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Aug 6, 2016 3:44 PM

Jun 2014
Pochi_ said:
Well, Clannad and Little Busters harem situations are different from Rewrite. I will say it in spoiler tag.

Buuuut... Rewrite can't justify the harem, even less in this new original route.

Furthermore Kotarou's VA says that it isn't a harem... My problem with this is that they (the staff) say good things about the anime and we are getting quite the opposite.

Did you expect them to say their work sucks just before it air lol?
Aug 6, 2016 3:45 PM

Jun 2013
I guess I'll listen to the Yoshino song on my own then
Aug 6, 2016 3:51 PM

Feb 2014
Pochi_ said:
Well, Clannad and Little Busters harem situations are different from Rewrite. I will say it in spoiler tag.

Buuuut... Rewrite can't justify the harem, even less in this new original route.

Furthermore Kotarou's VA says that it isn't a harem... My problem with this is that they (the staff) say good things about the anime and we are getting quite the opposite.

If what makes a harem meaning the heroines love the MC, then I still wouldn't call Rewrite a harem.

From the anime:
Shizuru always had a crush on Kotarou, that is normal.
Lucia has feelings for him since what he's done in the last episode, she hadn't really had feelings for him before hand I'd say.
Kotori, I'd say that is still a confusing mix do to her backstory.
Akane and Chihaya don't really show any feelings towards Kotarou at the moment.
So far, there hasn't really been the case of "all the heroines loving the MC".
Aug 6, 2016 3:55 PM

Aug 2013
Best part was Yoshino's chuuni play fighting and Shizuru's "good taste!" when drinking the river water.

Also Moon & Terra flashbacks were nice. Not looking forward to next ep, have a feeling the
will be awful CG.

It's gonna be all downhill from here. I have zero interest in anime-original route after they're shitting on the actual VN content.
Aug 6, 2016 4:11 PM

May 2015
Those flashbacks, damn. Yoshino's scene was fucking hilarious, LMAO.

That cliffhanger, though. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Aug 6, 2016 4:16 PM
Jul 2016
Pochi_ said:
Well, Clannad and Little Busters harem situations are different from Rewrite. I will say it in spoiler tag.

Buuuut... Rewrite can't justify the harem, even less in this new original route.

Furthermore Kotarou's VA says that it isn't a harem... My problem with this is that they (the staff) say good things about the anime and we are getting quite the opposite.

Considering the Moon route, and even the way Terra ends, its not strange to call Rewrite harem. It does feel justified if you ask me.
What is Moon if not a harem, and the game as a whole even ends in a harem. Altho in both cases its questionable who's harem it is, heh.

Nothing wrong with that by the way, as long as it doesnt get in the way of the plot. In the VN it made both the ending and the Moon route that much more memorable in fact.
Aug 6, 2016 4:35 PM

Dec 2007
Hecmatika said:
No YOSHINO Song, but this is enough for me:

Nearly 4 years after saving this image, I can finally use it.
Aug 6, 2016 4:53 PM

Aug 2015
So we're back to common route stuff. It's nice we got to see Lucia in a maid uniform although that was short lived. Overall this episode was much better than the previous two episodes in terms of pacing, I certainly found it fun.
Aug 6, 2016 5:35 PM

Jul 2015
Finally a good episode. Didn't like the harem vibes tbh.

It seems next episode will be the last using parts of the VN and will start to go anime original. This is what I hope.
Aug 6, 2016 5:45 PM

Jul 2012
zaydgh123 said:
Alvoso said:
turning into a Greenpeace commercial

Rewrite is one biiiiiiiiiiig Greenpeace commercial with top-tier psychological elements and the meaning of love
Pretty much.

But I've got more important things to post about and its that the fabled Saturday is getting ANIMATED. YESSSSSS! I was wondering if they were going to include it and with the way the last episode ended, it didn't seem like it was going to happen.

WE'RE IN FOR SOME FUN TIMES NEXT EPISODE. I can only hope that they include the philosophical disconnects that were in the VN. But I'm hype as hell right now.
Aug 6, 2016 6:40 PM

Dec 2013
Wasn't a big fan of the harem vibes at the beginning tbh

That second half got really interesting. Nice little flashbacks to Kotarou's past. No idea what they are going to do with it.

Next episode is probably going to be the last episode of the common route which is fairly exciting.

Love the Yoshino transitions
Aug 6, 2016 6:50 PM

Jan 2013
Lucia sooo cute with that maid outfit :3
That moment when Lucia and Shizuru were hugging Kotarou was so cute :3
This anime is great but that OP+ OP Song= feels :/
And it seems that Kotori (i think that's her name), ca
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Aug 6, 2016 7:23 PM

Aug 2015
> Recheckes the episode discussion to see if there's something new...
> People still complaining about the Harem stuff!

FFS! 😕

Since they were mixing up multiple routes in the earlier episodes, I thought some harem-y stuff would be obvious at this point. ( though I can agree that some of it might have been overly done and were unnecessary )..
Aug 6, 2016 7:57 PM
Jul 2016
Where is my viewers wars!¡

I wanted more Elitist v/s Casuals, you guys sucks as fans!
Aug 6, 2016 8:06 PM

Dec 2015
I want to say that I enjoyed this episode alot. The story seems to be unfolding much more especially during this episode. I can't wait to see where they are going with this. It looks like it is about environmental issues and the possible destruction of earth. The only thing that annoys me is how Lucia does all this stuff for the MC then she gets embarassed and beats the shit out of him like it was his fault. I hate tsunderes that do this shit. Episode 5/5

Barion-Zara said:
Loved this ep. Damn Lucia was friggin adorable at the start <3 The way she calls Kotarou's name is really sweet.
And that scene when both she and shizuru were holding Kotarou was cute

The missions were so fun esp the Yoshino in the middle of the night one lol
And the transitions. But does that mean no OHHHHHHHHHH YO-SHI-NO D:

Dat Terra major hinting from the flashback. I wonder how many anime onlys will catch on?

Also nice Akane true personality and goal hinting too :P HAIL HITLER

Chibi-Moth ;_;

Anyway nxt ep should be nice if we get Inoue's diary. That was honestly one of my fav parts in the VN

I caught on and haven't read the VN. You can start to see the divide between the group in this episode. The president and Chihaya (seems they want to solve environmental issues by wiping out humanity) vs. shizuru and lucia (guardian- use science to advance forward and somehow help the earth or get past the environmental issues somehow). The MC and Kotori seem somewhere in the middle as of now. It doesn't seem like Kotori is part of either faction, but maybe this changes? who knows. Kennouji seems neutral too, but I guess this would change depending on which route is selected in the VN. I am assuming that was Kotori in the flashback, so maybe she has ties with the "ghost" girl. Plus she always sleeps in the forest, so maybe she has a deeper connection to nature somehow and I think she said she knows of that raccoon dog (maybe that was another character, I think it was Kotori though). That thing could be a summon (maybe Kotori is the spy and uses the dog for that purpose) like we saw during first episode and the other episode when the MC is being chased. This is all I got now though. I am assuming ghost girl plays a big role in this and maybe kenouji can rewrite time or death with his power, since his flashback showed him dying (or he was just severely injured). Kotori is connected to ghost girl too, since she was there during the flashback unless this was a different timeline or something like that, so maybe she knows something about her.

Edit: Oh, thinking about this now. Since ghost girl is a spirit, maybe she is the spirit of the Earth or Mother nature. I was just thinking some more about this episode and this came to mind. Or like the embodiment of the Earth maybe. Only thing I don't get is why she is so attached to the MC. Maybe because he has that rewrite power, so he can do that on a large scale and rewrite Earth. That would be pretty nuts, but cool at the same time. This is assuming she is a Earth's spirit guardian/embodiment/mother nature. If she's not, then I would have no idea why she is always following the MC.
CejaraAug 6, 2016 8:20 PM
Aug 6, 2016 8:09 PM
Jul 2016
Now, joking aside, I liked this episode mainly for Yoshino, damn he is one of my favorites characters.

If the guys who didn't read the VN thought that a friend Lucia is sweet, then you guys will have diabetes if you watch how is Lucia as a girlfriend, my manliness (which isn't high from the start) almost disappeared.

Shizuru, as always tries to unsuccessfully enter Kotarou's radar, poor Shizuru.

It's a shame that the epic song written by Tennouji Kotarou, sung by Okaken✩Everyone from Internet wasn't displayed in it's full glory, but the few bits made me laugh anyways, that was totally VN readers fanservice, because Yoshino is what makes common route epic. Uo Uo Uo YO-SHI-NO minna omae e ni kanshashiteru WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW.

Also, finally the new route will start! Please be amazing so they get enough funds to animate Moon and Terra route, please, please, please.
Obviously I am too excited waiting for the new route, but don't judge me, I love VN Rewrite so it's obvious that I would be this excited to be able to see a new route.

And about the opening song
Aug 6, 2016 8:11 PM
Jul 2016
Cejara said:
Barion-Zara said:
Loved this ep. Damn Lucia was friggin adorable at the start <3 The way she calls Kotarou's name is really sweet.
And that scene when both she and shizuru were holding Kotarou was cute

The missions were so fun esp the Yoshino in the middle of the night one lol
And the transitions. But does that mean no OHHHHHHHHHH YO-SHI-NO D:

Dat Terra major hinting from the flashback. I wonder how many anime onlys will catch on?

Also nice Akane true personality and goal hinting too :P HAIL HITLER

Chibi-Moth ;_;

Anyway nxt ep should be nice if we get Inoue's diary. That was honestly one of my fav parts in the VN

I caught on and haven't read the VN. You can start to see the divide between the group in this episode. The president and Chihaya (seems they want to solve environmental issues by wiping out humanity) vs. shizuru and lucia (guardian- use science to advance forward and somehow help the earth or get past the environmental issues somehow). The MC and Kotori seem somewhere in the middle as of now. It doesn't seem like Kotori is part of either faction, but maybe this changes? who knows. Kennouji seems neutral too, but I guess this would change depending on which route is selected in the VN. I am assuming that was Kotori in the flashback, so maybe she has ties with the "ghost" girl. Plus she always sleeps in the forest, so maybe she has a deeper connection to nature somehow and I think she said she knows of that raccoon dog (maybe that was another character, I think it was Kotori though). That thing could be a summon (maybe Kotori is the spy and uses the dog for that purpose) like we saw during first episode and the other episode when the MC is being chased. This is all I got now though. I am assuming ghost girl plays a big role in this and maybe kenouji can rewrite time or death with his power, since his flashback showed him dying (or he was just severely injured). Kotori is connected to ghost girl too, since she was there during the flashback unless this was a different timeline or something like that, so maybe she knows something about her.

Sorry for being mean, but who is kenouji? I know that an important character of this series has as his first name Kotarou and last name Tennouji, but I don't know who is kenouji xp
Aug 6, 2016 8:13 PM

Dec 2015
JanusVonMaria said:
Cejara said:

I caught on and haven't read the VN. You can start to see the divide between the group in this episode. The president and Chihaya (seems they want to solve environmental issues by wiping out humanity) vs. shizuru and lucia (guardian- use science to advance forward and somehow help the earth or get past the environmental issues somehow). The MC and Kotori seem somewhere in the middle as of now. It doesn't seem like Kotori is part of either faction, but maybe this changes? who knows. Tennouji seems neutral too, but I guess this would change depending on which route is selected in the VN. I am assuming that was Kotori in the flashback, so maybe she has ties with the "ghost" girl. Plus she always sleeps in the forest, so maybe she has a deeper connection to nature somehow and I think she said she knows of that raccoon dog (maybe that was another character, I think it was Kotori though). That thing could be a summon (maybe Kotori is the spy and uses the dog for that purpose) like we saw during first episode and the other episode when the MC is being chased. This is all I got now though. I am assuming ghost girl plays a big role in this and maybe Tenouji can rewrite time or death with his power, since his flashback showed him dying (or he was just severely injured). Kotori is connected to ghost girl too, since she was there during the flashback unless this was a different timeline or something like that, so maybe she knows something about her.

Sorry for being mean, but who is kenouji? I know that an important character of this series has as his first name Kotarou and last name Tennouji, but I don't know who is kenouji xp

LOL, omg I meant Tennouji... -_-. That's why I should have stuck to MC to describe him. Thanks for pointing it out.
Aug 6, 2016 8:20 PM
Jul 2016
Cejara said:
JanusVonMaria said:

Sorry for being mean, but who is kenouji? I know that an important character of this series has as his first name Kotarou and last name Tennouji, but I don't know who is kenouji xp

LOL, omg I meant Tennouji... -_-. That's why I should have stuck to MC to describe him. Thanks for pointing it out.

Yup, MC is the best way to describe him, Tennouji sounds too artificial in the first place, he is not that cool to have that surname!
Aug 6, 2016 8:54 PM

Dec 2014
Good episode, First half was fun. Yoshino is the best xD
Laughed too hard at him practicing at school, And those transitions XD

Lucia maid outfit was so cute <3

Second half was quite interesting, Lot of philosophizing about Humans and their effect on the Environment. It was interesting to see that Akane and Lucia take opposite viewpoints on it. Akane seems to blame humans for the Earth's deteriorating condition while Lucia seems to believe that even though they might have caused it they aren't to blame and can rectify the situation.
Akane wants to get rid of humans to stop the pollution (Perhaps believing humans are beyond salvation), Now that is very intriguing. Is she a member of Gaia? The faction opposing Guardian?

The Koutarou flashbacks were interesting as well. Wonder what happened to the reporter girl. :o
Next episode should be good.
Aug 6, 2016 9:02 PM

May 2015
Wow, there's so much less saltiness this week. It's nice that, from what I can tell, the VN readers in particular are satisfied. I, of course, enjoyed the episode. I liked the comedy in the first half and I loved the environmental message in the second half. And I'm really excited for the plot to play out!
Cross-country >>>>>>>>>>>> Every other sport
Aug 6, 2016 9:36 PM

Jan 2013
Pretty good episode, didn't feel as rushed.
Aug 6, 2016 10:39 PM
Jan 2015
Uhh... I know people are enjoying the banters so far but can we now move to the main story without these? These are eating much of a Rewrite episode!

PS: Yeah yeah. I am kind of spamming but here's my blog. Thank you for paying a visit!
Aug 6, 2016 11:06 PM

Sep 2013
I'm not really sure what to make of this show at this point. It seems like it can't decide which direction it wants to go. It will be silly and funny half of an episode and then suddenly get serious or whatever the next half. It feels like you had to play the visual novel to really understand what is going on. At this point in the show, I really can't figure out what the plot is supposed to be. During the first episode, it seemed like the whole thing would center around the red-ribbon ghost girl, but she shows up so sporadically I can't figure out what the hell she is. Each episode just seems to be random junk about the occult club sitting around trying to think of stuff to do. There's no real direction to the plot. Am I missing something??

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Aug 6, 2016 11:15 PM

Jun 2013
"It's a maid outfit! Got a problem with that?"
"Absolutely no problems whatsoever." should have been Koutaro's response, but "Should I take you to the infirmary?" works well too lol.

The investigations were quite amusing. Lol Chihaya pulled out Kazamatsuri's Excalibur so easily it broke lol. Poor Yoshino though. And the ogre in the school turned out to be Yoshino too. And the extremely bizarre "dog" is as strong as three Yoshino's. I really feel sorry for him.

The forest adventure ends at some rainbow river which has mutating abilities which is supposedly because of toxins. The river is resulting in two headed mice (yikes) and possibly other creatures which are the "supernatural" creatures. But things aren't probably that simple here. Koutaro didn't want to get more involved in this weirdness so he calls it a day.

And that ribbon loli shows up again and Koutaro runs after her. It appears that something involving Koutaro, Akane, and possibly Kotori happened with the ribbon loli at some point in time. That incident resulted in Koutaro losing his hand(s) and possibly dying. And if he died then this is Koutaro getting another shot at life. If he didn't die than it could be a result of his or Shizuru's powers to erase all evidence relating to that incident. Or someone from Guardian did it.

The world is getting confusion with all the things they're introducing here, but nonetheless, it's quite interesting try and guess what exactly is going on here. The girls don't interest here. Although I'm a bit curious about Akane after her appearance in that flashback.
Aug 6, 2016 11:48 PM

Oct 2015
Tohka_Yatogami said:
Lucia looked cute in that maid outfit!

The random adventures were quite funny!

Things are finally starting to get serious.

Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.
Aug 7, 2016 1:41 AM

Feb 2014
Talon184 said:
I'm not really sure what to make of this show at this point. It seems like it can't decide which direction it wants to go. It will be silly and funny half of an episode and then suddenly get serious or whatever the next half. It feels like you had to play the visual novel to really understand what is going on. At this point in the show, I really can't figure out what the plot is supposed to be. During the first episode, it seemed like the whole thing would center around the red-ribbon ghost girl, but she shows up so sporadically I can't figure out what the hell she is. Each episode just seems to be random junk about the occult club sitting around trying to think of stuff to do. There's no real direction to the plot. Am I missing something??

You're not missing much. The anime had to get through the painfully long common route + a few backstories so far. Next episode is the end of the common route (There shouldn't be too much comedy next episode). From here on out is grey territory, considering it will all be anime original. Although everything should be explained in the upcoming episodes. They've hinted and foreshadowed many things, which means they will be explained later on. Some people have actually used what has been shown and had come up with theories on what the actual plot is and everything going on, some are close, others are far off. It's interesting stuff to read.

But yeah, the plot truly starts next episode.
Aug 7, 2016 2:26 AM

Mar 2016
Awesome episode!
Great adaptation. They picked up SO many little details from the novel including porn magazine running gag, "GOOD TASTE!", Lucia in her Maid costume.
Lucia and Shizuru clinging onto Kotarou was original in that way, and I think that's giving a bit much of a harem vibe. It's just those 2, and Kotarou is only friends with them, but with him being young he certainly enjoys the situation, which looks like he actualy wants the harem.
However, near the end we have been getting to the juicy parts.
Some of the scenes there might have been a bit early or rather not subtle enough if shown this early. Well, let's see what they're intending.
Glad they brought in the ice cream eating, but they turned the speech after very dark. Oh well.
Especially great: YOshino transitions!
And with how it ended, I know what's coming up next, and I am excited for it.
The pacing was fine this time honestly. First bit was a bit fast, but not too fast and considering it was all just a few gags basically (funny/mysterious parts from the VN shortened to just take the most funny bits about them) it was okay and the later part didn't feel fast paced at all. I actually love having all these fun club activities in.
Lucias dere side is cute. Too bad she hides her embarresment in tsun.
Overall best episode so far in my opinion.


JanusVonMaria said:

Sorry for being mean, but who is kenouji? I know that an important character of this series has as his first name Kotarou and last name Tennouji, but I don't know who is kenouji xp

Isn't that just like in the game (and anime?) where he shortens anything? Cupra or Theranden?
Aug 7, 2016 3:53 AM

Jan 2016
When Inou said that she was going to the forest, honestly at that time i was thinking something bad is going to happen. & now she's lost for 3 days.
Aug 7, 2016 3:54 AM

Dec 2012
The flashback and Yoshino transitions were the best part of the episodes.
Aug 7, 2016 5:06 AM

Jul 2016
Where is the bashing, I neeeed moarrr of ittttt :vvvv
"A good man, in his darkest yearning, Is still aware of virtue’s ways." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Aug 7, 2016 6:25 AM

Dec 2012
Gahh so no more Yoshino song? 1/10 :9
Lmao not really, but pretty bummed out.
Aug 7, 2016 6:31 AM
May 2016
Enjoyable episode, Lucia in maid uniform was cute, she took the promised seriously. Interesting trip to the forest, discovering the waterwaste, the strange animals, that chibi moth was cute, I remember it from the first episode.

I'm still grasping whats the connection of the glaxies, moon, in the OP to the story, so much mystery in the OP.The flashback gave me definite hype, looking forward for the next episode.
Aug 7, 2016 7:12 AM

Apr 2015
First half was cringey, as expected for Key comedy

Second half was well...

I laughed a bit

I think they tried too hard for this

Having said that it was okay enjoyable
Aug 7, 2016 7:34 AM

Sep 2015
Next week is gonna be the part which makes Rewrite adaptation is so hard, where every heroine's route got split. Let's see what can 8bit do about it...

This episode is good though, I can start accepting 8bit's adaptation to my lovely VN. 4/5
Aug 7, 2016 8:23 AM

Sep 2013
Lucia taking Koutarou's joke seriously and getting embarrassed, was adorable and quite cute, suiting her. Yoshino becoming butt of all jokes/ readers sure loved that bit, it seems.

Occult club president sure revealed her faction-affiliation through her subtle(?) despise of humans. Hearing two factions clashing views should surely raise some suspicions among other members. Also seems like Kotori is related to ghost girl and 'forest' in some way. The end suspense of Inoue's Dissappearance......
Aug 7, 2016 9:40 AM

Oct 2012
First episode of the anime I was able to enjoy so far, I guess they will just throw part of the routes of Chihaya, Akane and Kotori into the new "Key" route at this point, Chihaya's route was definitely my favorite in the VN even though I didn't like the heroine herself that much at first, if they decide to animate the fight between

I hope they do it well, since he already appeared in the anime after all.

Also... (VN spoilers)

CursedFeinAug 7, 2016 10:17 AM
Aug 7, 2016 10:42 AM
Jul 2018
Had to watch the episode a little late than the usual due to going out.

But this episode was probably the best in my personal opinion.

They pretty much did a lot of foreshadowing throughout, which I'm not going to go into detail.
The way they shifted the comedy bits of Lucia's Route into Common was pretty much nice, and it didn't dragged for too long either, which I'm happy for that.

As well with the Occult Club activities being fun to watch for my experience. Of course that Bruce Lee reference and that Yoshino transition OMG xD I love that, at least its better than no YO-SHI-NO. I mean what made the Yoshino song so amazing were the things in Visuals xD It was amazing Hehe.

Of course I'm not going high this time but I am rubbing my hands, for reasons.
Aug 7, 2016 11:58 AM

May 2010
"What do you want? My chastity? It's my first time, please be gentle." This protagonist... lmao

"What's wrong with calling you by your name?!" lmao normally they go like that's not what I meant, I like Lucia

Whoa Inoue went missing, I kinda liked her. Now I'm making it sound as if she's dead.

And I really do like the ED song.
Aug 7, 2016 3:58 PM

Feb 2015
More fast progression but certainly enjoyable. Great fan service at start too - cheap though it may seem.
Aug 7, 2016 4:53 PM

Oct 2011
Lucia maid outfit ahhh
whoa that rainbow swamp
mysterious girl appears and koutarou starting to remember now?
Aug 8, 2016 4:35 AM

Apr 2016
Love Akane's back dress as well as Lucia's. :3
Very interesting episode with that rainbow swamp mystery.
Looking forward to the next episode.
Aug 8, 2016 7:11 AM

Feb 2014
Talon184 said:
I'm not really sure what to make of this show at this point. It seems like it can't decide which direction it wants to go. It will be silly and funny half of an episode and then suddenly get serious or whatever the next half. It feels like you had to play the visual novel to really understand what is going on. At this point in the show, I really can't figure out what the plot is supposed to be. During the first episode, it seemed like the whole thing would center around the red-ribbon ghost girl, but she shows up so sporadically I can't figure out what the hell she is. Each episode just seems to be random junk about the occult club sitting around trying to think of stuff to do. There's no real direction to the plot. Am I missing something??

Well that's exactly what this adaptation has been at this point: random shit throw on the screen to see what sticks. To say your missing something would be an understatement, but it's not your fault, it's the anime's for a terrible job of making any bit of sense.
Aug 8, 2016 8:39 AM

Jan 2015
Talon184 said:
I'm not really sure what to make of this show at this point. It seems like it can't decide which direction it wants to go. It will be silly and funny half of an episode and then suddenly get serious or whatever the next half. It feels like you had to play the visual novel to really understand what is going on. At this point in the show, I really can't figure out what the plot is supposed to be. During the first episode, it seemed like the whole thing would center around the red-ribbon ghost girl, but she shows up so sporadically I can't figure out what the hell she is. Each episode just seems to be random junk about the occult club sitting around trying to think of stuff to do. There's no real direction to the plot. Am I missing something??

What happened until now? - Slice of life, some characters backstory. (Shizuru and Lucia *but not the whole route)

If this original route is based on Moon and Terra route, probably episode 7 or 8 SoL ends, starting a "direction", well ... too late but it shouldn't even be 1 cour. Original route has not yet started.
Aug 8, 2016 9:38 AM

Feb 2016
Should have just been common route with each girls route then moon/terra for finish but that would be a perfect adaptation that 8bit can't achieve with their budget and Tensho directing, but that being said we are finally getting into the story and November 13th which is where shit goes down lets hope they can pull it off. Cutious which path they will take.

Aug 8, 2016 4:01 PM

Nov 2012
Yoshino scenes were quite funny this episode. But man I don't know how they will have time for anything decent in the original route at this rate.
Aug 8, 2016 5:40 PM

Jun 2014
Memor said:
Some of these transitions are just weird and insane.

Felt kinda empty and it's kinda silly how real this new threat is lol.

Here's the reference.

Aug 8, 2016 8:09 PM

Sep 2012

Really sad they didn't play the song, even as an ending theme. But oh well, they gave us what they could.

I'm glad they had that Akane scene in the clubroom. RIP that icecream that she threw. orz
Finally throwing out the flashback for Kotarou. Though people are calling it the Tera flashback, it's technically Kotarou's past in every route.

Anyways, we're almost in the grey zone... I hope they don't fuck up the certain thing that appears next episode. Mr. Giant Crab wasn't that bad from what I recall, so I don't think this guy will be either.
Friends are there to lend a hand when you can’t do something on your own. It’s not one person doing all the work protecting everyone, we help each other when in need. That’s what friends are for.
Aug 8, 2016 8:14 PM

May 2014
... This is so confuse, where is the plot ???? =/
Those Flashbacks tho ...
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 8, 2016 8:28 PM
Jul 2018
Kazuto_Katsuragi said:

Really sad they didn't play the song, even as an ending theme. But oh well, they gave us what they could.

I'm glad they had that Akane scene in the clubroom. RIP that icecream that she threw. orz
Finally throwing out the flashback for Kotarou. Though people are calling it the Tera flashback, it's technically Kotarou's past in every route.

Anyways, we're almost in the grey zone... I hope they don't fuck up the certain thing that appears next episode. Mr. Giant Crab wasn't that bad from what I recall, so I don't think this guy will be either.

Excuse me... but, Mr. Giant Crab.

I'm dying because it then triggered me with Mr. Crabs from Spongebob XD
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Aug 18, 2024 6:20 PM

Poll: » Rewrite Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Jul 9, 2016

330 by uncommonpuzzled »»
Jul 17, 2024 11:18 AM

Poll: » Rewrite Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Aug 20, 2016

168 by Karva1 »»
Jun 19, 2024 8:17 PM

Poll: » Rewrite Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

Stark700 - Jul 23, 2016

200 by Karva1 »»
Jun 19, 2024 7:48 PM

Poll: » Rewrite Episode 13 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Sep 24, 2016

294 by AyanoKiru »»
May 25, 2024 6:38 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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