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Aug 17, 2023 8:37 PM
puer aeternus

Sep 2021
Not much progression in this episode besides some badass action scenes yet the ending is really intense tho. Wang Juan is badly hurt but I don't think she'd be dead like Chen Bin. The ending where Lu Guang jumps out of the motorboat and presses CXG on the ground is totally unexpected, dunno if it was intentionally made as a BL bait lol. There're also some subtle changes in the OP that exposes the two hoodies to be TianXi and TianChen, looking forwards to more reveals in the future.
Aug 17, 2023 8:59 PM

Feb 2021
This has such good soundtack. Here's the full opening btw:
Did she really just leave the key so close to her lol?
I've always wondered, are tracking devices really that easy to break? They do this all the time in tv shows and stuff. I imagine that if these are actually used irl, they are much more durable.
9:16 ooooffff I felt this one. Poor officer man. His colleagues dying left and right.
LU GUANG WHAT HOW. He predicted all of this somehow?
We got some nice fight scenes this episode, but I'm hoping for more story from now on.
kizumi91 said:
There're also some subtle changes in the OP that exposes the two hoodies to be TianXi and TianChen, looking forwards to more reveals in the future.

Oh I didn't notice that! This pretty much confirms that the brother is involved in this.
EmbientAug 17, 2023 9:06 PM
Aug 17, 2023 9:42 PM
May 2021
not really sure exactly what's happening, but seems like lu guang saved the day, let's gooo. i wonder how he knew what was going to happen? did he somehow get his hands on a picture or video and was then able to look into the future? did he just figure it out on his own?

i love this show so much but im really just not smart enough to deduce what's happening until it's spelled out for me, lmao. can't wait for next week's episode though.
My 2023 candies:
Aug 17, 2023 10:04 PM
Dec 2021
I love Lu Guang I’m so happy he’s ok. This episode was very action packed but I’m sad the lady police officer died but I can tell next episode will be crazy.
Aug 18, 2023 12:30 AM
Jul 2018
yes, Guang saving the day!!!!
Aug 18, 2023 12:35 AM

Apr 2018
Guang coming in boat like that was some epic entrance ahah
Aug 18, 2023 1:33 AM

Nov 2022
This cliffhanger is gonna haunt me for a week, also great fights, link click 's hand to hand are really great
Aug 18, 2023 1:43 AM
Jan 2023
The way story is building, I'm really excited for the upcoming eps, though today's episode contained mostly fights but still it was pretty good.
Aug 18, 2023 1:44 AM
Jan 2021
Has anyone noticed? They started showing xixi's face in the OP now instead of hiding it with the hoodie
Aug 18, 2023 1:48 AM
Jan 2023
Strat2005 said:
Has anyone noticed? They started showing xixi's face in the OP now instead of hiding it with the hoodie
yea they changed the OP in this episode, I noticed that too!
Aug 18, 2023 1:55 AM
Oct 2022
I kinda had this feeling for a while that LuGuang knew the siblings in the past and that's why he somehow realized what's gonna happen beforehand and came to the rescue.
Aug 18, 2023 1:58 AM
Feb 2022
KennaIsANerd said:
not really sure exactly what's happening, but seems like lu guang saved the day, let's gooo. i wonder how he knew what was going to happen? did he somehow get his hands on a picture or video and was then able to look into the future? did he just figure it out on his own?

i love this show so much but im really just not smart enough to deduce what's happening until it's spelled out for me, lmao. can't wait for next week's episode though.
it could be that lu guang's future who's in the body of present Lu guang
Aug 18, 2023 2:16 AM
Jan 2021
Just finished the episode, they went fucking nuts with the hand-to-hand action omg. U often see a lot of great fights involving swords and magic stuff, but u rlly cant beat some good hand-to-hand combat
Aug 18, 2023 4:38 AM
May 2021
This studio really pushes itself in its action scenes. They just love hand to hand combat.

Lu Guang imo could be the key stopping all of this. After all Tian Xi specifically targeted him from the very beginning. I think Lu Guang is the only way they remove Tian Xi out of the equation. As for how I have no clue. The OP might be hinting that something will happen to him because you don’t see his scenes in OP when it’s playing in reverse.

Another week of waiting UGH
Aug 18, 2023 4:56 AM
Jan 2023
The fight scenes were really well done, made me flinch a couple times. Lu Guang just came flying through the air at the end. I'm too dumb to know what's going on but I'm excited for the next ep
Aug 18, 2023 5:28 AM

Mar 2023
Soundtrack goes hard as fuck.
Cliffhangers go hard as fuck.
This shit goes hard as fuck. 10/10

Pacing has been a bit slow imo tho
1crustyAug 18, 2023 5:47 AM
Aug 18, 2023 5:37 AM
Oct 2020
The OP got some changes. It reveals thereare two people with hoodies, tianchen and tianxi. Can't wait how it all wrapped and connected
Aug 18, 2023 6:19 AM

Oct 2021
not the police woman ;(( i didn't expect police men to be so powerful dude beat a man two time his size but what's up with lu guang coming by ship lmao. that was hilarious.
Aug 18, 2023 6:38 AM

Aug 2020
another great episode, i can not stop enjoying every sec of this show

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just have a look, you won't regret it...

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Aug 18, 2023 7:24 AM

Apr 2022
action packed episode, exhilirating stuff.
Aug 18, 2023 8:11 AM
Dec 2019
Aug 18, 2023 8:15 AM
Sep 2022
Embient said:
This has such good soundtack. Here's the full opening btw:
Did she really just leave the key so close to her lol?
I've always wondered, are tracking devices really that easy to break? They do this all the time in tv shows and stuff. I imagine that if these are actually used irl, they are much more durable.
9:16 ooooffff I felt this one. Poor officer man. His colleagues dying left and right.
LU GUANG WHAT HOW. He predicted all of this somehow?
We got some nice fight scenes this episode, but I'm hoping for more story from now on.
kizumi91 said:
There're also some subtle changes in the OP that exposes the two hoodies to be TianXi and TianChen, looking forwards to more reveals in the future.

Oh I didn't notice that! This pretty much confirms that the brother is involved in this.

wow dude your literally on every platform/website. Im a fan of your opinions though
Aug 18, 2023 8:23 AM

Jun 2021
Lu Guang came at the right time. But they ended it with that. Have to wait for another week, damn.
Aug 18, 2023 8:26 AM
Sep 2022
police mommy and police daddy killed it!
police mommy killed.
police mommy got killed.
and Lu GUANG 👑. Lu guang 👑👑👑👑👑 I didn't expect him to just jump in like that. my fujoshi ALMOST instincts took over.
bl is totally unnecessary in this golden show I know but like... that scene. Sometimes I'm glad Chinese censorship exists, sometimes Im not.
Aug 18, 2023 8:27 AM
Sep 2022
how did Lu Guang do that? how'd he escape and get a whole goddamn boat
Aug 18, 2023 8:34 AM
Jul 2021
I'll be honest I was bored at first. Unlike other episodes, I didn't feel that tension. it progressed a bit slow.. but the action scenes at the end and the last part were excellent.
Aug 18, 2023 9:01 AM

Dec 2015
Wouldn't the detectives carry guns? I don't get why they were fighting bare handed

Aug 18, 2023 9:03 AM
Mar 2016
Anyone can explain me why policemen don't have a weapon?
So hyped about that episode. amazing fighting scenes, but I have _a lot_ of question about Lu Guang's escape. I mean, how he found a boat?
Aug 18, 2023 10:10 AM

Jul 2010
Police lady, nooooo ;____; I so don't want her to die, she was pretty AND kicked all the asses, perfect waifu material. Hope doctors manage to save her life, but I don't really count on it.

The question how Lu Guang jumped out of the window and landed unharmed still stays. Teleportation?... And where did you get the boat??
Aug 18, 2023 10:11 AM

Jul 2010
RiyaSiur said:
I'll be honest I was bored at first.  Unlike other episodes, I didn't feel that tension.  it progressed a bit slow.. but the action scenes at the end and the last part were excellent.
I blame my attention span but yeah, first 12 or so minutes were extremely boring. On the other hand, fights were lit
Aug 18, 2023 10:12 AM

Apr 2023
The fight scenes were great! I got more and more questions piling up though, can't wait for the next episode!
Aug 18, 2023 10:15 AM

Mar 2008


Li Haoling gênio!
Ele sabe mesmo o que fez.

Esse episódio subverteu minhas expectativas mais de uma vez.
Foi quase todo luta, e que excelentes lutas. Luta em animação precisa ser mais desse jeito, realista E legível.

A Wang Juan vencer a batalha não foi nenhuma surpresa, mas o capitão Xiao surpreendeu, cada durão.

Aqui vem a primeira expectativa subvertida.
Depois do Capitão Xiao vencer a luta dele pensava que essa seria apenas uma vitória pírrica dos heróis. Eles vencem a luta mas não a batalha.
Mas não... não apenas escapam todos, A WANG MORRE!

Esse anime mata os personagens sem dó!

Ficarei surpreso caso ela sobreviva, e mesmo que sobreviva ela vai passar o restante da história no hospital.
Uma pena, queria muito ver mais dela.

Outra expectativa subvertida.
Estou desde o início esperando ver cumprir a promessa de que a Qiao Ling será mais importante nessa temporada.
Pensei que agora era o momento, que o Xiaoshi seria abduzido e que a Qiao teria que continuar na história sozinha.

Fazia todo o sentido.



Also, @ashleex1057 was so right about Tianchen power of control by touch!

ashleex1057 said:
As fas as Tianchen's powers, i think he can control anyone he touches. He did the whole sob story to put CXS and everyone listening in off guard. Then grabbed CXS hand and hasn't let go since, even while they are running. Then the whispering was to get close to the female officer so he could touch her and control her too, the surveilience showed him holding both of them.
Aug 18, 2023 10:21 AM

Dec 2015
TheMangaManiac said:
Police lady, nooooo ;____; I so don't want her to die, she was pretty AND kicked all the asses, perfect waifu material. Hope doctors manage to save her life, but I don't really count on it.

The question how Lu Guang jumped out of the window and landed unharmed still stays. Teleportation?... And where did you get the boat??

The most interesting theory I've seen going around is

Aug 18, 2023 10:34 AM

Mar 2008
Calypso_mk said:
I kinda had this feeling for a while that LuGuang knew the siblings in the past and that's why he somehow realized what's gonna happen beforehand and came to the rescue.

My impression is that he is in contact with the brothers via phone.
That's why he knew about the plan and the time.

TheMangaManiac said:
Police lady, nooooo ;____; I so don't want her to die, she was pretty AND kicked all the asses, perfect waifu material. Hope doctors manage to save her life, but I don't really count on it.

The question how Lu Guang jumped out of the window and landed unharmed still stays. Teleportation?... And where did you get the boat??

Even if he survives she is out of the story.
This annoys me, I wanted to see more about her since the PVs!

Sir-C said:

The most interesting theory I've seen going around is

When powers like this and time travel are involved, everything is possible, but maybe is more simple.
What if Lu broke the window and hid bellow the bed? When the guards went out look after him he left the building.
PaninaManinaAug 18, 2023 10:37 AM
Aug 18, 2023 12:13 PM

Dec 2020
omg that ending. lu guang always makes it at the last second AS HE SHOULD!!! was genuinely worried about qiao ling for a second i thought they were gonna go after her the cliffhangers. cant wait to see what hes gonna do to cheng xiaoshi, he obviously seems to be controlled by tianxi..
Aug 18, 2023 12:18 PM
Sep 2018
Wang Juan died a hero, broke my heart for Captain Xiao for having to experience two of his colleagues deaths 💔
Aug 18, 2023 7:28 PM

Dec 2020



(also suspiciously high amount of 1 stars every episode on here you would think the non-bots would just leave eh ;)

Aug 18, 2023 7:34 PM

Apr 2008
Not that they weren't good fights, but we learned so little with the remaining time. Lu Guang acting on his own, or at least a heroic, initiative frees up the twins to be controlling the police lady and Cheng respectively, but I'm not sure that's it. We have reason to believe the boy isn't cooperating, and while not impossible it'd be a little strange if the girl can act normally while also possessing. Cheng's state is also hard to explain. If he was possessed then what was the point of the comment about playing by the rules? If he was still partially himself then why didn't he show them where the listening device was?
Aug 18, 2023 10:26 PM

May 2020
Tianxi took Cheng Xiaoshi and the other woman to an abandoned place. Cheng Xiaoshi is being controlled, but I didn't know two people could be controlled at the same time. Let's see where they are taking him.

Lots of boring fights in this episode. Damn, that Qiao guy killed Wang Juan.

Lu Guang broke the window and vanished. But at the right time, Lu Guang came to the rescue. 
Aug 19, 2023 1:08 AM
Apr 2022
The Plot Of This Show Is So Great
Aug 19, 2023 1:56 AM
Apr 2021

The running animation and the fighting animation in this episode was so good to me especially the running not a lot of animes can pull of running like that🤩

Captain Xiao and Wang laying the case of the beat was the highlight for this episode but seeing her die and Xiao sadden at the fact he’s lost 2 colleagues hurt me man😢😢😢
Aug 19, 2023 8:19 AM

Mar 2008
Bio said:
If he was possessed then what was the point of the comment about playing by the rules? If he was still partially himself then why didn't he show them where the listening device was?

It's obvious she is talking about the tracking device, he "promised" no tricks.
Aug 19, 2023 9:43 AM
Apr 2023
What an exciting episode! Well, the twins do control others by touching them (they did this with Cheng Xiaoshi and Wang Juan). However,this is not the only way their abilities work. Emma, Liu Min and Qiao Lin weren't controlled by touch. I wonder why they would rely on touching this time.
And,Lu Guang saving the day...that was pretty amazing! His perfect timing make us suspect that he knows what is really happening here.
Aug 19, 2023 9:58 AM
Jul 2021
TheMangaManiac said:
RiyaSiur said:
I'll be honest I was bored at first.  Unlike other episodes, I didn't feel that tension.  it progressed a bit slow.. but the action scenes at the end and the last part were excellent.
I blame my attention span but yeah, first 12 or so minutes were extremely boring. On the other hand, fights were lit
This isn't a criticism of you and is more of an observation that I notice from some fans of the show: It seems like some folks don't like / nor care about scenes that explain things / set things up (ie the first 10-12 minutes of the episode was a recap of what happened previously as well as explanation on the bad guy's plan). Personally I think the show needs scenes like that since it gives context for what is going on, especially if they are casual viewers of the show. Maybe social media and binge watching culture has shortened our attention spans in general.

Aug 19, 2023 10:01 AM
Jul 2021
Sir-C said:
Wouldn't the detectives carry guns? I don't get why they were fighting bare handed
Guns are illegal in China. So the police do not carry guns. I've seen videos of Chinese policemen throwing boxes at a middle aged lady carrying a butcher knife to subdue her.
Aug 19, 2023 10:03 AM
Jul 2021
alevser said:
Anyone can explain me why policemen don't have a weapon?
So hyped about that episode. amazing fighting scenes, but I have _a lot_ of question about Lu Guang's escape. I mean, how he found a boat?
Guns are illegal in China and the police cannot carry weapons. It is actually quite common in China for people to harass police officers cuz Chinese people aren't afraid of the police and cannot get shot by the police.
Aug 19, 2023 10:18 AM

Feb 2017
very nitpicky but oh my goddd the subs, especially the silly grammatical and spelling errors (how do you misspell "it" as "ipt"), are really ruining my immersion.

fights went on for way too long. however, it was sad to see that wang juan died after holding her ground pretty well.

that final scene was so unexpected but it was incredible

placeholder text
Aug 19, 2023 3:14 PM
Jul 2022
This episode was great in so many ways except one. Due to how much suspence the plot builds, I feel disappointed that the story barely moved forward this episode. At least we learned that the pink haired girl has an ability to control people when they get close to her and she holds on to them.
Aug 19, 2023 7:27 PM
Jul 2022
I´m so fucking in love with this donghua, the fucking cliffhanger can broke my heart
Aug 20, 2023 6:15 AM
Jun 2023
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ My Candy ♥
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