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Oct 4, 2014 7:16 PM

May 2013
Good episode. Lol the ladies wanting some of Senor Pink. Looks like Robin and Usopp have infiltrated the Toy House pretty easily. Can't wait for the next episode.
Oct 4, 2014 7:25 PM

Aug 2013
Tired of One Piece using fanservice as of late! just because other series do it, doesn't mean One Piece has to, it's one of the many reasons I respect OP.
Oct 4, 2014 7:53 PM

Dec 2012
Not a lot happened in this episode, is this where the manga's slow pace steps in? Oh well.

IIRC, I believe Usopp got stuck in the passageway lol. Rebecca's still fighting..

Edit: ah, he didn't get stuck. Just hit his head. They usually emphasize these moments.

RothOct 4, 2014 8:06 PM
Oct 4, 2014 8:00 PM

Apr 2014
rothrock said:
Not a lot happened in this episode, is this where the manga's slow pace steps in? Oh well.

IIRC, I believe Usopp got stuck in the passageway lol. Rebecca's still fighting..

IIRC no, the part where the manga go shitpace is when.
Oct 4, 2014 8:03 PM

Dec 2012
tr1ckst3r said:
rothrock said:
Not a lot happened in this episode, is this where the manga's slow pace steps in? Oh well.

IIRC, I believe Usopp got stuck in the passageway lol. Rebecca's still fighting..

IIRC no, the part where the manga go shitpace is when.

Really? It gets slower? wow.
Oct 4, 2014 8:10 PM

Apr 2014
rothrock said:
tr1ckst3r said:

IIRC no, the part where the manga go shitpace is when.

Really? It gets slower? wow.

Slower? No, IIRC literally nothing happened in those 4 chapter, just random people running around for the whole 4 chapt.
Oct 4, 2014 8:25 PM

Jun 2013
Slow episode.
Oct 4, 2014 8:58 PM

Jul 2013
I wanna see Sabo fight soon. This current block is taking too long to end.

Franky better beat the shit out of that Senor.
Oct 4, 2014 10:40 PM

Jul 2008
And so it begins. I'm really not going to like the next few episodes it I have the timeline right.
Oct 4, 2014 11:07 PM

Oct 2013
When do I see my Sabo?
Oct 5, 2014 12:09 AM
May 2014
Am i the only one who thought Senor's voice was going to be deeper? Or is it just me. Decent episode for me, i enjoyed it. I also liked the filler scene with Sabo, Luffy, and Ace, it was touching.
Oct 5, 2014 12:21 AM

Apr 2009
Jayns said:
Am i the only one who thought Senor's voice was going to be deeper? Or is it just me. Decent episode for me, i enjoyed it. .

I thought it was too deep for him.. Anyways he was cool just like in the manga :)

ok episode.
cant wait to see Trebol in action
Oct 5, 2014 12:28 AM

Oct 2014
Mediocre episode

Skipped most of it

but but

senor <3

So freaking hard-boiled <3
Oct 5, 2014 12:37 AM

Jan 2014
Senor Pink is too sexy to handle, dayum
Oct 5, 2014 3:49 AM
Jul 2013
You can't say that part with Senor Pink and hot girls is fanservice scene, it was for his characterisation

Past few episodes were great, and now, if I remember the manga correctly, next few episode are going to be slow and maybe hard to watch weekly, because Oda really dragged some things in manga after showing Sabo - it will still be good, but could have been faster paced. Dressrosa started on episode 629, it's 35 episodes now and we are on half of the material in the manga, but I think that anime(if only manga is not that close to anime) could have done this 35 episodes in 25 or even less, and that would be great pacing.

Interesting episode - not much happened, but it was funny and enjoyable, we got a little from everything and have again seen those heartwarming moments with Ace, Sabo and Luffy (my personal favourite episodes from the entire anime)
Oct 5, 2014 4:53 AM

Dec 2012
Not a bad episode, by One Piece standards. Slow as always, though.

They seem to be trying to hype Rebecca up by having her take out opponents that she's not supposed to beat (also, LOL at people who thought that Meadows was Kaidou).

Glad that they didn't skip the Donquixote (or however it's spelt) Family structure, it seems like the sort of detail that would usually be skipped in an anime adaptation.

Still quite a few episodes of fluff to go, though.

Edit: Also, the extra Sabo stuff was unnecessary. It felt sort of patronising, like they thought we couldn't understand who it was from last episode. Honestly, the manga handled his entrance SO much better.
Core1019Oct 5, 2014 4:57 AM
Oct 5, 2014 5:33 AM

Oct 2013
We all want more Sabo, but hopefully it will be soon xD.

I can not wait for these upcoming fights to happen. XD
Oct 5, 2014 6:01 AM

Feb 2013
Meh, pretty boring episode. Seems like its gonna start getting slow again :/

Core1019 said:
They seem to be trying to hype Rebecca up by having her take out opponents that she's not supposed to beat

Honestly what's the point? So she can beat some fodder, big whoop. We all know she doesn't have a chance in the semi finals, shes just gonna get one shot. Unless she has some kinda ridiculous power that we don't know about, but I doubt it.

They should just have everyone in Block Fodder jump in the water and make the next match a three way fight. That would be much more interesting imo.

koroX said:
Did One Piece always have this much fan service?

Have you not seen Rebecca's *armor* lol?
Shape430Oct 5, 2014 6:12 AM
Oct 5, 2014 9:08 AM

Jul 2012
I want to see SABO :( The episode was decent and a bit slow. That darkside of Dressrosa :O
Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
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Oct 5, 2014 9:21 AM

Dec 2012
bjorno said:
I want to see SABO :(

You'll be waiting quite a while yet, sorry.
Oct 5, 2014 9:46 AM
Jul 2018
The episode went by pretty fast,though pretty much nothing at all happened. Typical.
Oct 5, 2014 10:08 AM

May 2012
Core1019 said:

Edit: Also, the extra Sabo stuff was unnecessary. It felt sort of patronising, like they thought we couldn't understand who it was from last episode.

lol that's just you dude, you're taking things completely the wrong way
Oct 5, 2014 11:25 AM

Apr 2009
Excited for what's coming up next. Mostly. I don't want to see Rebecca in that same gladiator block, that's been going on forever and was never all that interesting to begin with.
Oct 5, 2014 11:28 AM

Jun 2008
Didn't think i had tears leftover from last episode, but apperantly i did.
Oct 5, 2014 1:00 PM

May 2013
Cool episode, felt slow though :/
Oct 5, 2014 11:50 PM
May 2013
Slow episode, But good episode though
Really want to see Sabo fight Soon!
Oct 6, 2014 6:26 AM

May 2010
Recent episodes are finally good again, slow pacing doesn't bother me as much as it used to :)
Oct 6, 2014 12:37 PM

Apr 2011
Ferolex said:
Tired of One Piece using fanservice as of late! just because other series do it, doesn't mean One Piece has to, it's one of the many reasons I respect OP.

fan service has always been in one piece since they started putting nami in short skirts and tiny bikini tops
Oct 7, 2014 12:09 PM

Jun 2014
Skipped most of the things in this episode as well, only watched the last 3 minutes with curiosity.

Oh God, One piece is getting worser and worser.
Oct 9, 2014 3:18 PM

Aug 2013
giraffesyo said:
Ferolex said:
Tired of One Piece using fanservice as of late! just because other series do it, doesn't mean One Piece has to, it's one of the many reasons I respect OP.

fan service has always been in one piece since they started putting nami in short skirts and tiny bikini tops

It was never this bad, you'd have to be blind not to notice how bad it's gotten.
Oct 11, 2014 5:56 PM

Mar 2010
I was just getting comfy.. but then it ended.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Oct 12, 2014 2:46 AM

Apr 2013
Ferolex said:
giraffesyo said:

fan service has always been in one piece since they started putting nami in short skirts and tiny bikini tops

It was never this bad, you'd have to be blind not to notice how bad it's gotten.

honestly its not that bad...its not like these are hard core ecchi scenes.
also what exactly is wrong with fan service?

Do you feel it some how makes the story less meaningful?
or do you just not like looking at cute 2D girls in skimpy outfits?

just curious
Oct 31, 2014 7:25 PM

Jan 2012
senor is the man lol

Oct 31, 2014 7:35 PM
Sep 2014
Good but slow episode.
Nov 10, 2014 2:44 AM

Mar 2008
such bad animation... amazing

what the fuck happened to one piece?

ever since the time-skip... it's gotten so bad.. it used to be amazing =/
Nov 29, 2014 9:58 PM

Jun 2013
ugh why is the D block fight still going on? its taking forever...

gotta say i really don't care about Sabo.

Senor was... interesting to say the least, kind of a cool power though, I'm curious to see more of it.

when are they going to put some focus on the fact that Big Mom is joining this clusterfuck of a party?
Jan 1, 2015 2:09 AM

Jan 2014
Lot of hard-boiledness going around this episode. What a guy that senor!
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Jan 2, 2015 8:37 PM

Mar 2012
We all know Rebecca is gonna get wrecked by Cabbage.
Jan 24, 2015 3:39 AM
Jun 2013
good episode. A few developments. Senior Pink-hilarious. The hierachy of the Doflamingo family/crew. Look inside the harbor where are the toys are working. Of and of course the nostalgia of ace, luffy, and sabo together.
Feb 11, 2015 1:56 AM

Jun 2008
xfero said:
Tired of One Piece using fanservice as of late! just because other series do it, doesn't mean One Piece has to, it's one of the many reasons I respect OP.

It can be helped, One Piece just wants to show all the muscles of the guys their speedos etc. That is why Luffy wears an open shirt now.
Jul 25, 2015 8:44 PM

Apr 2009
Finally a complete rundown of the enemies facing our heroes, they look fugly but I guess it's a given already. XD
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Dec 23, 2015 10:21 PM

Jun 2015
meh ~_~
Aug 6, 2016 5:37 AM

Mar 2015
Wow almost forgot about the Coliseum match, that last one hasn't finished yet after all this time?
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Sep 10, 2016 6:26 PM
Jul 2009
I don't understand Oda's mind. He doesn't kill anyone, he already said he doesn't want too much blood or strong scenes 'cause he focus on shounen...

Then he puts fanservices and a hentai old guy who take off some girl top and says that you can only take a person behind if this is a naked woman


Not that I don't appreciate that kind of dialogue or girls without bras, however it is a matter of freaking coherence, you know?
Apr 18, 2017 1:56 PM

Apr 2016
Franklin is the first that start the offesive!!"
Franklin Vs. Señor!!!
Señor is a pure hentai !!! xD
May 10, 2018 4:41 PM

Mar 2017
saboooo T_T

UGHHH their bond is really so strong.
ASL Brothers T_T ♥

猫はかわいいです。 (ꈍ ‸ ꈍ)

Jan 2, 2020 9:39 PM

Jun 2016
To preface, I don’t mean to demean Luffy’s happiness at all when I call it childish, he just found out his brother was alive. His happiness is understandable. And, in fact, this “childish” side of Luffy where it’s no longer his innocence which feels such, but his overflowing happiness are some of my favorite moments of his. I recall him playing with his hat when speaking about shanks in Sabaody and seeing Luffy get watery eyes and cry non stop thinking about how Ace was right gave me the same vibe. It’s so sweet and contagious. I am so freaking happy for him. :)

As for the factory plot, it has moved along! Firstly, the team has split because “ore-land” couldn’t fit into the passage. Yet he made the best out of it, inspired to help, as bombastic and loud as ever, he will go and create hella havoc and distract everyone so his allies can take on Sugar with less stress. Gosh I love Franky, although he does tend to end up in outrageous situations. Last situation this odd was the confrontation with Don Quixote executive Baby 5. She turned into a giant sword while being helicoptered by a weirdo and Franky used a giant samurai sword in a mech suit to fend her off and sang while he was at it. This time, the speedo wearing, triple point chinned, combat hair Franky has met his match with a badass with a baby outfit, a pacifier in his mouth and underwear to rival the cyborg. “Who is this pervert?!” This baby man has a harem of boys and girls and he has a fly theme song. He also didn’t flank Franky because that’s not what a man does I suppose. What’s actually bad is that the Diamante four that normally dominate in the colosseum should be here together. He may need some help.

Back at the ride to the underground we got a Baroque Works-esque run down of the executives now that we know how they all work for the most part. Don Quixote Doflamingo is the head, and under him is three armies:
  • The Trebol army which is the special ability unit: Sugar the toy maker, Violet the clairvoyant, and Giolla the artist.
  • The Diamante army of fighters: Lao G who looks intriguing, Machvise who we still know little about, Senor Pink the baby mafioso, and Dellinger the pretty psycho who doesn’t seem to have a power. This army is the most unknown and we’re going to learn about them soon!
  • Lastly, the Pica army which is a Commando unit: Gladius, Buffalo, and Baby 5. Gladius is a little mysterious and Pica comes off to me as a secret final boss due to their subdued role in all of this.
  • There were two overseas units we already knew, Vergo and Monet. I suppose Vergo would have had his own family if he wasn’t always working as a double agent away from Dressrosa.
From these, we also know that Violet has changed sides, and Vergo and Monet should both be dead by Law’s plans, and Baby 5, Buffalo and Giolla have been defeated before but will most likely still be relevant.

For the last piece on the factory attack; Usoland and Robiland have arrived at the underground port town and we got a good view on the awful treatment of toy slaves, fighting for their lives, exhausted, and wanting to see their families. Their life is a living hell with no breaks, even their toy bodies get worn out. Outside of that we got two other notable and small moments, Rebecca is facing off against Suleiman the beheader and Fujitora didn’t answer Doflamingo’s words on defending his people from the Straw Hats. Lastly, I was giving it more thought and the colosseum definitely got more interesting. 3 winners, Sabo, Bartolomeo, and probably Rebecca are all friends of Luffy, and if so, the only threat to the flare flare fruit is Burgess. He is no joke, he is one of the original members of an emperor’s crew. Yet, if there’s no dirty play involved, the mission to get that fruit doesn’t seem so bad anymore and if Diamante is tricked by Sabo then Luffy can give Doflamingo a great surprise!
May 9, 2020 2:58 PM
Jul 2018

Is this an animation error or simply his character design? Either way, I don't like it...

(I'm talking about the gap between Franky's sideburn and his hair.)
May 9, 2020 3:02 PM
Jul 2018
Also, the part where Leo briefed Usopp on the Doffy army was absolutely awful. They took up a large chunk of the episode literally just saying names and showing character pictures. Stupid. Lazy. Cringy. Embarrassing. OP should be ashamed for that blunder. People watch One Piece for the story and action, not to watch some graze over a roster. One Piece could've easily made a graph that showcased the three sections of the army and the executives and glimpsed over it for 10 seconds if they were really that concerned about the audience understanding the layout of Doffy's team. Not that it's even that important.
Apr 16, 2021 11:47 AM

May 2016
Zoro and the others will probably be coming to help Franky out since one executive's probably going to be more than a handful for him, let alone four if they all arrive at the scene.

I'm excited to see Lucy on the ring again~

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