Tell us a little about yourself.
-I am absolutely normal, almost comically so. No defining traits worth mentioning actually come to mind.
Well, it seems that you watch a lot of anime.
-Yeah, I am kind of a late convert. Started slowly a few years ago, and I now watch a pretty good fraction of the seasonal offerings while trying to occasionally hit one of the older shows I missed out on in real time. Anime is pretty awesome, is it not?
What do you like about anime?
-Too much to say. The variety of genres? The production values? The stories and tone that are somewhat unpredictable to my western sensibilities? The music? Endlessly inventive and entertaining, anime honestly just connects with me like few mediums have.
So, why do you not have scores on any of the anime you have watched?
-Audible sigh. Because adding scores would occupy way to much of my bandwidth. I would endlessly obsess over why I had one show ranked over another, or whether I was suffering from obvious recency bias (I do), or whether my tastes were changing over time (they are), or whether my scores would change if I rewatched certain shows (they would), etc. etc.
Seems annoying. Are you sure it's not because you don't want people judging you or your rankings?
-All art is subjective, taste varies from person to person, and somebody not liking a show I like or disagreeing with my preferences in any way could never cause me the least bit of concern. It is totally an internal struggle.
You sound like a bit of a weirdo.
-I am actually quite average. Painfully normal, really. Why would my profile name lie?
So if you do not rank anything, what good is your list at all? Why even keep track?
-Well, if I have finished a season of a show, I must have liked something about it. If a show is in my completed list, I definitely received some value from watching it and could probably say something nice about it. If anybody is ever curious about an anime on my list, I would be more than happy to submit my thoughts.
So what about shows you did not like?
-Probably in my (relatively short) dropped or suspended list, I guess?. Even then, it might reflect personal taste more than anything else. (I have also revisited shows I thought I disliked only to find out they were pretty great. Tastes change over time.)
Why don't you write some reviews?
-I, uh, wait. That might not be such a bad idea. Cannot imagine anybody would read them, but I might try that at some point.
Do you respond to private messages?
-Yes, I respond to all my messages except from the obvious bots. I am not looking for mail order brides.
Do you read any manga?
-Kind of, but too sporadically to even bother listing them here. Since I am rather fond of anime as a medium, I usually try to hold off on most. I do like looking back at manga after I have seen the anime, since how things are adapted is an ongoing interest of mine.
Any final thoughts? You do seem like an oddball.
-Who even uses the term "oddball" anymore. Whatever. I think my obvious normalcy speaks for itself.
I meant final thoughts about anime.
-Oh, right, makes sense. It is seriously amazing, and I find it endlessly thought provoking. And some the anime I have seen recently would rank among my favorite shows (of any medium/nationality) of all time. It is an awful lot of fun.
All Comments (18) Comments
Anime from this year...hmm, I can't remember any at the top of my head. Unless you're interested in a couple of romance anime!
These aren't from this year, but I recommend March Comes in like a Lion, Welcome to the NHK and My Love Story with Yamada-kun (I double checked your list this time)! I'm open to recommendations as well <3
Hopefully real life calms down for you :o)
Also edit: I didn't realize I never responded, my apologies. Now after rereading your previous comment, I noticed you're also not watching any seasonals! Unfortunately, I haven't rewatched Re:Zero yet. I plan to rewatch the last season for a good refresher before starting the newest season.
As for Fruits Basket, I understand. If you decide to finish the rest of the seasons, I highly recommend avoiding the last movie. It left a sour taste in my mouth and kind of ruined everything for me lol
I looove silly facial expressions for pfp. I recently changed mine, but I've been thinking about changing it again to something that matches my color scheme. My previous pfp was Tohru! I'm curious why you didn't watch the rest of Fruits Basket seasons
(Yeah, me too. The moment I saw the Roswaal avatar, I knew you were a homie)