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Nov 18, 2008 1:35 PM

Sep 2008
I thought it was ok. Series was good thoughout also.
Jun 3, 2009 7:31 PM
May 2009
Would have prefered a end more like the manga, honestly.
Sep 12, 2009 12:18 PM
May 2009
I loved it! It was a perfect ending!!!!
Nov 2, 2009 12:50 PM
Sep 2009
I would have kinda liked it if Hazumu would have back to being boy during the weding.
Jan 26, 2010 7:29 AM

Oct 2009
if you remember she can't turn intoboy ever again sorry to say that
Mar 31, 2010 10:27 AM

Mar 2010
Great episode!

Wow, getting Tomari x Hazumu now.. That's a turn of events since ep12.. Yasuna can be on her own two feet now, that's good, and yes, it does make sense that way.

Yeah, it was clearly said in the first episode that Hazumu will be a girl forever, that the operation cannot be reversed..
Aug 15, 2011 6:04 PM
Jul 2011
It was ok. As for the series, I give it a 6 or 7 out of 10.
Jan 20, 2012 9:57 PM

Mar 2008
I guess I was the only one hoping that Tomari got hit by the space ship and turned into a boy. As Hazumu couldn't revert back and she was already pretty tom-boyish, why not have Tomari become a boy?

Otherwise, it was still a good ending.
Feb 15, 2012 10:36 AM

Jun 2009
I did preferred Tomari but what was that? Was this even written by the same author? It's completely out of character. I did cheered for Tomari but certainly didn't want it to turn into something as grossly farfetched as this; it defeats completely the previous ending and all that breakup stuff from the previous episode - turning them into some kind of joke!
Mar 12, 2012 12:24 AM

May 2011
Awful ending. both of the series, the TV one and OVA one, were god awful. It really tarnished what was looking to be a decent love triangle romance.
Mar 12, 2012 1:10 AM

May 2009
It was all worth it just to hear Rika say ume once more.

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Kino's Journey
Jun 10, 2012 9:22 PM

Jun 2012
I liked this ending more than the original. I really enjoyed this series all together though.
Jul 9, 2012 8:51 PM

Jul 2009
Sigh... I'm having divided feelings about this... I hate it how they somehow "cheapened" Tomari's feelings and their relationship by her taking him back but... Holy cow, yuri wedding! I can't say no to that! ;_;

But still, Tomari didn't deserve to have to deal with such asses.
Aug 20, 2012 2:11 PM

Jan 2008
I liked the series so much, and the ending was so "TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!"... but this was completely stupid, I'm sure any fanfiction about what happened next was much better than this absurdity (and I have read none).
Jan 5, 2013 11:57 PM

Sep 2012
This ending was truly beautiful i loved it allot i wish it was longer cuz i rly need to shed a tear about this i hate when anime stuff those that with you.
Jan 11, 2013 10:45 AM

Jul 2012
I'm actually seriously pissed at Yasuna. She turns down Hazumu -> wants him back when he becomes a girl -> puts him in a position where he chooses her (seemingly mostly out of guilt) over the girl that really cares for him -> dumps him again, and even implies that she only needed him to "help her stand on her own."

Despite the "happy" ending, I still feel really bad for Tomari and Hazumu, who both had their emotions jerked around all because of Yasuna.
"Let's make a miracle happen using the power of friendship."
"If that was all it took, there'd be no need for training arcs!"

"Normal rabbits don't carry guns!"
Mar 7, 2013 7:22 AM

Sep 2012
meneope said:
I did preferred Tomari but what was that? Was this even written by the same author? It's completely out of character. I did cheered for Tomari but certainly didn't want it to turn into something as grossly farfetched as this; it defeats completely the previous ending and all that breakup stuff from the previous episode - turning them into some kind of joke!

well dunno but OVA matches the series 100%, & in manga Tomari & Hazumu ended up together as well, so that part matches the manga, who cares if this EP was a bit weird!?
Mar 7, 2013 7:24 AM

Sep 2012
Cirris said:
Awful ending. both of the series, the TV one and OVA one, were god awful. It really tarnished what was looking to be a decent love triangle romance.

ton't whine so much!!! :D
Mar 7, 2013 7:30 AM

Sep 2012
slayer0109 said:
I liked this ending more than the original. I really enjoyed this series all together though.

that was the original cause 1first thing it continued the story & second in manga Tomari & Hazumu ended up together, & they did end up together here to, or did they not? yes they did!!! so that proves my point, if it is ova dose not mean it is not original ending what was meant to be, sometimes they finish anime's with OVA'S, original ending OVA'S, cause they missed something that's why it is called Sequel not alternative!!!, if it is Sequel it means it is original!!! that is 3th point that proves my point
Mar 7, 2013 7:32 AM

Sep 2012
kirby said:
I liked the series so much, and the ending was so "TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!"... but this was completely stupid, I'm sure any fanfiction about what happened next was much better than this absurdity (and I have read none).

read manga online :D
Mar 7, 2013 7:44 AM

Sep 2012
mg021 said:
I'm actually seriously pissed at Yasuna. She turns down Hazumu -> wants him back when he becomes a girl -> puts him in a position where he chooses her (seemingly mostly out of guilt) over the girl that really cares for him -> dumps him again, and even implies that she only needed him to "help her stand on her own."

Despite the "happy" ending, I still feel really bad for Tomari and Hazumu, who both had their emotions jerked around all because of Yasuna.

i felt the same way when i watched it first time, but later i started to understand Yasuna's feelings to (& the situation), she decided to let her go so Hazumu & Tomari could be happy together, cause she will depend on her forever if she dose not bush her away, in the end she let her go cause new she is able to stand on her own new, & i think she also realized that Hazumu was with her out of quilt & pity, we cant blame Yasu, SH just happened, i know it sucks, but its life, cause of Hazu she was bale to over come her disease & do none selfish decision in the end & that what counts, it all happened cause of Yasu's disease, u shod be pissed at her disease not her, its SH but awry thing worked out fine in the end & its good that Yasu got over her disease, yes Yasu's cure cost others to suffer a bit, but the pain of others was temporary, but Yasu's suffering with out Hazu wold have peen life time, so witch is better 2 people suffering temporary or 1 person suffering life time? & Yasu did not want eny1 to suffer, she loves Hazu & cause of her disease she was unable to see things clearly & to think things clearly & think none selfishly & make none selfish decision, there are no bad guy's here only victims
Sugram22Mar 8, 2013 3:08 AM
Aug 26, 2013 12:18 PM
Jul 2018
Although I was cheering for Hazumo to end up with Tomari I was happy about the ending of the tv series. I don't get why they decided to make this episode. It does nothing for the series...
Nov 15, 2013 6:19 AM

Feb 2010
Yasuna sure change a lot, too bad they didn't show how she developed, they have few time anyway...

The ova is a bit farfetched, but, people love good end, and this is comedy after all, so...
Feb 19, 2014 2:55 PM

May 2012
An xmas special which didn't really add anything to the story than just seeing all the characters again living their daily lives! The ending sure was cute though.

All by all a pretty decent ova!
Aug 28, 2014 7:17 AM

Aug 2013
This pissed me off. Oh now that Yasuna's fine she dumped Hazumu again? What's this you don't want to be swallowed by her kindness? Well aren't you a selfish *expletives here*!

And what the f*ck is up with Hazumu? She drove a dagger to Tomari's heart, stomped on it, lit it on fire then chucked it off a cliff when she chose Yasuna. Now she comes running back to Tomari after she gets dumped by Yasuna. And then she's like "Tomari, if you don't tell me I won't know!" What a *expletives here*!

This just...this just...AAARRRRGHHH!
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Sep 13, 2014 7:34 AM
Sep 2014
The 12th Episode sucked so much and this OVA "real" ending isn't much better...

I had trouble following what the crap was going on. and had to watch the 12th and this ova a second time just to be sure that i understood everything properly. I managed to at least be amused with the 1st 11 episodes but the 12th and final episode and the ova was just so wrong on so many levels.

I dont now about about everyone else but personnaly, this is what I got from this OVA...
1. "Hey, I can see now, I dont need you yeah, lets break up now coz I haz to stand on my own feet..." WTF?
2. "'re over huh...ok, i understand, i'll support you all the'm alone eh...hmm...hey..where's that Tomari? What an Ahole
3. " broke my heart, tore it out, stepped on it and kicked it around and threw me into the river and now you're coming back coz Yasuna dumped you? wtf?! no no no no..... OK... whit a cherry on top!" what is wrong with her?
4."hey, you know, its not like you're the only one hurt, hazumu is hurting coz he got dumped...soo...give him some with him umm her..." again, WTF? what kind of damn friends are those two filler characters? So, only Hazumu's feelings are important and Tomari can go kiss Hazumu's ass? damn!

I'm not winning or anything, i'm just calling bad crap when i see it and this stupid ending is crap crap crap.

I would have preffered that Tomari dumped her/his ass for a stupidly sad ending. it may be sad but at least its more realistic than having Tomari accept Hazumu just like that after being treated badly like that.

They made a happy ending just for the sake of having a happy ending even if it was horribly written...maybe they had some massive brain drain or something...

lukily, i found the manga and found its ending a billion times better than this lame ass anime ending.

I'll just put this anime in my "watch and forget list"...then again, if it weren't for the comedy, i wouldn't have endured watching this.. luckily it was funny and good thing too that i'm open minded.

Overall, i'd recommend the 1st 11 episodes to those who like girl on girl stuff and then i'd just skip the last episode and the ova and just go read the manga as the manga's ending is the way to go.
ils411Sep 13, 2014 7:38 AM
Sep 16, 2014 7:42 PM
Jul 2018
I actually hated the wedding part. Was that supposed to be believable? I'm happy to realize this ova pissed off a lot of you too. I'm not alone on this one. :)
Dec 8, 2014 5:40 AM

Jul 2009
well look at that... Namiko sensei might not end up alone after all x3
Jan 7, 2015 10:06 PM

Apr 2010
I'm guessing sometime during those four months the gang learned that Hitoshi Sora and Jan Puu were the aliens that turned Hazumu into a girl. Those two returned to Earth for more observation I guess.

When Yasuna still had her psychological condition she sought her love for Hazumu as emotional support but now that she is free of her condition she has become quite happy and emotionally strong enough that she doesn't need to lean on Hazumu as much. She believed at this point it was Tomari that needed Hazumu more than her.
Jan 21, 2015 5:28 AM

Feb 2014
xchee said:
This pissed me off. Oh now that Yasuna's fine she dumped Hazumu again? What's this you don't want to be swallowed by her kindness? Well aren't you a selfish *expletives here*!

And what the f*ck is up with Hazumu? She drove a dagger to Tomari's heart, stomped on it, lit it on fire then chucked it off a cliff when she chose Yasuna. Now she comes running back to Tomari after she gets dumped by Yasuna. And then she's like "Tomari, if you don't tell me I won't know!" What a *expletives here*!

This just...this just...AAARRRRGHHH!
ils411 said:

I dont now about about everyone else but personnaly, this is what I got from this OVA...
1. "Hey, I can see now, I dont need you yeah, lets break up now coz I haz to stand on my own feet..." WTF?
2. "'re over huh...ok, i understand, i'll support you all the'm alone eh...hmm...hey..where's that Tomari? What an Ahole
3. " broke my heart, tore it out, stepped on it and kicked it around and threw me into the river and now you're coming back coz Yasuna dumped you? wtf?! no no no no..... OK... whit a cherry on top!" what is wrong with her?
4."hey, you know, its not like you're the only one hurt, hazumu is hurting coz he got dumped...soo...give him some with him umm her..." again, WTF? what kind of damn friends are those two filler characters? So, only Hazumu's feelings are important and Tomari can go kiss Hazumu's ass? damn!

I would have preffered that Tomari dumped her/his ass for a stupidly sad ending. it may be sad but at least its more realistic than having Tomari accept Hazumu just like that after being treated badly like that.

lukily, i found the manga and found its ending a billion times better

if it weren't for the comedy, i wouldn't have endured watching this.. luckily it was funny and good thing too that i'm open minded.

With this ^ I was spared from writing my opinion here, which is exactly what is written above.
Feb 4, 2016 10:28 PM

Dec 2012

Yeaaah, I try my best to be optimistic and see the beauty in what shows do right, but this just dove headfirst into the pit of lava and I'm not going after it. I have extremely mixed feelings about this ending. On one hand, I can sort of see what Yasuna is saying. I think that she was using Hazumu as a crutch because she could see him back when she was ill. In that sense, she knew Hazumu's indecisiveness was mainly due to wanting to comfort Yasuna so once she was "liberated", she realized that Hazumu's heart was still yearning for Tomari. That could be seen in the last episode when she kept wanting to hold onto her time with Tomari.

However, this was poorly executed and frankly had little to no impact with the Benedict Arnold frequency of coat turning and skirt chasing that Hazumu spent the whole show doing. And let's talk about that for a moment. I am *expleti--* okay no, fuck this. I try to keep an open mind with love triangles. As overdone as they are, they can still pull through when the characters are endearing and have compelling growth in the process. Neither of which was fulfilled by the end of this.

Ironically the characters were growing on me more back when they weren't even pursuing romance and just getting along as friends. That's why the OP was so appealing and honestly the hide & seek portion is the best part of the entire show. How fucking sad.

I won't lie though, that double bride wedding was great. Too bad the blood, sweat, and tears it was built on made it a complete joke in retrospect. Speaking of jokes, this show was funny man. hahahahahaha.....oh wait, except that they recycled the SAME FUCKING JOKE FOR 13 EPISODES. HAHAHAHA ASUTA IS A PERVERT HAHAHAHA DADDY IS A CREEP HAHAHAHA TEACHER IS A DUMB VIRGIN THAT FALLS OFF BUILDINGS.

Now to be fair, I did like Yasuna's more outgoing nature this episode and it made for some amusing moments. Would have been much appreciated earlier into the show. I also liked that moment between Hazumu and her father at the end, at least cementing that his jokes, stale and creepy as they may be, are only his ways of caring for her (bleh).

Most of this is the result of that ending driving me up a wall. Because in all honesty I really did enjoy the main series. Unfortunately, this ending took what could have been a good series and turned it into sublime mediocrity.

6/10 for TV series
4/10 for OVA, bumped up to 5 just because I loved that wedding moment.
Jan 10, 2018 7:50 PM

Jan 2017
I guess that's one way to undo 11 episodes of character development in less than 20 minutes.
My name is 3DPD and this is my Internet forum signature. If there's anything I've learned in 21 years of using Internet forums, it's that life is meaningless and nothing we say or do here will matter in the grand scheme of things.
Mar 9, 2021 3:40 AM
Mar 2021
The ending to the series was amazing but the ova feels like an different story. Did the same author write this?
Mar 10, 2021 7:54 AM

Aug 2018
Well, Yasuna is certainly more active with everyone.. Well, now she can see everyone, after all..
And Yasuna decided not to be in relationship with Hazumu after all, hm.. She wants to be independent.. Well, she's more active with people in general, so it seems it's not problem for her.. Poor Hazumu, though.. But maybe she'll manage to start things with Tomari, who knows..
That wedding is so corny.. ;P
Well.. At the end.. Everyone are happy.. Even teacher.. ;P
Apr 25, 2021 12:59 PM
Jun 2016
Ah, so Yasuna rejected Hazumu again. The last episode of the Kashimashi TV series (as this one's an OVA sequel) feels like it wrapped everything well (or at least wrapped up an arc well) while leaving it open-ended for the viewers. Complete with Sora the alien giving a speech fit for a finale. But of course, I'm also fine with this OVA being made and having the questions from the "first season" being answered.

Nice to see that Hazumu's father, Namiko (the teacher), and Asuta doing something else in the OVA. They got too sidelined as comic reliefs (mostly the father and the teacher) for most of the TV series, lol.

I'd say I like the finale of the TV series better as an ending when it comes to presentation. Like what I've said on my comment on that MAL thread, it feels like a diet version of Makoto Shinkai's films. But this OVA fits better as an ending thematically. The show baits team Hazumu x Yasuna by showing their kiss in the first episode and having the pairing be the "official" one on the TV series' finale. There's also the whole plot of Yasuna's disorder being cured by love, giving the anime some sort of "end-goal" it has to achieve. But at the same time, Tomari knew Hazumu the longest due to the two being childhood friends. I like the "compare and contrast" personalities the two had. With Hazumu being the girly girl who was once in a boy's body, and Tomari being the tomboy who always had a girl's body. I also felt like there were more Tomari x Hazumu moments.

Another beautiful thing is that Yasuna realized that she didn't need to depend on Hazumu to be cured. Maybe all she needed was her friendship. To be honest, I like seeing co-dependent lesbian relationships in anime. Maybe because I project to it? That should mean I should hate how it's not officially Hazumu x Yasuna? But the way Yasuna decided to be independent was just beautiful, to be honest.

Does this ending undermine all the setting up the last episodes of the TV series? Maybe. I think I do slightly prefer Tomari x Hazumu, but I also like Hazumu x Yasuna. So either way, I love both endings.

Also, at least the teacher finally got her wish. Not that Ayuki x Tomari was that teased in the TV series, but I guess that won't be happening since Hazumu x Tomari is official. You could say that it could be Ayuki x Yasuna, but eh. I don't think they've ever interacted within the show that much, anyway. Although to be fair, they do kind of have good chemistry, not gonna lie.
Mat2468xkApr 25, 2021 1:05 PM
Jan 23, 2022 5:15 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Puu is back! :3

Ehh.. That Namiko x Soro was so forced.

Well, Hazumo and Tomari are cute together and Yasuna made the right decision, but overall this show was a disappointment.

SerafosApr 10, 2024 5:55 AM
Jan 5, 2023 10:56 PM

May 2014
They fixed their mistake and shipped the right couple. A more satisfying end. But I stand by my point, a dragged plot. Meh, not very very satisfying. A fine 5/9.
Feb 15, 2023 10:52 AM

Aug 2021
good ending, this resolved yasunas codependency so everybodys happy right right right

oh and at the end of the day, i happy with any result, whether its yasuna or tomari, idc, i didnt have a preference for a ship; obviously the top tier answer would be polyamory lol but i mean some people just cant do this
im pretty sure hazumu would be quite open to such relationship, but u cant force urself to love somebody, everybody has to love eachother in a thruple, and as much as i think both tomari and yasuna fit hazumu very well, they dont really fit eachother at all

i really loved the characters, thats what made this series so insanely impactful to me, the conflict felt so unresolvable, because hazumu obviously loved both of them equally, but yeah, yal know
elgatosaikaFeb 15, 2023 10:59 AM
Sep 3, 2023 10:01 PM

Jun 2014
I wasn't certain what to expect first. Will Yasuna really be okay?

That wedding scene between Hazumu and Tomari was really something. I'd like to experience that with a woman someday. Also, even Namiko's love being reciprocated by the alien man? I didn't see that coming, lol.

Overall, this was really something. I'm glad that I watched it. :)

Sep 14, 2023 5:23 PM
Jun 2020
Reply to Sugram22
Cirris said:
Awful ending. both of the series, the TV one and OVA one, were god awful. It really tarnished what was looking to be a decent love triangle romance.

ton't whine so much!!! :D
@Sugram22 funny, you whining about someone whining. Hilarious.
Dec 22, 2023 8:01 AM
Dec 2023
dont question me.
Jan 26, 2024 1:17 PM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
Really like this OVA, more than the ending of the TV series. Quality of animation was better, fanservice was better, and the ending was beautiful.
Easy 7/10 for me.
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