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🌸 Hello! 🌸

🌸 Hello! 🌸

Grew up with anime on TV, but my interest really blossomed during grade school with shoujo manga, which is still a comfort piece of media for me. Began to watch seasonal anime in Fall 2009. Slowed down from 2013, and stopped watching anime by 2018. Slowly coming back in 2020 during the stay-at-home period. Current mood: watching Jdrama / Kdramas.

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Watching this season

Publishing manga

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🍒 genre: drama, romance
🌿 have an overarching story
🌼 sets in modern era
🍒 modern shiny art style
🌿 detailed backgrounds
🌼 cute bishoujo character design

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All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 124.0
Mean Score: 6.45
  • Total Entries590
  • Rewatched14
  • Episodes7,424
Anime History Last Anime Updates
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon 2nd Season
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon 2nd Season
8 hours ago
Watching 11/13 · Scored -
Honey Lemon Soda
Honey Lemon Soda
Yesterday, 10:46 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 5
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 4th Season
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 4th Season
Yesterday, 9:21 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 137.5
Mean Score: 6.22
  • Total Entries651
  • Reread1
  • Chapters16,214
  • Volumes1,933
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Kuroneko to Majo no Kyoushitsu
Kuroneko to Majo no Kyoushitsu
Mar 25, 9:56 PM
Reading 82/? · Scored 6
Blue Period
Blue Period
Mar 25, 9:54 PM
Reading 75/? · Scored 9
Kyou mo Veranda de
Kyou mo Veranda de
Mar 23, 10:23 AM
Reading 60/? · Scored 5

All Favorites Favorites

Anime (8)
Manga (10)
Character (5)

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NS2D Mar 21, 5:06 PM
Thank you for accepting it :D
And yeah It's a really good pic!
Nirabu Mar 6, 7:44 PM
Thanks and will read it then.
Nirabu Mar 6, 6:11 PM
Kanojo to Kare no Kankei: Heibon na Hayakawa-san to Heibon na Miura-kun no Hibon na Kankei · Reading 13/? ・ Scored -
SO CUTE???? way cuter than expected
What exactly it about?
_Freyah_ Jan 8, 2:59 AM
Omg i'm so happy that you liked it! i was so excited to recommend it to u cuz i don't rly see people talking about it (the Sakura one) :D i was sad that it was so short but sometimes it's better from author to make short manga instead of dragging the plot and ruining it ^ ^ i hope that you will like the ending!

Oh i didn't notice you watched that ;-; but like in most cases manga is diff from anime so it's still worht reading :D i for sure had my fav couple too (i think it was the Ryouko and Akagi - but i found something special in every couple so it was entertaing in general. Ye for sure give it a read :D it's rly short.

It was really fun making recommendations for you!

( ̳• · • ̳)
/ づ♡
dokucity Dec 29, 2024 2:15 AM
i was browsing through some forums and i came across your account and decided to leave a comment because of how long you've been on MyAnimeList. it's fascinating to me how long you've been on the platform and are still active. something about being a fan of anime for so long and having a place to go to for anime is cool to me. i hope i can make memories on MyAnimeList like you did.
Prasetya Nov 22, 2024 5:33 AM
Oke deh nanti coba baca ya biar tau sendiri gimana endingnya.
Ohh lumayan lama juga ya terakhir main wkwk. Udh ketinggalan fontaine sama masuk natlan juga kalo mau ngejar. Tapi sebenernya main santai juga bisa kok ga harus ngejar banget juga. Zzz dulu awalnya kebalikan, malah males kek belum ada motivasi main beneran eh begitu di awal ada karakter yg tertarik akhirnya keterusan main deh.
Siapp dm diterima!
Prasetya Nov 22, 2024 1:02 AM
Setuju di bagian S2 ini adaptasinya lebih bagus dari season 1 kemaren. Mungkin ada pengaruh juga karena arc nya udh masuk ke bagian seru kali ya. Tentang manganya, jujur belum baca beberapa chapter sebelum ending sih wkwk tapi ya gitu udh denger dikit2 kalo endingnya gimana, cuman yaa agak kecewa aja kalo terkesan kecepetan ya.

Meskipun udh ga ngikutin tetep kadang ngecek ya wkwk emang kalo udah fans gitu. Kirain koleksinya bakal tetep disimpen yg lama.

Oh sempat main juga? Yaa kalo story emang udh cukup jauh sih genshin ya, kalo zenless mah belum terlalu jauh juga kan baru aja. Bisa main ketiga itu karena emang lagi senggang aja soalnya cuti dari kerjaan wkwk. Sebenernya sama udh jarang aktif di discord sih wkwk tapi boleh boleh makasii
Prasetya Nov 21, 2024 8:29 PM
Iya sih kebanyakan yg ditonton bingung juga ya wkwk udh ngga kek dulu waktu sekolah yg di tiap musim semua ditonton aja. Ohh Oshi no Ko ngikutin juga, tapi udh baca manganya juga sih.

Masih ngikutin grup idol itu? Sampe koleksi2 gitu apa ngga?
Kalo sekarang lagi mainin 3 game sih semua gacha wkwk genshin, star rail sama zenless. Udah cukup itu dulu aja kalo kebanyakan makin pusing bagi waktunya ntar. Oot sih, punya discord?
Prasetya Nov 21, 2024 5:20 AM
Siapp boleh deh nanti aku coba nontob ketiga itu. Dari ketiga itu cuma dandadan yg pendek cuma 12 episode ya, kalo nungguin tamat kelamaan wkwk keburu lupa malah. Mulai weekend coba nonton dulu. Selain musiman ada lagi nonton sesuatu?

Wah keren, dari sekian banyak series imas ya sampe bingung karakternya juga saking banyaknya haha. Oh iya kalo ga salah pernah tau ada gamenya juga. Sekarang ini lagi ada main game juga?
Prasetya Nov 20, 2024 8:38 PM
Kabar baik jugaa! Hampir ngga nonton sih malah haha kayanya cuma ada nonton 1-2 episode aja itupun lupa nonton anime apa

Wah makasih udah dijelasin. Iya aku denger dari temen Dandadan emang unik gitu battlenya juga seru, kayanya wajib nonton ya? Kalo Blue Box sebenernya aku udh baca manganya wkwk jadi ya mau tau adaptasi animenya gimana tapi ngeliat sekilas bagus sihh animasinya yakan. Kalo yg Orb itu sempat denger dari temen juga itu menarik ceritanya. Mungkin ketiga itu dulu ya?

Ohh idolmaster haha pantes kurang tau dan ga pernah liat, soalnya ga ngikutin seriesnya idolmaster dkk. Kamu ngikutin ya?
Prasetya Nov 20, 2024 7:01 PM
Hai hai, apa kabar? Udh mayan lama ga buka mal jadi bingung mau ngejar ketinggalan haha. Btw wah liat list yg ditonton musim ini cukup banyak ya, ada yg menarik kah? Kurang tertalu ngikutin anime musim ini sih. Oh iya, itu pfpnya siapa? Cakep haha
sharokirima Nov 17, 2024 6:43 AM
Thanks for playing Sharo's Anime Intro Entrance Exam 🎵! Here's your participation ticket:
fleurbleue Nov 2, 2024 2:22 PM
Hi boss, thank you for hiring me. 🫡

Nirabu Oct 28, 2024 2:15 AM
Thanks for accepting
TMC- Oct 25, 2024 11:26 PM
I wish I grow up with manga, especially with shoujo manga, as my experience in reading shoujo manga such as Ao Haru Ride, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou and Hirunaka no ryuusei allows me to view romance from a female perspective, which is much deeper than shounen romance. I adore shoujo romance and hope in the future the anime industry could produce more after the decline of shoujo anime in 2015? A Sign of Affection released early this year is decent and I'm look forwarding to Honey Lemon Soda that will release next season!

I am continuously discovering more shoujo manga and have plans to read Special A and Ouran, would you suggest me to go for it?

Surprised that we get into the VN topic, since most of the people who watch anime never gets into VN. I am still playing Summer Pockets so I will share my thoughts after I complete all the routes/arc. I am delighted that the industry is adapting (more) completed source materials now, such as the kimi ni todoke s3, spice and wolf, shinigami bocchan. A decent ending is very crucial in story telling so I hope more and more anime could have a great ending.

It is very fulfilling having deep conversation on the topic of romance, perhaps we would share more of our thought in the group I recently created for romance anime lovers? Here is the link for invitation:
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