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Oct 16, 2021 6:28 AM

Nov 2011
William is all grown up now after the timeskip. He's still kinda sensitive at his age but also accepts the cruel reality of the world.

Another interesting character is Augustus, who seems like a father figure for William. Mary and Blood are also back who maintains their relevant roles in the show. I'm more interested to see how much William grows besides just his age.
Oct 16, 2021 6:42 AM

Apr 2014
The gambling scene was very funny, especially when it was found out by Mary. LMAO... She was like the mother of those three.
Oct 16, 2021 6:48 AM

Apr 2018
Another timeskip, he sure is big now. Well, I loved the gambling scene. And he's pretty much grown up now. I can't get over Mary's design tho, it's just beautiful. Forgot to mention in the first episode that the OP is pretty good. Same goes for the ED. I've read a little bit of the manga but they're adapting it from the LN so I should be fine ig. Augustus was pretty nice in this episode.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Oct 16, 2021 6:55 AM

Jun 2019
Looks like the time skip is already here on our hands. Five years have already been passed and Will is now 13 years old. Looks like with time, the teachings have also gotten quite intense and tough for him, but he's doing great at it. Augustus feels more like a grandfather figure to me than a father figure, on the other hand, Mary and Blood are like his parents. He's definitely improved over these years but still has a long way to go.

I'm more interested to see how William develops as time goes on in this show. One thing is sure that he loves his parents in this world very much as any other child would. The OP and ED are both really good in this show.
Oct 16, 2021 7:36 AM
Aug 2020
Sus Gus
Sus Mary
Sus Blood
Sus Gods
Sus world
Sus MC
Sus everywhere
Oct 16, 2021 7:57 AM

Jul 2017
Will is growing up within the teachings of Gus, Mary and Blood, and the timeskip is apparent that the story is flowing along nicely and doesn't like to waste time in needless expositions a.k.a cutting down unnecessary padding from the manga and expanding upon the LN (which is what the show is based on).

Will sure is put on some extreme measures from Gus, both in theory (teaching knowledge) and practical (fighting combat). It tells us that to Will, Augustus has cast a big part of his life in regards to Will's family's disappearance that's shrouded in complete mystery, and on his own personal growth as well.

Hah, a game of Backgammon, and Gus is pretty good at gambling lols. But Will is pretty hefty and won straight shots, and the men (plus Will) getting verbally hammered by Mary is worth a hint of chuckle. It's not good for children to gamble.

Ooh, Children's Playground finally got some decent-to-good production values, this is a huge step up from the studio's previous works, and it shows.

H-el-ical//'s OP is good, but Nagi Yanagi's ED is even better, really missed her voice.

This is slowly hooking to be one of the better shows of the season, and I'm all excited for more.
Oct 16, 2021 8:00 AM

Feb 2021
They definitely are hiding something big from him...

Well in this episode Will continues to grow more and more, now he is nearly 15 and has already fought against real undeads, I was surprised how easy it was to kill one of them, I guess all his training made him that much stronger.

Gus is being the most suspicious of all, I wonder why would he ask Will to throw the match.

I think next episode might conclude the first volume or something, Will is already gonna be 15 anyways.
Oct 16, 2021 8:35 AM

Jun 2014
Gus is acting pretty suspicious, I wonder what he and the others are hiding from Will that's making him act this way. The training sequences were nice and I like that we got to see how much Will's abilities have improved over the years.
thebrentinator24Oct 16, 2021 8:39 AM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Oct 16, 2021 8:37 AM

Oct 2017
The lores were pretty interesting and I'm quite excited to know how it'll affect the story. The action sequence were okay, wonder what Gus is upto. Will's interactions with Mary were sweet once again. It'll be soon his coming of age ceremony, kinda excited to find out what oath he'll take. Thou I'm more interested in finding out what the three of them are hiding from Will. Pretty sure they'll tell him during his coming of age ceremony.

Good episode again, ED is out and it's pretty cool.
Oct 16, 2021 8:38 AM

Aug 2012
why do they feel the need to butcher latin words? Tacaere os ... silence bone. Or ignus instead of ignis i.e. fire and so on. Oh and mixing it with japanese words where they did not find the word. Cadere arachnus means falling spider not spiderweb by the way
nightcrawlercypOct 16, 2021 8:45 AM
Oct 16, 2021 8:45 AM
Sep 2015
It's very hard to guess Will's backstory, but I'd bet on Blood and Mary being his parents. The only reason they'd deal with a devil is to raise their son.

But I don't know why Will has female voice actress. For the first episode is understandable, but for the second episode, they should change to male voice actor already.
Oct 16, 2021 9:17 AM

Jul 2017
Man that Nagi Yanagi ED song is really good, she's done a lot of great songs for anime and this is up there for me for sure.

The rest of the episode was serviceable but I do feel like the series could have benefitted more from slowing down the growth over time and focus a bit more on his younger years and how he grows with Blood, Mary and Gus. It's not terribly paced as a whole, but still, a little rushed for my liking. Will's still pretty bland as a character and probably the most underwhelming aspect of the series so far along with his design, but hopefully, he does improve over time, especially since he's an adult now.
Oct 16, 2021 9:37 AM

Feb 2019
This feels a lot like Mushoku and Magus bride. I’m really curious about what Gus and the rest are hiding from Will.

Nagiyanagi ED lets gooo
Oct 16, 2021 9:40 AM

Dec 2014
It is seriously hard to watch when the MC is having a much much sissy drawing compare to manga.

This episode was supposed to be emotion to me but what I feel was just some sissy guy begging to live.
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Oct 16, 2021 9:42 AM

Jun 2010
Another fantastic episode. Pacing feels super slow though even with the timeskips. Just goes to show it is a great show when you want more.

P.S. I wish Yui Hor.. er..Mary was my mum too.

Oct 16, 2021 10:02 AM

Jul 2017
didnt enjoy this ep as much as the first one
Oct 16, 2021 10:08 AM
Oct 2021
Just like what I have expected
Oct 16, 2021 10:21 AM

May 2021
Damn, I really hope his VA changes soon
Oct 16, 2021 10:32 AM

Dec 2015
Far better than episode 1. They should have done it like Takt (and Takt should have changed episodes 1 and 2 instead) - using this as the first episode and showing the background (where it was shown that it was Isekai) in episode 2 instead.

Interested in how this will turn out. Gus has some secrets - definitely. And the main char noticed this. Something is going to happen in the next episode. Anime now made me look forward to this - with episode 2. (While episode 1 felt a bit boring.)
Oct 16, 2021 10:37 AM
Oct 2021
Gus is a mysterious piece in this episode looking for the next episode for his true intentions... Cool Gus...
Oct 16, 2021 11:03 AM
Jun 2019
In the previous episode they said that they are now undead because they still have regrets. That's why I get the feeling that the reason Gus didn't want Will to win the duel is to prevent Blood from getting what he wants which is being defeated or something, then after he is defeated he will go to the afterlife.
Oct 16, 2021 12:22 PM
Mar 2021
This seasons The Detective is Already Dead, hyped by source readers, but terrible execution.

What's the point in all these growth episodes if we're just speed running them? May as well just skip them at this point. Will has the personality of a wet paper bag, which makes everytime he's on screen a bore, considering he's the MC this show will be a tough watch.
Oct 16, 2021 12:46 PM

Jan 2014
Man it's such a treat getting a quality fantasy anime after all the generic AF isekai.

It honestly felt like a 5 minute episode and I want more now !!!

If it wasn't for Mushoku, I'd say this would be AOTS. We are only 2 episodes in but the lore/story and the characters is so good. Hopefully the rest of the anime stays true to it's value.
Oct 16, 2021 12:48 PM

Nov 2012
Coollldart said:
Sus Gus
Sus Mary
Sus Blood
Sus Gods
Sus world
Sus MC
Sus everywhere

IKR! Too many secrets. After the caves I don't know how he went back to normal. Whateva Grandpa you just tried to kill me. All my sentences would end like that.

Let's appraise the spear.
Great, you tried to kill me

Pass the salt
Here you go; he tried to kill me

Go to bed
Nah cuz he tried to kill me
Oct 16, 2021 1:48 PM

Nov 2013
Death flags for everyone (except MC)??? This is odd... suspicious... I have a bad feeling...
Oct 16, 2021 2:24 PM

Jun 2021
Mary is the best <3 love her
Oct 16, 2021 2:27 PM

Jun 2019
It’s solid enough. Nothing too great, but offers enough to keep you interested and coming back.
Oct 16, 2021 3:59 PM
Jul 2018
William this is very strong and very well shown how interesting his change to what he was smaller.
Oct 16, 2021 4:04 PM

Jan 2019
Pretty average so far. Hopefully Will quickly grows out of being a drama queen.
Oct 16, 2021 4:04 PM

Jun 2021
Seems like next episode Bell, I mean, Will will finally get to choose his Familia.

Jokes aside, this show is shaping up to be one of the sleeper hits of the season, so I'm hoping it can maintain this level of quality.
Oct 16, 2021 4:56 PM

May 2015
I'm curious what the mystery is. Might have something to do with them being undead. Like they agreed not to reveal something like a contract and if they breach it something bad would happen.

I'm guessing this tutorial stage will end by episode 3. I hope they don't just say goodbye to those three once Will grows strong. They're on the cover so I hope they stay around.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 16, 2021 5:22 PM

Mar 2014
jeez 24 mins feature feels like 50 mins long which is a nightmare.
Oct 16, 2021 7:01 PM

Jun 2021
Not bad, but definitely not my cup of tea.

I think what annoys me the most is the weird echo they put on MC's VA's voice whenever he's having a inner-dialogue. I know with LN adaptations, there are a lot of MC inner-dialogues and I guess they wanted a way to differentiate that in the anime, but the echoed voice just sounds really annoying, and not to mention it's not that difficult for the audience to differentiate between inner-dialogue vs. actual conversation. If they really wanted to do this, they should have just gotten a separate VA to do the inner-dialogue (see Mushoku Tensei).
Oct 16, 2021 7:55 PM
Dec 2019
Why is Gus trying to kill Will? I just keep asking more questions with this anime. Hopefully in time they will be answered. This anime is slow but I like it. I can feel that it's building up to something. The gambling scene was kind of funny.
Oct 16, 2021 8:28 PM
Jul 2017
I had no expectations for this show, but both the first and second were super great so far! I am not just super hyped for whats coming (like I was with slime) but I am genuinely enjoying these first two episodes.

I hope it doesnt drop the ball, but so far its my favorite this season by far.
Oct 16, 2021 9:50 PM

Apr 2018
Damn William grown up to be a fine warrior. One thing that worries me is Gus, why does he want him to lose the battle and why does he want to kill him in that tunnel? That Gambling scene though LOL I laughed so hard when i saw the dices.
Oct 16, 2021 9:51 PM

Aug 2010
Yanagi Nagi ED is really great!

A pretty good episode. It did have too many inner dialogues imo, but maybe it's because we're still in the opening of the story so they just want to give us as much info as possible to prepare us for the actual plot. I imagine the first 3 episodes to be the opening with each episode dedicated for each undead. Hopefully they will use a more "show don't tell" approach when the actual story begins.
Oct 16, 2021 10:10 PM

Mar 2016
This episode also felt very weak. The pacing feels off at times and much of the helpful dialogue and exposition is cut. Feels like stuff should've been slowed down with making Will grow and all, but it looks like this will be adapting all three volumes currently out right now (before the author suffered writer's block, apparently).
The attempted pathos felt awkward, too, cause no proper sense of buildup was there. I couldn't exactly find myself getting attached to anyone in particular, though Gus is kinda fun, at least.
My familiarity with the source material doesn't help, but I think my stances wouldn't have been much different even then.
Oct 17, 2021 4:16 AM

Jan 2018
So this is basically a coming of age story (so far).
Other than Gus acting pretty sus, nothing eventful happened really.
Oct 17, 2021 5:20 AM

Oct 2016
No homo, but Will's design looks really pretty lmao, especially with the ponytail.

Really good episode! Time's passing by pretty fast, Will is not 13 years old. As much as I like the 3 undead parents, it's pretty exciting to think what happens once Will starts his adventure. Gus definitely sus, but I don't think he's hiding anything evil? The gambling scene was pretty funny, Mary is great.

That spear is pretty sick, if that's gonna be Will's weapon then I am down. The pacing so far seems a little fast, but it's not bad, it's good enough. It would have been nice to slow down a little. Really curious what Gus is hiding though, looking forward to the next episode.
Oct 17, 2021 6:21 AM
Apr 2014
felt like they rushed a lot of stuffs to get to the Will's trial :(

on an unrelated note he still sounds a bit too feminine, gonna take awhile to get used to
Oct 17, 2021 6:24 AM

Sep 2016
God, the MC overreacted too much there. The confrontation scene in the dungeon with Gus felt too cheesy with all the unnecessary sobbing. Other than that, decent episode. Seems we'll be getting a good fight next episode.
Oct 17, 2021 8:01 AM

Apr 2018
Is this anime good? I'm thinking of dropping it because it's starting to bore me. All they do is talk about the history.
edit: I stopped watching at the start of this episode 2, I didn't finish it.
Rejoice, your wish will be finally granted.
Oct 17, 2021 8:44 AM

Dec 2019
Quite enjoyable ~ ~ ~ ~ ~waiting for next Episode for sure!

Oct 17, 2021 11:49 AM
May 2017
I'm getting more and more interested in their true intentions. In the previous episode, Gus made it clear they weren't raising him out of the goodness of their heart. My guess for the reason they raised Will is too someday free them from their curse of undead. They can't do it themselves for some reason, maybe a living breathing person has to be the one?? What if the undead can't leave the city, maybe a barrier prevents it? Idk it can be anything, we're only two episodes in...

Also Gus tries to kill him in the dungeon and later he told him to lose his upcoming match against Blood with no explanation. My guess for Gus wanting Will to throw the fight is because he might think Will isn't ready for the brutal outside world. But that doesn't explain why he was initially planning to kill him.

Also we find our mc will eventually have to choose a God to form a covenant with. I wonder who he will choose? I bet it will be a choice that will shock everybody. This is getting interesting.

I feel like things are going to pick up from here on out. These episodes so far were kind of slow, but informative on this verse. The main thing that has my interest so far is the mysteries with Will's guardians.

Quanda1eDing1eOct 17, 2021 6:11 PM
Oct 17, 2021 1:19 PM
Mar 2021
I'm extremely vibing with this show

also I'm terribly afraid Will is going to have to kill one or more of his parents. It just feels like maybe they're preparing him to euthanize them, but they know they instinctually will fight to the death to survive, so they're trying to make sure he's as strong as possible. Gus maybe tried to kill him because all of them are gradually starting to lose their shreds of remaining humanity and become true monsters, and they want to die for good before that can happen.

that's really where the story obviously seems to be going
Oct 17, 2021 2:42 PM

Jul 2014
Another excellent episode, particularly for Will's duel with Gus in the underground. I'm still not 100% sure whether Gus was betraying Will or just teaching him a lesson, but I think not telling us right now puts us in Will's position of uncertainty and makes the emotion land with all the more impact.

It is starting to seem likely that Will's going to be forced into a very difficult decision when it comes time for him to become an adult and leave the nest: he may be under Mary, Blood and Gus's protection now, but will that really be the case once he's no longer their responsibility?
Oct 17, 2021 4:21 PM

Apr 2008
Some surprisingly lousy voice acting in both of Will's dramatic scenes. The abrupt way his voice went all screamy was comical.
Oct 17, 2021 5:12 PM

Nov 2017
Thats was a good build up to whats going to happen soon,I enjoyed watching that,esp the scenes with Gus and Blood and the gambling :)
I don't care whether Mary is a mummy or not,she's damn hot imo :)
Oct 17, 2021 6:02 PM

Feb 2020
More teachings from the trio of undead. Gus teaching always be intriguing cause its give me more of the world building. The virtuous and evil concept can be the opposite depends on how people have a faith over some aspects. Still, for the human sake and safety, it might be better to keep the faith as same as them, an oath for Mater, or Volt. However, is that really the right choice while having the journey alone? Gus kinda tried to give the young soul, Will that lesson, it seems. Especially with how the progress of development to the adulthood of him can't be stop, no matter what. Example of how good he was, defeating one and two undeads, and then dodging every child's play of Gus, even on that one last near-death experience. Forget about the gambling. Its really bad for you, kid! Remember Mary long and steady lecture for your good future!

In the end, whatever it was, it will always right to Will, to choose the answer, on how own will. The payday. That's it all, and, yeah, lets see next....
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