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Jun 12, 2021 7:27 AM

Oct 2007
Diablo got bloodied, tough fight for him.

Rose also got trashed, but she contributed precious seconds to the time for Lumachina to finish the prayer for Dispel.

it was badass when Diablo throw the light and dark lance to finally defeat Europa. The bgm fit perfectly on the scene. I watched it a few times.

heartwarming to see Klem, Celestine, and Edelgard having a meal together. Edelgard becoming more human, she's anxious on not having enough to pay for an expensive meal - and then being thankful that it's free.

overall, I enjoyed this season a lot.

not have much spare money left... (LL Niji and Slime Taoshite drained a lot of funds) but if I have spare money later, I would buy an item from this anime, to thank the people who worked on this show! :)
Liddo-kunJun 12, 2021 7:55 AM
Jun 12, 2021 1:22 PM

Nov 2014
By the end of the episode I was thinking that it'd be a nice way to end this season. Only after that I noticed it actually was final episode.
Overall I liked S1 more. Isekai and harem anime usually are the most fun early on, during introduction of world and characters. Not that S2 was bad itself. It's just rather average.
Jun 13, 2021 2:41 AM

Jul 2015
Its was alright, maybe even better than S1 but the ending kind of signal that there is probably not gonna be a S3, at least not soon anyway. 7/10 i guess.
Jun 13, 2021 4:59 PM

Jan 2020
This season was a bit disappointing and rushed. I still hope there will be a 3rd season but I won’t hold out hope for one
Jun 14, 2021 12:05 AM

May 2015
Isekai Saikou
Polygamy for the win
Man, I fucking love this show. Hopefully we get S3 someday.
Jun 14, 2021 8:16 AM

Oct 2015
That was an alright episode. Didn't feel as fullfilling as i hoped it would but finished the story off in an alright way i suppose. Will say though that the harem keeps getting bigger and bigger. Loved the fan service aspect this episode and season really but i felt the story fell just a little short towards the end. Good watch though.

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Jun 15, 2021 4:21 AM
Oct 2017
Lumachina-sama so pretty
Jun 15, 2021 5:20 AM
Nov 2019
It was OK - this seasons "Guilty pleasure" - Season one was better, the new studio didn't do S2 justice. Will revise score once the "cultured" version is out.

I'm sure in the source material Rose has to be returned to the vault in Diablo's dungeon to be repaired.

There were two rings in the box - they enable inter-species mating to work so she could have children with Diablo - I'm surprised they didn't make him panic once Rose said what the ring meant (or is he coming round to being their partner with Rose as his possession.

When he marries both of them will the slave collars become redundant?
Jun 18, 2021 3:41 PM

Feb 2014
you know.. this is one of those animes that makes me think "this is why i watch animes"

Jun 18, 2021 4:24 PM

Dec 2013
I didn't like that much the OP and ED but they grew on me, liked a lot the new characters, only missing a bit more Shera.
Jun 21, 2021 2:14 AM

Dec 2008
A nice conclusion of the arc, I must say. The story was very interesting and entertaining.
Even a cute scene with Diablo, Rem and Shera in the tub at the end, I had wished for more of such scenes, but there is little you can do within 10 episodes.
The story was a little rushed, but the show still has the nice atmosphere from season 1.
Diablo met so many girls again this time, it subtracted some quality time with Shera and Rem.

I hope to see another season of this sweet, ecchi fantasy anime.

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Jun 24, 2021 4:47 PM

Dec 2018
Vishos was a bit underwhelming, but it was a decent fight, glad Lumachina got to shine there. That bath scene was nice too lol. Definitely not as good as season 1, but still a very enjoyable season, i really wish we could have gotten 12 episodes tho, it definitely would have been better.

I’m mainly glad we got to see these characters have another adventure together, with all of the fanservice goodness lol, and I also enjoyed the new characters, Horn and Lumachina are probably my favorites of the new ones. The OP imo was one of the best of the season, and the ED was great too. While this season was unexpected for me, I’m hoping we can get a season 3!
TheColonel76Jun 24, 2021 4:53 PM
Jul 4, 2021 9:50 PM

Jun 2013
Well this season was a letdown. I was expecting more story and development from this arc but it turned out to be somewhat boring. Maybe because it was rushed and there was no character development but I personally felt this arc could've been better.

The author also needs to develop Diablo's character to act mature and make practical decisions instead of being a white knight. They also need to tone down him losing his composure over every ecchi movement despite living with his little harem 24/7. I understand it's comic relief but it's starting to feel redundant.

The introduction of Lumachina and Horn didn't help make the series any better. I honestly found myself disliking these characters especially Lumachina who acted like a religious nutcase and endangered everyone. Rose was okay but there's not much to her.

Overall it was a disappointment.
Jul 6, 2021 8:17 PM
Dec 2020
What a finale man everything’s over man. Hopefully we get s3 but this season went through a lot of stuff Diablo harem king certified see y’all till then😂🔥❤️👍🏻.
Jul 7, 2021 12:49 PM

Jan 2018
Even though this is a little bad show, still enjoy the hell out of it.
Maybe because I didn't expect too much when watching this kind of show.
If there will ever be ss3, I hope it will have 12 ep. 10 ep is just too short.
Love Op and Ed the most - Everybody, everybody and You, you, you!
Average anime enjoyer.
Jul 8, 2021 11:40 AM

Sep 2012
the path scene had me dying lol
Jul 11, 2021 7:37 AM
Aug 2020
Woaaahhhhhhhh. Shera gained the marriage ring unexpectedly and somewhat forcefully but Rem will gain her ring by going to a quest. Well well well I guess he will be the one to give Rem the ring unlike for Shera, she just get it from the vault. Hehe
Jul 17, 2021 11:00 PM

Nov 2019
While I enjoyed the first season, this one for the most part feels much too forced.

Originally I was going to give it credit for making a decent effort to recover from the lackluster first half (I'm in this for overpowered protagonist devastation, not pseudo-dramatic close scrapes)... but then this ridiculous last arc happened.
Aug 15, 2021 8:18 PM

Oct 2008
This was a fun sequel. Not sure if my expectations where too high but it felt inferior to the first season in almost every aspect. Maybe it was just the rushed pacing.
Sep 1, 2021 10:32 AM

Feb 2020
ok decent. slightly worser than season 1 (but as no of girls increase it was tend to happen). comedy is fine and action is nice. I especially liked episode
AdampkSep 1, 2021 10:36 AM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Sep 4, 2021 10:17 AM

May 2020
Imagine a raid boss only 2 people can defeat that monster. Remind me when I playing RF can do solo Pit Boss LOL. Idk this Maou from another Isekai is OP or not but seems he can handle everything in hand and get the harem. Was fun journey, I like it. A bit rush but hope get the sequel.
Sep 8, 2021 2:37 AM

Jul 2015
I didn't pay much attention to the plot of Diablo's journey as my eyes were 100% focused on the great PLOTs of Diablo's harem so I guess this ecchi series did a decent job for its unexpected second season.

Sep 30, 2021 6:47 PM

Mar 2020
Hoping that last quest of his is a repeatable one, think he might be needing a few more rings in his future.... ;-)
Oct 17, 2021 2:28 PM
Aug 2017
Of coarse Lumachina opened her big mouth and started talking shit to Vishos while Diablo is already fighting for her to protect everyone. Vishos then attacks Lumachina while she stands there defenceless hoping someone saves her. Every single fucking time she has to be saven and the worst part is that she expects it as well otherwise she wouldn't go pissing everyone off.

Rose got severely injured. All of this is because of Lumachina. She brings a shitstorm everywhere she goes forcing the trail of destruction onto other people. If Diablo didn't become her bitch and obey her every wish then none of this would have happened. Diablo is supposed to be a demon lord not a white knight who harms no one and does what anyone tells him to which is exactly what he did, he became Lumachinas bitch. Luckily Rose will recover in time.

Lumachina asks Diablo to stay and become head paladin. Bitch Diablo has done everything for you if not for him you wouldn't have been able to do shit and you continue to ask for more?

Horn actually wanted to go become a sorcerer after he gave her the master servant power. If Diablo didn't give her that then she wouldn't be able to kill a tiny monster let alone become a sorcerer. Ungrateful.

Alicia should go end herself already stop giving her screen time. Fucking snake she will not be forgiven

This season 2 is complete dog shit. The only decent parts in it was when Diablo was capturing his own dungeon and the fanservice. But even the fanservice is shit compared to season 1. Season 1 was good but season 2 is literal ass. I only stuck it out and watched this shitstorm out of respect for season 1 but I have contracted aids and brain cancer from season 2.

Episode 1 = shit
Episode 2 = shit
Episode 3 = shit
Episode 4 = good
Episode 5 = decent
Episode 6 = good
Episode 7 = shit
Episode 8 = shit
Episode 9 = shit
Episode 10 = shit

Season 1 = 8/10

Season 2 = 2/10
OceanStream13Oct 17, 2021 2:34 PM
Oct 18, 2021 4:53 AM

Apr 2011
Well that's okay. Its nice to see Diablo struggled trying to fight Europa. Thankfully, the dispel works and Diablo rekt him. Too bad Lumachina and Horn can't be with Diablo. LumaChi is really pretty. At least there's Rose now. If I remember correctly, Rose goes back to the Dungeon to get repaired after the fight in the LN. I'm surprise there's a wedding ring on Shera, so that means she's married with him?

It was an okay 2nd season. 1st season felt a bit better. Seems 10 episode is holding the show.
Oct 19, 2021 5:40 PM
Oct 2019
it's nice to see this season have a lower rating. i thought it was noticeably not as good

as for this episode:

diablo finally had a tough opponent? that's a good thing
more bath scenes? cool
was that the gun chick from the other town in the other bath that tried to put a move on diablo earlier this season? more hotness and drama to ensue, i suppose
making that thief girl into a proper lady for some duke? wtf

i hated all the religion crap. i didn't particularly like the priest chick (because of the religion crap). the new android girl is interesting. the thief girl is whatever but i guess she has potential

season 2 = 5 or 6/10
Feb 25, 2022 7:48 AM

Apr 2013
"I can't block his attacks because they are not magic." What? How are these laser beams that thing is shooting not magic lol. What a dumbass reason.

This season was like season 1... but worse in every aspect. The new introduced characters, Lumachina and Horn, were quite boring and took away screentime from more interesting characters. The story seemed nothing special and the animation was quite bad. Fanservice was also nowhere as good as the first season, now I'm kinda glad this only had 10 episodes somehow. 6/10
Mar 23, 2022 8:31 PM

Aug 2018
Well I think this season is less comedic, less actions involved and felt kinda rushed, but still decent and entertaining though. Better than nothing, at least the b00bas and fan services still the same xD
Aug 1, 2022 11:00 PM
Nov 2010
The best things from S1, the animation and ecchi, is really lacking this season. That bath scene in the end was really good at least! 6/10
Jan 15, 2023 1:30 PM
Feb 2022
the end card was top tier
Mar 23, 2023 12:12 AM

Dec 2008
I would have hoped that after the first season, the main character would actually be confident instead of just putting on airs. All the same tried and stereotypical beta male unable to make use of a harem situation scenarios have grown tiresome by this point after so many years of similar played out tropes. Nothing really got achieved with the background of Diablo and whats actually going on in the franchise, and it was all hollow. Plus all the implied nudity that never actually got shown even for the upper body of the busty elf chick...Sheeesh. Talk about shattered expectations :p Time to put this franchise to rest. 4/10
May 5, 2023 11:43 AM

Jul 2012
Too bad.. it just ended like that..
Me want to see more ecchi scene with Fanis lol
She seems more promising as an ally..

 I wonder why some of the anime only has 10 episodes..
R they run out of money? Or time?

Jul 21, 2023 1:32 AM

Jun 2010
This season was quite a bit weaker than the first. What elevated the first season above a bog standard isekai was how hilariously unabashed ecchi it was. Sadly we barely got any of that this time around. Instead they focused too much on the story which quite honestly wasn't particularly interesting. Most of the new characters also didn't stand out. I can only see Fanis having some potential in the future.

Holding out for maybe a third season and a return of the series to its strengths.
Sep 27, 2023 11:25 AM

Jun 2017
This anime, while best described as "We have Overlord at home", was still pretty fun (The fact that I love Overlord a lot certainly helped my enjoyment). I enjoyed this season a bit more than the previous one actually. It is unfortunate that it was only 10 episodes though (and that the mini episodes are still not translated). Oh well. Season 2 was released 3 years after Season 1, so hopefully Season 3 will come next year? That would be great :).
Oct 27, 2023 5:35 AM
Dec 2022
'Once Europa lost all its enchantments, it is the weakest of all raid bosses.' Lol 'Isekai saiko!'
Jan 2, 2024 5:51 AM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
Agreed, other worlds are the best XD

I notice there’s another season 2 on crunchyroll with slightly different animation. Is there a reason they did it twice?
Jan 22, 2024 5:43 PM

Jun 2020
Kind of same with first season I like the characters expect of the god girl. Diablo is pretty good and I like to see him same with Rem and Shera is cute too. Rose was a new character that I liked and I wanted to see more of Klem but it didn’t happen. The whole church ,god etc thing was not interesting to me so yea likable characters.Bad plot and storyline.

The OP is amazing tho

May 9, 2024 1:40 AM

Dec 2022
A slight improvement on the first season, insofar in that Diablo himself leaned into his demon king persona more with his actions this time, rather than through just his words. Perhaps as a result of progressing past the "introductory arcs", this season also had more interesting settings, including Diablo's dungeon and an isolated desert village — a welcome departure from the static walled medieval city environment of the first season.

If only the animation were better; the prevalence of still frames during scenes that were supposed to be action-packed and brimming with tension was disappointing.

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Shaded Horizon

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