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The Flowers of Evil
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Aug 20, 2013 5:50 PM

Jul 2009
Huh, kind of a disappointing episode TBH. Yes, Nakamura came in just like I expected - but yeah, wow, her diary ... I liked that a lot. Then we get a recap of the series? Really? D: Then the thing at the end with everyone talking ... that was kind of confusing. I mean so did they end up doing all that stuff? What was up with the knife?! Plus "end of part 1" ... hmm, so is a second season in the making then? :O That will be interesting, especially since Kasuga is now the one initiating a contract with Nakamura ...
Well anyway! This show was certainly something "different" ... I actually LIKED the weird character design! :P I think it worked well. I LOVED the OST - some of the tracks were just so relaxing. Very interesting characters - you certainly don't meet people like them every day haha. IDK, I liked seeing what happened and yes I could kind of see the point of it but still, it was a bit slow for me even so. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I liked it but I kind of thought I'd like it more? XD So basically it gets a 7/10 from me
Aug 21, 2013 12:01 AM

Apr 2012
Season 2. Must have one. The scenes before the ending were like a preview on what would happen if they made a contract again. They can't just end it here.

My forum picture is awesome. #sorrynotsorry (tumblr)

Aug 21, 2013 4:50 AM

Jan 2008
daisy- said:
Season 2. Must have one. The scenes before the ending were like a preview on what would happen if they made a contract again. They can't just end it here.

Actually, they can. They do this a lot. They make a preview for the next season, and then the next season never comes. Kamisama Dolls STILL hurts.
Aug 21, 2013 7:18 PM
Aug 2013
I've been watching anime for years and few catch my attention. The few that do? I dedicate a consistent amount of time to fully enjoy them and understand them; listening to every word spoken. At least to the best of my ability.

Aku no Hana first got me interested with the rotoscope technique used in its production. Although I have seen the reaction of others toward this, I chose to stay for the uniqueness alone and ended up enjoying what began to unfold. I was compelled to keep watching with great anticipation on what happened next. I don't consider myself an advocate of drama shows, but I couldn't much help being interested in the plot. By the way, I never read the manga.

Now, the reason I'm here is to inquiry about how I feel it turned out overall. I wonder if there are any out there that feel as I do about the odd relationship between the three middle-schoolers that came to be. Firstly, I must admit that I found myself admiring how blunt, rude and assertive Nakamura turned out to be. She was entertaining and bold. Then as Saeki, Kasuga's crush, came into the picture, I wanted her meddling to go away the more he became tortured. I love Saeki's character. She ends up claiming that she is not strong, but I believe it is quite the contrary. She's beautiful, polite and kind; truly likable. She endures so much at the hands of Kasuga (and Nakamura), yet is still willing to accept him and move past it as long as he is happy with her. The two seemed to like each other; no one-sidedness.
Kasuga's decision, in the end, to ultimately choose Nakamura baffles me. It feels sort of cheap at how this ended up being Kasuga's pity for a hurting, lonely girl that has abused him for her amusement.
Pity as we know it is a poor justification of any relationship. It adds a since of obligation to the relationship, that quite frankly, Nakamura doesn't seem to want or deserve. She tortured Kasuga. Regardless if he showed little resistance; regardless if whether he grew some dependency on her abuse, I think its entirely unfair to Saeki -- who I liked very much and thought Kasuga could/would be more decisive about.

When I step back and look over the series, I can't help but see a generic underlying story of some 'jealous other' sabotaging something good or irrelevant to them entirely. Nakamura made him out to be something that was an overshoot - a deviant 'like her', seemingly manipulating him in the process and driving him mad.
Was that the intent of the show? To watch this unfairness and somehow love Nakamura for her troubled life, even with her actions toward others? Kasuga claims to be selfish for wanting Saeki to begin with. It shows he may not know his own worth, and that sits fine with me, judging how he's still quite young and inexperienced. But the pity and new sense of purpose toward the end was very anti-climatic for me.
I think it is Nakamura that is selfish. Perhaps others will think this is justified since she has no one, but I don't. She's the 'piece of sh*t', trying to drag someone else down into her miserable plane of existence.
I only hope that there is some chance of Saeki coming back into the picture if this series continues.

But don't get me wrong, I liked the series, yet I am disappointed of its conclusion due to my own preference for Kasuga. At one point, he was determined to 'change and become worthy' for Saeki. Instead he returns her to a pedestal and backs away from the challenge.... he had her.. she wanted him..
Maybe these dramas just aren't for me, lol.
Sorry for rambling.
Aug 22, 2013 8:02 PM

Aug 2013
I can tell you've thought alot about this series just like me!

MrMoon360 said:
Firstly, I must admit that I found myself admiring how blunt, rude and assertive Nakamura turned out to be. She was entertaining and bold.

I agree 100%. No fear of confrontation at all. Her "I couldn't give an f'" attitude. It was very cool and entertaining.

MrMoon360 said:
Kasuga's decision, in the end, to ultimately choose Nakamura baffles me. It feels sort of cheap at how this ended up being Kasuga's pity for a hurting, lonely girl that has abused him for her amusement.

I think part of it was that Kasuga wasn't in love with the human or real Saeki. He was in love with this angelic, perfect and pure being that he imagined Saeki to be. When Saeki forgave Kasuga for the gym uniform and trashing the classroom, it kind of ruined the fantasy. What kind of pure and perfect angel would forgive something like that? However, I think Kasuga didn't even feel he deserved the real Saeki. His self esteem was pretty low by the end of the series.

Also, Kasuga didn't really conscientiously choose Nakamura over Saeki. He awoke from a dream about Nakamura. Being the "nice guy" that Kasuga is, his interpretation of that dream was that Nakamura would be all alone if he didn't help her. He didn't wake up and say, "I love Nakamura!" I love the part when Nakamura's father asks, "What is your relationship with Sawa?". Kasuga responds by saying, "I don't know. Friends... We're friends, I guess. Honestly, I'm not sure what Nakamura... What Sawa-san is thinking. Still, I want to understand her."

Nakamura's dad chuckles at what a honest, serious and nice guy Kasuga appears to be. So we see that even Kasuga has no idea where his relationship is or where it is going with Nakamura.

Where the anime stops is somewhat deceiving. It seems like you've got a good girl, a bad girl and guy in the middle. Your opinions will change if there's a season two or if you read the manga.
Aug 29, 2013 9:53 PM
Aug 2013
atomic_dawg said:
I can tell you've thought alot about this series just like me!

Indeed! I thought about this series nonstop. Between episodes, all I could think about was the next one, as far as my entertainment. It really pulled me in.

atomic_dawg said:

I think part of it was that Kasuga wasn't in love with the human or real Saeki. He was in love with this angelic, perfect and pure being that he imagined Saeki to be. When Saeki forgave Kasuga for the gym uniform and trashing the classroom, it kind of ruined the fantasy. What kind of pure and perfect angel would forgive something like that? However, I think Kasuga didn't even feel he deserved the real Saeki. His self esteem was pretty low by the end of the series.

This response is perfect. Reasonable. I could totally see the low self-esteem and feeling that he did not deserve even the "flesh and blood" Saeki. It still irked the hell out of me that he thought so lowly of himself, lol. For goodness sake, she cried her little heart out to him, totally confused by his actions, wondering if she were enough to satisfy him.. She is a girl of high caliber, no doubt. Smart, beautiful, and forgiving, but I wanted so badly for Kasuga to get over his supposed empty self.
While I hate it, I also love the turmoil this birthed in me, I must admit lol.

atomic_dawg said:
Also, Kasuga didn't really conscientiously choose Nakamura over Saeki. He awoke from a dream about Nakamura. Being the "nice guy" that Kasuga is, his interpretation of that dream was that Nakamura would be all alone if he didn't help her. He didn't wake up and say, "I love Nakamura!"

Very true. But what I can say is that even that decision was unfair to Saeki after that scene at the mountain where he exclaims he doesn't deserve to choose either of them. What was the choice, we must ask..
But even then, he concluded that Saeki could live happily without him. I don't want you spoiling anything (uh-uh! mouth shut Atomic xD), but I doubt that presumption is true. (hinted even further by the barrage of clips at the end of ep. 13)

atomic_dawg said:

Where the anime stops is somewhat deceiving. It seems like you've got a good girl, a bad girl and guy in the middle. Your opinions will change if there's a season two or if you read the manga.

Its truly expert the way you handled that information. It leads me to think, but doesn't spoil anything!
I really want to see a second season. If I catch wind that it won't happen, then its on to the manga. But I really enjoyed how the actors/actresses portrayed the characters in the anime, so I'd prefer seeing them again. They were so believable.
Sep 7, 2013 2:24 AM
Jan 2012
I loved this anime, just finished watching the whole series over the course of three days. Can't wait for a second season, I'll probably start reading the manga. I haven't enjoyed an anime this much since I watched NHK and Haruhi.
Sep 11, 2013 12:43 AM
Sep 2013
This anime..overral.. was pretty good, I have to say. I loved art style, the plot, the music.. basically everything. Tho what I really loved the most was how it always left me mind-blowin.

I almost want to get the book "The flowers of evil"by baudelaire..
Sep 12, 2013 4:53 PM

Apr 2013
Takao = Shinji Ikari

Hard to judge the series properly, probably what the producers wanted.
Sep 21, 2013 1:04 PM
Sep 2009
haha, oh wow this was shit. The animation was the only good part of it, the rotoscoping (I'm guessing?) was something I've never seen in Japanese animation before.

Cop-out pay-offs to good build-ups and just went into total shitter when you realised; "so this bitch isn't even smart or anything, just an angsty cunt who just learned to curse?". The rather realistic and well written stuff in the beginning was totally abandoned and instead we got your usual anime angst clichés that have been done to death already.

Is this what Japanese find cool? Just like rewatching Reality Bites, this turned out to be the worst of 90's all over again to me. It seems that living in an overly conservative country like Japan has slowed them down in social/ cultural revolution. Snap, soon they will probably discover punk music!!
Sep 21, 2013 1:15 PM
Oct 2012
Assiman said:
Is this what Japanese find cool? Just like rewatching Reality Bites, this turned out to be the worst of 90's all over again to me. It seems that living in an overly conservative country like Japan has slowed them down in social/ cultural revolution. Snap, soon they will probably discover punk music!!

Well, if we were to judge from the sales of the BD, no this isn't what Japan finds cool. To say that this animation bombed would be giving too much power to the word "bomb".

Sakamichi no Apollon or "Boys on the Slope" from last year also used rotoscoping, and that was supposed to be a much better show than this.
Sep 26, 2013 12:43 AM

Feb 2010
There was a lot more potential that could've been utilized for the ending.

This was a fun show to marathon... and I enjoyed this show for it's eerie atmosphere, characters, and drama.

There were also a few brilliant parts throughout.

7/10 for me.
MusashiRoseApr 11, 2020 11:11 PM
Oct 2, 2013 4:26 AM

Aug 2012
I was one of the people who dismissed this series at first because of the roto-blob and what appears to be anime-only drudgery for half of episode 1.

I'm glad I made myself watch that and proceed to the rest of the series. This is one of the most interesting series I have seen and timing-wise, it is refreshing from the continuously more gimmicky anime that keep coming out. I find myself dropping a lot of anime these days because they can't keep it simple and "real."

I think this anime had slight pacing issues, as some scenes simply cut out too much time from the 13 episode budget. However, only the first half of episodes 1 and 13 seem to stand out as major time-wasters to me. That said, they could have squeezed in another episode in that time frame.

I don't know if they had budget issues or if that contributed to the way the series was ended, but I do know that they probably could have saved a substantial amount of money if they hadn't roto-scoped, and they probably would have better sales without it too.

Corrections of these mistakes could have allowed for a proper 13th episode and potentially more content for bonus episodes or OVAs in the future. It's a shame really, because I really did like this story, so much though, that I uncharacteristically completed watching it in it's roto-scope/live action form.

For what it's worth though, I was glad to see an ending that wasn't anime-only and half-baked, or leaving me with a cliffhanger. They pretty much gave a glimpse into the future of the consequences of his decision to ask her for another contract. If I end up having to read the manga to complete this story, I think it's worth it, and that's also saying a lot for me because I generally don't read manga. I'd rather see it in animated form however, because if I forget about the fact that it's roto-scoped, I really think they did a wonderful job bringing the manga to life in the content that was covered.
Oct 10, 2013 1:03 PM

Nov 2012
Long empty gaps and fillers just killed this show...

Characters were strongest part of anime they were acting very realistic, highschool concept nothing intresting, story dont catched my heart it was psychological medicore.

Im between good and bad so I meet in half and score it 5/10
Oct 18, 2013 1:58 PM

Apr 2009
I don't care what you all think, this anime was very good, the best i have seen in a while. Y'all just don't understand the psychological. Can't wait for season 2. and by the way the art was good, glad i didn't care about negative reviews.
Oct 22, 2013 12:16 PM

Apr 2012
Like a lot of people, it was disappointing to have the finale go full recap and full preview.

A good show nonetheless: rotoscope was good, cinematography was great, actors and voice actors were impressive. The story was good. I'm not going to criticize the writing, but there was definitely something overplayed by the actors which disrupted the general serious tone, and for me prevented the show from really delivering.

Hope we can have a season 2 next summer.
Oct 28, 2013 7:39 PM
Oct 2013
So. Can anyone tell me why this is such a good anime? I disliked this intensely. The reasoning behind everything the characters did made no since to me. I'd really like some responses from people to see their view-point.
Oct 28, 2013 7:50 PM

Apr 2012
Well first the actions didn't make much sense to me either (like stealing clothes in middle school pretty much means nothing, only Japan can make a big deal out of this), but you have to go beyond that and appreciate the characters in how they portrait extremes: Saeki is super angelic (right down to her eyes), Kasuga is passive to the max, and Nakamura has really good crazy scenes (when she starts screaming all of a sudden).

Once you're at this point, you realize the cinematography and rotoscopy emphasize those traits well, as well as show other relevant aspects of the story, like decay, contempt, how each environment reflects each character (the three rooms, the relationships with the parents...). Maybe you're new to anime, but this kind of direction, dramatization, shots... is almost never seen in the medium. Just that already makes this anime unique. And on top of that you have the opening/ending themes and the bgm/sound effects (drones and pads) which fit the atmosphere to a t.
EratiKOct 28, 2013 8:05 PM
Oct 30, 2013 10:43 AM
Oct 2013
EratiK said:
Well first the actions didn't make much sense to me either (like stealing clothes in middle school pretty much means nothing, only Japan can make a big deal out of this), but you have to go beyond that and appreciate the characters in how they portrait extremes: Saeki is super angelic (right down to her eyes), Kasuga is passive to the max, and Nakamura has really good crazy scenes (when she starts screaming all of a sudden).

Once you're at this point, you realize the cinematography and rotoscopy emphasize those traits well, as well as show other relevant aspects of the story, like decay, contempt, how each environment reflects each character (the three rooms, the relationships with the parents...). Maybe you're new to anime, but this kind of direction, dramatization, shots... is almost never seen in the medium. Just that already makes this anime unique. And on top of that you have the opening/ending themes and the bgm/sound effects (drones and pads) which fit the atmosphere to a t.

I get it. This anime was different. Things like this haven't been done before. But, for that to really affect me, the anime has to make sense. Such as: Why was being a deviant so important? Why did Kasuga suddenly fall in love with a girl who was tormenting his relationship with a girl he has liked for a year? I even read the manga(which I won't discuss) and the events just get more ridiculous. I will admit though, the bgm and sound effects did make the scenes much more dramatic.
Oct 30, 2013 10:56 AM

Apr 2012
GoodKidMC said:
I get it. This anime was different. Things like this haven't been done before. But, for that to really affect me, the anime has to make sense. Such as: Why was being a deviant so important? Why did Kasuga suddenly fall in love with a girl who was tormenting his relationship with a girl he has liked for a year? I even read the manga(which I won't discuss) and the events just get more ridiculous. I will admit though, the bgm and sound effects did make the scenes much more dramatic.
Well it's not like everybody has to like it or anything. I agree the troubles in the writing deter a lot of viewers. As to what you said, I guess it has to do with how Japanese people view themselves. From what I gather they really don't perceive themselves as individuals, but as members of the group, and how the group sees you is who you are. And they are very rigid about reputation and stuff: if you lose face even once, you're screwed forever.

In the anime, he explains his love for Saeki was abstract and a real relationship with Saeki scared him. Meanwhile he got closer to Nakamura physically. The destruction scene in ep 7 is almost foreplay, you can see how Nakamura cheeks are red. Note she's also the one that always brings up the topic of sex. So Kasuga got to know the real Nakamura, saw she was even more lonely than himself, and choose her over abstract love, I think it sort of makes sense.
EratiKOct 30, 2013 11:22 AM
Oct 30, 2013 3:13 PM
Oct 2013
EratiK said:
GoodKidMC said:
I get it. This anime was different. Things like this haven't been done before. But, for that to really affect me, the anime has to make sense. Such as: Why was being a deviant so important? Why did Kasuga suddenly fall in love with a girl who was tormenting his relationship with a girl he has liked for a year? I even read the manga(which I won't discuss) and the events just get more ridiculous. I will admit though, the bgm and sound effects did make the scenes much more dramatic.
Well it's not like everybody has to like it or anything. I agree the troubles in the writing deter a lot of viewers. As to what you said, I guess it has to do with how Japanese people view themselves. From what I gather they really don't perceive themselves as individuals, but as members of the group, and how the group sees you is who you are. And they are very rigid about reputation and stuff: if you lose face even once, you're screwed forever.

In the anime, he explains his love for Saeki was abstract and a real relationship with Saeki scared him. Meanwhile he got closer to Nakamura physically. The destruction scene in ep 7 is almost foreplay, you can see how Nakamura cheeks are red. Note she's also the one that always brings up the topic of sex. So Kasuga got to know the real Nakamura, saw she was even more lonely than himself, and choose her over abstract love, I think it sort of makes sense.
I suppose it makes sense if you put in the form of reputation. You explained the whole choosing Nakamura over Saeki confusion very well. Thanks, EratiK for the replies and explanations. I appreciate it.
Oct 31, 2013 10:57 PM

Aug 2011
This is the best sh*t I've seen in 2013.

» Escapism.

Nov 10, 2013 1:23 AM

Mar 2010
This anime was seriously horrible and I'm surprised I actually managed to finish it. All characters are outright idiotic or insane, the rotoscope was awful and the anime would have been much better if about 50% of it wasn't spent by walking or staring around a room or characters staring at each other without doing anything for extended period of time. If this gets a second season, I'm keeping away form it, as far as I can. 4/10
Jan 14, 2014 6:30 PM

Apr 2012
8/10, I hope they make a second series! Although I'll read the manga in the meantime lol. I still find Nakamura to be totally disgusting and unlikeable. Things ended a little disappointingly for me haha but I thought the anime was great overall!
Jan 23, 2014 10:58 PM
Jan 2012
Forgive me for asking a question that's been numerously answered. I've looked around and can't find a solid conclusive answer with proof. So there's no chance there's going to be a part two then? I've heard sales were bad, and money is needed at the end of the day, but damnit I just have to ask lol. Just finished it, absolutely loved it, mind is still racing. Never read a manga before, but I really liked the rotoscoping(took me a bit to warm up to it), and I don't know if I'd get the same effect from reading and looking at static pictures with no sound.

edit: gave the manga a go, up to Ch. 34, easily past the end of the anime. I think I can be satisfied with the manga :)
venomblade891Jan 24, 2014 8:27 PM
Jan 24, 2014 9:23 AM

Oct 2011
amazingly innovative and moving capture of one of my favorite manga by one of my favorite mangaka........that being said, i feel like my heart got ripped out when they didn't finish the g#ddamned first arc when it could have easily been done - still beautifully different than any anime or non-anime ever made.....i can relate immensely to the mood of quiet desperation these characters feel trapped in roles they cannot transcend, no matter how the scream and push to escape, nonetheless, watching them try is sublime......being left feeling twisted i give this one an 8 for now (being there is no proper ending and it left me feeling very unsettle) - this may change if they ever get to finish it.........
Feb 5, 2014 12:08 AM

Sep 2011
Actually looking forward to a season 2, surprisingly!
Feb 6, 2014 6:25 PM

Aug 2013
HikaruIzumi said:
This anime was seriously horrible and I'm surprised I actually managed to finish it. All characters are outright idiotic or insane, the rotoscope was awful and the anime would have been much better if about 50% of it wasn't spent by walking or staring around a room or characters staring at each other without doing anything for extended period of time. If this gets a second season, I'm keeping away form it, as far as I can. 4/10

Do you think so? I didn't that, myself, I really enjoyed Aku no Hana. But I was bothered that they really did spend a lot of time doing nothing. Maybe they were trying to push the point that noting happens around there?
Feb 10, 2014 10:42 PM

Jan 2010
i'm at a loss for words...i have to pick up the bloody manga now to find out what happens next.and i don't read manga -_-

"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria

"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
Feb 22, 2014 7:57 AM

Oct 2013
Strange ending.
Mar 2, 2014 6:34 AM

Jan 2012
too much walking scenes

otherwise it was good imo...

I see violence/rape/murder in the wtf preview segment, which would make this thing a 10/10 easy as I've said before...

would watch 2nd season if there's one
Apr 10, 2014 4:32 AM

Nov 2011

Anime bold in many points, starting with what for many is an eyesore, or graphics.
I like the plot, but does not investigate comprehensively promoted anyway.
Pity about the only flaw of this series, the fact anticipate opening in the events that took place during the episodes.
Final which is worth much, but I wanted a little more.
The room Sawa, reminds me of Elsa in GSG, so undresses to show a certain emptiness in the soul of the girl.
Given the great advances shown, it seems that arrivals with the best next season, if ever see the light. I doubt it though, we just have to read the manga with respect to those who will wait the S2.
Final rating that does not change at the end, as the final series adds very little!

Apr 11, 2014 11:08 AM
Apr 2014
why did nakamura write クズ instead of クソ
Apr 22, 2014 2:33 AM

Mar 2012
Well I'm glad I read the manga after getting put off by the first episode due to the animation. I will admit though that after marathoning this anime I grew used to the rotoscoping so it wasn't too bad. In my opinion I felt like their expressions were way better in the manga since it looked kinda funky in the anime due to the rotoscoping, also didn't like how they purposely slowed down the pace since they only had 12 episodes to cover the material. Overall it wasn't too bad, the story was still the same but what with the rotoscoping and slower pace it just isn't as good as the manga. Still, it was a decent watch that kept me entertained each episode.

Apr 29, 2014 10:38 AM

May 2012
It's getting so much better after that ending. Why did they have to end it like that?

I wish they could make a 2nd season, but it's probably impossible because of sales.
Jul 6, 2014 3:04 PM

Apr 2008
Really regretting coming back to this series and finishing it. The show was a different experience, but there was no payoff at all.

I can't think of a much worse ending than doing a flashback over the tiny content the series had then teasing at all the interesting stuff that won't be in it.

It did make me curious about the manga, but I don't want to acknowledge such a clumsy advertisement.
Jul 28, 2014 2:36 PM
Mar 2014
It was good to begin with, but (like some series) it gets a little dull. However, it seemed like it might lead to a second season, which I'm kind of hoping for. Most series are based off the manga, excluding this one. The manga goes on and it kind of gives me hope that they extend the anime and make a come back.
Aug 5, 2014 1:44 AM

Jan 2008
Absolutely no chance of a second season. The anime sales were horrible, and the manga has ended. There is no reason to make another anime season since there is no more manga to boost.
Aug 6, 2014 9:55 AM

Feb 2013
Oh this is just part one? Well then.

For a show with such intensity, this is kind of a anti-climatic way to finish the season. A little too long as an epilogue to the dramatic hill scene, without adding much to the story while pushing all the good stuff into part two.

Overall, it was definitely an interesting experience. In my opinion, the rotoscope technique fit the anime better than the traditional style. I like how the plot was paced slowly because it build up more anxiety/angst in the audience which, I feel, is an effective way to convey its plot.


The good stuff does look hella good in the preview, though. Looking forward to it!
It looks like there isn't a second season. I guess I'll just read the manga. The things in the preview seems awesome though.
Looking forward to read the manga!

"And if, there were so many people in the world, there had to be someone living an interesting life that wasn't ordinary. I was sure of it. Why wasn't that person me?"
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part V
Aug 29, 2014 6:37 PM

Jul 2014
arielteck said:
I was expecting more for the final episode. Well, there were some images from part we didn't saw at all, could it be a signal for a second season? If so, I'm up for it!

I will be reading the manga of this now.. That final was really open.

The manga is way better man
Sep 10, 2014 12:18 PM
Jul 2018
What a completely horrible way to end an otherwise decent anime.
The ending pushed my grade down from a 7/10 to a 4/10.

If only I could go 3 hours back in time and stop myself from wasting time on this anime.
Oct 24, 2014 2:12 PM

Jul 2013
Eh i need to re-vote on last ep it was so bad.. 2/5 max and it even had spoilers same as in every opening (i really hate it).
Overall anime was good and animation style fitted it just not much of a story have been shown :( i may try reading manga 8/10.
Dec 1, 2014 10:42 PM

Jan 2014
Starting veery good and ended... uhm it ended?

Dec 7, 2014 8:03 AM
Sep 2009
Even with this cliffhanger ending, and the impossibility of there being a second season, I still think Kasuga's character arc (i.e. the main point of the show) has come full circle. In his emotional confusion, Kasuga has made a horrible decision which will screw up his life. He has finally given in to Nakamura's desire of becoming a deviant; embracing the ugliest parts of his personality in a desperate attempt to gain her approval. The flash-forward foreshadows the dark future ahead of Kasuga because he decided to renew his 'contract' with Nakamura. I would love to see more of this show animated, but that is unlikely to happen. Still, the show is still a masterful work of art.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Dec 23, 2014 5:52 PM

Dec 2013
The anime showed how far teenage anxiety can lead to, especially the teenage years are the time where identity is key. For kasaga, I feel that he does have some sanity because he knows he isn't a deviant. What annoys me is how he's risking his life just because he was challenged about his beliefs. Sure he hated everyone in his town, but he has time to grow up and leave
Dec 23, 2014 5:54 PM

May 2014
The anime is utter garbage. What the hell were they thinking with that animation. Its so freaking ugly and unappealing. The manga is so much better. I couldn't even get through the first epsiode of this anime.
Jan 15, 2015 3:00 PM

May 2012
well thats one way to end an anime... i think id watch a season 2 if they ever make one... i didnt expect to enjoy this as much as i did... but i think the whole situation coulda been avoided if kasuga had just freakin talked to nanako... like seriously, why did he let sawa control his life, or he coulda put the ym clothes back... what he did was ruin his life more than if a few people knew he took some gym clothes... but whatever, the series was ok over all, i like the lessons and symbols throughout the show, and honestly the art was pretty nice once you get used to it. probably a 7/10 because it was a good watch, but the beginning was so awkward and forced in my opinion, but once you get into it its decent.
frequency15kJan 15, 2015 3:05 PM
Feb 2, 2015 10:54 AM

Oct 2014
I very much enjoyed both the manga and anime, finally a series that's a real slice a life, not same old same old shit that's the same over and over.
Feb 24, 2015 5:33 PM

Aug 2014
I'm honestly not sure what to say about this series. It was beautiful in a bizarre way. The characters were so unique and well written, it was like looking into the minds of potential psycho-murderers, and it was very pleasing. It's hard to put words on paper for this series, it's just an odd kind of good. It was kind of like Welcome to the NHK, but in a more teenage angst kind of tone yet not much less mature. I think I'm going to put this at a 9/10 for now. That was just different from anything I've seen.
Mar 16, 2015 3:14 PM
Jul 2014
It's 2015 and still no 2nd season?!? Makes me sad. I'm writing to the studio first thing tomorrow! This masterpiece deserves next season!
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