My English may be kinda bad, but let's talk a bit here about entertainment censorship. Censorship is always Don Quixote's fight against windmills. Futile attempts as it is, since from the very beginning censorship is something despotic and controlling, disguised as means of maintaining morals. With the modern censorship approach, morality is not even secondary, commercial interests and government policies always come first *One Piece Burning World Govt. Flag.jpg*. Still I don't believe morals doesn't matter. But I don't believe in artificial morals either, especially the kind that's shamelessly imposed by majority for selfish quixotic reasons. Of course, people who yell the loudest are simply trolls or projecting = seeing their own negative traits in others and condemn them in an effort to obtain a clear conscious. But right now I'm talking about true believers in the supremacy of morality (true SJWs) of whom are in plenty everywhere, not even about people who faking normal and are upset only because society demands it. Continuing this topic, who is more right: a hypocrite with nothing better to do but self-advertising or a pervert? To particularize, former is narcissist who falsely thinks of self as ideal person better than you and latter likes immoral things unacceptable to you. Who is actually uglier on the inside? They're both depraved, at least. Propaganda of modern morals ain't worth shit. What if genius writer can't convey to the full extent a beautiful story he has in mind because of something vague like morals? With the fascist censorship driving them into cliché frames, completely destroying all the uniqueness and never before seen plot twists in their works. Turning them into one of many forgettable sad tools for making money. That's what I think is a grave sin of entertainment censorship. There's always more than one thing unacceptable for you that is acceptable for me and vice versa, no, let's be fair. What's acceptable for you is criminally boring for me and vice versa.

1. Umineko no Naku Koro ni (PS3 sprites & voices ver.)
2. Kara no Shoujo series
3. Ever17
4. Fate/Stay Night
5. Cartagra
6. Saya no Uta
7. Monster Girl Quest
8. Ore no Imouto Portable ga Tsuzuku Wake ga Nai (PSP emulator)
9. Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
10. Sekien no Inganock
My absolute best girl, if I were to choose one, would be Kirino Kousaka from OreImo anime, VN, LN
My most favorite manga ever: Dorohedoro
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