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May 30, 2021 7:29 AM

Nov 2011
Since Mac's fight from the recent episode, it looks like the boxing world has been a big talk in their world. Reflecting on his Joe's past fight, I feel like perhaps there's a chance we'll see him fight Mac.

Weather got pretty bad this episode and we got to see more events outside of the boxing right. Joe looks ready to face his future, wherever it takes him.

May 30, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
The restoration work of Team Nowhere's gym is coming off nicely with Santa's and Bonjiri's help, but the question of going back to Megalo-boxing? That is still on airs for Joe.

For a girl like Oicho to take up an engineering job of a mechanic, that's something to be said, other than the bad weather incoming. It's feels the heart when everyone (except Sachio) gathers back in the gym for cover and talk about past glories, but the past is the past, and times are different now.

Not surprised that Sakuma would've caught onto Yukiko's questioning of the use of the BES chips at ROSCO, and his nefarious plan to mass-produce it at the behest of reality against ideals and the Shirato Group's intentions. Give hope, but lose humanity, just like how Mac is doing right now, with "good" intentions gone horribly wrong.

Liu is recovering slowly and OK, but his future of Megalo-boxing is already dead by the time he rested on the hospital bed. Nonetheless, he still kept his promise to Joe like a real man, I have my fist heart of confidence on Liu.

Sachio is the only one left to be convinced that Joe has made a comback by visiting Nanbu's grave, that's a good start.

The book that Mac's son Miguel is holding: The Hummingbird and the Nomad. Now tell me that's NOT a coincidence on the symbolism of this sequel show. Looking back at episodes ago where Chief's symbol of a hummingbird relates to Joe's status of being a nomad, plus the ED in BGM acoustic guitar riff, it all clicks. Add in the momentary backstory of the influence of Mac from Joe and Yuri's extraordinary match from Episode 1's opening, and all of these will result in another casualty one day.

Fingers crossed...
May 30, 2021 8:34 AM

Jun 2019
That brain chip guy is definitely not good news to anyone who's indulged with his business. A horrible person indeed who doesn't give two fucks about someone's life. Liu's career looks bleak or maybe is over right now since there's no hope of him recovering completely after that fight.

Sachio still can't handle Joe's presence. He's stuck in the past while trying to keep Nanbu's legacy alive. Mac is figuring out his own stuff and Joe doesn't wanna let go of the gym he's been holding on to for a second time as his friends trying to help him with that.

Mac is up for a fight against Joe since Joe is the reason why Mac started to fight in the first place. And, Joe seems fine now. What's ahead of him and where this journey will take him?
May 30, 2021 8:42 AM
Sep 2015
While listening to the hummingbird story, one thing comes across my mind... "Megalo Box is surpassing Ashita no Joe"... just my wild thought, but I can't take this thought out of my head anymore. In fact I don't mind at all if it becomes true, but I prefer different ending please ;)
May 30, 2021 8:44 AM
Oct 2016
A poignant story about the nomad and the hummingbird. Fits into three character threads for this season. Joe and Chief, Yuri and Liu, Mac and Sakuma all have exemplified that story of a weary traveler who's heart is warmed by a beautiful song of a persistent charmer. The parallels between Joe and Mac especially were put on display this episode. It makes sense once Sakuma said it at the end of the episode, they both were presented with a choice to leave or continue. I'm scared and excited to see a potential between Joe and Mac, things could get really bad. That brain chip being used to override people who've been injured in some way is reprehensible. Sakuma has gone off the deep end thinking to just throw morals aside for his so called progress. Mikio and Yukiko are right to look closer into the data. Glad that Joe is committed to turning the lights back on, metaphorically and literally, it'd be good to see him in the ring but maybe not against Mac the way he is now.
May 30, 2021 9:38 AM

Jul 2011
The BES investigation subplot is too interesting. Makes curious how Yukiko will play her cards, and Mikio will suffer an "accident" or something more direct?

After the storm, while the boys are sleeping. Oicho is up and driving. Weaklings.

Sachio each time lose more of his face, this time, was Nambu saying to not have hard feeling for Joe, while explaining how they got to the Megalo Box.

One thing im pretty sure that will happne, at the end of this season, Liu will receive a refined BES from Shirato.
BlichoBoyMay 30, 2021 9:42 AM
May 30, 2021 9:45 AM
Sep 2019
This fight doesn’t bode well for Joe if that “Mac Time” comes into play again. Well it doesn’t bode well for either of the two, because it feels like if Mac goes into that state once more it’ll be the end of him.
May 30, 2021 9:51 AM

Sep 2019
Eh how can Sachio's punch make Joe fly at least 3 meters? It was a good episode though.
May 30, 2021 9:54 AM

Jul 2015
C'mon! only 4 episodes left.. i wanted to see a lot of Joe's fighting.. but i guess he isn't the Joe anymore.. but rather Nomad...
Looks like the anime is planning to conclude on a 1-2 episode complete fight in the ring in last 2 episodes.. and next 2 episodes will be more world building for Yuri to train joe or something and Mac to almost lose control and trying to kill Joe OOPSI i mean Nomad..
But i still have no idea what is gonna come of Sachio..
May 30, 2021 10:39 AM

Feb 2018
Sakuma is going to get Mac killed isn't he? Not to mention a lot of soldiers that should not be sent back out onto the battlefield. Ugh.

Also, the Nomad and Hummingbird is kind of a dark for a bedtime story.
*Mourning the disappointment of The Promised Neverland season 2.*
May 30, 2021 11:31 AM

Dec 2015
I knew it. It was already suspicious that Mac went out of control and got too violent. And the previous episode already confirmed that the Rosco guy mainly was interested in money ...

and now they officially confirmed that he intended the chip to be used by military.

Of course we can expect Joe to destroy Mac - ruining the plans of the Rosco guy and making the stocks value drop lol. :D
May 30, 2021 12:09 PM
May 2021
Luthandorius said:
I knew it. It was already suspicious that Mac went out of control and got too violent. And the previous episode already confirmed that the Rosco guy mainly was interested in money ...

and now they officially confirmed that he intended the chip to be used by military.

Of course we can expect Joe to destroy Mac - ruining the plans of the Rosco guy and making the stocks value drop lol. :D
They might destroyed each other.
May 30, 2021 12:09 PM
May 2021
Luthandorius said:
I knew it. It was already suspicious that Mac went out of control and got too violent. And the previous episode already confirmed that the Rosco guy mainly was interested in money ...

and now they officially confirmed that he intended the chip to be used by military.

Of course we can expect Joe to destroy Mac - ruining the plans of the Rosco guy and making the stocks value drop lol. :D
They might destroyed each other.
May 30, 2021 1:03 PM

Oct 2020
Its always the children's story books in anime that are written so beautifully
May 30, 2021 1:07 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
I wouldn't be surprised if Joe or Mac dies at the end of the series, maybe even both.
May 30, 2021 1:55 PM

May 2018
It looks like evil corporate man, still wants to get Mac to fight Joe.
May 30, 2021 4:59 PM

Sep 2020
Did the Rosco CEO guy just sent his secretary as a honey trap for the older Shirato sibling or have I misinterpreted his words?
But even if that's not the case, the guy is still one hell of a crook...and also a fool for playing games against Yukiko.
May 30, 2021 7:38 PM

Oct 2008
Sakuma sees the walls closing in around him and now he's looking to wring Mac for all he's worth like the true piece of shit he is.

This *is* going to end in a tragedy; it's just a matter of to what extent. I am confident the final message, however, will be one of hope - just like the one Joe has always represented.
DangerrMay 30, 2021 8:09 PM
May 30, 2021 7:58 PM
Mar 2015
Nice title drop with the Nomad book and the hummingbird
May 30, 2021 9:12 PM
Apr 2021
Why doesn’t crunchyroll have this anime I wanna watch it?!?!
May 30, 2021 11:28 PM

Jul 2016
Honestly, the less this show focuses on ROSCO and Shirato, the better. Especially now that it seems that entire side-plot was created with the sole purpose of having a somewhat valid reason to make Joe return to the ring.

That aside, this was another pretty decent episode. Sachio continues to be a hard nut to crack but at least we got more context as for why he still acts like a brat. Such a shame tho... that he still lacks the balls to have a proper man-to-man talk with Joe and instead decides to go full hater every time he sees him.
SouthRzVaMay 30, 2021 11:33 PM
May 30, 2021 11:43 PM

May 2016
Such a fine direction I couldn't ask for a better episode. 6/5
May 30, 2021 11:47 PM
May 2021
DukeTogo1313 said:
I love how they continue to explore how Joe and Yuri's match impacted various fighters in the Megalo boxing realm, wether it's Mac, Liu, or Chief.

Did Joe leave Chief's gear with Marla and Mio? I noticed that it wasn't on his bike as he was leaving Mi Casa es su Casa at the end of the fourth episode. Maybe he'll make his return to the Casa to pick up the gear for the fight against Rosario. I'd certainly love to see Marla and Mio back on screen!

Moreover, I'm eager to see how Mac will react to Joe wearing Chief's gear.
he put it in a container at his gym in episode 5.
May 31, 2021 3:28 AM
Jul 2018
Every characters have different way of life. So their dreams never give up.
Wholesome episode including profound messages. Restart of Joe begins.
May 31, 2021 3:30 AM

Dec 2012
I'm starting to not enjoy this season anymore. Too much drama and nothing to look forward to, be it in the ring or outside it. The Liu/Joe storyline was starting to get interesting, and then Liu got fucked up. Is this even a show about boxing anymore? It's only showing the worst aspects of boxing without any balance.
May 31, 2021 4:12 AM
Dec 2018
Albi-kun said:
I'm starting to not enjoy this season anymore. Too much drama and nothing to look forward to, be it in the ring or outside it. The Liu/Joe storyline was starting to get interesting, and then Liu got fucked up. Is this even a show about boxing anymore? It's only showing the worst aspects of boxing without any balance.

cry me a river, *cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy*
My Candies 2023:

My Candies 2024:

May 31, 2021 4:47 AM
Jan 2020
Not much to say about this episode.

The Hummingbird and the Nomad just reminded me of the Scorpion and the Toad anecdote from Season 1. Though I preferred the latter of the two as this time the story was a little heavier handed.

I assume Joe and Mac are going to fight, it's just a matter of what will motivate Joe to do so.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
May 31, 2021 5:04 AM

Dec 2012
Cubefield93 said:
Albi-kun said:
I'm starting to not enjoy this season anymore. Too much drama and nothing to look forward to, be it in the ring or outside it. The Liu/Joe storyline was starting to get interesting, and then Liu got fucked up. Is this even a show about boxing anymore? It's only showing the worst aspects of boxing without any balance.

cry me a river, *cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy*

I'm not crying, I'm just expressing my disappointment.
May 31, 2021 7:17 AM

Oct 2016
That was a more slow but beautiful episode. Sakuma is one shitty bastard, really wants already injured soldiers to be brought back into the battlefield for money. I wonder how Yukiko is gonna deal with this, c'mon Mikio publish that thesis.

I have a feeling Liu would want to have BES implanted into him as well just to be able to fight again. Man, everytime I see Mac with his family now just gives me anxiety, you never know when "Mac Time" will activate. That hummingbird and nomad story was pretty dark for a bedtime story lmao, but it was really beautiful when Mac was narrating it while Team Nowhere was trying to protect the gym. That story really fits Joe, maybe even Mac as well.

Damn, I thought so, Sachio was trying to fill the void that Joe left behind. But, now that Joe is back, he should realize he's not cut out for boxing. He should go back to what he knows best, and that is being an engineer. Fuck Sakuma, he really manipulated Mac into wanting to fight Joe. But still, I am gonna be looking forward to that fight.
May 31, 2021 7:27 AM
Dec 2020
The hummingbird and nomad story was interesting. I think the story was really pertaining to Mac and Joe.

For Mac, the hummingbird symbolizes the (genius glasses CEO guy) and the nomad symbolizes Mac. Mac was also on a journey for self-destruction and Mac, as in this episode, also gave up and listened (accepted) to the CEO guy's song (a.k.a his proposal for Mac to keep on fighting).

For Joe, I honestly immediately thought Joe symbolizes the nomad but after watching this episode, perhaps the nomad actually pertains to Sachio and the hummingbird was Joe. Though Sachio haven't gave up and decided to listen to Joe's song (his desire to fix what was lost) yet, Joe persistently insisting on fixing the place he considers home was similar to the hummingbird's persistent attempt to make the nomad hear its song. Sachio is also on a path of redemption although he unknowingly is also in a path of self destruction as well.

But perhaps Joe also symbolizes the nomad. Though, it would be the Joe we saw in the first few episodes of this show. Joe is in the journey of nothingness and is just drifting away (similar to the Nomad in the hummingbird and nomad story) and the Chief guy symbolizes the humming bird because he sings. Just kidding. It's because he insisted that Joe also try and properly face his past which he also eventually did.
May 31, 2021 3:23 PM

Aug 2015
Albi-kun said:
Is this even a show about boxing anymore? It's only showing the worst aspects of boxing without any balance.

That´s literally what this series and Ashita no Joe were about. It´s good to have shows like Ippo where the sport shines for what it is (and because of Ippo´s personality) but Megalobox was never about being optimistic or things going fine. In fact, the first season is just a bunch of fights that Joe wins by a miracle, and the debt they got that ended up having Nanbu blind. At the end of each episode you could read "Not.Dead.Yet", do you think that´s a good flag?

It wouldn´t surprise me at all if Mac becomes a vegetable after fighting Joe, and the latter either dies or wins in the same way the "original" Joe did at the end of the series.

May 31, 2021 5:31 PM

Oct 2008
Albi-kun said:
I'm starting to not enjoy this season anymore. Too much drama and nothing to look forward to, be it in the ring or outside it. The Liu/Joe storyline was starting to get interesting, and then Liu got fucked up. Is this even a show about boxing anymore? It's only showing the worst aspects of boxing without any balance.

The boxing in Nomad has always just been a vehicle for the drama. The drama is the point of this series, first and foremost. I'd argue the same of the first series, even if the boxing was much more integral to the story beats.
May 31, 2021 11:05 PM

Apr 2018
The hummingbird part was really beautiful... and they almost all helped (except Sachio) Joe to fix the house, that's really sad for Liu though.
Well now we'll get Joe vs Mac soon? I can't wait
Jun 1, 2021 3:59 AM

Jan 2012
I feel like Joe will win and might get punch drunk from the fight. Or early symptoms. For Mac i think he might even die from the consequences of that
Jun 1, 2021 4:59 AM

Jul 2016
DatRandomDude said:
I wouldn't be surprised if Joe or Mac dies at the end of the series, maybe even both.

My money is on Mac. This story has no good ending.
Jun 1, 2021 7:41 AM

Dec 2012
Pakumen- said:
Albi-kun said:
Is this even a show about boxing anymore? It's only showing the worst aspects of boxing without any balance.

That´s literally what this series and Ashita no Joe were about. It´s good to have shows like Ippo where the sport shines for what it is (and because of Ippo´s personality) but Megalobox was never about being optimistic or things going fine. In fact, the first season is just a bunch of fights that Joe wins by a miracle, and the debt they got that ended up having Nanbu blind. At the end of each episode you could read "Not.Dead.Yet", do you think that´s a good flag?

It wouldn´t surprise me at all if Mac becomes a vegetable after fighting Joe, and the latter either dies or wins in the same way the "original" Joe did at the end of the series.

I haven't watched the original Ashita no Joe. Actually, I haven't watched any other boxing anime besides this one.

It's not that I don't enjoy, drama, but this feels exaggerated.
Jun 1, 2021 7:43 AM

Dec 2012
Dangerr said:
Albi-kun said:
I'm starting to not enjoy this season anymore. Too much drama and nothing to look forward to, be it in the ring or outside it. The Liu/Joe storyline was starting to get interesting, and then Liu got fucked up. Is this even a show about boxing anymore? It's only showing the worst aspects of boxing without any balance.

The boxing in Nomad has always just been a vehicle for the drama. The drama is the point of this series, first and foremost. I'd argue the same of the first series, even if the boxing was much more integral to the story beats.

But there was balance in the first season.
Jun 1, 2021 12:11 PM

Aug 2015
Albi-kun said:

I haven't watched the original Ashita no Joe. Actually, I haven't watched any other boxing anime besides this one.

It's not that I don't enjoy, drama, but this feels exaggerated.

Well, that´s the thing, then. Not a comparison in terms of themes or similarities, but Megalobox is to boxing anime what One Outs is to baseball. Something completely different and out of the ordinary in terms of storytelling and with a much darker aura than your typical sports series. Now I´m not saying Megalobox is super dark or anything, but the anime clearly highlights the other side of boxing that normally is not shown. Instead of your "Go and make things happen with effort and a great attitude" this is the story of a dude who went to drugs in order to heal himself after feeling guilty of leaving his loved ones behind.

There´s another point to make as of why there aren´t that many fights involving Joe, and that´s easy to understand: because he have no reason to. He already won megalobox, so there´s no point on putting him into the same scenario as S1 again (even worse because there are no stakes, unlike back then), Joe´s condition is also shitty (so we would see him lose every time he´s on the ring) and by having less fights you can develop the characters more. Joe will have his fight with Mac, and it will definitively deliver.
Jun 1, 2021 8:57 PM

Aug 2016
I really enjoy the symbolism in this episode. Even though S1 was extremely predictable, I have no idea how this season will end. Either Mac or Joe will die, and I don't know if I should expect a happy ending or not (most likely I shouldn't).
Jun 2, 2021 7:21 AM

Dec 2012
Pakumen- said:
Albi-kun said:

I haven't watched the original Ashita no Joe. Actually, I haven't watched any other boxing anime besides this one.

It's not that I don't enjoy, drama, but this feels exaggerated.

Well, that´s the thing, then. Not a comparison in terms of themes or similarities, but Megalobox is to boxing anime what One Outs is to baseball. Something completely different and out of the ordinary in terms of storytelling and with a much darker aura than your typical sports series. Now I´m not saying Megalobox is super dark or anything, but the anime clearly highlights the other side of boxing that normally is not shown. Instead of your "Go and make things happen with effort and a great attitude" this is the story of a dude who went to drugs in order to heal himself after feeling guilty of leaving his loved ones behind.

There´s another point to make as of why there aren´t that many fights involving Joe, and that´s easy to understand: because he have no reason to. He already won megalobox, so there´s no point on putting him into the same scenario as S1 again (even worse because there are no stakes, unlike back then), Joe´s condition is also shitty (so we would see him lose every time he´s on the ring) and by having less fights you can develop the characters more. Joe will have his fight with Mac, and it will definitively deliver.

But that's the thing, I don't even wanna watch the fight between Joe and Mac because neither of them should be fighting. It's just sad seeing them fight. That's my point. The action aspect is completely drained because of the drama. Not only do they risk dying, but for what?!
Jun 7, 2021 1:45 AM

Aug 2018
Hmmm...Joe really accept it? We'll have to see.
Good chapter
Jun 8, 2021 5:39 PM

Feb 2021
I really dont like Sachio
Jun 13, 2021 1:41 PM

Jan 2009
Mac Time vs Gearless Joe is the finale then
Jun 25, 2021 4:21 PM

Apr 2020
Glad that all the Team Nowhere are coming back together for that storm scene, well except Sachio.

And while they're recuperating their relationships, the Rosco company and the Shiratos are now playing their sets of cards to bite each other out, the question is who's gonna take the first blood?

Looks like Mac, even though his mind is starting to go crazy after those Mac times, is still holding on to the goal of becoming "there" in the spotlight, in the "real" world of Megalo Boxers. And that payoff will be that match against Joe!
Jun 26, 2021 12:49 PM

Nov 2016
Dang, now we almost know for sure where this is going.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 29, 2021 2:29 PM

Apr 2018
That was quite an episode.. The top reviews start with the story of the bird and the nomad. I understand the meaning of it (kinda). Joe completed his gym. Let's see what he'll do now.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 15, 2021 6:10 AM

Feb 2018
Damn that bed time story was.. emotional to say the least. I hate Sakuma -_-
Aug 19, 2021 9:45 PM

May 2020
The ROSCO CEO is pretty manipulative isn't he ? Telling Yukiko that he'll help her with the undisclosed data, egging Mac to fight Joe one last time. I wonder if something's going to happen to Mikio.

I feel bad for Mac. He's just being used to further someone else's agenda, at his expense.

I do wish we got more of Sachio getting his ass kicked. It helps offset some of his more annoying qualities. The thing is, Sachio is clearly a sympathetic character. He worked hard to take care of the others when Joe abandoned them and he has a heart of gold but the show is intent on making him act like a complete asshole for as long as possible. You feel for him but he's such an asshole it's hard to feel bad for him.

Sep 6, 2021 9:19 AM

Jul 2015
Good to see most of them being good buds with Joe again, if only Sachio would stop being a brat and also make peace with Joe they can become the happy family once again like when Nanbu was alive.

Oct 4, 2021 11:38 AM

May 2018
Can't wait to see Joe v Mac. I hope Liu recovers fully
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