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Do you think Studio Deen's anime is better than Satelight?
Oct 4, 2014 5:59 AM

Sep 2013
I feel like Studio Deen's animation is much more clear and better than Satelight.
I think the effects they used in the beginning looked really good!
Do you think so too?

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Oct 4, 2014 6:05 AM
Jun 2013
The characters look far more detailed and everything is better animated, so yes, Deen has done a better job. I'm still expecting a bit more than that for a fall 2014 anime.

Also, Deen ruined Marielle. That's the only minus so far.
Oct 4, 2014 6:12 AM

Jun 2014
Nyanta's face is way too bright. Shiroe looks like an old man at times. The blonde hair lady guild leader Mamorlin or something looks weird. Also the sage's face and hair look rather bad. It's not much worse though. Both have their ups and downs.
Previously: BlueXRam
Oct 4, 2014 6:33 AM

Feb 2011
It's all fine and dandy if you ask me. Honestly the changes are so slight it doesn't matter to me at all.
Oct 4, 2014 6:44 AM

Nov 2013
Overall, it was better, cleaner and more refined. Some subjective character redesigns like making Shiroe look abit more chubby with the eye changes, but nothing deal breaking
Anime gave me more life lessons than school
Oct 4, 2014 6:47 AM

May 2009
New designs are better, closer to LN art. But series was always full of low grade animation.
Oct 4, 2014 6:52 AM
Apr 2014
It makes them look kinda old, but I think its pretty nice, showing that some time has passed? probably.

Not sure tho. - anime | manga | reviews
Oct 4, 2014 7:05 AM

Jan 2014
One thing I'm really bothered is Shiroe's face. Most of the times it looks ugly as heck. Akatsuki, from some angles look cuter than S1. Other than that, most of it is great.
NakatoshiOct 4, 2014 7:27 AM
"The one true, unchanging righteousness in the world is..cuteness! Cute makes right! All our needs, desires, and instincts seek cuteness, and it is for cuteness that we will give everything we have! That's just the way men are!" - Sora
Oct 4, 2014 7:09 AM

Jan 2013
Way better than Satelight's animation.
Oct 4, 2014 7:33 AM

Aug 2011
I hate STUDIO DEEN and this sucks

» Escapism.

Oct 4, 2014 7:38 AM

Jul 2011
They both sucks to be honest.
Oct 4, 2014 7:42 AM

Jul 2014
Kenchiin said:
I hate STUDIO DEEN and this sucks

Say this without a reason: You are a fanboy, and wrong.
Oct 4, 2014 7:52 AM

May 2014
In terms of detail and clarity of the art, DEEN is doing a great job, but in return they're are worse when it comes to hiding over their QUALITY work.

But it's fine to me, won't take much to adjust.
Oct 4, 2014 7:58 AM

Apr 2013
animation was never good or impressive in this show to begin with.
Oct 4, 2014 7:58 AM
Oct 2009
BlueXRam said:
Nyanta's face is way too bright. Shiroe looks like an old man at times. The blonde hair lady guild leader Mamorlin or something looks weird. Also the sage's face and hair look rather bad. It's not much worse though. Both have their ups and downs.

Agreed 100%. Poor Regan's face was weird the whole time, and Nyanta's as well.
However some other characters looked a bit better, like Akatsuki and Rudy. But not enough to make up for the crappy Regan lol.
Oct 4, 2014 8:11 AM

Jan 2013
The increased detail is gorgeous, gives it a cooler look. Need to see more action scenes to see how the animation will fair tbh.
Oct 4, 2014 9:20 AM
Oct 2013
I like S1's animation more than S2.
Oct 4, 2014 9:25 AM

Jan 2014
They're fine either way.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Oct 4, 2014 10:22 AM

Jun 2014
bastek66 said:
New designs are better, closer to LN art. But series was always full of low grade animation.

I beg to differ

We had this

now we have this

Pretty disgusting.
Previously: BlueXRam
Oct 4, 2014 10:51 AM

Aug 2013
Bring back the old Marielle :
Oct 4, 2014 10:53 AM

Dec 2013
They look fine for now.
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Oct 4, 2014 1:11 PM

Mar 2013
The animation is fine. The story, however...
Oct 4, 2014 1:16 PM

Mar 2014
Animation looked the same to me.
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Oct 4, 2014 4:14 PM

Jun 2012
It's almost the same shit, the two studios made a mediocre job, in some aspects one is better on another aspects the other is better... They just show their potential to make good animation in the intro and new opening to make us stick with the show. Unfortunately we won't see that animation again cause studios nowadays seem to be allergic to give good animation to the fans that buy their goods, even though it's called Anime...
Oct 4, 2014 6:17 PM

Jul 2012
Sourire said:
animation was never good or impressive in this show to begin with.

Oct 4, 2014 6:27 PM

Apr 2013
They looks pretty same to me
Maybe the old character designs are better imo, but the art is more detailed now
Animation is pretty much the same
Oct 4, 2014 6:28 PM
Feb 2014
Don't give a single shit bout animation. The story is good enough for me.
I spent my time here nowadays: []Spacebattles Forums[/url]

Its been a while since I came to MAL. Ignore my old posts please, they were dumb.
Oct 4, 2014 6:49 PM

Oct 2013
I'm fine with most of the changes except Nyanta looks weird to me. No outlines on beard and stuff and his face looks too bright
Oct 4, 2014 6:55 PM

Jan 2013
Here's hoping it improves.
Oct 4, 2014 7:43 PM
Mar 2012
Deen is definitely more detailed, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing.
Oct 4, 2014 8:14 PM
Aug 2008
art - more detailed (making some character looks older)
animation - the same
Oct 4, 2014 8:26 PM

Sep 2008
orangpelupa said:
art - more detailed (making some character looks older)
animation - the same

i think this describes it pretty well, like everything is pretty much the same and some extra details do make the difference but it just kind of throws you off instead of saying, "wow such great improvement!!". It's not a big deal since it's not even such a huge difference but it's still noticeable. It did bother me at times, especially when i kept thinking like, "did shiroe get a haircut?", "was that person's face always that tiny and round?". crusty manages to look the same though lol.

Sourire said:
animation was never good or impressive in this show to begin with.

lmao basically
Oct 4, 2014 8:30 PM
Oct 2012
slayerizedcarol said:
Sourire said:
animation was never good or impressive in this show to begin with.
lmao basically

It's NHK. Superior animation was never in the cards. Because of this one has to judge the art relatively, not absolutely. Relatively speaking, for an NHK animation, it's a bit above average.
Oct 4, 2014 8:33 PM

Jul 2014
BlueXRam said:
bastek66 said:
New designs are better, closer to LN art. But series was always full of low grade animation.

I beg to differ

We had this

now we have this

Pretty disgusting.

When I saw this I thought he was attacked or something, he looks like crap now.
Oct 4, 2014 8:46 PM

Aug 2014
There are some good design, and bad design.
It's kinda 50/50 for me, but i'm fine with it though.
The story makes up for it too.
Oct 4, 2014 10:07 PM

Mar 2012
Not liking how some of the characters look now, might just take some getting used to I suppose : /

LegnaOnFire said:
BlueXRam said:

I beg to differ

We had this

now we have this

Pretty disgusting.

When I saw this I thought he was attacked or something, he looks like crap now.

Yea lol. This is one of the characters who had a downgrade.
Oct 4, 2014 10:28 PM
Oct 2013
xAvengerx said:
Not liking how some of the characters look now, might just take some getting used to I suppose : /

LegnaOnFire said:

When I saw this I thought he was attacked or something, he looks like crap now.

Yea lol. This is one of the characters who had a downgrade.

This is exactly the reason why I like S1 more than S2. Thanks for showing this pic. S2 has more detaisl but it looks crap.
Oct 5, 2014 12:10 AM

Jul 2014
As it was mentioned earlier in the thread, I think DEEN was trying to recapture the characters' art style in the LN. Regan looks as meek as he does because that's how he was drawn in the illustrations. As to whether this change in art style from S1 to S2 is for the better or worse, it's all subjective I guess. Personally if it isn't too jarring from how they are portrayed in characterization, I'm good.

As I was saying in the ep thread, I like that William Massachusetts looks more menacing in S2 and that's closer to how he looked in the LN too.

Oct 5, 2014 12:31 AM

Jul 2013
I actually felt that it was worse. I didn't even knew until now that the studios had been replaced, to be honsest, but I felt the difference pretty hard.
Oct 5, 2014 12:34 AM

Jan 2013
Boukensha said:
As it was mentioned earlier in the thread, I think DEEN was trying to recapture the characters' art style in the LN. Regan looks as meek as he does because that's how he was drawn in the illustrations. As to whether this change in art style from S1 to S2 is for the better or worse, it's all subjective I guess. Personally if it isn't too jarring from how they are portrayed in characterization, I'm good.

As I was saying in the ep thread, I like that William Massachusetts looks more menacing in S2 and that's closer to how he looked in the LN too.

this shits on anymone saying the new designs are incorrect.

That said, before and after this show looks like shit.
Oct 5, 2014 12:35 AM
Apr 2014
In a show where animation was not expected to be top notch anyways, Deen successfully makes the animation extremely distracting.

They didn't even need to make it good, it just didn't have to be bad. And they failed.

Deen pretty much made all the characters look extremely weird and off-putting.
Oct 5, 2014 12:51 AM

Jul 2013
mrmariokartguy said:
In a show where animation was not expected to be top notch anyways, Deen successfully makes the animation extremely distracting.

They didn't even need to make it good, it just didn't have to be bad. And they failed.

Deen pretty much made all the characters look extremely weird and off-putting.

Basically this. I didn't even paid attention to the animation in S1. It was bad, but not distracting, as you said it well. Now, is just weird... Maybe in time I will get used to it.
Oct 5, 2014 4:45 AM

Feb 2013
+Characters looks were good.
+Action scenes were above average.
*The mix of Background and characters were Meh.
-The Background looked kinda bad.
-Some scenes were blurry.

--Studio DEEN--
+Background is really good.
+Many amount of colours.
+Scenes are clear and fully visible.
-Character looks are slightly worse.

There, the good and the bad. The thing is, it is all matter of money. If you have high budget, any studio can make your animation look amazing (except from some) but Log Horizon is not enough popular to have a high budget season. They probably searched for a studio that could use the money to its fullest and that is DEEN. You should be happy that Log Horizon got a second season while other shows like Btooom! can't get a second season. I hope they fix how characters look like though, it is kinda disturbing.
Oct 5, 2014 9:31 AM
Oct 2013
Okay after rewatching it. I take back my words (i.e. that is crap). It's actually good. i guess I just needed time to adjust a little.
Oct 5, 2014 2:06 PM
Jun 2012
Lacertoss said:
mrmariokartguy said:
In a show where animation was not expected to be top notch anyways, Deen successfully makes the animation extremely distracting.

They didn't even need to make it good, it just didn't have to be bad. And they failed.

Deen pretty much made all the characters look extremely weird and off-putting.

Basically this. I didn't even paid attention to the animation in S1. It was bad, but not distracting, as you said it well. Now, is just weird... Maybe in time I will get used to it.

Agreed. While both studios weren't exactly high grade, Satelight was better at covering up their weaknesses. In my opinion, I think Satelight was a lot better at handling camera angles and movements. I found a lot of the shots in Deen animation distracting as they just looked like static drawings. A good example of this is the final "Wow Wow Wow Wow" in the two openings. While both shots are basically just a zoom shots of a few static images, it was a lot less noticeable when Satelight did it.

I'm sure it'll take a bit of getting used to and it might grow on me. I'll probably get used to Nyanta and Marielle's changes, but for the love of god, what happened to Regan!? He used to look so badass. Now it looks like someone hit him with a hammer or something. T_T
FlierFin663Oct 5, 2014 8:26 PM
Oct 5, 2014 6:30 PM

Aug 2013
As for the art in general, the backgrounds were better but the characters seem worse. Inconsistent? Honestly can't even tell when both aren't the greatest
TazuOct 5, 2014 6:35 PM
Oct 5, 2014 7:51 PM

Oct 2012
I feel like the previous art was better. Some characters look odd, except for Akasuki probably...

Nov 11, 2014 3:41 AM

Jan 2014
Good animated shit is still shit(To some people claiming season 2 has better animation) and i dont care about quality of background art,characters look horrible...Thank god that i cant understand Japanese so that i can endure that horrible faces by focusing on subs more than usual...
Nov 11, 2014 3:51 AM

Apr 2014
I don't know about the animation but the art is way better than S1.
Nov 11, 2014 3:57 AM

Jan 2014
Z4k said:
I don't know about the animation but the art is way better than S1.
What kind of art are you referring to?Granny looking princess?Scary cat people?that weird faced minori which is supposed to be childish/cute?
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