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Apr 5, 2018 11:29 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
I really wanted to cry for Kircheis's death but somehow didn't, and I didn't cry for Yang either. But damn, Reuenthal. In terms of his decisions in these last few episodes, he's of course not as a good human being as the former two, but he is definitely a very complex character, which is why I think I cried for him. His death was the saddest imo because he died "lonely." He didn't have anyone near him who he had emotional intimacy with, even though it's not like he wanted that or even thought of needing such a thing, it's still rather sad. Flawed characters are interesting, especially one such as Reuenthal, who's one main flaw remained with him until the very end, although he was talented and great at everything else he did within the Empire. While I'm with those who didn't quite buy into the Reuenthal Rebellion, I think Reuenthal's death was done masterfully, the way it was built up, such as the two glasses of whiskey, as he waited for Mittermeyer.

There really was a lot to this episode, as detailed in CzeroC's post. Mittermeyer crying, Oberstein's insightful comment regarding Mittermeyere's decision to fight against his best friend...

Forgot to mention, I was actually spoiled way earlier about Reuenthal's death (not talking about that damned narrator). Someone who comments in these threads had a signature spoiling something else that hasn't happened yet, and iirc you could infer that Reuenthal was no longer alive in that quote. At the time though, while I did like Reuenthal, I was kinda of alright with knowing that he would die. Who knew his death would have the most effect on me ;_; But also thank you for finally putting Trunicht in his place.
Apr 25, 2018 3:37 AM

Sep 2016
terra-ism is way too strong. they just assassinated greatest tactician in the history and manipulated the 2nd one to a failed rebellion
Kaiser's turn when?

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Apr 29, 2018 10:30 PM

Jul 2012
this anime really knows how to deliver a death.. =(
Why, you say... Don't you get it?

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
May 21, 2018 2:58 AM
Apr 2018
RIP Reuental. That was sad.

RIP Trunhit. It was kind of satisfying. But I still felt sad as I loved what a bastard he was.

RIP Brengrun

Lang rats out Oberstein, but I don't know if anything will come from that.

I predicted that Reuental's kid would go to the Mittenmeyers a while back... good thing Elfriede didn't want the child I suppose... I think she did love him though. Also leaving a baby on a table? WTF man?

Yeah, I too wondered here that Emil might be poisoning Reinhard and that maybe he is a Goldenbaum....

1) The Empire. Though I really think Reinhard will die before the show is over. He's too sick.
2) Julian.
3) Rubinski. I got worried but thankfully they couldn't find him. Though like Reinhard he too will die from illness. Now can we get back to the bit about trying to kill Annerose?
4) Earth Cult
5) Goldenbaums
-) Reuental...

MVP: For the last time- Reuental.
Nov 12, 2018 7:17 PM

Feb 2017
Reuenthal giving Truniht a taste of the Lohemgramm dynsaty before dying for his Kaiser.
Nov 19, 2018 4:04 PM
Apr 2018
YES, TRUNHIT DIED! God, thank God we will never have to see that ridiculous smile of him.

Also, nooooo, Reuental... It was expected but still.

Lastly, too late to the party but that Emil theory sure is messed up. That kid sure looks way too innocent.
Apr 13, 2019 12:57 PM

Aug 2017
Mein Keiser.
Sieg Sterben.

Damn that was powerful ;_;
Nov 29, 2019 7:59 AM

Oct 2012
Finally that Truniht is dead! Finally!
Now only the Terrarist's leader and Rubinsky left

RIP Reuental
He didn't deserve that death, he deserved a much better life :(

He just wanted to fight Reinhard, but in the end he can't
But I guess Mittermeyer understand that if Reinhard was the one killed Reuental, he'll antagonize his own Kaiser
"Signature removed"
Dec 6, 2019 10:15 AM

Nov 2019
I really hate how the narrator spoiled Ruental's death in the episode leading to this one. Yea he was injured and maybe some people thought that was the end but some of us would like to believe he could've survived and they spoiled it. Asinine.
Dec 7, 2019 5:03 AM
Jul 2018
crucial99 said:
I really hate how the narrator spoiled Ruental's death in the episode leading to this one. Yea he was injured and maybe some people thought that was the end but some of us would like to believe he could've survived and they spoiled it. Asinine.

They did the same thing prior to Yang's death, those fuckers!

If anyone wants to hear the music that played during Reuntal's death I'll leave the video below.

Jan 4, 2020 4:54 PM

Nov 2016
Another episode, another epic death. I didn't tear up as much as during Yang's death, but in a way it resonated with me even stronger. Reuenthals characterisation throughout the entire series has been phenomal and taking Trunicht with him was what cemented him as my nr.2 character.

R.I.P. to the most prideful man in the entire universe. R.I.P. Bergenrun.

This whole affair took a toll on so many, in particular Mittermeyer. Big respect to him and I really hoped that he would become the foster father of Reuenthal's son.

On a different note. I was about to call Lang the most pathetic piece of trash ever, but I liked how the series pointed out that all people or rather said characters in this case have two faces, it's a fact I often tend to forget while watching fiction.

5/5 episode

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 25, 2020 10:05 PM

Jun 2016
Reuenthal should have died in battle against the Kaiser as he wished to, but as he said in the previous episode his death as it happened here is more honorable than dying in a hospital bed from surgical complications. Glad to see he took Truniht down with him.

RIP Oskar von Reuenthal
May he join Kircheis, Steinmetz, Lutz, Admiral Bucock, and Yang Wenli in Valhalla!
May 5, 2020 10:00 PM

Dec 2019
Damn man R.I.P. Reuntal on the bright side he killed that bastard Truniht or what ever his name is, now im waiting for that fat ugly bitch Lang to kick the bucket and i'll find peace.

May 7, 2020 1:51 PM
Sep 2017
Finally, fricking finallyyy Trunhit is gone. I would have never believed back in the beginning of the story when Yang was watching grumpily at Trunhit's speeches that this is the way that politician would die. Yang's gang sure will be disappointed they couldn't punch Trunhit before he went... And I'm a bit sad Julian didn't get his hands on him first, but better this way.
Like Mittermeyer said, Reuentahl was able to do some housecleaning for the Kaiser before passing away. And it's so sad and moving that Reuentahl was so loyal to Rheinhard this whole time, somehow, "Mein Kaiser" were one of his last words and also his last words directed at Mittermeyer couple episodes before where he told him to look after the Kaiser. I still don't feel alright with how the rebellion triggered, but I like how it wrapped up.

Now, I'm just really really hoping that Mecklinger will tell Rheinhard asap about what actually happened on Urvashi, what they found about the terraist ppl and that that one incompetent officer didn't tell Reuentahl that they found the terraists! So they can clear Reuentahl's name and confirm Mittermeyer's suspicions! And I hope Kesler also will report quickly everything Lang said and did to Rheinhard... he should have the proper picture on events that have happened, the others shouldn't hide info to make him feel better.

But yeah, I really liked this episode, Oberstein really acknowledged (in his own subtle way) Mittermeyer's unselfish action of killing his friend himself so that he won't hold a grudge on the Kaiser and can remain loyal... Can't wait to see him raise Reuentahl's son.
Jan 1, 2021 12:09 AM
Jun 2017
What a tragic death. Even if Oskar von Reuental died as a traitor, I couldn't help but still salute him. He did reivindicate himself by taking out Truniht (I almost cheered at that part) and I also agree with Reinhard's decision of restoring him his position as Fleet Admiral.

It was very touching to see how did he entrust his child to Mittermeyer. I suppose even he knew how absurd that war was. I don't think we'll ever see that woman again.

About Emil being a Terraist and slowly poisoning Reinhard... The theory is reasonable, but even if Reinhard's fever appeared almost simultaneously with Emil's introduction to the series, he was already I'll even before Emil had had any reasonable opportunity to be close to him. Even so, those fevers aren't normal. In any way, Reinhard's death flag must fly at half mast sooner or later, whether he is 30 or 80.

Lang finally snapped. I couldn't help but feel a bit sad about his family, but he deserves to be executed (though I'm sure Kessler would intercede for him to not be executed in an overly dishonorable way). Damn Rubinsky! The only way to get rid of him would be to obliterate Phezzan.

I was surprised at Oberstein making such a remark. He does remind me of myself in that aspect, but the Reuental's Revolt had so much significance (political, military, historical) it couldn't pass without remarks.

I still haven't removed his danger flag. Sooner or later he will come under the glass, though it doesn't seem that a complex subplot to make him fall from Reinhard's grace could be developed in the remaining episodes. I suppose he'll just either continue until the end of die.

I wonder if Count Mariendorf was referring to Oberstein when he said that "he is much more qualified to be the Chief Minister of Internal Affairs than to be the Chief Minister of Military Affairs". Either way, I'm glad Lang was arrested on time. Of not, he would have become the Minister instead.

Jan 3, 2021 11:05 AM
Nov 2020
Mixed feelings... Reuntal is one of my favorite characters of any show but at the end, I got the feeling he saw himself as something empty and hollow inside with no role to play in the world. He felt unworthy to be a father and ultimately unworthy to become the Kaiser.

He had a very strong and just insight; he knew he wasn't worthy to be Kaiser this generation and this moment in time and couldn't envisage being Kaiser, but he was willing to go toe to toe and fight with Mein Kaiser to satiate their respective bloodlusts.

And it game true that, as gifted as he was, he could not best even Mittermeyer.

I did love at the end that he took out Truniht. Him and Lang are cancers who, if not dealt with, are so dangerous. I guess thats the difference between Mittermeyer and Reuental, one could kill the cancer, the other ultimately left it to chance.

Really does drive home just how amazing Yang was; he was able to fight the entire empire flawlessly whilst Reuental, who is an amazing combatant, lost to Mittermeyer.

The Obsertein remarks are getting tiresome. I honestly think he's just the dark side of being good. He gets his hands dirty and is willing to do what is right for the Kaiser; and thats about it.
Feb 8, 2021 8:49 AM

Oct 2016
I love when an important character dies and the episode is longer because of it.
Feb 20, 2021 8:11 PM

Jul 2012
Man, I didn't think Reuenthal's death would hurt me and I saw it coming since forever but... here we are :(
I really feel bad for Mittermeyer, though. He was in such a difficult position, and now his friend is dead.

And I was reading the thread about the possible theory that Emil is poisoning Reinhard! I haven't thought of that at all! I hope it's not it, cause I really like Emil!
Apr 18, 2021 10:42 AM

Oct 2015
Reuenthal's death mirrored perfectly how he lived. That scene with Mittermeyer really hit hard.

What I'm equally shocked is how Rubinsky/Terraist pulled it off. Some 5D chess playing conspirators.

CzeroC said:
And this is it, a bitter demise of another great character of the show. The pacing was surely stretched a bit more than usual, which helped the viewers get a grasp of "the longest day" in Reuenthal's life.

Great post.
Jul 18, 2021 7:32 AM
Oct 2018
For sure the best episode in the series for a while. While I didn't much enjoy the Reuenthal rebellion arc it had a quite satisfying conclusion to both the arc and his character. Fuck Truniht.
Jul 23, 2021 8:35 AM

Aug 2013
RIP, Oskar von Reuenthal. :(

At least that bastard Trunicht is dead. All that's left is Rubinsky.

Aug 8, 2021 12:41 PM

Jun 2020
rip reuenthal. respect bac up 4 killin trunicht
Sep 4, 2021 8:09 PM

Dec 2018
what was it that the kid wrote down when he was dying?
Oct 23, 2021 7:55 AM

Jan 2020
I don't really know what Reuental was expecting with his whole rebellion but I can't deny that I teared up when his baby cried. We lost a badass. Thanks for cleaning up Truniht, Reuental.
Im also worried for Reinhard, everytime he's on screen he's ill. Hope that's not foreboding
Mar 12, 2022 5:53 PM

Dec 2021
i shed tears for ruental death more than yangs ....

i shed tears for the reactions of yangs commanders to hearing yang death .. but these final moments of reunthal ; from killing trunichi, to seeing his child , to pouring that last glass of liquor waiting for his friend ...

you will be missed reunthal
Mar 12, 2022 5:55 PM

Dec 2021
only thing that woulda made this better is if they killed Lang aswell :(
Mar 15, 2022 4:02 AM

Jul 2016
heilvetica said:
this anime really knows how to deliver a death.. =(

The emotions hit me right in the face.
Apr 17, 2022 5:51 PM

Jul 2012
Holy crap, man. This rewatch has made me appreciate Reuenthal so much more than the first time, to the point that he became my favorite character. He's so interesting and is such a shame he had to die but at least he died close to the end of the show.
And he was the one who finally took down Trunicht so MAD RESPECT.

Fuck Rubinsky, Lang, Grillparzer and the goddamn terraists!
Jun 29, 2022 5:41 PM

Dec 2007
i think there isn't other anime in the world, when the anime is shouting out loud a death of character, and still make great directing at the moment of the death to shock you as much as unexpected death. reunthal death was shocking no less than yang. the only difference is that yang's death was narrator spoiler, and here it was obvious from the plot itself. i honestly had tears in my eyes when he died.
sorry reunthal :( but the narrator spoilered long ago that you and myrtmyer won't drink again. lol

the funny thing is, that when he shot trunhit i was :D so much, like my dream came true.

now that lang had spread the beans, i hope that mecklinger would tell soon that the earth cult was involved in reinhard assassin, and the bond between rubinsky and earth cult would reveal. i wouldn't be surprised if isserlohn and reinhard's empire would combine hands on revenging yang, lutz and reuntal. really wants it to happen lol.

last thing: i wonder how much hilda can keep the pregnancy secret. if my prediction would be right it would be amazing - reinhard would die without knowing he has a son, and then hilda would crown her child as the next emperor, and so the empire won't die.
though i have some doubt it will happen.

truly last thing: about this thread's idea that emil would be terraist and is poisoning reinhard. wow, really didn't thought of this. though i wouldn't understand for his reasons for this. he can just kill him the minute he will be ordered to. why to make him ill?
User-NameJun 29, 2022 5:56 PM
Aug 3, 2022 9:21 PM
Jun 2022
Wow. What a banger of an episode. Really touching.

First of all: RIP Reuental. Despite not agreeing with the way this whole conflict was handled, I cannot deny that was a fantastic send off to one of the most memorable admirals in this whole series. At the end, I got the impression that Oskar wanted to lose from the beginning and tried to prove himself he was capable of besting Reinhard without much effort or planning by his part. Well, at least he died in peace. Mitt seeing his best friend dead was heartbreaking.

Speaking of heartbreaking: RIP Trunhit. I thought he was going to outlive everybody as a critique to opportunistic politicians but nope. I’ll miss him.

RIP Bergregun. Guess the weight of losing two superior officers was too much to him. Really wished he lived through this one. Sad.

I’m glad Old Fox Rubi made it out alive. Always one step ahead. Let’s see what he still has in store (though I’m guessing Dominique will be his end very soon)

Dec 21, 2022 3:53 PM

May 2018
At least Reuental drained the swamp and cleaned house before passing away :D Truniht is no more and we can't be happier :D

I hope Mittenmeiyer recovers soon. Wouldn't adopting Reuental's child be kind of awkward?
Feb 21, 2023 5:47 AM

Aug 2018
A true display of ambition and admirable traits was shown best in this episode.

After Yang's death we were hit with another really well planned out and executed death.... Reuntal was really an outstanding character and the epitomy of ,,using your own head''. For him to witness such a great last moments like his child and the execution of Truniht which he did himself were really beautiful. Finaly one of the most dislikable and pathetic characters in all of anime known as Truniht was disposed of.

Finaly it seems that Lang has been caught and interrogated for good, Kesler really did fantastic job on that.

One thing that really makes me remember this episode is Mittermeyer and his reaction along with tears that none ever seen from him, really displays how close of a friend Reuntal was for him in the end.

Mar 16, 2023 1:59 AM

Jul 2017
reuenthal's death was unbearably sad for me, seeing mittermeyer cry for his friend was heartbreaking.
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Jun 10, 2023 9:24 PM

Sep 2022
naikou said:
Reuntal's death was second saddest after Yang's...

tainteddonut said:
Although it was shown he has been able take time to enjoy some of the finer things in life like opera and art, for the most part he's been hard at work. Even while sick he was still receiving reports and making decisions while in bed.
I've had a horrible thought. As I watched that one "doctor" kid serve Reinhard tea, I thought that maybe that kid is a Terraist. After all, the Grand Bishop mentioned getting someone close to Reinhard... and the fevers started pretty soon after that kids appearance, iirc. Damn.
This theory is actually valid and that scares me… I’m nearly done with the series and though this comment is over a decade old, it’s still interesting.
Aug 25, 2023 7:29 PM
Sep 2016
Reunthal may have been a stern bastard but i respect the hell out of him
Oct 3, 2023 3:52 PM

Feb 2012
2023 Rewatch
Fortress_MaximusOct 5, 2023 2:20 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
May 27, 2024 12:27 AM

Apr 2022
first half of the episode was pretty good, this show hits the nail when it comes to deaths and reuenthal got my respect.
Jan 4, 9:33 AM
Feb 2023
Ruhental a great soldier and hero dies in a stupid war that he launched against his own comrades out of pride by taking millionsof soldiers into his grave, what a dissapointing ending for such a great character.
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