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Apr 23, 2023 1:45 PM
Zccdcccc said: Yeah, which is a shame honestly, after episode 12 I would have expected to at least have them tackle the incident more and show us what is even going on at earth, but so far they have done a piss poor job at it, which is unfortunate.AdolZeppeli said: Since Okouchi was too busy playing Hogwarts in space until now, he kinda forgot to really explain what is going on on Earth, resulting this : nobody actually cares, and the conflict isn't really explained in the was nice to see some action worthy of the name Gundam, if only this show didn't just randomly puts the viewer into a random place with characters that are barely introduced. This show has little respect for it's characters. Sophie's death barely had any impact, we didn't even get to see Suletta on this episode or she reminiscing over what just happened, we just saw Nika getting shoe sandwiched by this blue haired girl which name I already forgot. ( And this show keeps not addressing the end of episode 12, nor does it even continue from the "reveal" of Eri being in a Gundam as a sentient being) After that, we're randomly thrown at earth, to a random base with characters we barely know, surprise, Guel is in here, This show, after 4 episodes (Counting last episode of first cour) decides to remember that Guel existed, and not only that, it gives him a random 5 minutes redemption arc in which he stands up after being depressed and decides to continue the legacy of his family, after being the god damn black sheep that ruined it all. So damn believable. This episode was the equivalent of being spit to the face, there was no emotional investment here, we don't know who these characters are or what is at stake, they're just there battling for the sake of who knows what, and Guel is there for some reason, but since this anime seems to not know what the fuck it's even doing, we have no prior knowledge as to why things are happening, they just happen, and we're left perplexed wondering how such a show can be so damn inept at doing anything. That outcome isn't really surprising, it was to be expected. |
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes." ~Blackwall |
Apr 23, 2023 2:37 PM
Great Guel focus, though it's still as harsh as before, that poor little girl... |
Apr 23, 2023 2:38 PM
AdolZeppeli said: I can't agree more with what all of you said. The lack of proper worldbuilding outside of school has been my main problem with the season 1. Now season 2 has nearly all I like in gundam, but I just don't care. The death of the guy with his family could have some weight if only we had spent some time with that character. Now, it's not terrible (Seed Destiny exists), But I keep seeing people saying it's one of the better written Gundam show, and I strongly disagree. Overall, it's enjoyable, but if that's the future of Gundam, I'm not sure I want it.Zccdcccc said: Yeah, which is a shame honestly, after episode 12 I would have expected to at least have them tackle the incident more and show us what is even going on at earth, but so far they have done a piss poor job at it, which is unfortunate.AdolZeppeli said: it was nice to see some action worthy of the name Gundam, if only this show didn't just randomly puts the viewer into a random place with characters that are barely introduced. This show has little respect for it's characters. Sophie's death barely had any impact, we didn't even get to see Suletta on this episode or she reminiscing over what just happened, we just saw Nika getting shoe sandwiched by this blue haired girl which name I already forgot. ( And this show keeps not addressing the end of episode 12, nor does it even continue from the "reveal" of Eri being in a Gundam as a sentient being) After that, we're randomly thrown at earth, to a random base with characters we barely know, surprise, Guel is in here, This show, after 4 episodes (Counting last episode of first cour) decides to remember that Guel existed, and not only that, it gives him a random 5 minutes redemption arc in which he stands up after being depressed and decides to continue the legacy of his family, after being the god damn black sheep that ruined it all. So damn believable. This episode was the equivalent of being spit to the face, there was no emotional investment here, we don't know who these characters are or what is at stake, they're just there battling for the sake of who knows what, and Guel is there for some reason, but since this anime seems to not know what the fuck it's even doing, we have no prior knowledge as to why things are happening, they just happen, and we're left perplexed wondering how such a show can be so damn inept at doing anything. That outcome isn't really surprising, it was to be expected. |
Apr 23, 2023 2:56 PM
Every time Guel's in an episode, I think: "his life can't possibly get any worse", and then it does. And that's why he's my favourite character. Going from Suletta's first antagonist to likely the protagonist of the Earth plotline, I can't help but love him. This is my favourite show this season, alongside Heavenly Delusion, it's rare I'm this hyped week after week for the next episode of a show. |
Apr 23, 2023 3:09 PM
This show is getting worse and worse. lol |
Apr 23, 2023 3:21 PM
The Spacians strike back at the Earthians |
Apr 23, 2023 3:51 PM
Guel went from camping on campus to joining the earth guerilla group. They really try hard to make him look like the victim here. The one thing this show does really well is how ambivalent the villains are, its not easy to point fingers at someone who is just bad. Even before Gundam had this, but there was always someone who was clearly evil. Here? The adults seem like they actually just want to do their best even if they have an ulterior motive. |
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Apr 23, 2023 4:10 PM
G-Witch is so freaking awesome. I cant believe how this anime is so underated. It's one of the best Gundam anime ever released fr fr. This ep and the one from last week were 10/10 materials. Sure G-Witch doesnt have the flashy sakuga or the OST of Unicorn (nor the multiple decades legacy if that really matter) but its writting is really on par. |
Apr 23, 2023 5:39 PM
Now this feels like a typical gundam episode. Bleak and full of political warfare. Just pure destruction and conflict. Guel Jeturk is really growing on me as a character. This man has lost everything. His father, his company, his reputation. He has been stripped off of everything. And now we are seeing a more mature version of Guel. I love how he tried to rescue the little girl but unfortunately it was too late. Olcott is one badass earthian. The way he aggressively charge with his mecha is commando level. Also rip Bessie. The man had a kid and wife. So many tragic deaths as a result of political and business conflicts. |
Apr 23, 2023 6:27 PM
Guel my beloved, I really hope he gets a good ending. |
Apr 23, 2023 7:43 PM
We have only seen a bit of earth to this point, but what we have seen paints a pretty grim picture. I honestly think it is to the show's credit that they can place an episode in a location we have not seen very much with people we had not been introduced to and still have it be tense and exciting. I can relate to people frustrated with the lack of world building (since I would love more of that as well). However, the approach of focusing on the story, characters, etc. while letting the broader world slowly come into focus works well, in my opinion. They have added enough to make it all coherent while also leaving a lot of tantalizing details and situations unresolved; the imagination runs wild. |
Apr 23, 2023 7:45 PM
Apr 23, 2023 9:38 PM
holy shit, a gundam episode in g-witch. all it took was the entire main cast to stay offscreen. amazing. |
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで |
Apr 23, 2023 9:53 PM
SHADDIQ: Seize the means of SPACE production! |
Apr 23, 2023 11:34 PM
Are you two actually watching the show? Sophies death was mentioned, the episode wasn't about Suletta (big whoop), and the show isn't "randomly thrown" at earth it's been mentioned and shown multiple times. Not really sure what you were expecting from the show but I appreciate a break from any of the school elements because I prefer Gundam set in an environment involving war. I think Guel's transformation is believable too, he went from a dude at the top to someone at the bottom and got to see how people on Earth were living. It's pretty clear where the show is going, and what the stakes are, again I have to ask are you actually paying attention when you watch or are you putting it on as background noise? |
Apr 23, 2023 11:39 PM
Turtles_Hunter said: I can't agree more with what all of you said. The lack of proper worldbuilding outside of school has been my main problem with the season 1. Now season 2 has nearly all I like in gundam, but I just don't care. The death of the guy with his family could have some weight if only we had spent some time with that character. Now, it's not terrible (Seed Destiny exists), But I keep seeing people saying it's one of the better written Gundam show, and I strongly disagree. Overall, it's enjoyable, but if that's the future of Gundam, I'm not sure I want it. How long do you need to see a character before you care about what happens to them? I don't understand why you need more than an episode to understand where most of these earth characters are coming from. This show is a breath of fresh air for Gundam, last good Gundam show was Iron-blooded orphans and that had a terrible ending, hoping this one has a decent ending so we can actually get some good Gundam shows for a change. |
Apr 24, 2023 12:33 AM
Finally we’re getting somewhere. Fights are pretty at least as well. Potential here. |
Apr 24, 2023 12:36 AM
Why did I stay up so late in the night to watch this episode...😭 |
Apr 24, 2023 12:51 AM
Guel continues to be the best character in this show. |
Apr 24, 2023 12:54 AM
Apr 24, 2023 3:41 AM
Haytin said: It's not I don't understand where they come from, But understanding and caring are two different things. For a death to have weight, you need to have some kind of empathy for the characters. With the 3 scene they had in the previous episodes, you don't have any attachement to those guys. Hence you don't really care for them. Sure Olcott was cool enough, but the others had the treatment of trashmobs, and even the "I have a family" fell just flat. I sometimes see people saying WfM is good with the "show don't tell", but here it's the total contrary. He only tells you he has a family. You litterally had one 5 seconds scene were they are together in the frame and don't even talk with each other. They even relied on old marketing trick which consist to use children to make the audience feel immediate sympathy for the guys, that were depicted as bad guys up until them. Creating sympathy by using little kids to protect, I don't call that subtle writing . Even with the shrike team from victory, that's basically canon folder, they took the time introduce them, have them in the show for a few episodes to give some weight to their death. The only character I cared about in this episode is Guel, the one they had taken time to establish.Turtles_Hunter said: I can't agree more with what all of you said. The lack of proper worldbuilding outside of school has been my main problem with the season 1. Now season 2 has nearly all I like in gundam, but I just don't care. The death of the guy with his family could have some weight if only we had spent some time with that character. Now, it's not terrible (Seed Destiny exists), But I keep seeing people saying it's one of the better written Gundam show, and I strongly disagree. Overall, it's enjoyable, but if that's the future of Gundam, I'm not sure I want it. How long do you need to see a character before you care about what happens to them? I don't understand why you need more than an episode to understand where most of these earth characters are coming from. This show is a breath of fresh air for Gundam, last good Gundam show was Iron-blooded orphans and that had a terrible ending, hoping this one has a decent ending so we can actually get some good Gundam shows for a change. Then there is the problem of the suspension of disbelief. I can't really get into what's happening because I keep wondering how the world works. Is the benerit the government of the spacians? where is earth government. What is exactly happened to earth. How did we get there. What happened to earth goverment. is there still one? If there is one, what are they doing. Do they have a military power. If not, why? They seem to have MS, and there was a war, so probably they're supposed to. "There was a war and now it's shit" is not enough. We had small hints through the show, but never a proper explanation. Building a credible setting has been one of the strong points of the Gundam franchise, even with its worse entries. At this point it's too late anyway to give any of that an answer. The series might do an excellent job with some characters (Suletta, Miorine, and a few other), but the lack of building of the outside make it hard to care about the conflict and why they fight.There is also the "I'm 17 with my faction of teenage girls and I outsmart everyone" that throw me off. But despite the strong character writing, this show also has some very weak point, like the overall plot. We have 5 or 6 plots that run in parallel, which is to much for a 24 episode show. So yeah, breath of fresh air if you want, some very strong point with the character writing, but when it comes to the overall conflict plot, it's not that good, and worse than a lot of previous gundam show. That's why I don't feel it's the "Best written Gundam show" (Still would give that to Turn A, probably). |
Turtles_HunterApr 24, 2023 3:48 PM
Apr 24, 2023 3:59 AM
Dead family always hits hard for me, even worse with kids, F! Now, Eris is the main event here right? Since mom and Suletta's lifes are focused around her |
My Candies 2024 My Old Candies: |
Apr 24, 2023 4:13 AM
why she had to die ((((( |
Apr 24, 2023 4:48 AM
Holy shit, my boy Guel 😭. What a great episode that was and it was pretty cool (and sad) to finally see the perspective of the Earthians on Earth. Everything's morally grey, I don't know which side I am on, all I know is, I'll be on wherever side Guel, Suletta and Miorine are. |
Apr 24, 2023 7:05 AM
irisout said: And I'm saying that it would be far more interesting if the sheltered princess Miorine were to actually face the same level of difficulty as Guel, Miorine never faces any actual danger which is crappy writing, she always escapes the worst of it by sheer luck of Suletta always finding her at the right time and fighting for her. Also given that Suletta never loses no matter what just makes it even more pointless to watch the fights, that's why Guel is far more interesting as a character than Miorine and Suletta combined.Maou_heika said: So what did I say wrong? Miorine always escapes the worst of it. If you have nothing to add then please don't quote me just because you got triggered about someone speaking facts. Well, the issue is that it's a lazy criticism, homie. Even Guel here has demonstrated "plot armor" in the sense that he has still managed to avoid narrow brushes with death so that he may continue to propel the plot. Plot armor isn't a storytelling issue, it's a natural consequence of how storytelling works. Unless you're writing a subversive Anyone Can Die style narrative, we have to see characters survive through their arcs. Your point is as goofy and senseless as saying "Heh, once again another story relies on the Three Act Structure. Amateurish writing, am I right?" |
Always the same… Every age, every generation. Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell ~Dantalion (Makai Ouji) |
Apr 24, 2023 7:48 AM
Apr 24, 2023 10:28 AM
irisout said: They were involved in the same battle but only Guel was taken hostage, only Guel's father died, it's more than obvious that the creators are favoring Miorine, she was there and about to be either killed or taken hostage but was still saved by Suletta and that is stupid, bad writing, the end of S1 shows Miorine traumatized by Suletta's actions but enter S2 and they are perfectly fine. You cannot just divide up characters saying that one will face physical, another psychological and yet another political issues when they are quite literally involved in the same thing, one character can always face all three together. And I must say that Guel's problems are not just physical, the death of his father quite clearly has given him psychological trauma and seeing as he's going to get involved with Gundam, it won't be a surprise if he ends up in some political mess with the Earthians. Wars do not distinguish people based on their status. That certainly makes Guel's character far more interesting and fleshed out compared to Miorine who has everything just fall into her lap.Maou_heika said: Probably shoulda realized this earlier, but you apparently don't actually know what "plot armor" is then. But I won't split anymore hairs about the misused vocabulary and just get at your point instead.irisout said: Maou_heika said: So what did I say wrong? Miorine always escapes the worst of it. If you have nothing to add then please don't quote me just because you got triggered about someone speaking facts. Well, the issue is that it's a lazy criticism, homie. Even Guel here has demonstrated "plot armor" in the sense that he has still managed to avoid narrow brushes with death so that he may continue to propel the plot. Plot armor isn't a storytelling issue, it's a natural consequence of how storytelling works. Unless you're writing a subversive Anyone Can Die style narrative, we have to see characters survive through their arcs. Your point is as goofy and senseless as saying "Heh, once again another story relies on the Three Act Structure. Amateurish writing, am I right?" The three pillar characters of this show are dealing with extremely different types of conflict. Miorine's struggles are entirely political, Suletta's are mostly psychological, and Guel's are physical. While all three of them end up in physical danger here and there, Guel is the only one whose life really hangs in the balance because it's clear that his arc is meant to reflect the razor's edge danger side of warfare. Miorine and Suletta's arcs are more about exploring the dry, cold side of warfare, the struggle of navigating political alliances, of maintaining public image, of maintaining confidence in one's own ethics where warfare is perhaps an inherently unethical practice. Now, whether any of this is done well is not something I'm terribly interested in discussing with you. But it is a perfectly valid tack, and it really betrays some fundamental immaturity in your approach to media consumption that what you seem to really want out of this show is for everybody to be facing essentially the same exact struggles. "Why isn't everybody getting beat up by big robots? Bad writing!" |
Always the same… Every age, every generation. Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell ~Dantalion (Makai Ouji) |
Apr 24, 2023 11:58 AM
Haytin said: Are you two actually watching the show? Sophies death was mentioned, the episode wasn't about Suletta (big whoop), and the show isn't "randomly thrown" at earth it's been mentioned and shown multiple times. Not really sure what you were expecting from the show but I appreciate a break from any of the school elements because I prefer Gundam set in an environment involving war. I think Guel's transformation is believable too, he went from a dude at the top to someone at the bottom and got to see how people on Earth were living. It's pretty clear where the show is going, and what the stakes are, again I have to ask are you actually paying attention when you watch or are you putting it on as background noise? Question here isn't about being "randomly thown" or stuff like that, since the whole episode is a centric, used in many many shows (and here pretty welcomed since, like i said, it's probably for me the best episode of the whole show) but about actually caring about what's going on. Until now, the show has been extremely stingy in explanations about the earth situation, focusing instead on the school setting and a few things around it. So with a sudden earth-centric episode, it's honestly extremely difficult for me to care about everyone that isn't Guel since we don't know these characters nor the situation they're actually in. How do you want me to care for the fact that Sophie was actually a big sister figure to the kids when she was previously a sociopathic antagonist hell-bent on killing people, including one of the main cast ? Okouchi confused the steps here, everything should have been shown way earlier for us to care about the characters from earth and their inner turmoil. Same for the kids, actually. On one side, you have Guel, who has lost everything and is at the absolute bottom mentally and physically speaking, and at the other side, you have kids who supposedly lost everything as well saying how much of a bastard Guel actually is. How do you want me to care about the kids on the get-go and agree on the fact that the situation shown is actually very grey ? I understand where Okouchi wants to go, that's not the issue. But for me, he completely failed the execution, resulting on me not caring at all about what he wants to tell. I pretty much agree with everything Turtles_Hunter actually said anyway. |
Apr 24, 2023 12:14 PM
The pacing feels rushed, or at least the transitions are pretty choppy here.. After 4 minutes I had to look back to make sure that I hadn't missed an episode or an epilogue in the previous episode. Once it settled in it was pretty decent. More Gundam that we've seen until now to be sure |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
Apr 24, 2023 5:43 PM
Guel, out of everyone, is probably the best written character in this series so-far, if I have to be honest. |
Apr 25, 2023 1:16 AM
Zccdcccc said: Since Okouchi was too busy playing Hogwarts in space until now, he kinda forgot to really explain what is going on on Earth, resulting this : nobody actually cares, and the conflict isn't really explained in the slightest. That outcome isn't really surprising, it was to be expected. So what you are saying is that its shockingly close to real life? How much have you seen of the war in other countries? How much do you care? Why would you care? Perhaps that is the question being asked here. If you see people that are clearly having a bad time, are you able to immediately relate to their situation, or do you need half a season to get to know them first? Actually, should you have to know them in order to care? That too, is an interesting question. In your case, it seems you describe to the notion that we can't care for strangers. We can't care even if their situation makes them relatable. Personally I found I did care watching this episode. So I guess the enjoyment might depend on how much Empathy the viewer has. |
ElinchayielApr 25, 2023 1:22 AM
“Ha ha, the synergy between my left and right hand made them feel scared.” Ye Xiu said. |
Apr 25, 2023 1:31 AM
Zccdcccc said: So with a sudden earth-centric episode, it's honestly extremely difficult for me to care about everyone that isn't Guel since we don't know these characters nor the situation they're actually in. How do you want me to care for the fact that Sophie was actually a big sister figure to the kids when she was previously a sociopathic antagonist hell-bent on killing people, including one of the main cast ? Okouchi confused the steps here, everything should have been shown way earlier for us to care about the characters from earth and their inner turmoil. Same for the kids, actually. On one side, you have Guel, who has lost everything and is at the absolute bottom mentally and physically speaking, and at the other side, you have kids who supposedly lost everything as well saying how much of a bastard Guel actually is. How do you want me to care about the kids on the get-go and agree on the fact that the situation shown is actually very grey ? For someone that ''doesnt care'' you sure go to lengths in order to validate you ''not caring''. Why is it so important to reason why you don't care about them? What would you lose, if you didnt? Ofcourse the viewer is more likely to care for Guel then the kids. That is kind of the point. It is the spoiled perspective of someone that has only seen the spacian situation and not the earthian. The question then is: do you have enough empathy to look past that bias? Can you see the good sides of people that untill now have been nothing but terrorists and antagonists? Can you see how something like being uncaring is a bad side of the spacian (or viewer) perspective? Situations are almost always grey. Its not a question of ''but we didnt see it so thats not true!'' whether you see it or not will shape your perspective.. but it wont change the reality of the situation. Now maybe im thinking too highly of what the studio is trying to do here, or maybe not. But regardless, that is how I see it. Again: you are saying you didnt care because there was nothing that made you care. I'm saying I did care, and what was there was more then enough for me to care. So is it really the situation that is not good enough..? |
“Ha ha, the synergy between my left and right hand made them feel scared.” Ye Xiu said. |
Apr 25, 2023 3:01 AM
It was amazing just like the end of the first season, when Suletta killed the enemy, this time Gundam doesn't slow down and while building Guel's character another brutal scene is added without any limitation. This is Gundam in all its strenght |
Apr 25, 2023 3:26 AM
Elinchayiel said: Zccdcccc said: Since Okouchi was too busy playing Hogwarts in space until now, he kinda forgot to really explain what is going on on Earth, resulting this : nobody actually cares, and the conflict isn't really explained in the slightest. That outcome isn't really surprising, it was to be expected. So what you are saying is that its shockingly close to real life? How much have you seen of the war in other countries? How much do you care? Why would you care? Perhaps that is the question being asked here. If you see people that are clearly having a bad time, are you able to immediately relate to their situation, or do you need half a season to get to know them first? Actually, should you have to know them in order to care? That too, is an interesting question. In your case, it seems you describe to the notion that we can't care for strangers. We can't care even if their situation makes them relatable. Personally I found I did care watching this episode. So I guess the enjoyment might depend on how much Empathy the viewer has. This is a story, not real life. Some people need to have some context to be able to relate and feel empathy towards characters that goes further than "This is character A. Character A is very sad. Now cry." Nice for you if you were able to actually feel empathy towards anyone that wasn't Guel (or the dad to a lesser extent, who also received some actual focus), but you said it yourself : It's normal if people feel more empathy towards Guel than the kids. Because the story was built like this, and it was, in my opinion, a critical mistake since Okouchi tries to show that the background conflict of the show is pretty grey morally speaking (as usual in the franchise) but since the earth side has been repeatedly shown as antagonistic, suddenly saying that the previous villain was actually a nice person or the kid situation i explained earlier isn't really believable or relatable We're in a big case of "tell, don't show" where to be fully efficient it should have been the other way around. (and i don't seek validation, i don't give a shit, i just explain my point to someone who quoted me earlier. Is it a problem ?) |
ZccdccccApr 25, 2023 3:30 AM
Apr 25, 2023 8:56 AM
looks like Jeturk is gonna receive the character development treatment this time! damn so many fodders..oh well... 5/5. |
Apr 25, 2023 11:22 AM
Some people above complained about the episode lacking emotion, but I felt quite the opposite. While the storytelling is abrupt and lacks background, it represents Guel's POV well. For most people, the parent-child relationship struggles are relatable even without a long introduction. On the contrary, no storytelling will make the war aspect of Gundam truly relatable if you haven't experienced an armed conflict of sorts first-hand. To sum up, people calling the episode dislikable only show how high the bar has risen in modern animation. |
Apr 25, 2023 4:15 PM
Apr 25, 2023 9:55 PM
Just finished episode 3 and I think it is the best one so far this series. I still think Sophie died too early but you have to rush things with only 12 episodes. At this point, I just see Grassley as the enemy (maybe even Suletta’a mum?) that needs to be wiped out; Mika’s potential death would be justified too even if she does redeem herself later on. Guel is clearly the best of the 3 branches so hopefully he can team up with Suletta on the battlefield. I don’t know what to say about fake Elan since his memories and personality can be altered at anytime and it does not look like that side of the story will be revealed to Suletta or anyone. |
Apr 26, 2023 6:10 PM
I feel like the entire sociopolitical background of this anime is thin straws, hastly thought and not well interconnected at all. Pulone also basically killed herself, it was pretty obvious by the way she was fighting and I have a headcannon that the reason Pulone wanted so badly to be part of a family with Suletta is because she realized Suletta is special, and the Gundam Aerial isn't killing her (which is something she wanted for herself as well), SO LEAVE NIKA ALONE FUCK OFF, DON'T BLAME HER YOU STUPID, actually the whole plot is pretty stupid and I'm basically watching it cause the characters are really strongly written |
Apr 27, 2023 2:07 PM
Things are just getting worse for Guel. I didn't expect to end up rooting for him. The Earthians are ultimately just as terrible as the Spacians. Nika is absolutely right. While I understand where they're coming from, I can't stand the witches from Earth. |
TheBigGuyApr 27, 2023 2:11 PM
Apr 27, 2023 3:39 PM
gueL once again takes the L |
Apr 29, 2023 11:49 PM
Finally an episode that I can get behind it! |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Apr 30, 2023 10:15 AM
May 3, 2023 5:45 AM
Geez Guel can't catch a break.;; Hopefully he can reach some type of satisfying result for himself even if it results in his death. I very muc like the parting words of this episode for Miorine. We'll see where everything goes. Everything is intriguing (for me at least)! |
May 6, 2023 1:43 PM
Blue Haired Noreo: *Kicks Nika* It's your fault Sophie's dead. I like it when characters always think they're in the right. Sophie died because she's battle hungry and paid the price for it by battling Suletta, Nika had nothing to do with Sophie's death. |
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