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Nov 10, 2019 9:11 AM

Apr 2010
lol now he needs to drive a sports car with bad Russian rap and wearing fake gold chains.
Banshee-IVNov 11, 2019 7:22 PM
Nov 10, 2019 10:43 AM

Feb 2018
Soooo, Akane killed someone without her criminal coefficient going above 100 (most likely) that's why the Sybil can't "judge" her hence she's locked up on home instead of prison but the main villains of this season are all (probably) like that (and mentalists are also like that) so the main theme of this season is to reveal the truth of both the case behind our protags' past and, consequently, about the Sybil system (which may be the villains motivation so that they take control instead of it and also Akane's so the people may decide for themselves how they want to govern?) ???
... ok
Nov 10, 2019 1:37 PM

Oct 2014
its been about three years since i last watched anything from the psycho-pass series (the first film) and i forgot how the dominators worked and OH BOY

i don't know what i was expecting to happen to the lee guy, but it certainly wasn't his head getting stomped on like a watermelon - i haven't been that shocked in a while (not complaining though, i'm one of those people that love shock value)

kei is my anime husbando for the season, gino is number one but he's barely been around :c


happy to see my girl yayoi back tho!!
Nov 10, 2019 3:56 PM
May 2019
I actually appreciate how S3 has gone in a different direction than S1. Yes, you do miss out on the more heady, person vs society vibe that Akane and the Sibyl system had but these new characters seemingly have defined backstories and there's a bit more mystery woven into the overall narrative. Promptly needed after the sour taste S2 left me with.
Nov 11, 2019 3:02 AM

Jul 2014
I knew it, it's Yayoi yeeeay
"Everyone fails sometimes
But dreams won't fade, dreams won't fade
Let's chase them as many times as it takes and don't lose
Because today after all is today and once you wake up, it'll be a new morning"

Nov 11, 2019 6:18 AM

Aug 2012
Kinda wrong about the testosterone comment. First off things are different for men and women: produce high amounts of testosterone in the testicles. Even if stress cause it to decrease is still way more tan women
2. women produce just a small amount in their amigdala and then produce adrenaline.
3. Testosterone and cortisol work together to increase focus.
So is not only increase risk taking. That is a negative way of putting things and wrong. Is increase focus , decreased stress and anxiety, making men better of everything unrelated to raising toddlers
Primo_Itoko said:
Soooo, Akane killed someone without her criminal coefficient going above 100 (most likely) that's why the Sybil can't "judge" her hence she's locked up on home instead of prison but the main villains of this season are all (probably) like that (and mentalists are also like that) so the main theme of this season is to reveal the truth of both the case behind our protags' past and, consequently, about the Sybil system (which may be the villains motivation so that they take control instead of it and also Akane's so the people may decide for themselves how they want to govern?) ???
... ok

The Sybil system is not what it seems. If you seen previous seasons you know why. If not
nightcrawlercypNov 11, 2019 6:23 AM
Nov 11, 2019 10:06 AM

Feb 2018
nightcrawlercyp said:

Primo_Itoko said:
Soooo, Akane killed someone without her criminal coefficient going above 100 (most likely) that's why the Sybil can't "judge" her hence she's locked up on home instead of prison but the main villains of this season are all (probably) like that (and mentalists are also like that) so the main theme of this season is to reveal the truth of both the case behind our protags' past and, consequently, about the Sybil system (which may be the villains motivation so that they take control instead of it and also Akane's so the people may decide for themselves how they want to govern?) ???
... ok

The Sybil system is not what it seems. If you seen previous seasons you know why. If not

I know I know but,
since we had a build up with the Minister of Foreing Affairs in SS, with those episodes focusing on politic matters and as it seems like the villains represent an economic power, I am just wondering how deep is the plot going in regards of the fragility of that society structure.
Nov 11, 2019 11:15 AM

Aug 2012
Primo_Itoko said:
nightcrawlercyp said:

The Sybil system is not what it seems. If you seen previous seasons you know why. If not

I know I know but,
since we had a build up with the Minister of Foreing Affairs in SS, with those episodes focusing on politic matters and as it seems like the villains represent an economic power, I am just wondering how deep is the plot going in regards of the fragility of that society structure.
we will ave to wait and see. I am pretty happy on this season. Not great but pretty good
Nov 11, 2019 5:53 PM

Apr 2012
I appreciate how the new season is trying to build new intrigues and interested us in new characters, but this time it was too forsed. It seemed as though at some point the scriptwriter was simply told “oh, we urgently need a love and family drama, the last episode was too social” and they decided to dramatically increase the amount of personal drama. I'm interested, but it's still too awkward.

Short_Circut said:
This is some 300iq plays by the directors to make Arata the parkour master and Ignatov the fighting master so that they can flex their animation

Ah, not I alone noticed this.

JizzyHitler said:
Lucky_SLS said:
How is Psycho Pass S3 still below 8? i thought this will be in the top 5 with 8+ ratings by episode 3. FeelsBadMan :(
People are probably hesitant to even watch this cause of how many seasons 2 burned them, if it stays good the score will slowly match it lets just hope it doesnt waste the potential it has right now. As of right now the score has been rising pretty damn steadily so if episode 4 brings the thrills like I think alot of us are hoping it will (its the midpoint of the series its gotta have something big in it right?) it very well could wind up being 8+ by this time next week.

It's complicated. On the one hand, I am interested in disclosing information about these quasi-illuminati or in learning about how this season will end and what message the authors will give us, taking into account all this political context. Not to mention the fate of the original characters and the possibility of the fourth season. On the other hand, at the moment PP has become so mainstream and memetic franchise that I am often more interested in watching how cartoonish Mika become or semi-seriously ship new characters become with each other, for example. If the first season had a very serious atmosphere and vibe, now, I feel like a member of the Avengers's group viewing with my bros.

Banshee-IV said:
lol now he needs to drive a sports with bad Russian rap and wearing fake gold chains.
NotyarD said:
Ignatov da man. And btw, he fits the stereotype of using a certain Stripes brand.

Guys, was your post the reference on the gopniks?
RobertBobertNov 11, 2019 5:59 PM
Nov 12, 2019 2:41 AM

Nov 2018
That one Arata and Irie moment was nice. And of course Kei carrying Arata to his car to call him back was very nice.
Enomiya is convincingly sick.
I have been wondering since episode 1 but I am lowkey attracted to Irie.
God the foreigner phobia is intense there.
Irie and Arata seems to be getting well now, nice.
That guy from Tenma family deserved the punch.
Irie calling Hinakawa senpai is kinda cute.
Another very solid episode with tight writing. And nice to see Yayoi again and in a new look at that.
OrangeCloudsNov 12, 2019 2:46 AM
Nov 12, 2019 4:14 AM

Jul 2016
Rari330 said:
I actually appreciate how S3 has gone in a different direction than S1. Yes, you do miss out on the more heady, person vs society vibe that Akane and the Sibyl system had but these new characters seemingly have defined backstories and there's a bit more mystery woven into the overall narrative. Promptly needed after the sour taste S2 left me with.

I have really enjoyed the interactions between the inspectors and the enforcers alot this season to date.
Nov 12, 2019 3:12 PM

Mar 2016
Would somebody be able to explain to me what those 3 people are doing in that room? Are they betting on the outcome of the current political affairs? Am i misinterpreting?

Nov 13, 2019 2:22 AM

Dec 2017
I'm *so* excited for Yayoi next week. ♥_♥

strawberaetae said:
Would somebody be able to explain to me what those 3 people are doing in that room? Are they betting on the outcome of the current political affairs? Am i misinterpreting?

I'm assuming they're some kind of secret organization pulling the strings behind a large conspiracy in some way. Their motives and goal will most likely be revealed in the story to come.
Nov 13, 2019 3:20 AM

Aug 2016
strawberaetae said:
Would somebody be able to explain to me what those 3 people are doing in that room? Are they betting on the outcome of the current political affairs? Am i misinterpreting?

The antagonists i would say. Looks like some sort of shadow government, maybe the 'unseen enemy' Akane is referring to at the end of episode one.
Ego = 1 / Knowledge | "More the Knowledge Lesser the Ego, Lesser the Knowledge More the Ego." Albert Einstein
My ratings:
Nov 13, 2019 8:35 AM

May 2016
Things getting pretty spicy lately and that Lethal eliminator thrown right on top of our Inspector was mad af.
Nov 13, 2019 12:38 PM

Dec 2017
Ignatov working out like a true SLAV.
Nov 13, 2019 6:45 PM

May 2019
Featheredbird said:
Really enjoying this so far! Was a bit skeptical about S3, but I am actually finding myself liking it more than S1 a bit -- probably b/c of the worldbuilding/casual scenes. I guess the hour-long format helps.

Just a theory, but if "killer ex-inspector Akane" did commit a crime, could Arata use his tracing abilities to figure out whether Akane is guilty... or victim of corrupt Sybil's judgement?

Will this lead Arata to see the basement Sybil room, somehow? From afar, where it would not be detected by the system..?

Am I the only one who though "killer" is used as a compliment to her abilities.

1 a person, animal, or thing that kills, esp. one that kills habitually or wantonly
2 killer whale
3 something devastating, difficult, hard to cope with, etc.
4 an extremely successful, impressive, exciting, etc. person or thing


After this dialogue Irie's also compliments her.
Don't be a self pretentious that is the most gayest thing ever
English Dubs are better than subs
You all have anime profile pic so you opinion doesn't count
Your Waifu is trash
Cory in the house is the best anime
Japanese are one of the most xenophobic nations
My Anime List looks like a website from 1990s
Nov 14, 2019 6:58 AM
Apr 2016
obvious_troll said:
Featheredbird said:
Really enjoying this so far! Was a bit skeptical about S3, but I am actually finding myself liking it more than S1 a bit -- probably b/c of the worldbuilding/casual scenes. I guess the hour-long format helps.

Just a theory, but if "killer ex-inspector Akane" did commit a crime, could Arata use his tracing abilities to figure out whether Akane is guilty... or victim of corrupt Sybil's judgement?

Will this lead Arata to see the basement Sybil room, somehow? From afar, where it would not be detected by the system..?

Am I the only one who though "killer" is used as a compliment to her abilities.

1 a person, animal, or thing that kills, esp. one that kills habitually or wantonly
2 killer whale
3 something devastating, difficult, hard to cope with, etc.
4 an extremely successful, impressive, exciting, etc. person or thing


After this dialogue Irie's also compliments her.

We are talking Japanese language, they do not freely use words which have defined meaning... They do not use negative words to freely describe something as positive. Besides there is no whole story yet. She could have been framed. But that language theory is null.
Nov 14, 2019 8:56 AM

May 2019
Daniel_Naumov said:
obvious_troll said:

Am I the only one who though "killer" is used as a compliment to her abilities.

1 a person, animal, or thing that kills, esp. one that kills habitually or wantonly
2 killer whale
3 something devastating, difficult, hard to cope with, etc.
4 an extremely successful, impressive, exciting, etc. person or thing


After this dialogue Irie's also compliments her.

We are talking Japanese language, they do not freely use words which have defined meaning... They do not use negative words to freely describe something as positive. Besides there is no whole story yet. She could have been framed. But that language theory is null.

This is amazon we are taking about. Are the translations word to word? What exactly did he say?
Don't be a self pretentious that is the most gayest thing ever
English Dubs are better than subs
You all have anime profile pic so you opinion doesn't count
Your Waifu is trash
Cory in the house is the best anime
Japanese are one of the most xenophobic nations
My Anime List looks like a website from 1990s
Nov 14, 2019 10:37 AM
Apr 2016
obvious_troll said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

We are talking Japanese language, they do not freely use words which have defined meaning... They do not use negative words to freely describe something as positive. Besides there is no whole story yet. She could have been framed. But that language theory is null.

This is amazon we are taking about. Are the translations word to word? What exactly did he say?

Uugh you will have to give me exact time so I can check it, don't remember off the bat.
Nov 14, 2019 11:12 AM

Nov 2016
JizzyHitler said:
fuck this show is good, like there hasnt been any amazing moments yet, but its so absurdly polished and the pacing is ridiculously good. Everytime I thought it was about to end it kept going cause there was so much detail happening in every scene and it really feels like it hasnt wasted any time. My biggest worry of the new cast being potentially underdeveloped has been alleviated completely with this episode as they've been developing the crew and their relationships simultaniosuly with the plot and its all just insanely well done and natural like we arent coming to a dead halt to give some character screentime, it helps that the more jovial atmosphere of the season makes the crew this time feel so much more instantly likable thanks to the goofier moments

All the groundwork is here for this to be a legitimately great show if it follows through, we just need a satisfying overall plot. I think the best part about this is that this groundwork doesnt parallel to the first season at all and instead i standing on its own rather than chasing the past.

You nailed it. The amount of detail and information density along with the smooth pacing are making this truly a great watch. The kickass action helps too.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 14, 2019 12:26 PM

Sep 2011
FMmatron said:
JizzyHitler said:
fuck this show is good, like there hasnt been any amazing moments yet, but its so absurdly polished and the pacing is ridiculously good. Everytime I thought it was about to end it kept going cause there was so much detail happening in every scene and it really feels like it hasnt wasted any time. My biggest worry of the new cast being potentially underdeveloped has been alleviated completely with this episode as they've been developing the crew and their relationships simultaniosuly with the plot and its all just insanely well done and natural like we arent coming to a dead halt to give some character screentime, it helps that the more jovial atmosphere of the season makes the crew this time feel so much more instantly likable thanks to the goofier moments

All the groundwork is here for this to be a legitimately great show if it follows through, we just need a satisfying overall plot. I think the best part about this is that this groundwork doesnt parallel to the first season at all and instead i standing on its own rather than chasing the past.

You nailed it. The amount of detail and information density along with the smooth pacing are making this truly a great watch. The kickass action helps too.
lets just pray I didnt jinx it. So far its been great under context of being really good setup, it needs a strong follow through.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Nov 15, 2019 2:38 PM

Mar 2016
All over the place, can't establish it's arc'd plot.
What a mess.
Lie until what you want to be true becomes truth. Lie until you can't remember what's a lie and what isn't.  Lie until you aren't lying anymore!
Nov 16, 2019 8:00 AM
Jan 2016
Yay, Yayoi is back!!!
Yap Sibyl needs heart, that's why Dominator had its own trigger.
Nov 16, 2019 11:55 PM

Jun 2013
Those noodles did my boy good. Gained 100 kgs from one bowl of noodles.

Honestly, I can't tell who amongst them are immigrants and non-immigrants based on design alone. I can only tell once we know their names. Foreign, non-Japanes names = immigrants, right? That Yukushiji guy reminds me of Donald Trump and he seems more like a foreigner than Ignatov. Also mostly since he goes by Kei and looks Japanese, design wise.

Great animation, the action scenes were amazing!
Nov 19, 2019 5:32 PM

May 2009
Bibimbapski said:
That Yukushiji guy reminds me of Donald Trump and he seems more like a foreigner than Ignatov

He looks more like Koizumi on roids.
Dec 2, 2019 4:25 AM

Nov 2013
Yayoi is back boys !!!! That punch by Kei was satisfying af. I’m starting to like him more.

A lot of moving parts this season , here’s what I’ve gathered so far from the 3 episodes.

Public Safety Bureau
• Akane is imprisoned and an Ex-Inspector due to an incident (confirmed in ep 1 by Kisaragi in the car when asked about an unconventional inspector from division 1)
> possibly causing the death of another inspector/enforcer (according to Kazumichi Irie , “Hopefully they don’t die in accidents like before” when seeing Arata point dominator at Yonehawa)
> more evidence of this ...according to Temma in ep 3 while discussing Inspector backgrounds , she is the “killer ex-inspector” who went crazy.
• Her psycho pass was not revealed , something to do with public safety

Prediction: Akane was likely silenced by Sibyl because she pursued justice at the cost of a peaceful society

• Mika Shimotsuki is now chief inspector . Boo
• Ginoza and Yayoi are gone
• Ginoza is with Kogami and Sugou Teppei, working under their chief, Frederica Hanashiro, as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Operations Department
• Yayoi is now a freelance journalist
• Kei Ignatov, 24, is an Inspector, foreigner (Russian) with military background (he excels in shooting, combat, and analysis) and has a deceased brother Akira Vasily Ignatov who died two years prior. He also has a wife, Maiko Maya Stronskaya who is blind. He was recommended by Shimotsuki
• Arata, 24, is an Inspector, a rich kid whose father Atsushi also worked in Ministry of Welfare as a top official. His mother committed euthanasia due to illness when he was young. His father, Atsushi Shindo was defamed by media, and “killed himself”
He is a special A class profiler with high empathic abilities, who was recommended by Akane. His mentalist skills , allow him to becoming another person based on circumstances, reasoning and statistics (he can cross the mental borderline ) > kinda bs

Prediction: Atsushi was possibly a Fox due to business card seen at Arata’s place in ep 2.

• Kisaragi may have connection to Koichi Azusawa and foxes, since she stole business card from Rick fellows, dead employee of Hyper Transport
• Irie and Temma are against elitist inspectors
• Temma Todoroki has relatives who are working on the Yakushiji campaign. He is a shame to the Todoroki family most likely for being a latent criminal. His father was slandered because of this. He has a step brother who despises him. His mother killed herself, likely due to her deteriorating hue

Hyper Transport
• Tetsuya Sasagawa is a senior executive, financial consultant
• Takumi Yonehara is a senior executive, financial officer (dead)
• Rick fellows was an accountant, but was killed in the drone crash (possibly due to trying to cease his involvement with Foxes and whistleblow)

• Shizuka homura takes part in Roundrobin as a new member of Bifrost. He has a dying father, who wants him to always win .
• Alongside him are haruki shirogane and Kyoko saionji . They wager on society as part of a game.
• They play with cards and “debate” on society, for instance Karina Komiya, likely for money/pleasure

• Sasagawa (7th Inspector) and Yonehara are employers of Hyper transport
• Koichi Azusawa (1st inspector ) takes a video of the crash of drone plane (he likely caused the crash). He calls himself a floor man while carrying out his duties. He has a subordinate Obata who may be a hacker, whom helps cover up for other inspectors
• Haruki Enomiya (2nd Inspector) is a broker of the abandoned zone of Myogadani (in close proximity to two of Yakushiji’s campaign offices) and is suspected of being an accomplice in the death of Aki Lee. She is an ex-pro athlete and an ex-woman and runs an underground hand to hand combat ring, where she raises strong soldiers as merchandise.

Gubernatorial Election Candidates
• Kosuke Yakushiji, believes a strong body equals a strong mind , and a subsequently better hue. Fights for the immigrants. He has a first secretary named Aki Lee who is a minority, but is killed while being interrogated on collusion with Tsuchiya
• Karina Komiya, believes in the Neighbors policy which regulates immigrants and protects self interests of those within Japan. She has mentalist abilities, her mind thinks at frightening speeds but is empty according to Arata. She is suspected of being able to force ppl to kill themselves. Has a psychologist Kojo Tsuchiya who committed suicide

• Japan seems to be accepting Immigrants due to anti-isolation policy , which Sibyl acknowledges
• Resident districts are taking in Immigrants, leading to more immigrant trouble
• Ministry of Health and Welfare Public Safety Bureau and Ministry of Foreign Affairs likely to have a deal/agreement to prevent competition, based on conversation between Mika and Ginoza at end of episode 1
• Frederica comments catching Hyper Transport may have been an end result of Akane’s actions(ep 2), hinting she may have helped Foreign Affairs out
• There seems to be an unfavourable attitude towards immigrants within Japan (ep 3, two girls having discussion over tea at Koichi Azusawa’s cafe)
• The suspect for Kei’s brother’s murder is the father of Arata , Atsushi Shindo. The truth they are trying to get closer to is probably related to the mystery behind his death

That’s all for now.
The most compelling thing this season is the mystery behind Akane’s imprisonment , and the motivation between Bifrost, but especially that of Shizuka .
Hopefully the next episodes shed more light on either, or both.
Dec 6, 2019 12:22 PM

Aug 2017
So, the old enforcer is not that old, I guess.

I really like this episode cuz characters really develop here and Yayoi is back!
NurguburuDec 6, 2019 12:34 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Dec 12, 2019 6:59 PM

Nov 2016
I am really digging the bromance here, Yayoi is back yai!
Dec 15, 2019 1:26 AM

Oct 2010
How can Yayoi be free? and now she's a journalist, wtf.
All in all, a good episode, I liked the pacing and the time spent with Arata and Mikhail, I sure hope the introduction of Gino and Kougami wasn't only for show back in ep 1.
Dec 22, 2019 2:42 AM

Dec 2010
Whoah, Ignatov sure went high on my list with a single action. I still can't get over the stereotypical Adidas hoodie though, lol.

Dec 27, 2019 3:00 AM

Mar 2015
Action was pretty intense!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jan 1, 2020 6:35 AM

Dec 2018
So, Todoroki is a black sheep.

Yakushiji's tear is probably a crocodile tear.

Food printer, huh? Now that's nifty...
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
May 4, 2020 3:41 PM

Dec 2016
I can't put my finger on it, but something is missing.
Jul 18, 2020 7:56 AM

Jan 2014
Really like it so far! Hoping the overall plot is just as good...
Oct 19, 2020 11:10 PM
Jun 2020
So far better than season 2 but definitely not season 1.
Nov 18, 2020 5:36 AM

Dec 2012
Oh shit! Dat smack!
The shame of the Todoroki family.
Arata is down.
Side effects of a Mental Trace.
The truth they're seeking?
Kei gets attacked from behind.
Irie getting fucked up.
Dat head stomp.
LMAO Irie got covered in blood.
Arata parkour.

Dat Kei punch was epic. Cracked his shit. Why does Maiko Maya sound like Michael Myers? Was that intentional? With that said... Yayoi is back... and is a journalist.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Dec 15, 2020 8:00 PM

Jul 2013
the family drama was pretty sad.

Ignatov defending Todoroki was badass. It shows that though he can seem stoic he 1. cares about his co-workers 2. is human/emotional (the racist guy ruined his day and set him off).

It's great seeing Arata's fast moves and Ignatov's combat skills.
Mar 13, 2021 10:05 PM
Jan 2021
Every episode they show this meeting of three people, one of them a Congressman, playing a game. I really don't get it. Wish there was a bit more connection to the rest of it, somehow.
Aug 22, 2021 1:18 PM
Dec 2017
Great to see yayoi being back.

Jun 13, 2022 4:01 AM

Dec 2007
honestly, what makes this season better than s2 so fare is stable pace stable plot and the characters interactions. but even without saying that s2 from ep7 is just horrible so there's nothing to compare to lol.

but though saying that on ignatove and arata, i'm more interested in akane's situation, and who the hell she killed.
that felt to me much important than all lol. like the main plot is in different layer, and the "real" main plot is on other side.

at any rate, we got yayoi back!
Aug 15, 2022 10:55 PM
Jul 2022
Man this isnt as good as season 1 but season 2 was sucha pos its making this feel like a masterpiece. I wish they'd have just made the first movie the main premise of season 2 and gone from there. Let's just pretend it didnt happen and keep enjoying season 3 :D.
Jun 22, 2023 1:57 AM

Dec 2022
Most of the new characters in this episode are walking caricatures who belong in a circus freak show. Hard to take them seriously.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Oct 28, 2023 6:31 AM
Nov 2010
Lots of mystery is still going on, especially between the two new protags. They are working together despite having such a tragic backstory.
Yayoi is hotter than ever with her hair down. Damn!
How did Yayoi become a freelance journalist from being an enforcer?
Shou, one of the OGs being left behind as an enforcer, reminded me of my current job. All my friends at work are gone now. I'm the last one standing. Haha
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