Nov 2, 2023 10:38 PM

Feb 2019
oh the pains of being so close in age with your younger sibling lol well, it shows that Mikoto's grown and learned patience at a young age.
Nov 13, 2023 1:40 AM
Aug 2018
What an amazing episode.
This show has been great so far. It definitely deserves more attention.
Dec 1, 2023 7:09 PM

Mar 2012
this was a bittersweet episode. coming from a family with three sisters i can relate to so much that happened here, but after growing up, i can't really blame the mother for the way she treated mikoto. it was unfair, i've been there many more times than i can count and i'd be lying if i said it doesn't hurt anymore to think about it, but i can see my mom was only one and human, and my father couldn't be that present either, so it was mostly her there for us. and dude, when my mother was my age, i was already fifteen. my sisters and i were the subjects of many many mistakes through the times.
i have the avoiding trouble personality too because my sister closer in age demanded a lot more attention than i did (and my other sister is twelve years younger than me, so) and well, i made my peace with it, but i can't help but feel that i was a bit neglected when i was a kid.
i like this anime. it's really relatable.
Dec 5, 2023 3:18 AM
Jun 2023
i feel so bad for mikoto .
Jan 30, 2024 10:47 PM

Feb 2021
Jealous of the brother to younger brother... But it can be resolved by sharing their true feeling. So don't hide your feeling toward your brother :)
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