All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 184.7
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed555
- On-Hold17
- Dropped30
- Plan to Watch300
- Total Entries905
- Rewatched0
- Episodes11,451
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries12
- Reread0
- Chapters1,526
- Volumes141
All Comments (267) Comments
Regarding recommendations, no problem bro. You can tell me what kind of genres/themes you're interested and I'll try to look into all old titles I watched in the past.
I now only use mal to update my list now, just feeling how cringy I was back in 2021-2022 lol
Anything piques your interest this season?
You summed it up perfectly, thanks! Anime that have amazing stories and dialogues are far more impactful to me.
Thank you! <3
I've given much thought and preparation for it, so I'm definitely ready! Of course, I could go into a trade as you've suggested, but I'm quite satisfied with what I decided to study, and I'm super excited for the journey! Thanks for your advice, friend!
P.S. I like the Pepe profile picture hehe
Anyways hope you're doing well! I've been busy lately as I'm starting university this year!
I've never really been a fan of video game anime or anime that are based on video games, but I've been interested in watching the Fate series! What do you think?
Anime with interesting concepts are always unique, but I think it takes quite a lot to be able to make it good/pull it off well!
I started watching Steins;Gate today, I'll pair this with Apothecary Diaries until I'm done with both :)
What anime have you enjoyed/been enjoying recently?
Sometimes I take a while to choose what I want to watch, as I want to choose something that I know I will really enjoy, instead of just watching to tick it off. So I definitely don't like rushing haha.
I'll definitely take your advice. Do you have any anime recommendations for me?