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Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 3rd Season Episode 6 Discussion

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May 16, 2022 11:06 AM

Nov 2011
I like how Myne is fascinated by the new baby. It's a new experience for her and the family.

Loved the overall cherry energy of this episode. With a new life enterining the show, it feels like a ray of hope for everyone. Also, it's nice to see everyone taking care of the new baby too, not just Myne.
May 16, 2022 11:25 AM

Apr 2016
Is the new baby, Myne's little brother also a reincarnated person ? lol, wouldn't that be a twist. Now, seriously, a lot of babies in this week's episode, and Myne still dead set to change the cogs of this world prematurely with her ideas.

Also, i know those are supposed to be like the "villains", but can they not look and sound like a sunday cartoon villians ? lmao.
May 16, 2022 11:56 AM

Jul 2017
It's not just the Ink Guild that wants hold of Main, but vested interests of nobles who're all in favour of ousting both her and Ferdinand from the top-up.

Anyways, lots of babies this episode, with the Gilberta Company's newborn Renate, Main's own family with Kamil, and an abandoned orphan who's left behind as a sacrifice to the gods for the others to keep watch and look after him. Dirk is such an uncommon name, but a fitting one.

Even then, Main keeps pressing on her book-making ideals, not knowing that the nobles' kickback has reached the far ends, much less asking more people for help (Heidi a.k.a the 2nd Main) to do the work that speeds the process of making coloured ink mixing different pigments.

Yelp, with Dirk having the spots on his face, it's no mere sickness. What would be the premature way to heal this newborn orphan?

Swagernator said:
Also, i know those are supposed to be like the "villains", but can they not look and sound like Sunday cartoon villains? lmao.
This was my literate thought that's so comical in a childlike fashion.
May 16, 2022 12:01 PM

Feb 2019
Great to start the week off with a Honzuki ep!

So we have a pretty good idea of who’s out to get Myne and who sent the devouring troops after her. Looks like they’ve managed to pay off the Grand Priest as well so no opposition from the church in whatever they’re up to. That’s the sad thing about Myne’s power, there’s always going to be people after her for nefarious reasons.

Given Delia didn’t recognise the spots/chicken pox on Dirk, I’m guessing that’s not a common disease in this world which means someone must have either cast a spell or infected him intentionally. That’s really fucked up to do to a baby.
May 16, 2022 12:04 PM
Sep 2015
Villain plotting some evil plan and Myne raising a baby and printing a color book seem like a different anime. But if Myne succeed in what she want, she'll change everyone's lives forever, by decentralizing education.
May 16, 2022 12:16 PM

Jan 2008
It's always a terrifying experience when a baby's sick. Can't even imagine in a world without today's medicines. I wonder if it's chicken pox, measles, an allergic reaction, or something else.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
May 16, 2022 12:17 PM

Feb 2017
loled a bit at Myne's "so this is how you make colored ink!" turned into "what is going on here?!" good we have Heidi to figure it out, also is that how colored ink used to be made? watered down oil paint?
May 16, 2022 12:38 PM
Oct 2016
The new baby brought to the orphanage is causing quite the stir. Little baby Dirk just getting left there since his mother hasn't the means to take care of him. Lots of babies introduced in this show all at once. Main is as new little brother, Otto and Corrine had their baby, and noe baby Dirk is the charge of Main and her attendants. Using the goats milk as a substitute was smart thinking. They say it takes a village to raise a child so we'll see how this motley crew do with baby Dirk. Main has the right idea maybe Dirk can be a distraction for Delia to not act out so to speak. Those spots at the end of the episode on Dirk made me really worried, it better not be anything serious. Main is in portion going to see about making colored ink. Since this world only had standard black ink that would be enough of a change to satiate Main but not disturb the status quo like the letter printing will. Main can use the colored ink to make better picture books for Kamil before she has to leave. The nobles at the beginning don't bode well for her.
May 16, 2022 12:39 PM
Oct 2016
Swagernator said:

Also, i know those are supposed to be like the "villains", but can they not look and sound like a sunday cartoon villians ? lmao.

Y'all haters always use that phrase as if its some huge diss 😂😂
May 16, 2022 1:32 PM

May 2020
"So that creature now has a little brother"

Old man got no chill... really fascinated though how these adults doing a round table every now and then just to come out with some very original ideas of how to make Myne suffer. Anyways seems like some other trouble came up.
May 16, 2022 2:06 PM

Feb 2017
Softhenic03 said:
"So that creature now has a little brother"

Old man got no chill... really fascinated though how these adults doing a round table every now and then just to come out with some very original ideas of how to make Myne suffer. Anyways seems like some other trouble came up.

If this world nobels are anything alike ours a good chunk of them to not say most saw commoners as nothing more than talking and walking dogs(not to mention that they're basically crippled by not having mana), now imagine if by yelling at a dog it jumped on you and tried to kill you, that being said I think the old man aint even half as bad as the other nobles he was talking to but I might be wrong.
May 16, 2022 3:18 PM

Jul 2014
Did we really need to spend a decent chunk of this episode on Myne and co caring for a baby? Is this really what anyone came to watch this show for, especially when there's plenty of other interesting plot points happening in the show? It's just boring, not even entertainingly chaotic like something like Three Men and a Baby is. Also, I think the comment Myne's parents made last week about how many of their previous children died did more than enough to sell that infant mortality is high in this universe, so it's not as if we even need to focus on Dirk and his getting ill to convey that point.

Quite possibly my least favourite episode of Bookworm ever.
May 16, 2022 3:28 PM

Apr 2008
Poor Heidi falling into the trap of thinking because Main is intellectual she's also curious. It is sort of odd how she loves books and keeps so much knowledge but isn't interested in solving mysteries.

I really doubt the issues with the baby are to highlight the state of the world. I'd assume that Main saving the kid will be what finally brings Delia over just in time to protect her from the conspiracy we glimpsed.
May 16, 2022 3:35 PM
Jul 2019
Atavistic said:
Did we really need to spend a decent chunk of this episode on Myne and co caring for a baby? Is this really what anyone came to watch this show for, especially when there's plenty of other interesting plot points happening in the show? It's just boring, not even entertainingly chaotic like something like Three Men and a Baby is. Also, I think the comment Myne's parents made last week about how many of their previous children died did more than enough to sell that infant mortality is high in this universe, so it's not as if we even need to focus on Dirk and his getting ill to convey that point.

Quite possibly my least favourite episode of Bookworm ever.

Bruh, chill out, you don't even know what Dirk's "illness" is.And this is clearly a set-up episode for the upcoming events.
May 16, 2022 4:39 PM

Dec 2013
Aw man, I really hope nothing happens to Dirk, we know Myne's family had a lot of trouble with other kids and I don't want it to be a red flag, Dirk seems to be the catalyst to Delia finally changing her mind and attitude, I wonder if babies don't particularly like Myne either because she is weak so maybe her temperature is a bit cold or if her amount of mana makes them feel a bit uncomfortable.
May 16, 2022 4:40 PM
Jul 2018
A character that can out-myne myne! What an introduction!!
Cute to see more of the 2 new babies and they are adorable. Expecting good things from Delia's and Dirk's upcoming episode. Just hope for no tragic stuff :")
May 16, 2022 10:15 PM

Jun 2021
Heidi is cute Dirk is cute Kamil is cute Everyone is cute!
May 16, 2022 10:31 PM

May 2012
Man did they do a trash job at Dirk's illness, lol. That looks nothing like his skin bubbling as if it were boiling, which is how it's described in the novel. It looks like a general common illness which is not supposed to be the case at all.
KanameYuuki said:
Aw man, I really hope nothing happens to Dirk, we know Myne's family had a lot of trouble with other kids and I don't want it to be a red flag, Dirk seems to be the catalyst to Delia finally changing her mind and attitude, I wonder if babies don't particularly like Myne either because she is weak so maybe her temperature is a bit cold or if her amount of mana makes them feel a bit uncomfortable.

StephJun 6, 2022 12:14 PM
May 16, 2022 11:38 PM
Jul 2018
Swagernator said:
Is the new baby, Myne's little brother also a reincarnated person ? lol, wouldn't that be a twist. Now, seriously, a lot of babies in this week's episode, and Myne still dead set to change the cogs of this world prematurely with her ideas.

Also, i know those are supposed to be like the "villains", but can they not look and sound like a sunday cartoon villians ? lmao.

The author is clearly better at writing villainless stories than ones with villains. Even after the High Priest was introduced at the end of the first season, the author seemed to purposefully sideline him and just continue on with the story in the second season.

That's precisely why I felt the first half of this season was a bit weaker with the villainous Ink Guild Head and the nobles trying to kill Myne. It's not as good as the worldbuilding and positive character writing of the show.
May 16, 2022 11:40 PM
Jul 2018
Atavistic said:
Did we really need to spend a decent chunk of this episode on Myne and co caring for a baby? Is this really what anyone came to watch this show for, especially when there's plenty of other interesting plot points happening in the show? It's just boring, not even entertainingly chaotic like something like Three Men and a Baby is. Also, I think the comment Myne's parents made last week about how many of their previous children died did more than enough to sell that infant mortality is high in this universe, so it's not as if we even need to focus on Dirk and his getting ill to convey that point.

Quite possibly my least favourite episode of Bookworm ever.

It's always been a slice of life fantasy though. Is an episode focusing on newborn babies in a story where an orphanage is a prominent part that bad?
May 17, 2022 12:08 AM

Feb 2021
Oh no Dirk is sick... What will happen to them now :(
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May 17, 2022 12:47 AM

Aug 2010
Atavistic said:
Did we really need to spend a decent chunk of this episode on Myne and co caring for a baby? Is this really what anyone came to watch this show for, especially when there's plenty of other interesting plot points happening in the show? It's just boring, not even entertainingly chaotic like something like Three Men and a Baby is. Also, I think the comment Myne's parents made last week about how many of their previous children died did more than enough to sell that infant mortality is high in this universe, so it's not as if we even need to focus on Dirk and his getting ill to convey that point.

Quite possibly my least favourite episode of Bookworm ever.

well, yeah because he will play a plot in near episodes...
and that is all i can say!

>Quotes from AoB <
There is again! The ultimate technique: "It's all his fault, not mine!"
Goddess, High Bishop, you sure are popular!
まんが きけん      むがく -> Manga wa kikenjyanai, kedo mugaku desu.
-> Manga isn't dangerous, but ignorance it is.
Benno frowned as I finished listing off all the reasons why I didn't want to give the books leather covers.
May 17, 2022 12:52 AM

Aug 2010
surf78987898 said:
Heidi is cute Dirk is cute Kamil is cute Everyone is cute!

Renata is the cutiest ever (Oto's PoV) hehehehe

>Quotes from AoB <
There is again! The ultimate technique: "It's all his fault, not mine!"
Goddess, High Bishop, you sure are popular!
まんが きけん      むがく -> Manga wa kikenjyanai, kedo mugaku desu.
-> Manga isn't dangerous, but ignorance it is.
Benno frowned as I finished listing off all the reasons why I didn't want to give the books leather covers.
May 17, 2022 3:01 AM

Apr 2013
Atavistic said:
Did we really need to spend a decent chunk of this episode on Myne and co caring for a baby? Is this really what anyone came to watch this show for, especially when there's plenty of other interesting plot points happening in the show? It's just boring, not even entertainingly chaotic like something like Three Men and a Baby is. Also, I think the comment Myne's parents made last week about how many of their previous children died did more than enough to sell that infant mortality is high in this universe, so it's not as if we even need to focus on Dirk and his getting ill to convey that point.

Quite possibly my least favourite episode of Bookworm ever.

While I understand that it may feel like just boring filler to you right now, the baby part is really non skippable content, so they had to show it to us. Anything less and some character's behaviour/actions later on will not make sense any more.
May 17, 2022 3:37 AM

Jul 2017
wtf is this baby shit get back to the actual plot
May 17, 2022 6:06 AM
Jul 2014
It looks like Delia bonded fairly quickly with Dirk. I wonder if that means Main's cunning plan to get her away from Evil Santa will work out.

Speaking of which, I knew he was a dick, but actively conspiring with people talking about kidnapping and selling her seems like a new low, even for him.
May 17, 2022 7:27 AM

Apr 2018
Oh an orphan baby joining them, interesting, now Maine will be able to be both a kind of mother and sister with her new little brother, though it looks like the new baby caught varicella it's nothing too dangerous though but they'll all catch it
May 18, 2022 3:44 AM

Dec 2008
After all the previous episodes about Maine's dark future this episode was some fresh air.

Fiinally some inventing again, I liked the ink mixing a lot. In this world the colors mixing resulted in different colors than Maine expected, but that is no big deal.

Who cares about Dirk lol
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 18, 2022 1:58 PM
Dec 2019
Now Myne is making colored ink which is cool in my opinion. The only problem is that they can't predict which color it'll be. Kamil was born and he has blue hair like Myne and her dad. It seems like Myne needs to be careful cuz the High Priest is plotting something.
May 18, 2022 11:55 PM
Jan 2022
Myne got some nobles that dislike her and wanted her and Ferdinand to suffer, and as I thought, that Pope is working together with them, so I think even if Myne hold her product release for a while, she would still have some major problems with them. Also Myne got some jobs to raise two babies at the same time, orphan baby and her own younger brother.

Despite those problems, at least it's nice to see her making stuffs again.
May 19, 2022 6:55 AM

Nov 2017
Ink making, but with gacha mechanics! And the colour you want is a SSR
May 19, 2022 11:52 AM
Mar 2021
I'm here to read what part of the novel didn't get adapted again in this episode.
May 21, 2022 1:15 AM

Mar 2014
I really hope someone sides with Heidi on wanting to figure out why the colors were coming out unexpectedly. Figuring out little mysteries like that about this foreign but familiar world is part of the fun with isekai
May 21, 2022 2:45 PM

Aug 2013
Vysarine said:
I really hope someone sides with Heidi on wanting to figure out why the colors were coming out unexpectedly. Figuring out little mysteries like that about this foreign but familiar world is part of the fun with isekai

Heidi could easily become my new favorite side character if she keeps pressing her curiosity. Honestly, someone like her in combination with Myne could advance science in their world by several hundred years. Just figuring out the color changes alone would revolutionize chemistry.
May 22, 2022 1:48 AM
Dec 2015
To be honest, I think that for me in the priestess arc, this piece has lost some of its original charm. The part from the baby in general looks illogical, like, they have a shelter at the temple and priests in gray robes are recruited from orphans, and here simply no one knows what to do with a single child, shouldn’t this be a common thing?

Although this is of course a source problem, just like Ferdinand's idolatry.
May 22, 2022 5:20 PM

Nov 2012
Heidi and Josef are adult Myne and Lutz. lol

Pretty sure Dirk will be Delia's turning point and she realizes how evil that old priest is.
May 23, 2022 10:40 AM

Nov 2013
Dirk reminded me of little Maryblood, William G.
May 30, 2022 2:49 AM

Aug 2010
KaitoKumatsu said:
I'm here to read what part of the novel didn't get adapted again in this episode.

Uff, lots of them has NOT adapted. the episode resume nearly 5 LN Chapters ... so guess you ...

>Quotes from AoB <
There is again! The ultimate technique: "It's all his fault, not mine!"
Goddess, High Bishop, you sure are popular!
まんが きけん      むがく -> Manga wa kikenjyanai, kedo mugaku desu.
-> Manga isn't dangerous, but ignorance it is.
Benno frowned as I finished listing off all the reasons why I didn't want to give the books leather covers.
Jun 8, 2022 10:30 PM

Apr 2009
..and the soup, uhmm I mean the plot chickens, err thickens! Well there it is, the old fat fart is in league with other nobles to abduct Myne for her mana and whatever else they think she is of value to them.

So will Heidi spearhead the scientific inquiry of her world starting with colored inks?

Is it measles or smallpox...or whatever they call it in this world?
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Jun 16, 2022 4:01 AM

Feb 2014
Bio said:
Poor Heidi falling into the trap of thinking because Main is intellectual she's also curious. It is sort of odd how she loves books and keeps so much knowledge but isn't interested in solving mysteries.

I really doubt the issues with the baby are to highlight the state of the world. I'd assume that Main saving the kid will be what finally brings Delia over just in time to protect her from the conspiracy we glimpsed.

The only thing Myne cares about is books and creating a world where libraries could exist. Everything else is secondary or means to accomplish that end. Her family is the only exception.
Jun 27, 2022 8:48 AM

Aug 2018
Fellow enthusiast master in producing ink, nice.. ;P Girl master Heidi.. ;P
2 Mynes, huh.. ;P
Well, you differ in some things of interest to you.. But you'll help each other in your goals, Heidi and Myne.. ;P
Jul 18, 2022 10:02 AM

Jul 2015
Lot of babies this episode, all crying at the sight of Myne funnily enough.

Oct 9, 2022 10:53 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Myne's being a bit hard on the girl fascinated by the chemistry of the oil and powders.
In a way she's like Myne but while Myne only cares about the results, she's interested in the journey there and the why and how. I hope Myne changes her mind once she realizes the wonders of it.
The orphan seems to have a type of measles or so. I wonder if Myne will end up making baby formula somehow...
Dec 26, 2022 8:46 AM

Apr 2016
a baby episode, the brothers`s myne, the second in the Bueno familys and the third in the orphanage, and it is the one that gives the most work!!! kekeke
Jan 11, 2024 5:27 PM
Dec 2014
Not the biggest fan of this arc but still enjoyable!
Jul 7, 2024 3:13 PM
Mar 2019
Delia is so gullible, or stupid.
Aug 8, 2024 6:11 PM
Oct 2020
Ok we got Kamil and Dirk now.

Also we got the pox now. Time to make a cure?
Sep 11, 2024 6:57 PM
Sep 2014
Reply to KanameYuuki
Aw man, I really hope nothing happens to Dirk, we know Myne's family had a lot of trouble with other kids and I don't want it to be a red flag, Dirk seems to be the catalyst to Delia finally changing her mind and attitude, I wonder if babies don't particularly like Myne either because she is weak so maybe her temperature is a bit cold or if her amount of mana makes them feel a bit uncomfortable.
@KanameYuuki I didn't even think of the mana, but yeah, that'd be a more logical explanation versus Kamil just not being familiar with her versus the others in her family probably talking and baby in utero becoming familiar. It's basically like the idea that some people have an aura that is more or less amiable. Like I'm called a cat whisperer, though frankly I don't have the techniques to really own that epithet, it's usually luck and patience
Sep 11, 2024 6:59 PM
Sep 2014
Reply to Rexnihilo
Ok we got Kamil and Dirk now.

Also we got the pox now. Time to make a cure?
@Rexnihilo I actually only realized the parallels, vague as they are, to Dr. Stone, though the latter started in 2017, while the Honzuki LN was about 2015, same as the manga, apparently, a few years before Dr. Stone
Sep 11, 2024 7:01 PM
Sep 2014
Reply to bushman66
Delia is so gullible, or stupid.
@bushman66 Considering her past indicates she has major abandonment issues, I think she's doing well in not developing an attachment disorder or such. Then again, the big development is likely coming up and I hope Dirk helps her see an aptitude she's always had for helping others, even if she doesn't expect a physical/material reward
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