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Oct 31, 2020 5:28 PM

Nov 2011
Very intense episode, especially the first half. Oh Takeru...going through this much already for someone so young.

Metalgreymon also had a hell of a hard time against his opponent. Felt like an episode battling for survival. WereGarurumon also fought a hell of a fight if you ask me.
Oct 31, 2020 7:46 PM

Oct 2015
so are we seriously gonna end this in2 cour and do 02 after this
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Oct 31, 2020 8:24 PM
Sep 2015
I don't know why Devimon want Angemon to fall into darkness so much, maybe they're former lovers? Or Devimon reincarnation is incomplete and he want to use corrupted Angemon as element to gain more power, as these two Digimon are so similar but yet opposite at the same time.

Digimon encyclopedia now has fashion-checked for Weregarurumon, conclusion, Weregarurumon is BDSM digimon.
Oct 31, 2020 8:48 PM

May 2008
I like Weregururumon's x-antibody evo more than Metalgreymon's; it's very flexible that it actually helps Weregururumon not suck. I'm curious to see how they'll use it in later fights.

Would this ep confirm that the whole "learn/understand your Crest" narrative is not gonna be a thing? Takeru not only tells off Darkknightmon, but this ep is similar to the original's vs Piemon ep. Seeing this tiny human chew out at Darkknightmon, who can step on him and not notice, is both hilarious and kinda badass.

Beyond that... Mimi knowing the streets is an interesting trait; will it ever be used again? Probably not. Also, Devimon evo confirmed, so people can now stop complaining about that tidbit.

phantomfandom said:
I don't know why Devimon want Angemon to fall into darkness so much, maybe they're former lovers?

Hahaha, I actually had the same thought when he said that. We're about to get that intense-friendship-that-borderlines-(potential jealous)-romance backstory up in here.

And I'm all for it; we need more digimon-digimon relationships since they took out Oregmon's and Leomon's rivalry.
Oct 31, 2020 10:19 PM

Oct 2017
WereGarurumon X was really cool.
Oct 31, 2020 10:23 PM

May 2011
1/3 of the show already over and I simply don't like it.
Digievolutions are the worst part and I am amazed they are giving them upgrades instead of evolving to Mega but the satisfaction of winning does not feel as great as other Digimon series.

It seems they are trying to do add some aspects of Frontier with the Holy Digimon vs the Devil Digimon in this with the spice of Digimon Adventure where the Digital World Affected the real world plus a little touch of Our War Game. I don't see where this is going but right now I hate to say it but this version feels way too aimed at children.
Oct 31, 2020 10:39 PM
Aug 2017
phantomfandom said:
I don't know why Devimon want Angemon to fall into darkness so much, maybe they're former lovers? Or Devimon reincarnation is incomplete and he want to use corrupted Angemon as element to gain more power, as these two Digimon are so similar but yet opposite at the same time.

Digimon encyclopedia now has fashion-checked for Weregarurumon, conclusion, Weregarurumon is BDSM digimon.

You might be onto something, the fusion of Devimon and Angemon is Lucemon of the 7 Demon Lords.
Oct 31, 2020 10:42 PM

Dec 2016
Not liking very much these asspulish upgrades. Really missing the crests mechanism associated with character development of the kids which acted as catalysts.

Devimon wants Angemon to become a fallen angel, well, that's interesting.
Nov 1, 2020 12:44 AM

Jul 2017
So now instead of the Taichi and Yamato show, there's Yamato's brother Takeru to contend to to get the DigiEgg-converted Angemon back, and the whole other issue with Algomon on the outside world.

Devimon turning Angemon into a Dark Digimon...that's a interesting tidbit, though the intention is somewhat unclear, and the link evident to the outside world (just like with Nidhoggmon).

Another Super Evolution into Champion-level DarkKnightmon, and honestly these constant power-up forms have been very lackluster a.k.a MetalGreymon's X-evolution from last week, and now WereGarurumon X too and Devimon's evolution next week.

Something to do in line with the symoblic Crests of properties, and even that is haphazardly left on the wayside. Oh well...
Nov 1, 2020 3:00 AM
KDE Plasma

Jun 2012
Killing Angemon will achieve nothing, as he will be immediately reborn as Digi-Egg.

In the original Digimon Adventure, there was a way to stop and prevent the endless circle of life and death.

Neutralizing the city of begin that is. The 4 master of the darkness did take the city of begin under their control and all death were meant to be final. Noone was reborn, all Digimon that died stay dead.
Nov 1, 2020 5:27 AM

Feb 2013
The fight was ok, that's all.
Nov 1, 2020 5:37 AM

Apr 2011
lkevsan said:
1/3 of the show already over and I simply don't like it.
Digievolutions are the worst part and I am amazed they are giving them upgrades instead of evolving to Mega but the satisfaction of winning does not feel as great as other Digimon series.

It seems they are trying to do add some aspects of Frontier with the Holy Digimon vs the Devil Digimon in this with the spice of Digimon Adventure where the Digital World Affected the real world plus a little touch of Our War Game. I don't see where this is going but right now I hate to say it but this version feels way too aimed at children.

I don't actually mind the upgrades. MetalGreymon's made sense - cyborg dinosaur gets another cannon, great. But WereGarurumon's? Umm.. at least the mechanic bits connect him to MetalGarurumon which always felt like a strange transition to me.

I just realised these past few episodes are supposed to be the climax of the Holy Digimon arc. That's how underwhelming they've been. There's no real tension or feeling of any stakes whatsoever. Possibly because the series hasn't done a good job of creating tension in the past. Let's just see how it goes, I guess.
Nov 1, 2020 7:52 AM

Apr 2020
Nice episode, good fight. Weregarurumon is the second at my digimon favorite list, so it's always cool see him in action.
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Nov 1, 2020 7:56 AM

Sep 2019
The battle was interesting but the episode felt like a filler... Because in the previous one MetalGreymon got an upgrade, now WereGarurumon had to get one too. Plus, there wasn't much progress in terms of the plot.
Just a hunch.
Nov 1, 2020 9:04 AM

Mar 2012
well i guess Devimon is WAAAYYYYY STRONGER in this version lol
Nov 1, 2020 9:10 AM

Feb 2015
Okay, this is it... I'm dropping my score to a 2, which is something I've never thought I'd say about anything related to Digimon Adventure. I seriously don't understand how anyone who actually liked the original 1999 Adventure can enjoy this reboot, sorry.
What the actual f was this episode?

So you're telling me that even Skullknightmon can get a better evolution sequence than any of the other kids? What the hell? He's a cool villain, I give him that much, but any of the other "Main" Digimon deserved that so much more. This should be a wake up call to all the people that were like " The others will get their awesome evolution sequences later, so shut up".

And don't even get me started on the Calmaramon "fight" cause there wasn't even one at all. Who thought that was a good idea? They built up this threat for 2 episodes, made it the only purpose for the other kids and didn't even bother to do anything with it? Wow.
Someone should change everyone except for Taichi & Yamato to "Supporting Character" on MAL.

Sakarii said:
I like Weregururumon's x-antibody evo more than Metalgreymon's; it's very flexible that it actually helps Weregururumon not suck. I'm curious to see how they'll use it in later fights.

Yeah, Weregarurumon's upgrade was pretty nice & I agree that it's cooler than Metalgreymon's. This is
honestly the only positive thing I can say about this episode.
StormxNightmareNov 1, 2020 9:44 AM
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Nov 1, 2020 10:20 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Weregarurumon's new upgrade makes him look like a swordsman version of Dr. Octopus. The rest of the episode was ok I guess. Nothing really stood out considering how the show has been going on writing-wise.
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Nov 1, 2020 4:45 PM

Jul 2013
I like this fight better when instead of Takeru and the egg it's Nene and Sparrowmon, and instead of Taichi and Yamato it's Xros Heart and Blue Flare.

Interesting that we got all these upgrades for the Ultimates, although they're all going to be obsolete once we get to the Mega stage. I'm glad they're just upgrade and not a full on X-evolution though, because almost all X-Digimon are overdesigned garbage that look way worse than the original in my opinion.
Nov 1, 2020 10:36 PM
Feb 2020
I can't be the only one who remembers Tenchi doing the same thing with the wings and blades
BastionoNov 1, 2020 10:45 PM
Nov 2, 2020 2:50 AM

Jan 2009
damn thats a cool power up for Weregaruromon some laser blade wings that can be a weapon too awesome

Devimon will be defeated soon too?
Nov 2, 2020 4:54 PM
Nov 2015
1/3 of the show is now aires and is a mess, thats It. This wont get any better, whats the point of this remake ? Sell toys ? Cuz no one Who enjoy the old anime Will like this since is only 2 digikids
Nov 3, 2020 6:47 PM

Aug 2007
I really felt very anxious about Takeru and the egg. Its like I am watching for first time this franchise.
Nov 3, 2020 7:16 PM

Mar 2018
Ehh, a cyborg dinosaur getting a railgun isn't something worth complaining but a werewolf with laser wings and light sabers is kinda jarring. I thought they will take the claw parts from WereGarurumon X. And wait, the upgrade is just one-time deal? Cuz MetalGreymon doesn't have railgun anymore in this episode. Maybe they can summon it again with a new sequence or something? Dunno.

At least they're gonna let Devimon evolve next episode. NeoDevimon hype.

Nov 5, 2020 9:36 AM

Jun 2013
Imho this episode and last one were both marvelous, great directing and music. Really glad now that this new Digimon Adventure content exists. Skullknightmon was best fight in this show and had best animation so far, especially in the beginning. + My boy has grown himself neat wings to win. Was anxious about Takeru too, he's just a cute and innocent child, but so brave, moments like this usually make me think "Damn, this kid so irritating", but not at all this time. I wonder how much stronger my boy Devimon in this version and what he evolves into. Tho expecting any keeping of power balance in kid anime is just silly, OG Adventure was great in that matter :P
Nov 7, 2020 12:21 PM

Aug 2017
In my opinion, the fight was ok. I liked Takeru's resolution too, and WereGarurumon X was really cool (I was expecting to see something like that since MetaGreymon did it). The thing about the double conflict is that, to me, seems a bit forced. I mean, what does Devimon gain by crashing the ships onto the shore? I get Devimon is evil, but that's not evilness, is chaos.
Nov 8, 2020 10:38 AM

Jul 2008
Hey now, everyone needs a jetpack.

And now we finally get to fight Devimon...a champion level Digimon...with 2 ultimates and without the full team.
Nov 14, 2020 8:07 PM

May 2008
StormxNightmare said:
Someone should change everyone except for Taichi & Yamato to "Supporting Character" on MAL.

I love how the next episode made this a truth. It's like Frontier all over again.
Jan 18, 2021 8:12 AM

Jan 2021
Hmmm I'm a bit iffy of this episode. On one hand, I was liking the direction of the plot. On the other, the pacing is still a problem. Angemon just turned into a digitama a few episodes ago and now it has hatched already in the same day. Am I missing something here? What in the world is going on?

Skullknightmon's a cool villain though. I loved that fight. Although, Weregarurumon sprouting some mecha wings was an odd choice of a powerup. A cyber dinosaur getting a railgun made sense but this one??? Well, it got the job done so whatever I guess. Funnily enough, it looks like Weregarurumon's X-Antibody looks more useful and flexible than Metalgreymon's.

Are they gonna give some backstory between Devimon and Angemon? Because if I remember correctly, Devimon was pretty much a throwaway villain in the original lol. It's interesting if they're gonna expand more on him.

One thing this episode did right though was the tension. Just like the last episode, it had me on the edge of my seat with all the stuff happening with Takeru. I only started seeing the things I found questionable after all the adrenaline XD
Feb 10, 2022 6:31 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Yet another intense fight.

WereGarurumon X was so cool.
Apr 19, 2022 1:27 PM

Jul 2013
I like WereGarurumon's new toys more than MetalGreymon's. I mean it's 3-in-1: thrusters, swords and lasers
Jun 11, 2024 12:10 AM
Nov 2019
Cool episode. Now we’re gonna fight Devimon! Hope there will be an explanation as to how he is gonna handle two ultimates.

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