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Jul 6, 2010 6:36 PM
Nov 2007
Alchemistx4 said:
dxInt said:
Alchemistx4 said:
Sakuragi death was weak because it was more down to his stupidity then anything and it felt like he killed himself in the end.

So when someone is unable to obey verbal commands because their body is in shock from getting stabbed, it makes it their fault that nervous police shoot them?

I know we all like anime, which isn't the most realistic medium, but it's okay when an anime takes a realistic route instead of a cartoony one...

For me, it was more the lead up to his death that killed him and that is what I was referring to. He gave the suicide letter to Ishihara thinking it would end everything and he would live happily ever after. The more logical choice would have been to give it to the police from the start and perhaps it might have caused the dirty scum to go to prison or maybe not but it would have been a better choice then handing over the letter in my opinion. And then he let himself get stabbed by Ishihara which would have killed him off most likely due to lose of blood if the soldiers didn't finish the job. He could have easily avoided getting stabbed.

Thus, I feel like his decisions caused his death in the end.

Nah, him giving Ishihara the letter was more symbolic than anything. Nothing would have happened if he turned it in to the police... who would take the word of a delinquent who illegally escaped a reformatory school over the doctor of said school? And I don't think Sakuragi thought that turning over the letter would make everything happily ever after, it was simply the only thing he could do without violating his principles. Remember when the American soldier commented that Sakuragi had the eyes of a "kamikaze"? Sakuragi was totally aware it probably wouldn't end well for him, but he wanted to destroy Sakuragi, and he did it the only way he could, short of becoming a murderer.

Him turning over the letter was symbolic of Sakuragi realizing his friends were more important to him than his cause, and it ultimately drove Ishihara mad, seeing that Sakuragi could totally surrender to him without losing a shred of nobility or humanity.
Jul 7, 2010 7:35 AM

Apr 2010
Although I was already expecting An-chan to die at some point, I can say I was kinda disappointed on the reason he died for.. I hate that this is actually coming from my mouth when talking 'bout An-chan but still I think the reason he died is pretty stupid.. Ugg, I said it, sorry bout that, that's just how I really feel.. X(

I really feel sad for Setsuko, never thought she'd be an important character at first.. But still An-chan dying will have a much more factor in the development of the other characters, though still I prefer he lived together with them.. >_<
Jul 7, 2010 11:36 AM
Jan 2010
Lamest death of main character ever, this show will not get more then 8 now...
He could have thrown the stupid knife away, what the hell? What for? It is a suicide, it is... and it's lame... he wen't trough so much to meet all at that tree, etc... and he died for no reason at all with his own choice? or he just got crazy at that moment?
Jul 9, 2010 9:40 AM

Feb 2009
I honestly didn't expect them to Kill Sakuragi, but it was being foreshadowed in the last episodes and I guess it was necessary. The show is so good right now (and since the beginning), keeps surprising me and I never thought I would end up enjoying this so much.
Jul 9, 2010 1:22 PM

Apr 2009
niiice ep..
tho i dont think he killed him xD
Jul 10, 2010 4:27 PM
Jan 2009
Mario reminds me of Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist. The hair and those gloves. :D
Jul 22, 2010 9:59 PM

Feb 2010
:( Sakuragi is gone.
Mario kinda has his hair though >>
Jul 23, 2010 1:55 AM

Jun 2008
johnkx said:
Ishihara died when Anchan died, I don't think he can recover, but he's probably dead soon anyways.

Yeah better leave him be. His not even worthy of killing and staining your hands with blood. Let him suffer alone until he dies.

As about the doctor i think instead of killing him it would be better to just ruin his life completely and make him leave threw hell.
They should destroy his political attempts by spreading rumors and making him a target of gay pedophile accusations. He won't even have the will to go out of his house anymore. they should also do something to make him live with fear.

Sakuraki why didn't you drop the fucking knife!!!!!
To be honest i was more sad for Setsuko than exactly for him dieing. His not suffering much as being dead but the ones that loved him do. You freaking idiot you can go ahead and die like a moron when you have a nice pretty girl like that waiting for you. Shame on you for making her suffer like that.
Seriously she's a wonderful woman. I was astonished by her maturity afterwards when Mario told her about his revenge. She loved Sakuraki but didn't obsessed herself with revenge thoughts. She told him to look for the future and his own life. Very rarely you see such mature nice women in anime.
Jul 23, 2010 11:21 AM

May 2008
Sakuragi actually fucking died...? Ugh...this was the worst thing that could happen. He was my favorite character in this whole damn show..I fucking cried.
StarPebblitJul 23, 2010 11:29 AM

Jul 24, 2010 12:36 AM
Jan 2010
got so upset at this ep, i can't believe Sakuragi dies so soon i mean he was the main character and a good main character at that grrr really annoyed me that he had to die. Why couldn't he have dropped the knife.
Jul 29, 2010 7:11 AM

Dec 2008
I cried so much during this episode that I gave myself a headache. My favorite character is dead and gone. Damn you, Ishihara and Sasaki!!!!!!

Is it just me or does Mario really bear a striking resemblance to Sakuragi?
Aug 1, 2010 3:59 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
AnimeMama said:
IIs it just me or does Mario really bear a striking resemblance to Sakuragi?
I'm sure that's intentional.




[H+] ³  
Aug 4, 2010 8:03 AM

Apr 2009
An-chan... T_T

I was expecting somebody to die in this series because of the OP scenes. I thought it would be Mario because of their different hair styles (silly me!) but then he looked like Sakuragi after the time skip... meh.

I like Setsuko's new look.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Aug 8, 2010 2:12 PM

May 2008
I expected so much from this series and in return I got a grimdark series that is plotted like a generic shounen anime and has so much ridiculous melodrama that it would make the creators of shit like Kanon blush.
Aug 11, 2010 11:10 AM
Nov 2009
KayChan4U said:
Sakuragi actually fucking died...? Ugh...this was the worst thing that could happen. He was my favorite character in this whole damn show..I fucking cried.

^Idd Q___Q
Sep 5, 2010 4:39 AM

Mar 2010
When he was shot dead my jaw dropped..This is the second time this has ever happened to me..First time in Death note, when L died..I just can't see why the second part will be better..Apart from the revenge part, i can't think of something that amazing.But this show has surprised me a lot..So i don't think i'll be left disappointed.
Sep 13, 2010 5:12 AM

Apr 2009
I didint expect Sakuragi's death so early...We have new Sakuragi now... i thought he met with Ishiara in hell what kind of place was that 0.0

Hentai jiji must die !!! Let ishiara live his pathetic life he dont even deserve death.
Sep 18, 2010 10:37 AM
Apr 2010
Ok, now when I first saw the plot, the first thing that came to my mind was the movie Sleepers. Now, after 12 episodes, it becomes even more similar. First, some teens get to the prison, then they get out and plan to kill their former torturers.
Dec 18, 2010 10:29 PM

Feb 2010
Geez. Sakuragi's death had almost no impact on me whatsoever.

I couldn't care less about Ishihara at this point, but I would love to see Sasaki's perversity and past revealed to the public.
Jan 6, 2011 11:35 PM

Dec 2008
novalis said:
Geez. Sakuragi's death had almost no impact on me whatsoever.

I couldn't care less about Ishihara at this point, but I would love to see Sasaki's perversity and past revealed to the public.

This, mostly. I didn't really feel anything beyond Sakuragi's death than, "Oh, that sucks." I wanted him to go all Chuck Norris and live through water torture, starvation, beating, stabbing, and bullets. So I'm kind of disappointed he's gone so soon. I guess that's really all your body can take. He's totally like a father figure to these boys, so it's up to them to live out their lives...

And that's where I started getting annoyed. Mario, after this whole time of liking you, you have to kill Ishihara because you have to as a man? I literally yelled, "THANK YOU," when Setsuko slapped him across the face and told him that's not what Sakuragi would have wanted. You all get out fine, start building a pathway to achieving your dreams, and then you practically decide to throw yourselves back in prison by committing murder? Brilliant, just fucking brilliant. I don't care how fucked up Ishihara is, he's just not worth your time. Delusional twisted fuck. Sasaki deserves to be taken down a few pegs - MAYOR?! C'MON - but still, murder is too good for them if we're talking about vengeance for Sakuragi.

ALSO SO MUCH TIME PASSED IN THIS EPISODE, WTF. I seriously thought that tree meeting wouldn't take place until the last few episodes in the series. My dreams for it have been spoiled.

Funny how more people seemed pissed at the last episode and I did a reversal this time. I could understand and like the last episode, but this one just flipped everything backwards for me. If Ishihara dies by Mario's hands, he's lost my love/respect for him. Didn't Sakuragi teach you anything? Gracious.

I hope things pick up again for me next episode, especially with some people saying this is where things really begin. I don't see how since I thought everyone together at the tree was the goal. I was happy with things until this episode. I usually don't feel this way about series I watch, hmph.
Apr 29, 2011 9:39 PM
Dec 2010
:( sigh... same I really was hoping they could all meet under the tree.. and I somehow knew that there is a chance that he may die but I never thought that he was going to die this early... I was like "WTF!! wtf? wtf!" when he died.. and was thinking that maybe I should hold off the episode and maybe the whole anime.. cuz... damn..

argghh! I really hate the way he died.. why didnt he just drop the effing knife!?!? zzz...
but moving on.. yeah.. maybe he should have just let ishihara live.. cuz living is like torture for ishihara.. and that would be the best revenge+sakuragi will be happy..

and LOL.. mario is like a clone of sakugari.. ahaha.. :))
Jun 25, 2011 7:54 PM

Feb 2008
So uh, why didn't he just drop the knife?
People are strange, when you're a stranger
Jul 10, 2011 12:55 PM
Jun 2010
i never felt like crying in any anime except air, but when anchan died... i felt a little tear come out of my eye... so sad... rip anchan!

btw anyone else think that mario looks like anchan?
Sep 12, 2011 9:41 PM

Jun 2008
Bleh... I didn't cry for Anchan because he brought it on himself. And I'm a crybaby, yet this didn't move me at all. I felt more sad for Setsuko. And now, because he didn't kill Ishihara when he could've, Mario will become a murderer? Nice going. Meh and meh. Wanna see what they do to Sasaki though.
Jan 26, 2012 7:14 PM

May 2011
Sakuragi... what the hell. You were to good to die. Why is it in shows like these the aniki must always go?

I like to think that he didn't drop the knife because he didn't know what was happening. He wasn't healthy, was stabbed, standing in pouring rain for a good hour, he probably couldn't even see straight.

I really need a HUGE motivational factor to continue this show, he was carrying it for me up until now.

Kayaba-Jan 26, 2012 7:40 PM
Feb 29, 2012 7:52 PM

Jan 2009
Great episode!

Didn't expect them to have revenge actually.

Jun 3, 2012 4:06 PM

Nov 2011
Damn it,

I hope Ishihara finally gets his next time.
Jun 24, 2012 8:00 PM

Mar 2008
What a stupid way to die, he could have just dropped the damn knife. I'm thinking Sakuragi probably didn't want to live anymore, that's why he held on to the knife because there is no other logical reason to do so.

I'm thinking he didn't want the others to suffer anymore because of him via Sasaki and Ishihara, so he just decided to die, and the flashbacks before he died is kind of proof of that. It's kind of unsettling though, Ishihara said that he was going to rape Setsuko and Sakuragi is now dead.
"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star." -Friedrich Nietzsche |

Aug 2, 2012 6:07 AM

Aug 2011
I think most of are forgetting that this anime actually tries to be as realistic as possible. Pulling a Kamina would be cool, but is it actually realistic? No. It definetly isn't. Why didn't he just drop the knive? He was stabbed for God's sake, and his mind was with Mario becoming a man. Him even saying ''I need to see Mario becoming a man'' proves that he wasn't 100% sane. If anything, I think his death was done fantastic, because it also shows you the behaviour the Americans had against the Japanese.
Aug 11, 2012 2:15 PM

Jun 2012
I haven't cried this much since Clannad After Story and I never hated a character so much until now.

Nothing about Sakuragi's death was justified. It wasn't like he had a gun pointed or was even swinging the knife he had around. He was barely conscious slowly walking towards them. Yet, they still shot him...several fucking times. Fuck you Ishihara, fuck that doctor. Sakuragi, Setsuko, and the other guys are the last people who deserved this. Society really is fucked up.

Though I'm not gonna lie, I saw his death coming since episode 2 (specifically once I saw the opening). It was pretty obvious that one of them was missing (counting to 7 isn't that difficult). Sakuragi had the death flag written all over him. So I was surprised when tears started rolling down when the inevitable happened. I'll still continue watching to see how the other characters develop, but it just won't be the same without Sakuragi.
Sep 18, 2012 8:35 PM

Mar 2012
Man, Bison really let himself go.
Feb 8, 2013 8:16 PM

Aug 2012
didn't expect this to be happen
Feb 18, 2013 12:18 AM

May 2010
I think I've about had it. I rarely drop anime but I think this is it for me. I know people say it gets good from here on but really. Ugh. I predicted they'd kill off Sakuragi - and sure it was a bit later than I thought, but still.

I thought this was going to be amazing but for me personally it just really isn't.
Mar 1, 2013 10:17 PM

Sep 2011
Its hard to believe that he is ACTUALLY dead after all that.
Mar 29, 2013 3:16 PM
Aug 2007
Damnit, why do all the best men die first :'(

So disappointed that he's dead. And I'm surprised that the guys have been released already and its only halfway through the show. Hate Ishihara, but killing him now is pointless.. he needed to die much earlier :/

Pervert doctor is clearly the brains behind this whole mess of corruption. I hope the guys can exact some sweet revenge on him...

I'm reading that it gets even better from here on, but I don't see what they could do from here on! Can't wait to find out..
Apr 4, 2013 10:41 AM

Aug 2011
We pretty much all saw Sakuragi's death looming all over the series since the start.
Still doesn't make me feel any better about it.

OriginANIME said:
Its hard to believe that he is ACTUALLY dead after all that.

I know right? He went through so much shit when he was looked up.
I can't help but to think that his struggles were pointless after all.

I don't think I can hate another character more than I hate Ishihara and that old fart of a doctor.
That's how much I hate him that his I can't even remember his name.

He's trying to be a mayor. Damn it all, someone just please run him over TWICE already.
Jun 1, 2013 9:23 AM
Apr 2013
I really hope they don't make Mario some Sakuragi clone. Like the hair, the eye thing, I really don't like what I'm seeing. Mario even said he would live his own path, yet it's being WAY contradictory. I love the idea how Sakuragi help Mario transcend and become a "man" but it isn't looking like Mario is his own person.I'm going to be so disappointed if he just becomes some copy cat that can never BE Sakuragi.

I felt like the pacing in this episode was way too fast. Sakuragi's death seemed rushed, there wasn't even a funeral scene. I really was expecting much more time given to the transition back outside instead of the god dam Narrator just telling us what they're all doing now. I mean, I figured the show would be about the prison life and then how they recuperate and adjust back outside.
Jun 22, 2013 10:11 PM
May 2013
I wasn't surprise that he did not drop the knife. I already saw him rush into a fire to save his friends thinking he can breakthrough the doors with bare hands. Still good episode though.
Jun 30, 2013 2:31 PM

Jan 2013
Now what will the second half be about. I didn't expect it to progress so fast
Jul 1, 2013 5:16 AM

Jul 2011
It's good to see everyone all grown up... I'm happy that Mario now looks like Sakuragi :-) and i'm also thrilled they're after Sasaki and Ishihara that junkie.
Jul 30, 2013 4:24 PM

Nov 2011
Felt like it was seriously forced.
The guy had lost a serious amount of blood and could barely stand, yet he was still holding the knife as hard as possible, which he had no reason to hold anymore. I get that he probably couldn't hear well due to the blood loss so wasn't aware fully of what's going on, but seriously. There's fucking MP and police standing in front of you with weapons and the Japanese police are trying to save you by making you drop the knife.

Could have easily been avoided, which is why I like to say... this scene was forced.

I knew it was going to happen, just by seeing the OP, but sadly not like this.. Well, best see how they'll make up for it.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Aug 7, 2013 7:00 AM

Nov 2012
Ragix said:
I knew it was going to happen, just by seeing the OP, but sadly not like this.. Well, best see how they'll make up for it.
To be honest the opening made me think that Mario would die in the end. And his wish on the tree make's me think that even more. I really did not expected this. I always thought Mario was the only one missing in the op.
Aug 8, 2013 2:04 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Sakuragi's death made me cry buckets...though I knew it was coming because of that OP without him at the tree, but I still hoped that I was wrong. That was so depressing, I really wanted him to just drop the damn knife, yet it made sense why he didn't. It's not because he didn't want to, but because he probably couldn't think straight with all that blood loss and pain, all he wanted was to see Mario in his match. But then the way he got shot multiple times was just heartbreaking. Seeing only six of them meeting up at the tree was more bitter than sweet, because there's one person missing, the most important one too. And although they said they have to make Sasaki and Ishihara pay for what they've done or else they can't move on, it's really childish of them to think that way. But maybe they'll learn from this too. Reading this thread gave me some insight about the story though :) I'm glad Rainbow has such interesting discussions.
Oct 8, 2013 7:13 PM

Jan 2013
bwahahachick said:

Well, firstly, I'm a girl, so I can't say I really care about bathhouse scenes. But my reasons for my rating of TTGL and any show for that matter are my own and not worth the time of going into. This, again, has nothing to do with Rainbow. People rate anime on very different scales. Also, TTGL and Rainbow are completely different genres and are quite incomparable. It seems like you want to argue about TTGL instead of the quality of the storytelling of this episode though, so this is going nowhere.
noteDhero said:
It's not the exact same way of thinking. TTGL is a shounen that takes the idea purposefully over-the-top to absurdist levels, to be a comedy with good characters and enough heart to have episodes like Simon's reaction to the death of Kamina.

Rainbow is a drama. Plain and simple, and uses over-the-top violence and melodrama (in a milder manner than TTGL) to try and create some sense of strength in its wooden characters.

TTGL took the time to build characters like Simon and Rossiu, while understanding the nature of characters like Kamina and Viral, and dealing with them accordingly. Rainbow doesn't know how to do this, and that's why the show fails in comparison.
You're both fucking stupid.
Oct 15, 2013 2:51 PM

Jul 2009
I don't mind at all that Sakuragi died (and it was foreshadowed a lot), but how it happened I just can't get over. After all he survived both on his own and thanks to his friends who fought for someone like they never had before, THIS is how he dies!?... really!?

I think I need a break before I continue on to process this.
Oct 29, 2013 12:42 AM

Sep 2013
A sad, but expected death.

I'm interested in their plans personally I was in Mario's place after seeing Ishihara in that state I probably would of just left him alone after beating up some, he seems like he's going to die soon anyways :p

I'm curious about Undercovered's plan.

Next ep is a recap :/
Nov 21, 2013 12:56 PM

Sep 2011
I'm still hoping that this is not real and Sakuragi will come back ; n ;
Nov 29, 2013 12:30 PM

Oct 2010
God damn it! Why the hell didn't he drop the fing knife!!!!!!?!?!?
Jan 25, 2014 12:08 AM

Mar 2012
That was more annoying than tragic to be honest. Could've easily been avoided by just GIVING THE DAM LETTER TO THE POLICE once he had recovered. Ultimately it was the nurse that screwed them over by acting suspicious when borrowing the camera. Could she not have done it someplace besides the place where the degenerate pedophile doctor works? ಠ_ಠ
Jan 31, 2014 8:19 PM

Jan 2014
Honestly i cried. Now that sakuragi is dead, i have no idea what to expect anymore

As of now, please try to refrain from looking at MAL. its a complete mess right now T-T
People of anime have whooped, roasted, beaten, and tamed my ass. I have learned my ways and will never speak that horrible word. But, believe me, MY DAY OF VENGEANCE SHALL COME(please dont take this seriously, just "trying" to be funny lol
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