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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Jan 8, 2024 9:51 AM
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One thing that jumped out was there was a lot less ambiguity over Kashiwagi's sexuality (hopefully I'm not mixing this up with the manga). BTW, the manga is not bad either but IIRC I couldn't find any scanlation past the first Valentine arc.
Then of course there are a few chapters that take place after the anime ends. There's still some content I haven't got to yet and some that wasn't translated when I was reading it.
Of course I liked all the seasons more-or-less equally (S1 a tad less) for different reasons. I could see where Touko's bitchiness/tsundere/self-harm/stubbornness, etc. could get annoying in S4, though. But it just makes that 2nd Valentine arc and final episode so sweet in the end (one of all-time fav anime episodes, period).
Marimite is the only LN I've ever sought out so I don't have much experience on what to look for in a LN vs manga vs anime versions of something.
Although there isn't many of them, the occasional line art in the LN is gorgeous. Especially Sachiko is truly beautiful compared to her anime version: