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Yuru Camp△ Season 2
Apr 22, 2022 11:11 AM
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Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. 2nd Season
Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. 2nd Season
Apr 22, 2022 11:10 AM
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Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen
Apr 22, 2022 11:09 AM
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Mar 28, 2022 9:50 PM
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Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Mar 21, 2022 5:47 PM
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Utsurowazarumono: Breath of Fire IV
Utsurowazarumono: Breath of Fire IV
Jul 18, 2021 9:58 PM
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SrClone Aug 2, 2019 4:56 AM
Oi amiguinho otaku, mesmo sendo plataforma focada em animes, eu quero fazer um convite, sou dono do grupo do Star Wars Arte, é um grupo de discussão sobre o universo (HQs, Livros, Jogos, Séries, Filmes e etc) de Star Wars no whatsapp (! Quero convidar também para a pagina no instagram (, criada recentemente, com intuito de publicar artes, e noticias rápidas! Você pode utilizar a aba de destaque dela para descobrir todo o material que pertence ao atual cânone de Star Wars (livros, HQs, séries, jogos e filmes)... se puder seguir e deixar alguns likes estaria ajudando no crescimento!

Caso não goste, não tem problema! Fica a vontade de participar do grupo do whatsapp, aceitamos pessoas que gostam de discutir e aquelas que só gostam de ler kkkk.... Se você quiser convidar amigos pra entrar no grupo ou seguir a página, tem toda liberdade...
SrClone Apr 16, 2018 1:00 PM
Olá amiguinho, vi seu perfil no clube do brasil aqui no mail e estou adicionando pra gente bater aquele papo de ''otaku fedido'', e dar aquelas indicações de ''desenhos japoneses ou chineses''!
X-encounter Mar 2, 2017 10:00 PM
From International SaiMoe League Club

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ThisAgio Jul 1, 2016 4:26 AM
That interpretation makes a lot of sense!
I agree, the meaning may be linked to her desire of maturity and the impossibility to achieve it in the 'hic et nunc'.
The ending was pretty cute, the opening is full of clichés... sunflowers, people randomly running on a field... The good thing is that, after episode 4, they improved the quality by adding more colours since, at the beginning, the op sequence was low-saturated and even the contrast wasn't really good.

The song, Gyakuten Winner, or something like that, was so-so. I ended up liking it and humming, but I still hope that the new opening will be better than the first. As long as I know, they're skipping the Rise from the Ashes case, so, if they leave that case from JFA with the weirdo that mistook the baseball glove for some bananas, we should be meeting soon Maya's psycho auntie :D
ThisAgio Jun 19, 2016 11:18 PM
Yeah... The potential was there, they just had to use it instead of wasting it. Honestly, when I've checked A-1 Pictures there were lots of good or, anyway, "decent" titles, also from a graphical appeal point of view (okay, then everything depends on the budget, but PW animation was messed up from the first episodes and the colors are flat, no shades, no gradients).
It's not the first time they adapt a videogame/visual novel. I don't know about Capcom but if you consider Utaprince, plot aside (that in my opinion doesn't even exist, the only aim is at fangirls), the graphics are sparkling (maybe even too much, they abuse the diffusion effect filter). And with Togainu no Chi, despite they screwed up even there, they made an excellent work with the graphics.

Here no. With Ace attorney, it looks like they just wanted to screw up everything from the start, the plot, characters, graphics and animation included... Just the soundtrack was saved, since was partly left unchanged from the game (the only wise choice in my opinion)
You're right, it's all about little changes but that, put together, they make a massive number of mistakes, or at least, choices that could've been avoided. The breakdowns changed, and there were lots of marginal mistakes such as inverting the defense and prosecution sides in the tribunal (despite they already did that in the Live action movie), and that thing about the wind currents every time someone objected, God, please, not that.
Judging from the fact that lots of fans were waiting for the anime adaptation after, how many years?, probably more than 10 anyway, they could've put more effort (or budget), instead of letting it feel so rushed from the start.

(Also... that opening, Phoenix running on a yard with sunflowers everywhere. Just- why?!)
ThisAgio Jun 19, 2016 11:02 AM
Just read your thinking about Ace Attorney anime. I totally agree, the game really deserved a better adaptation than the one they've currently made.
Kefrens Dec 7, 2015 2:27 PM
Haha, de certo modo ela lembra a Holo mesmo, ambas tem uma presença e um charme muito forte, até o olhar é um pouco parecido.
Kefrens Dec 3, 2015 4:25 PM
Haha, tranquilo. Mas daqui pra frente é importante que veja pela ordem de Lançamento, ou seja: Bakemonogatari > Nisemonogatari > Neko > Second Season> Hana > Tsuki > Owari (em lançamento essa temporada) > Kizu (3 filmes, primeiro em janeiro) > e oque estão por vir!

Por mais que a cronologia pareça bagunçada, é algo proposital e essencial, tanto é que o Inicio de tudo (Kizu) nós não temos até hoje, e garanto que o impacto que ele irá causar em quem já conhece a série será muito maior do que em quem futuramente começar por ele. Enfim, se preocupar com a cronologia além de "errado" é desnecessário, pois monogatari é como um quebra cabeça, a moral é ir montando aos poucos e curtindo o processo, afinal que graça teria ler o "manual"? Hehe

Bom, já falei demais, apenas aproveite a série e que venha o KIZU!

Kefrens Nov 30, 2015 8:07 PM
Não quero ser intrometido, mas como cai de paraquedas aqui, vou deixar uma notinha.
Se seu MAL estiver certo, assista Nisemonogatari antes do Neko:Kuro!
Mannish Jul 13, 2015 10:01 PM
Manda no outro, vou procurar o ingresso de novo
Mannish Jul 13, 2015 12:19 AM
oxe, você sabe que é meu sobre nome
Mannish Jul 12, 2015 1:49 PM
Puts, te achei mano, mó cota em kkk add ai
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