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Dec 31, 2008 9:11 PM

Aug 2008
"Blue Team, pt 2"

I actually started feeling sympathetic for the members of Blue Team in this ep. They actually cared for the ppl as opposed to operating out of ignorance and hatred like the African Liberation Front. Their actions didn't make sense, hypocritical is a good word for them.

For a moment i thought that Iino & Puru were going to die, blocking an attack w/ their own craft. Glemy continues to survive and it looks like one his subordinates, August has plans on moving up in the world. If possible at his expense.
Dec 16, 2010 2:45 AM

May 2008
Another great episode, the fight was intense. I also thought that Iino and Puru were going to die, fortunatelly not.
I still think that Jinnei guy looked like Char~ Unfortunatelly he isn't him~
May 5, 2011 9:50 AM

Aug 2009
So far this series has had some great, solid action but I can't seem to care about the characters as much as previous UC characters. Some of them I flat out hate.

Will continue watching anyway.
May 7, 2011 6:50 AM
Jul 2010
So Roux totally destroyed three enemies at once with Double Zeta, including Glemy... the guy who puts routine struggles on Judau, while in the same machines. I never knew she was so skilled
Aug 27, 2011 11:14 PM

Jan 2009
The blue team felt like the first real freedom fighting militia we've seen so far, kinda sad to see them offed, offered some decent character development for Glemy...
Nov 23, 2011 3:14 PM

Jun 2008
Luthimal said:
So Roux totally destroyed three enemies at once with Double Zeta, including Glemy... the guy who puts routine struggles on Judau, while in the same machines. I never knew she was so skilled

Actually another time she was handling the double xeta in space she also destroyed a lot more enemies that Judau ever did. It makes you wonder why the hell they treat him like his something special.
Dec 21, 2012 8:57 AM

Jun 2012
Roux > Judau, hands down. Roux should be the main character to this show. She is the onde who left Argama with the Core Fighter, similar as Amuro did with the Gundam at MSG :P

By the way, the African characters that started to appear on the last episodes were better than the main characters. I't a pitty that the guy from the Blue Team died.

Also, Glemy is having some nice development. Unfortunately, he becomes an idiot when Roux appears.
Amuro_CharDec 21, 2012 9:17 AM
Jan 17, 2014 10:35 AM

Oct 2008
Yet another great episode. The battles were great and so was the context.
Apr 14, 2014 5:31 PM

Sep 2011
Zepwich said:
can't seem to care about the characters as much as previous UC characters. Some of them I flat out hate.
same, though i really like judoh, and i think glemy has a shit ton of potential as a antagonist from how recent events are transpiring, im really expecting him to be pushed to the brink of despair and go off the deep end.

Amuro_Char said:
Roux > Judau, hands down. Roux should be the main character to this show. She is the onde who left Argama with the Core Fighter, similar as Amuro did with the Gundam at MSG :P
fuck no, roux is a terrible character with a inconsistent personality and moral beliefs that jumps back and forth between moods like a bipolar sociopath.....aka shes a bitch, shes getting to the point where shes more deserving of bright slaps than pre character development beecha

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 4, 2014 10:16 PM

May 2008
This episode was a whole lot of nothing. I do wonder, though, what was up with Roux leaving and her piloting Double Zeta better than Zeta at times. Maybe!Char was looking pretty cool at the end, too.
Jan 31, 2015 6:05 AM

Nov 2014
This was a great little two parter, there was a lot of good character development here, even Shinta was actually helping out and no longer you know helping prisoners escape and shit.

I liked the ending, NotChar monologuing in a ruins of a city.
Feb 5, 2015 9:21 PM

Jul 2009
Great episode!

It's amazing how Glemy, who hated the Blue Team for trying to force him a mission, now vows revenge and will not forget their help.

Lol i love how Glemy and Jinnei guy meeting at the same table and talking about being dumped by the same girl XD

Haha the feeling Puru was sensing was Glemy all along!

Ellie looks hot with that outfit!

Roux has always been an ace pilot! When she first pilot Zeta a few episodes ago, she was ranking up kills then Double Zeta she doubled it(no pun).

Would like to see Roux piloting more than just Judau!

Can't wait for the next episode!
Dec 11, 2015 3:15 PM

Nov 2012
RIP Blue Team

Nice character development for Glemy wanting to avenge them,he's really grown on me these last few episodes.

Like JizzyHitler said above he definitely has alot of potential as antagonist considering how things have recently transpired.
Dec 19, 2015 3:24 AM

Sep 2008
Roux seems to know how to handle Double Zeta. Why are we keeping Judau piloting it when Roux seem to do much better? Well, I guess since Roux is not space wizard she gets the menial job even if she is actually better.
Dec 19, 2015 3:31 AM

Mar 2008
Tsukaji said:
Roux seems to know how to handle Double Zeta. Why are we keeping Judau piloting it when Roux seem to do much better? Well, I guess since Roux is not space wizard she gets the menial job even if she is actually better.
Exactly. You could think of it as raising your characters properly - some just have greater late-game potential.
May 23, 2016 8:04 AM

Jan 2014
Monad said:
Luthimal said:
So Roux totally destroyed three enemies at once with Double Zeta, including Glemy... the guy who puts routine struggles on Judau, while in the same machines. I never knew she was so skilled

Actually another time she was handling the double xeta in space she also destroyed a lot more enemies that Judau ever did. It makes you wonder why the hell they treat him like his something special.
Because she ain't got that newtype potential, so she'll be pushed to the side in favour of an orphan kid who never touched the manual even though she's the true ace: what a shame.
However, her running away still makes no sense, and Bitcha's transition from horrible to good character is still way too abrupt.
Glemy could end being a decent antagonist, but something tells me that Tomino will find a way to fuck it up somehow.

Don't really have much to say about this episode, but I definitely agree that the side characters' we've been introduced with these past few eps have been a lot more interesting than the main cast.
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Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
May 23, 2016 10:44 PM

Dec 2015
An African independance movement manipulated to slaughter Africans. I wonder what the Neo-Zeon high officer promised them.

After all we've seen of Glemy, he shows himself as a man who would honor a debt until the end and has some ideal (see previous episode). While his obsession over Roux Louka is consistent. The thing is: when did he become like this? Is everything resulting from this lonely introspective desert walk and the fact he could have died? If it is, it wasn't even shown decently.

Beecha keeps saying better things than not so long ago, is he sick? o_O

What about Ple? Was she tracking Glemy because her CNT subconsciousness wants her to fight for Zeon? -_-

4/5 Africa sure inspires the Gundam creator and writers.
Rei_IIISep 16, 2017 7:35 AM
Nov 5, 2017 5:36 PM

Jul 2016
Sapewloth said:
Bitcha's transition from horrible to good character is still way too abrupt.

I totally agree, and feel the same about Glemy's development. They both seem good characters now, but every time I enjoy something they do I ask myself when they changed so much and I can't find a decent answer. It's poor character development to me, I really don't like that.

Anyway, this couple of episodes about Blue Corpse and this African local conflict are the best part of the show till now. Though this episode has some flaws... Like, how comes that Neo-Zeon forces retreat? They seemed way more than the few destroyed by Elo (really good pilot, btw!) and, then, the Gundams. I thought the episode was going to end with the Gundam retreating after defeating their direct enemies and the villains seizing the city in ruin.
I also hoped that Iino would die...and also Puru would not have been a great loss. I really don't like most of the main cast... ^^"

Roux is the undisputed ace pilot here, give her the Hyaku Shiki!!
Jan 2, 2018 10:25 AM

Jul 2016
Great episode and I also felt bad for the Blue Team. This also sounds weird, but I liked the Islamic praying as it was authentic and came out of nowhere. Just something I wasn't expecting.

PLEASE do not screw up this Glemy. Have him stay the way he is now.
Feb 23, 2018 5:14 PM

May 2015
I liked how the mobile suit fight between the robots looked in this episode.
Sep 6, 2018 6:30 PM

Jun 2014
I'm glad to see that Roux is back with the Gundam team, but that town is completely destroyed.

Apr 21, 2019 5:17 AM

Nov 2016
I had some expectations for Glemy since the beginning, glad that he doesn't disappoint.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 1, 2020 3:09 AM

Aug 2017
"People always wish to be ruled by the hand of strong authority....even accept the rule of a dictator if it brings peace" - that's some bad political philosophy take Glemy, you better read a book

The overall double-episode was great though. I enjoy all these African bits.
St0rmbladeJul 1, 2020 3:16 AM
Aug 22, 2020 9:48 PM

Apr 2014
well least they're done looking for her

but do gotta say not liking that Puru is suddenly sensing the blonde guy so much now.... can feel something dumb is gonna happen
"one step at a time"
Jun 18, 2021 5:54 AM

Apr 2016
Beecha has been rather mature over the last few episodes. In fact, Beecha and Mondo feel like they're completely different characters, and its rather jarring. Earlier in the series, they didn't want anything to do with the Argama or the war and were onboard at the wrong time when it left their colony. And then they tried selling out the Argama to Zeon. But then the Argama landed at Granada... and rather than leave, they stayed onboard? And now they're fighting to overthrow Zeon? When did this change of heart happen?

So this is a predominately Islamic town? Lol at the heroines being able to walk around town wearing their clothes.

Why was Neo Zeon attacking this town? They didn't suspect this place to be a Karaba, an AEUG, or a Feddie base, so why attack it? Literally wasting time and resources to only create bad word of mouth about your movement that will make it harder to win other regions over to your side.

Glemy must be the most awful squad leader in Gundam. He consistently manages to fail all of his missions and lose almost all of his squadmates. Was easily duped by Roux and allowed her to escape in space. Allowed the Argama to reenter earth's atmosphere and nearly teamkilled Puru, incentivizing her to defect to the enemy. Failed to keep track of Leina, allowing her to escape. Failed to defend Dakar from AEUG and Karaba assault. Failed to kill Team Gundam and got the entirety of the Blue Team squad assigned to him killed.
Jul 29, 2021 9:13 PM

Jul 2011
I felt like the fight scenes in this episode were really well animated. On top of that I legitimately felt sad when Arrow died as the Blue Team weren't fighting for a bad cause and had actual morals like not killing innocents.

Obviously I thought it was messed up that August manipulated the other side of the Blue Team into killing innocent people, and in the end no one truly won which I think is the usual message of Gundam (war is bad).

I was really worried Iino and Puru died there, the way the scene was handled it felt like they were going to. Overall a great episode, I enjoyed this two-parter a lot and I think it's some of the greater stuff of ZZ so far.

Also look forward to more of Glemy, and I wonder where the hell Mashymre went, or if he died earlier and I forgot.
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Dec 17, 2022 5:09 PM
Dec 2015
Lol @ Mondo: What happened Beccha, you seem like a different guy!

Yes, basically he was a total selfish bastard, but then at least defended Judau's mourning against Roux. Then proceeds to use Roux as a shield, then helping Roux again. Feels a bit forced for sure

I love the constant bickering between Elle and Roux :D
Sep 9, 2023 4:24 AM

Jul 2017
i sweated when Iino got hit.
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Mar 27, 2024 4:15 PM
Jan 2017
This show is just all over the place.
Nov 24, 2024 2:48 AM
Jul 2024
Really great clash of ideals between Arrow and the other Blue Team members. Great payoff to the previous episode. Some odd character development choices for Glemy, I'm not quite sure how him becoming more worldly and honorable with Dido's death is gonna feed into his prideful dunce schtick but I guess I'll trust Tomino's plan.

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