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Jun 19, 2020 10:19 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, it looks like the show prepared Echo for this moment, the moment to finally take on the Earless and bring back the world as it is.

Echo vs Myuu is a big highlight of the series' finale as we also hear more of her inner thoughts. A fitting series finale if you ask me. Glad all the chaos is over and peace is restored in their world.
Jun 19, 2020 11:10 AM

Apr 2018
I think I can't say that it's a was good, I really loved this series at the beginning and the soundtracks are really good but unfortunately it became really meh after episode 5-6.
Average anime overall, it's a pity because the production could have been better
Jun 19, 2020 11:40 AM

Feb 2017
The show had potential, but only that I guess. I will probably forget it by the end of the week.
Jun 19, 2020 12:13 PM

May 2018
Ladies and gentlemen , Elvis has left the bldg...................
Jun 19, 2020 12:20 PM
Jul 2019
Honestly not sure what kept me from dropping it. Incoherent plot, sterile CG fights, and poor music direction made this the worst show by far this season for me, and I watched Bungou to Alchemist and 8th Son.
Jun 19, 2020 12:22 PM

Jul 2017
"The world's a stage, and all the men and women merely Players.." time for Echo to save the resurrected and manipulated Mu being the Earless boss Listeners. The boy whose starting interest in Players, became the hero to save the day.

And all is alive and well...

Oh well, kinda want to forget this show now, and rightaway this instant. What a bad show this has been.
Jun 19, 2020 12:29 PM

Jun 2017
Interesting that we got two parts from this finale episode. No wonder why the 1st part felt so haphazard, as a result. Should've been two episodes or like an episode and a half, I suppose

And that pretty much sums up my impression of the season as a whole, to be honest. All over the place, basically.

Solid first episode but things just kept degrading from that point, I'm afraid. By midway, I figured this would only get worse by the episode but I stuck around to see just how far it would go and, to be frank, color me surprised.

Little Miu x Echo plus the King x Knight moments in the 2nd half was definitely a treat though. On the other hand, I don't know how to feel about the two childhood friends returning back to life (?). Was there supposed to be a deep meaning behind this?

A positive to take away from the show has got to be the numerous ED theme sung by the wonderful Takahashi Rie-san. Karakai Jouzu first and now this, boy I can't wait for the next now!

Going to settle with a 3/10 for this show. Looks like a spiritual successor to Eureka 7 is still unattainable as things stand...
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 19, 2020 12:34 PM

Jan 2014
I don't see how people can find this series as a whole to be confusing lol. It was pretty simple.

Told the story of an incident that happened years ago that shaped how the world is, and how people feel about players, only for our MC to find one, and go on an adventure with them to explore such world and what it has to offer. Along with explaining what happened in further detail, and who these Earless are. Pretty simple to understand honestly. Sure, might have been all over the place at times, but hardly confusing.

As for the show? Fell flat honestly, slowly went down hill, or wasn't as appealing as it went on
Jun 19, 2020 12:50 PM

Oct 2010
dumb/pointless plot and dull characters. Ending themes were decent. Entire show just felt largely pretentious as well

Also really really dumb to bring those two dudes back to life. Random and lame
Jun 19, 2020 12:54 PM

Feb 2019
Right, I’m not gonna hold y’all up. I watched the entire series and I probably know about as much as someone who’s only read the synopsis. I’m genuinely confused as fuck.
Jun 19, 2020 12:55 PM
May 2020
So much potential... wasted.

I seriously couldn't understand what happened in Track 13. Why did he lose his hole? Who is the new brown chick at the bar? What the fuck is the earless-human player cycle?

Jun 19, 2020 1:01 PM
Jan 2017
After 12 episodes, Listeners comes to an end. This show had a promising start, but somewhere after the halfway mark, it lost its way and became a convoluted mess of intrusive music, confusing philosophy and bad character writing. This show failed in getting me to care about the characters and their struggles and when the dust settled, I wasn't happy at the outcome. When history looks back on Listeners, it will only find untapped potential and good intentions. The only good thing I can say about this episode is that it ended this show and we can all move on with our lives. Goodbye, Listeners, you won't be missed.
Jun 19, 2020 1:06 PM

Feb 2020
Ok, Listeners is done but...
why I don´t feel sad?

Probably is because I waited much more of this series and altought at the end it was decent (2nd halfwas a completely different thing from the first 6 episodes) I guess it has been another series it was fine but nothing more...

Well, decent series
Jun 19, 2020 1:18 PM

Feb 2019
To be honest I was expecting to score this very low. I would say the final episode in a way made it up for me a little bit.

I am disappointed with the whole I don't remember saying that bit of the ending. Could have been so much purer.
Jun 19, 2020 1:48 PM

Jul 2017
Not too bad of a finale I guess. Would've been better if they just combined it all into one long ep rather than having it span 2 eps but oh wellz

As for the show itself, disappointed is all I can say. Started off very strong, had a very interesting world to it and some interesting characters but then it started jumping all over the place which really dampened the experience. Not to mention every ep turned out to be just poor cgi fighting 101

I honestly would've given this a Too much rock - IGN/10 in the beginning, but now I don't think I can give it any more than disappointed/10
Jun 19, 2020 2:20 PM

Nov 2016
It was actually ok and had it's charm, definitely have seen worse this season.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 19, 2020 4:02 PM

Mar 2010
Not a bad ending, I didn't really mind the over dramatic parts as its the finally so its to be expected. The ending actually feels like a good place to start the actual anime, I feel like everything else was just a build up to its actual progression into a more epic story. Also I felt like they were hinting that there might be a second season but I doubt it would even happen. All in all.. About almost the entire series was shit for me until episode 10 so its wasn't a complete loss.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jun 19, 2020 4:07 PM

Apr 2020
Crap ending. The show itself was declining. Every episode worse than the previous.
But still better than Oregairu.
I neither agree nor disagree, on the contrary.
Jun 19, 2020 4:23 PM
Feb 2012
this anime was fucking stupid!
Jun 19, 2020 4:37 PM
Nov 2018
that was a fine finale i guess. at least the two boys are alive so nir gets to be happy.

things i liked about this show. the OP is one of my faves this season, the character art and design is pretty cool and consistent. everything else kinda falls flat, especially the plot and the mecha action.
Jun 19, 2020 5:58 PM

May 2011
I got interested in Listeners because Dai Satou was involved.But this anime disappointed my expectations real fast in that weird episode 2.For some reason I kept watching it tho.Like a train wreck that you can't stop watching.
''I was dead serious''

Jun 19, 2020 7:05 PM
Aug 2018
I'm genuinely confused. I thought this show was great, definitely rushed in the middle, but I'm legit confused as to why people think this show was so bad. Anyone care to elaborate? I can understand if you don't like classic rock—it seems like that's truly some people's main gripe with it. But that doesn't make it objectively a bad anime (and just because boomers listen to it doesn't make it bad... classic rock isn't my absolute favorite, but if you're only dismissing it because it's "dad-rock," you really should re-evaluate). I thought the animation was great, the music directing was awesome, and yeah the philosophical bullshit was definitely rambly at times, but this is an anime, that's literally par for the course. The plot as a whole was not confusing at all, and neither was the ending.

All in all, this anime was super original, a definite breath of fresh air. It's funny and kinda sad that most of the people knocking this anime are in all likelihood the same people that gobble up every second- and third-rate isekai that gets shit out every season.
Jun 19, 2020 7:41 PM

Oct 2019
So we all agree we should of dropped this sooner right? Personally I was hoping it would pull itself together by then end but LMAOOOO. Biggest disappointment of the season? I would think so since I had high expectations because of the synopsis. Anyways f*ck listeners all my homies hate listeners.

Edit: in response to the dude above me, I promise you we all think the soundtrack is the highlight of the show LMAOOO. The actual show was shit, felt like a chore to finish.
Jun 19, 2020 7:59 PM

Aug 2012
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother watching bad shows like this all the way to the end. Oh well, can't knock it out of the park all the time, eh MAPPA?
Jun 19, 2020 8:00 PM

Sep 2019
I'm going to be honest, i legit forgot i was watching this till i saw the final episode was out, and that is how much i enjoyed this show, not that much to be honest, the first redflag was the ugly simple 3d miminashi designs and also the boring 3d robot in that first episode, but i still had some hopes for it for the originality of the idea and that they had a music label producing the show, but it just was playing it so safe it wasn't fun to watch, there where some funny moments that i can recall like when Echo found Myuu on that sex line lol, but its characters and everything even with a distinct character style (at least for me because i don't know other show that has characters that look like this) the characters couldn't be more forgetable and sometimes even annoying with some stupid forced personality like those 2 guys with the whole big brother shit. But at the end of the day, the people that had the most fun in this show was the legends who edited the endings of the episodes showing concept art and mixing up different characters and scenes from the episode.

Now back to this episode, I don't think the the ending was bad, in fact it could have been really good, if this very same conclusion happened with a better/proper build up, when Listeners/Myuu was like having an existencial crisis it felt out of character a lot, it someone just fliping a switch, there was no build up for that either, she just snapped when having a villian moment. But yea, the ending is ruined by the fact the show tries to play a card with that ending that can't be played because the rest of the show was on training wheels, defently one of the better directed episodes of the whole show, showing better animations and that the robots are not unbreakable. Also is nice to have an epilogue, that is something a lot of animes tend to just don't do at all when needed to show what the actions that happened at the end changed shit *cough*Babylon*cough*.
Jun 19, 2020 9:32 PM

Oct 2017
This finale was better than I expected. Echo finally called out to Mu, he said she's his Mu XD. Too bad it seems he forgot that he said it. Also he's so tactless, he was showing her his butt at the end.

It was good to see everyone living a happy life alongside the earless. Also lol those two guys are alive and well, I'm happy for Nir.

Very fun and enjoyable anime overall, really loved Mu and Echo's pairing. True at the begining it was kind of confusing as there was no sense of direction but it was clear afterwards and these last few episodes made it even more apparent. It was all about a human and an earless getting closer and removing the barrier between them.
Jun 20, 2020 1:17 AM

Aug 2018
It was fun while it lasted, I suppose.

Loved the soundtrack and the world building was pretty top notch. Didn't like how fast paced it was though. It jumped narratives more often than not, and didn't give you a good reason to care about Echo or Mu to establish an emotional connection.

I also feel the anime became too reliant on its musical homages and references to charm the viewer. People who are into that might give the anime more brownie points, but the average viewer would most likely have next to everything about that go over their head *cough* me *cough*.

Another gripe was that it simply didn't live up to expectations. Sure the duo went places, but I never really got the impression much was accomplished. Looking for Jimi and answers about the earless only led to more questions, and the story immediately escalated to the Listeners finale before anything was really resolved. Top that with a cliche ending, and you get a really anticlimactic finish.
Jun 20, 2020 3:20 AM

May 2010
show became a complete dumpster fire somewhere around ep 5-6

Jun 20, 2020 5:19 AM

Dec 2015
I'm leaving it at 6/10. Though I don't really know why they made an anime like this. The studio definitely has it's weakness with adaptoins - where they usually select boring manga to adapt. And original works are better most of the time.

This anime is an exception. Visually it was nice though and the music (opening song) was cool. And the last episode was a fitting end for the story.

Whole story though was crap and too much forced on having references to real life musicians and bands and stuff.

The director seens okay - he did Ajin (good adaption and the only problem was that they stopped to make it anime-only end). The guy listed as original creator and series composition ... probably is at fault here.

He doesn't have too many interesting stuff listed:
And the better original works of this studio didn't have him involved.
Jun 20, 2020 5:58 AM

Jul 2016
ahneeme said:
this anime was fucking stupid!

a show with a great prmise that was pretty shithouse.

Jun 20, 2020 7:20 AM
Sep 2015
I'm so glad and happy that my ship Ritchie and Lyde are not dead! And they're back to school! I want them to be together for the rest of their lives, in a romantic way!
Jun 20, 2020 7:21 AM

Sep 2017
When the most memorable part of the show is the banging OP. Well hey the alt OP at the end of this episode was pretty cool.
Jun 20, 2020 7:41 AM

Mar 2015
This series was Ralph Bashki's American Pop corssed with Mecha and presented in a style to match the Heavy Metal movie.

I am glad that th MCs got back together in the end.
The sword that takes life gives life
Jun 20, 2020 8:51 AM

Oct 2014

The !!!ROCK REFERENCES!!! and the Sex Pistols episode were the only good things about it

Thank god my children Lyde and Ritchie are alive and well

This series is shit
Jun 20, 2020 6:16 PM

May 2010
Let's start with 5/10 for "average". This show propelled itself beyond average with all of the allusions to classic rock, some of which were quite subtle (anyone else catch the reference to King Crimson's *epitaph*?). But when push came to shove, it reverted into completely typical sentiments that match almost every shounen ever made. It had fun animation, and the plot seemed interesting. However, the problem here is that I'm using the word "seemed". I honestly couldn't follow it, and whenever I was most confused I re-watched the previous episode, and that made it a bit clearer. It seems like a series that would have made enough sense on a binge watch, but with a week between episodes for us to forget crucial details, it just came across as a confusing mess. So I give it a 6/10; it was interesting and ambitious but very poorly adapted for a weekly format.
“Money can't buy dere”
Jun 20, 2020 8:48 PM

Mar 2009
I don't have any harsh words for this anime, but it certainly did nothing for me. After watching the first episode, I was so hoping it would be like another Eureka Seven...
Yeah, it didn't turn out like that. And after a while, I lost complete track of the storyline too. Oh, well. Hope some people out there enjoyed the show though. It had a very small audience.

Mostly loved the character design in the show, at least. Needed more of those wacky and crazy sisters(?), btw.
Jun 20, 2020 11:26 PM

Jun 2017
I'm glad Lyde and Ritchie were actually alive!
This was an okay anime. Half of the time I was confused on the story and where it was going. But the animation was amazing and I loved the character designs.
Jun 21, 2020 2:25 AM

Aug 2018
The only good thing about the show was the music,OPs and EDs.It got worse witg each passing episode.What was that ending? Clearly a rushed one Now everyone lives in peace with Earless.Like wtf.
Jun 21, 2020 4:29 AM

Dec 2018
The final episode was confusing, unsatisfying and I'm left with so many questions

How did the earless become human like creatures? Where tf did Jimi go? Did he die? Was he dead the whole time? Is he now an earless human person? Is he still alive? Was that small part of him walking in the trash a flashback or in current time? Why didn't Mu turn into a earless person.. wasn't she like the earless queen or some shit? How the fuck did they get out of that hole? What the hell was the very end part? A rap battle? Were they walking around rap battling people?
please someone tell me some answers I am so confused.
I love MAPPA with all my heart but this one.. this one wasn't one of their best ones...

blazeuJun 21, 2020 5:07 AM
Jun 21, 2020 9:21 AM

Jul 2012
blazeu said:
How did the earless become human like creatures?

Echo saw Mu as both the Earless that she was and as the person he'd already known, shifting his perception of her to encompass all of her. According to Roz (who to be fair believes in a religion where they honor Earless with balloons), this caused all of humanity's perception of the Earless to change, bringing them closer together. It's a lot of metaphysical nonsense but that's what we got.

blazeu said:
Where tf did Jimi go? Did he die? Was he dead the whole time? Is he now an earless human person?

Jimi can't be an Earless human person, because he is what Mu/Listeners was born from, and Mu/Listeners was instrumental in creating the Earless-human people. It'd be cyclical in some illogical manner if he were, I mean.

It's possible Jimi is alive, or he's somewhere in the world of Origin (the record player thing). He's most likely dead, but overall it's irrelevant, the overfocus on Jimi was a theme of the show and breaking both Echo and Mu of it was sort of the point.

blazeu said:
Was that small part of him walking in the trash a flashback or in current time?

Iunno, what I do know is that it brought Janice back to life, much younger, in Liverchester.

blazeu said:
Why didn't Mu turn into a earless person.. wasn't she like the earless queen

Presumably, Mu remains Listeners to some extent, but she's not like Roz and overly connected to the Earless in her daily life so maybe it only comes out when she's pushed.

blazeu said:
What the hell was the very end part? A rap battle?

Presumably Echo and Mu are now known to be the strongest Players around, and people in Paisley Park want to battle them. They seem to have escaped in the end.

blazeu said:
I love MAPPA with all my heart but this one.. this one wasn't one of their best ones...

Oh no questions that this was a really poor effort, but I'd certainly watch more if it was made.
Jun 21, 2020 7:37 PM

Apr 2008
Such a mess. I kept feeling there was some potential in this series, but it was definitely never there. The thing that bothered me the most was we never reconciled the idea that the earless were misunderstood with their actions. Almost the whole anime we receive these hints that they're not so bad and people were wrong to attack them, but the earless clearly wreck shit and hurt people. We don't get any reason they weren't the threat that people thought they were or reasons the nations should have acted otherwise. There's not even an attempt beyond the magical fix at the end.
Jun 23, 2020 3:36 PM

Feb 2020
No surprised, Echo win the heart of the queen of Earless. Earless and Human/Player finally reunited. So, no one died here? Because everyone just reanimating or reincarnation or, whatever the fuck the name was. Good. No idea why i said 'good'. And Echo? Your sounds echoing around the world and you just hide like that? And, you still human? Great. I thought you become a king of Earless now! Okay. Whatever. Happy ending in the illusion, i believed. The world, once again, because the power of love echoing around the world, be back to the zero with the awkward relationship with Earless. Nice. Okay!

So overall the music really nice, while sometime its becoming absolute random. The story? Sorry. But i needed to lend some Echo wording. The trash back to the dumpster again. There you were, finally be able to back again, to the dumpster. Thats it. The art? Absolute mind-blowing, and slightly 'okay'. Even its not sounded like a satire, so, yeah, suit yourself. General characterization were simple and never missed the punch to made me laugh. Its for real. Thanks god this yarn rumpled had a Roz to took the diffirentiate route out of the generic essence. However, such ashame its not much to lifted up the whole show identity.

Finally, my final verdict might be harsh. But please dont mind my word because this show had their way to rumbled and blown up everything. So take it easy, feel the love, say hello and good bye! Okay. At last this is my scores for the show

Sorry, i was joking. The real one was that shit in the caged and divide it with our beloved twos MC and minus it with one for my respect to the show. Thats the right one. Lmao. Great job Listeners.
badabassJun 23, 2020 3:42 PM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jun 23, 2020 10:52 PM
Apr 2019
This is an anime that is supposed to be good. But it didn't, just average overall. Catchy soundtracks especially the EDs. Rie Takahashi's version of the OP is amazing as well.
Jun 25, 2020 6:07 PM

Mar 2014
It's finally over.

I wanted to drop it after the 2nd episode.

While I get the idea what they were trying to convey, the execution of the anime was pretty crappy.

It was neither magic, nor logic, nor science, it was just all a bunch of random shit slap in together, they didn't even care to explain how any of that non-sense makes sense.

In comparison Eureka Seven, witch was very similar both in theme and Art type, they actually makes thing logical, and cared to explain the science properly.

Here in Listeners they tried too much to make it similar to Heavy Metal (old Rock & Roll music movie from the 80s) without caring if things made sense or not.
Jun 26, 2020 12:32 AM

Nov 2017
JiangHaoyi1979 said:
Ladies and gentlemen , Elvis has left the bldg...................

Lol, well said 😄
Jun 26, 2020 4:03 PM

Jul 2017
They won me over with the synopsis, a dystopian setting where music is ceasing to exist, but they completely lost me with the story. God, wtf was this.. It was absolutely terrible imo. Idek what was the purpose of the whole thing tbh. All i know is that i watched it, and i already forgot about it lmao, and thats it xd

3/10 won't remember it at all
Jun 28, 2020 9:05 PM

Jun 2013
Initially I thought people were harsh with the ratings but now I realized that this is bad. I would've dropped it if I were not a fan of Mecha anime. Yet even the mecha part was disappointing.

The story was just as confusing and complicated as the relationship between the main characters. They start their journey in search of Jimi Hendrix aka Jimi Stonefree except they don't even know what they are trying to accomplish. Than they have Mu who is a listener wanting to destroy the world but her motivations makes no sense just like identity crisis. And all this to end simply when Echo reaffirms her identity. If only creators put actual effort with the story and character development as much as they did with the music than the show could've been much better.
Jun 29, 2020 11:34 AM
Feb 2020
Jul 1, 2020 7:16 PM
Nov 2019
Can someone who understood explain what happened at last ep please?
Where and how did jimmy came from?
Who is that mixed echo/myuu girl?
Is she supposed to be a fusion or something? Then what about last scene? They fusioned, and made a character or what?
Jul 2, 2020 10:16 PM

May 2019
It had an interesting premise and I was excited at first, but the series showed an extreme lack of engagement and was a breeding ground for a host of macro flaws.


We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths.
As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are.
That's what death is, don't you think?

Itachi Uchiha
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