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Dec 23, 2014 11:24 PM

Jul 2012
Maybe my expectations were too high, but I thought it was a good movie. I love how much passion he has for what he does. I'll probably rate it after reading analyses on it.
Dec 27, 2014 9:07 PM
Jan 2008
shakeyourpup45 said:
Miyazaki, I know Anno is your friend and that he's a director, but using what he [Anno] knows to exhibit Jiro's passion is not convincing. Especially for love.

I don't usually say this, but as somebody who genuinely loves the Ghibli-Disney dubs, this is the only one where the Japanese version trounces the Disney version. Big time. Hideaki Anno sounds awkward during the train sequence, yes. But his performance during the latter half is far more tolerable and less robotic than JGL. I don't know what JGL was going for, but it just doesn't work. His performance is far too wooden to be really effective. Anno I found to be the better performance.

Now this isn't to say there aren't any saving graces with the dub for The Wind Rises. Martin Short, Werner Hertzog, Mae Whitman, and Stanley Tucci all perform their roles brilliantly. But everyone else is either meh or unremarkable.

The love story is also the weakest part of the film and really crushes the momentum from its first half. I blame that mainly on the flat performance of Levitt, and there was no chemistry between him or Emily Blunt. Now in all fairness, Blunt does try but when Levitt sounds monotonous and she is not, then there is a problem.
Jan 10, 2015 8:53 AM

Aug 2011
When Naoko said on the hotel that she had the disease. I knew this was gonna end bad and I worried through the whole film. That ruined some of the enjoyment from me. Im a sucker for nice endings. I know it's based on a true story but meh...
Feb 12, 2015 6:03 PM

Apr 2012
Don't know what people see in this; didn't find myself caring about anything that was happening.
Feb 13, 2015 7:23 AM

Aug 2013
This movie was not as superb/amazing/excelent as everyone said. And it was not Miyazaki's best. People were saying this movie was a masterpiece just because of the facts that it was directed by Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. It was ok, but not a masterpiece. Just because some of the scenes made you thinking, it does not mean the movie was deep and unique. The plot went everywhere. 7/10 for me.
When people asked 'why are you so quiet?',
just answer 'why are you not?'
Mar 16, 2015 3:25 PM

Nov 2014
Good movie.

Mar 29, 2015 2:06 AM

Jan 2013
This movie was a masterpiece of work in every way, and deserves a clear and obvious 10.

Naoko's story striked right through my feelings, this is hard to bear.
Apr 5, 2015 2:06 PM

Mar 2014
The beginning wasn't all that strong, but it got better after the earthquake scene.

Anno's voice acting was definitely a bit off-putting, but I got used to it by the end.

The pacing in the middle felt a little long-winded, but I really liked the climax, and the buildup to it. It definitely pulled on my heartstrings.

Kind of an odd choice for an ending scene, though.

Not Miyazaki's best work, but certainly not his worst. I gave it an 8 out of 10.
::End of Transmission::

Apr 6, 2015 7:01 AM

Feb 2012
Mathematics student not an engineer; I geeked majorly when I saw those slide rules and equations but 1920s aircraft design was wacky, how many wings does that Caproni guy need? Miyazaki sure loves flying, is there any movie by him that does not involve a flight scene?

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Apr 7, 2015 10:09 AM

Feb 2012
I saw a lot of smoking scenes when I saw the movie yesterday and now I have read it received a lot of complaints from Japanee anti-smoking groups because of it.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Apr 15, 2015 6:01 PM

Jun 2007
The irony of Anno of Evangelion fame - a MASTER of characterisation - voicing a monotone robot in a Miyazaki film is just priceless.

Even when I was younger, whenever I watched Miyazaki films I always noticed something was... off. Usually a combination of fantasy elements and adventure masked it, but over the years I came to realise: he is simply incapable of creating human, relatable characters. Takahata directed all of Ghibli's more down-to-earth, character driven movies for this reason, I have no doubt. And that's why I like Takahata's films. Even Nausicaa was an altruistic LOVE ALL LIFE character famous for being more than human.

As a number of people said on the first page, this film was a pointless snore. The worst Ghibli film and the most boring anime I've finished--I had to try three times! It was like a documentary... just without any interesting information. There wasn't even a 'film' here: just a series of inconsequential events as a lead characterised only by wearing glasses and having a mission to create planes imitated a robot. The Mary Sue 'romance', which literally needed the lead to say he loved her, was so detached from any form of reality and mind-numbingly dull that their 'love' talk consisted of the lead ignoring the fact she was dying as he aroused her by talking about sodding bolts.

Comically bad, at times. How it needed dreams with Italian Mustache and an earthquake that made monster noises at the start just for SOMETHING semi-interesting... I can forgive, say, Mamoru Oshii when he's self indulgent: he has a message he wants to convey. Here?... a robot in disguise created a plane as the Mary Sue love he neglected walked off to die. THE END.

Hopefully this is the last film Miyazaki creates. I say this having rated Mononoke 9/10. He was never even the best director at Ghibli.
AironicallyHumanApr 15, 2015 7:40 PM
Apr 29, 2015 11:56 PM

Jun 2012
Was a bit too drawn out. It didnt need to be 2+ hours. Honestly felt like I was watching a documentary at times. Still was interesting, and I loved the romance aspect. I wish Ghibli went back to the fantasy settings they used often in their early works.
May 21, 2015 11:24 AM
Jan 2015
Primus2x said:
Mathematics student not an engineer; I geeked majorly when I saw those slide rules and equations but 1920s aircraft design was wacky, how many wings does that Caproni guy need? Miyazaki sure loves flying, is there any movie by him that does not involve a flight scene?

Physics student here; sort of felt the same. I liked how the story was about Jiro's journey as an engineer, which I could relate to a little. Also, the ending reminded me of Richard Feynman's early life story, who
lived around the same time, and also worked in WWII (on the Manhattan project). Feynman's been sort of an idol for me which made this film more inspiring than it would otherwise have.

Also agree that Anno's voice for Jiro was good, but not excellent. Mostly, he sounded too old; when I watched it, I was like "the voice actor must be like 50 years old", and sure enough, he was.
May 30, 2015 11:42 AM

May 2009
Love this movie, had me on the edge my seat. The passion and love in it really got me to enjoy this movie, the animation was top notch as well!
May 30, 2015 9:18 PM

Feb 2015
Holy crap, that was a long two hours. The first half felt like it could have been leading into something interesting but instead appeases the people that need romance in everything they watch. Naoko added nothing to the movie other than to try getting some emotion out of the viewer. Her illness was just lame move by Miyazaki to try to keep the viewers attention. I know it's fictionalized but giving a character tuberculosis just for 'feels' is low. I couldn't fall back to my interest in the engineering aspect of the movie after Naoko and Jiro became a couple. It went from inspiring and full of potential to sappy romance and man tries to balance love and work. I thought it was funny that another bit of the fictionalization was Miyazaki made Jiro's elder brother into a little sister. Why make an elder brother figure when you can make a cute little sister that gets mad when her brother makes her wait?
Jun 10, 2015 3:37 PM

Jun 2011
I didn't think I would live the day when I wouldn't like a Miyazaki movie. I'm very disappointed that such a talented man couldn't live with a bang. :-(
The movie itself was quite tiresome, flipping from scene to scene and time-skipping every few minutes without any particular reason. Miyazaki seems to genuine try to do a nice job but this one is definitely not fit as his final work. The development seems too sloppy and the dialogues are quite simple and stupidly meaningless.
The worn-out Miyazaki sensei leaves me thinking that maybe it should have been better if he had retired with "From Up on Poppy Hill."
Jun 28, 2015 2:40 PM

Sep 2008
Pangeaa said:
When Naoko said on the hotel that she had the disease. I knew this was gonna end bad and I worried through the whole film. That ruined some of the enjoyment from me. Im a sucker for nice endings.

Just like me!
Damn you, Ghibli!

Pangeaa said:
I know it's based on a true story but meh...

Really?! I don't know that!

Animation was perfect as always! *.*
Jirou's voice sounded kinda strange,
but I kinda quickly started to like it and even love it!

I really liked first part, but when they bring romance into it
and give heroine deadly disease...
Why Ghibli!? Why?!
I had a glimmer of hope that Jirou's sister will help Naoko recover...
But... oh... well... I was naive...

well... this is based on true story, right?
then, ok... I think can deal with it.

Anyway... good movie!
Ghibli movies never bored me :)
Jul 16, 2015 11:59 AM
May 2014
Pangeaa said:
When Naoko said on the hotel that she had the disease. I knew this was gonna end bad and I worried through the whole film. That ruined some of the enjoyment from me. Im a sucker for nice endings. I know it's based on a true story but meh...

actually, Naoko is a fictional character. No one knows anything about this mans personal life.

But Miyazaki used her more as a character to portray his message.

Fincher did the same thing with The Social Network where he took alot of liberties with the real life characters to portray another kind of message.
Jul 31, 2015 12:14 AM
💉 🩸 🩹 💖 🏥

Feb 2012
Beautiful animation. Jiro was a pretty likable main character. Passionate in his goals and in love. Liked the romance between Jiro and Naoko, but the rest felt very dry.

I felt like the movie was a bit too long for my liking too. It was interesting, at the very least.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Aug 7, 2015 8:16 AM

Nov 2013
The ending was nice, but the romance is very forced and so many unrealistic moments, not worse ghibli but certainly not good either.
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Aug 9, 2015 7:54 PM

Mar 2015
Where are all the otaku getting shot down by the airplane in Akihabara? Damn you false advertisment!
_HeroKenzan_Jan 10, 2016 5:37 AM
Aug 14, 2015 12:01 AM

Aug 2015
I thought this was a good movie, but not great. The pacing was awfully slow at times, and there were only a couple very small bits where I actually felt anything for the characters. Plus, throughout the entire movie, the man-made sound effects constantly broke my immersion and just sounded bad to me.

I've enjoyed a few Miyazaki/Ghibli movies, and even though this one was pretty good overall, it's still my least favorite. ★4/5
Aug 31, 2015 1:03 AM

Jul 2008
Boy this one really split people huh? Beautiful music and animation. Its a good slice of life story. Who can really say if its a masterpiece or not? All film is subjective afterall.

I give this a solid 8/10.
Sep 26, 2015 8:35 AM
Dec 2011
its a MASTERPIECE THAT I WILL WATCH AND REWATCH UNTIL I DIE thank you MIYAZAKI sensei for teaching us what love is. this is just brilliant, phenomenal....i love it...its so beautiful that i got lost in jiros world completely. its a love story that we should learn a lot from .... jiro is good guy stuck in a bad situation with nowhere to go ... in this story we learn he was just making planes just surviving its the government who made the mistake... i love this story so much :3 if you have a love jiro's and naoko's you don't need anything else and you can endure any trouble :3
Jan 14, 2016 5:39 AM

Sep 2014
I thought this film was great, the subject was interesting to me (aeronautical engineering) and the romance was both lovely and sad. It was clear that Jirou was torn between his passion for aviation and his desire to be with Naoko, shown at times such as when he was working through calculations on the train while his tears wouldn't stop coming. Showing us his dreams and hallucinations was fitting as Jirou came across as the kind of creative visionary who could easily get lost inside his own head, he was someone who was always aiming to design for the future rather than the present.
Mirai, zura~!
Feb 7, 2016 7:56 PM

Aug 2013
Pretty good film overall a few pacing problems here and there kinda hinder it but as Miazaki's swan song it touched on a lot of themes he liked to use so it was effective in that regard.
Apr 4, 2016 2:09 PM

Jul 2009
I really enjoyed the historical aspects of this film and the story was coherent kept my attention from start to finish (which isn't always the case with Ghibli films). I could've done without the fictional melodrama aspect of the story, which I perhaps ruined for myself via research which said Jiro Horikoshi's wife didn't actually have tuberculosis. Overall 8/10.
Jun 2, 2016 9:39 AM

Dec 2014
The whole film seemed a thrilling ride to me... A great film but Maybe I was expecting a better ending for Jiro and Nahiko
Jun 4, 2016 11:39 AM

Aug 2010
I did not think I would like this movie. It is great one ;)
Jun 13, 2016 7:20 AM

Dec 2015
That was great and all but it was long and felt empty at times. It took a moment to get used to Anno's regular voice (clearly, he wasn't acting, wich was bad or good depending on the situation), who gave a less "anime" impression. The music was certainly the best part of the movie, always effective and easy to the ears.
I never thought the aeronautic theme would interest me like it did. The historical aspects are also interesting thanks to the different other characters
(because the hero sure lacks a questioning ability).
But there was way too much CGI: I sometimes thought the heads movements were done with CGI... The earthquake scene was great though.
Also, too much emphasis on the romance. It is shown as very important for the character, but it seemed so unimportant in the same time due to the short time it took.

Enjoyment: 4/5
Score: 6.5/10
Rei_IIIJun 13, 2016 7:45 AM
Jul 7, 2016 9:17 PM

Feb 2014
lol @ Kurokawa's undercut, it kept bouncing around everywhere xD

Great Movie! I really liked Jirou, he was such a great main character! He was super hardworking and very helpful. The earthquake scene was very very ominous, with all the groaning noises and the fire that slowly crept along...But he met Naoko! Too bad she had to die (although it was expected right when she said she had tuberculosis) D: While sad, I'm glad they handled her death in a not-super depressing way (i.e. she's still living on in Jirou's dreams). The animation was fantastic even for Ghibli standards and definitely made the movie magical. Felt a lot longer than 2 hours 6 minutes, but I was never really bored. 8-9/10
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Jul 25, 2016 6:54 AM

Jun 2009
It was okay. Not exactly sure why I should care about the story of a guy I have never heard about and I don't particularly care about aviation or engineering either.

Aug 28, 2016 7:50 PM

Dec 2014
This didn't do anything for me. I didn't like the pacing, it felt off and really weird for most of the film. The only part that I enjoyed was the last 30 minutes or so were we got to see Jirou and Naoko interact a bit more. Their romance felt real but there wasn't enough development for me to feel the impact of Naoko passing.

Dec 30, 2016 2:15 AM

Jun 2013
So many feels.

Anyways, I read that in real life his wife didn't die from tuberculosis or anything. He sent them home or something during the war.
Feb 9, 2017 10:04 PM

Mar 2015
This was a beautiful movie!

I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Mar 16, 2017 9:22 AM

Jul 2015
I give this solid 10/10
I was crying when watched this especially near the end.
I feel the voice acting is great. But the story is what I love.
I don't know why but I always like the movie that based on real story.
*Another trivia : The story of Jiro is similar with my former country's president, a great engineer of aeroplane and loses their wife. It has the film as well*
Last but not least, this is the best of Ghibli's movie for me.

"Le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre"
"The wind is rising, we must try to live."
Oct 28, 2017 11:40 AM

Jan 2014
Everyone in this show was on drugs. Very schizophrenic. :)

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Nov 5, 2017 2:46 PM

Oct 2015
b1GZZ said:
Good movie.

btw I didn't understand if the main character was a genius or an idiot, he asked his wife if he could smoke and she was sick, wtf that makes no sense.
I thought I was the only one who noted that, after all her wife had TB for god sake I say he was stupid.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Nov 5, 2017 2:53 PM

Oct 2015
I thought he was dead too when Caproni said his wife was waiting for him, to only finding his wife was encouraging him to live after his failures. Too bad his planes went under but I still think this was a great movie.

I will give it 8/10.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 7, 2018 1:30 PM
Jul 2017
This is a fucking amazing movie because i dont like the aviation but the storie are very atractive for me.
Feb 4, 2018 9:52 AM

Nov 2011
Perhaps of the two films seen today by Studio Ghibli, this is what I liked a little less. The narrative was not boring, but a bit heavy as pleasantness. The soundtrack did not seem wrong, but I did not like it so much, but I really liked the ending. The backgrounds were really beautiful and the story very mature and poignant at certain times, I did not think that today I would have seen two works by Studio Ghibli, with such melancholic endings, I appreciated them very much.

Mar 10, 2018 8:55 PM

May 2016
With a 2 hour long duration and the feeling that it lasts longer when you watch it, it's surprising that the romance was very rushed and was only really shown in the span of a few minutes.

This is one of the few Ghibli films a bit underwhelming compared to the other movies. With the concept of the MC being the guy who made the very first kamikaze planes, I'd expected it to be more intense and stuff. The Kanto Earthquake just happened in the movie because it happened at the time and Hideaki sounds really weird to voice Jiro too. The Caproni scenes feel a bit stretched out for me.

What's kinda good is the info on making planes and the message about the creator not having the intentions for shit to go down that way but only for the sake of what he thought was right. A less gruesome portrayal about Imperial Japan unlike how everything else paints it out to be (they can't all be monsters yknow). I'll give this a 7~

Mar 26, 2018 3:46 AM

Sep 2010
devinder said:
Holy crap, that was a long two hours. The first half felt like it could have been leading into something interesting but instead appeases the people that need romance in everything they watch. Naoko added nothing to the movie other than to try getting some emotion out of the viewer. Her illness was just lame move by Miyazaki to try to keep the viewers attention. I know it's fictionalized but giving a character tuberculosis just for 'feels' is low. I couldn't fall back to my interest in the engineering aspect of the movie after Naoko and Jiro became a couple. It went from inspiring and full of potential to sappy romance and man tries to balance love and work. I thought it was funny that another bit of the fictionalization was Miyazaki made Jiro's elder brother into a little sister. Why make an elder brother figure when you can make a cute little sister that gets mad when her brother makes her wait?

My thoughts exactly
May 12, 2018 2:48 AM
Aug 2017
The ending didn't wreck me all that much because I think the love story between Jiro and Naoko was really rushed. It was sweet, yes, but it was kinda cliched and they just fell in love by the wind blowing their hats and umbrellas and all that kinda romantic stuff. They didn't really know anything about each other. If Naoko had been cured and they had started living together, it could turn out that they actually don't get along that well. It kept bothering me the whole time that they didn't even talk much before saying I love you, and the writers just rushed it so that they could kill her off asap and lead to a dramatic ending. This turned the movie into a 7/10 from a 8/10 for me.
If they DID talk and do things and actually know each other before getting married, then they should've at least indicate it with a few scenes other than cliched wind blowing and poem quoting stuff.

Also that voice actor is f*cking dull.
Adafeloz11May 12, 2018 3:00 AM
Aug 11, 2018 11:32 AM

Dec 2015
Those growling-ish sounds when the disaster was happening were unusually scary. It took me by surprise cause I wasn't expecting anything as creepy as that.

Overall, this was a pretty chill but dull movie.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Sep 19, 2018 7:53 PM

Mar 2013
This movie was really hard to watch. It was way too serious and couldn't find myself caring about anything going on, or any character whatsoever. It took me almost three days to finish it, mostly because I started to avoid it towards the second half and two hours felt like it was never going to end. I forced myself to finish and yeah... It felt really dull and didn't bring out any emotion in me, which is kinda weird considering how sensitive I am and how easily I cry watching anime. Pacing was terribly slow really... I don't get the hype for this film. To each their own I guess. Maybe my expectations were too high. 6/10
Nov 4, 2018 9:21 AM
Jul 2018
2 long ass hours of trying to hard to be something, but in fact it's nothing.

What was the deal of this movie anyway? It failed to speak to me. I couldn't bring myself to give a fvck for what was happening.

Bland and boring through and through.
The characters were like talking dolls.
What the heck was that voice acting? There was no life to it.

And it's the "great" Hayao Miyazaki who directed this?
Other movies I've seen from the same studio done under other directors, were far better directed than this movie ever was.
What a failure.
Dec 9, 2018 11:51 PM
Oct 2018
Personally, I loved this film,I'd give it a 9, (probably a 10 if it came from someone apart from Miyazaki, tbh).

But I kinda get why some didn't like it. [1] The name 'Miyazaki' sets expectations super high (as it did for me) for some huge spectacle of wild, crazy animation, like Howl's, or Spirited Away, and while TWR had top notch animation, it wasn't huge on spectacle. (Also a certain % of people just seem to get off on low-scoring any name with a big reputation). [2] TWR had a pretty low-key, biopic/arthouse format rather than the high-drama, blockbuster format many big budget anime films go for; there was no real high-stakes climax, no giant battle, or big moment where the music swells and they finally kiss, and [3] The aviation engineering subject matter probably isn't exactly a crowd-pleaser. I'm a bit of an aviation nerd, especially pre WW2 aviation, so that probably bumped my score up a notch or two. (Also [4] the politics of WW2 might have created an issue for at least a few people, idk)

But trying to put that aside, I thought it was very strong biopic in its own right. It really conveyed the connection the director felt to Horikoshi, and while it didn't try to make an engineer's life into high mellodrama, it provided enough drama to tell Horikoshi's story in a compelling, emotionally engaging way.
(Actually, they seem to have chosen to omit some IRL drama; Horikoshi's first design fell apart in the air on it's maiden flight, which would have been a good way to raise stakes if they'd included it, but I guess the 2hr run time didn't alllow that,or something)

But I'd advise anyone planning to watch it to just see it as a biopic, and not as 'a Miyazaki film' that neds to live up to Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited away etc; because it's a totally different animal to his best known films.
Mar 5, 2019 1:44 AM

Nov 2018
Hmm it had its nice parts but had pretty boring ones as well, not fond of engineering and war stuff anyway so yeah. Some Nahoko parts made me teary-eyed, was the most interesting part of story for me. Kayo ones as well. Also Jirou sure was very assertive with his confession right in front of Nahoko's dad, that part got me surprised in a good way. His relationship with Nahoko was nice and while a bit questionable, its understandable they would want to spend Nahoko's last moments together given how serious her condition was.
OrangeCloudsMar 5, 2019 1:48 AM
Aug 19, 2019 8:56 AM

Dec 2016
An amazing movie, 9/10
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