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Mar 6, 2012 8:24 AM

Nov 2007
Chihaya's opponent is the previous queen, who is depressed. So Chihaya saw the moment she won the title and been adoring her.

Even though she's strong, Chihaya tries her best.

Previous queen is jealous of young ones like the current queen (or "especially" the current queen). She's smiling and cold because she's tired of losing all the time ever since she became the queen. Chihaya is getting the "heat" on her. Chihaya missed and that woke her enemy.

The people outside cannot see because there's mist. The enemy's teacher (= Nikuman's teacher) encouraging her. That also encouraged Chihaya. lol @ being tricked by her "it's mine", which is her usual karuta play. And Chihaya lost.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 6, 2012 11:56 AM

Aug 2011
Ugh. Dammit, Chihaya, why did you have to lose to that picky bitch!
Mar 6, 2012 11:59 AM

Sep 2008
Fuck I hate Yumin.
I'm irked that Chihaya lost, but I just hate the way that Yumin plays and I'm not even the one playing karuta. I hope she gets beat down like a piece of shit by Shinobu again.
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Mar 6, 2012 12:12 PM

Jun 2011
I guess bald a Chihaya will be a new look for her after losing to the previous queen
Mar 6, 2012 12:16 PM
Nov 2010
I'm pretty angry for Chihaya's loss this time... That's mostly because of that Yumin that's pretty annoying... She basically pisses off the competition and wins like that...
Mar 6, 2012 12:38 PM

Aug 2010
I'm not going to hate on Yumi. I know nothing about Karuta so i won't try to guess on whether or not she's playing fair. The other player needs to argue back a bit if they really want to win.

On another note, it seems Yumi needs a boyfriend or something so she won't feel so insecure about being plain looking and boring.
Mar 6, 2012 12:45 PM

Jul 2008
I hate this episode! It's not contesting its lying Yumin. I want to see how she got owned by the current Queen.
Mar 6, 2012 1:00 PM

Nov 2011
I'm so angry about Chihaya's loss this time. Seriously, that Yumin chick was so annoying and b*tchy. She does not deserve to win if she acts like that! D:<
Mar 6, 2012 1:18 PM
Jan 2010
What an annoying episode lol. I seriously hope there is a catch in ep 23.
Mar 6, 2012 1:19 PM

Jun 2011
The previous Queen is so bad
Chihaya should have won o_o
Mar 6, 2012 1:27 PM
Sep 2011
And this was episode 22.... you're kidding right? There is no way this anime's ending will not be rushed. And I'm starting to get angry because I really enjoy it. They better give it a second season.
Mar 6, 2012 1:36 PM
Oct 2008
Chihaya's hair :(
Mar 6, 2012 1:36 PM

Jul 2010
i really didnt see this coming. chihaya should have won this match godammit, its already near the end of the show!
hope the ending is not dissapointing
Mar 6, 2012 1:49 PM
Sep 2011
In the end Chihaya got too hot-headed again and lost her temper which leaded to her defeat. While it would have been great if she had won there's no denying that Yumin probably had more experience and also plays more tactical.
Mar 6, 2012 2:01 PM

Aug 2011
Unless we get another season, I don't see how we can get a solid good ending out of this in just 3 episodes.
Color me freaking impressed if they can pull it off, but I highly doubt it.

I've given this series a 10/10 since the beginning and I don't want to see this being all rushed at the end.

I really do hope we get more.
Mar 6, 2012 2:11 PM

Jul 2011
Chihaya at a point of the match got overconfident, I think you can never take your opponent for granted, because you may end up losing. Seriously, she was the previous Queen therefore is incredibly talented and strong.
Mar 6, 2012 2:13 PM

Nov 2011
There's nothing wrong with her style of playing, but it is quite frustrating to watch. This lose and rebound trend is getting tedious.
Mar 6, 2012 2:18 PM

Jul 2010
I stand here in silence as I saw Chihaya lose this one, almost if I was right next to her watching (weird right?)
Losing to Yumin makes sense, I don't know why people are mad at her, from the calls I saw, she they looked legitimate and if you don't believe that, argue against her.
With only 3 episodes left, I have no idea how they can pull off an ending if Chihaya lost here. I hope another season comes though, this is one of the top animes I get to see each year.
Mar 6, 2012 2:22 PM

May 2010
I love Chihayafuru and all, but this episode really pissed me off for some reason. T_T
Mar 6, 2012 2:26 PM

Nov 2009
Aykino said:
Seriously, that Yumin chick was so annoying and b*tchy. She does not deserve to win if she acts like that! D:<

The ones who deserve to win are those who fight with whatever means necessary.
I paused at one point where Chihaya picked the card, but it looked like Yumin really touched it first. I don't know about the rest. Maybe that's her playing style - touching them and then claiming them.
Mar 6, 2012 2:31 PM

Apr 2008
Yumin, first characther I dislike in this anime.
She annoyed me.
Like, STFU with the arguing you bitch :P

Mar 6, 2012 2:35 PM
Apr 2010
itsvero said:
Ugh. Dammit, Chihaya, why did you have to lose to that picky bitch!

Because this was a stupid moment for her... I have NO IDEA why the F*** Chihaya didn't just reject the contest... WHY DIDN'T SHE SAY ANYTHING!!!!!!??????
Mar 6, 2012 2:40 PM
Jan 2012
She was playing by the rules. She only argued close calls, it's not like she knew she didn't get the card and tried to cheat. And that's not only why she won, until she got beat by Shinobu, she was still considered the best even when she didn't do that. Trying your hardest to win is only natural. Calling her a pitch because of it is pathetic.
Mar 6, 2012 2:41 PM

Aug 2009
OKAY!!! FUCK EVERYONE!!!! -___________-

I really felt like crying for Chihaya in this episode!! T____T

Those dumb bitches and that pork bun kid were rooting for that ex-queen! -___-
Talk about a stab in the back -_______-

I thought it was a plan for disaster when Chihaya got cocky with the match and being over confident that she will win, but still, I hate Yumin! -____-

Mar 6, 2012 2:42 PM

Feb 2011
This episode was pretty lame, lol.

I would have argued back as well. "I don't see any high-speed, stop motion cameras in this room that can prove you touched it first, lolol"
Mar 6, 2012 3:01 PM

May 2010
parfaited said:
Unless we get another season, I don't see how we can get a solid good ending out of this in just 3 episodes.
Color me freaking impressed if they can pull it off, but I highly doubt it.

I've given this series a 10/10 since the beginning and I don't want to see this being all rushed at the end.

I really do hope we get more.

I agree.


I was also ticked off at the ex-queen. so freakin' annoying!!! :|

So did Chihaya really lose? or was the ex-queen lieing? o.0
Mar 6, 2012 3:08 PM

May 2008
idk.. i think Chihaya annoyed me more than Yumin in this episode. Not cause she got all cocky about possibly beating the previous queen but cause she needs to stop losing. lol
Mar 6, 2012 3:36 PM

Dec 2010
I liked Yumin.
Mar 6, 2012 3:38 PM

Nov 2011
Ok, that Yumin was annoying. I actually hoped Chihaya would fight back and show confidence that she touched it first but... Oh well.

Only good thing about this episode is Kana-chan finding out how cool the Top Card Readers can be (and maybe hinting something?).

To me, this and the episode when Taichi lost kind of break the charm of this anime. Not that they should win all the time... I hope they pull something cool, refreshing and passionate out of the next 3eps.

「オレたちがあきらめないかぎり、何も終わりはしない。」 -- ムントさま
Mar 6, 2012 3:46 PM

Jul 2011
Argh. Chihaya better not lose in the last episode. That would be a terrible way to conclude the anime . _ .
Mar 6, 2012 4:10 PM

Oct 2009
Lestrade said:
In the end Chihaya got too hot-headed again and lost her temper which leaded to her defeat. While it would have been great if she had won there's no denying that Yumin probably had more experience and also plays more tactical.

There's a difference between being tactical and being dirty. I though Yumin's playing in the second half was very dirty.
Mar 6, 2012 4:13 PM

Aug 2010
SilencedSoul said:
I liked Yumin.

Yes, someone agrees with me.
Mar 6, 2012 4:28 PM

Sep 2011
Don't care if it's legal in the actual game, but Yumin was a bitch, pure and simple.
Mar 6, 2012 4:43 PM
Jul 2011
Why don't they have judges watching each match to settle these disputes? Or even better, have a camera on the ceiling above each match so they know for sure? It seems really stupid to let players decide for themselves who touched it first, since a player like Yumin will just lie and say "I touched it first" wether they did or not and keep arguing until their opponent gives up.

I'm also a bit pissed at pork-kun (whatever his real name is) for rooting for Yumin. He should be rooting for his freind and teammate, not her opponent.
Mar 6, 2012 4:57 PM

Mar 2011
Chihaya shoulda called bull shit on everything she said and made her prove it thats what i woulda done
<img src="" />
Mar 6, 2012 5:18 PM
Dec 2007
Chihaya should have contested every card too and never allowed the bitch to take even one close card. Being kind and forgiving when you want to play at top level in any sports (well, at mostly anything really) is a cruel mistake you have to correct as soon as possible. At least if I was playing, I can assure you the former Queen wouldn't have taken any of those close cards, they would have had to give a personal referee (and potential video replays ;)) for the match !

Ahh, Chihayafuru, always so powerful emotionally and so perfect in terms of characterization that you really feel like you're a part of the show. Fantastic.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Mar 6, 2012 5:29 PM

Jan 2008
DarthObsidian said:
Why don't they have judges watching each match to settle these disputes? Or even better, have a camera on the ceiling above each match so they know for sure? It seems really stupid to let players decide for themselves who touched it first, since a player like Yumin will just lie and say "I touched it first" wether they did or not and keep arguing until their opponent gives up.


Makes me rage! That "Yumin" character is so bitchy....just because she doesn't have any other redeeming features besides being slightly good at Karuta. Isn't there someone that watches over them play like a referee kinda guy? If there is, what the hell are they doing, picking their nose!?

As for Chihaya, remember what Dr Haruda said..."Every card on the field is yours!" so fight for it!

Hope she gets her ass handed to her by Shinobu again if she even makes it that far by playing dirty.
Estoy_GordoMar 6, 2012 5:42 PM
Mar 6, 2012 5:31 PM

Sep 2008
MM-Rosiie said:
Argh. Chihaya better not lose in the last episode. That would be a terrible way to conclude the anime . _ .
I can see it now, Chihaya loses to some unranked player and she commits suicide. Arata follows her because that is how much he loves her. Taichi goes off and bangs multiple chicks to relieve his sorrow. Nikuman eats nikuman. Desk guy marries Ooe and not a single fuck was given.
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Mar 6, 2012 5:36 PM
Jul 2011
Shihayafuru is one of the best animes I ever seen, but seriously? losing now? if a second season was made, yah, losing here was "normal"/acceptable... but if the serie is to end in 3 episodes , doesn´t make sense... I mean, isn't everyone waiting to see, once again, Chihaya vs the actual Queen?

And the previous Queen was really, really annoying -.-

Dammit, I'm kind pissed off right know, I just hope they don't mess up the end (like it happens in most animes!)

Mar 6, 2012 6:01 PM

Apr 2008
This lose will hopefully help Chihaya grow, but god it pissed me off to the point I wanted to put my fist through the screen.
Mar 6, 2012 6:40 PM

Jul 2009
God, that Yumin reminds me of those kids who would always try get 1 more mark on a test from the teacher, and argue day and night just for that one more mark.

You win by raw skills, not through a debate.
Mar 6, 2012 6:49 PM

Jun 2009
parfaited said:
Unless we get another season, I don't see how we can get a solid good ending out of this in just 3 episodes.
Color me freaking impressed if they can pull it off, but I highly doubt it.

I've given this series a 10/10 since the beginning and I don't want to see this being all rushed at the end.

I really do hope we get more.

Exactly, I demand another season XD

I have one word for this episode:
I mean seriously I don't have any expectations anymore -.-
The match was good but...she keeps on losing lol (i'm a horrible person >.>)
Mar 6, 2012 7:07 PM

Jan 2010
I get the feeling, that chihaya is going to dispute the last card...and make a comeback somehow in ep 23.
Mar 6, 2012 7:15 PM

Nov 2011
saxmaster4ever said:
I get the feeling, that chihaya is going to dispute the last card...and make a comeback somehow in ep 23.
saxmaster4ever said:
I get the feeling, that chihaya is going to dispute the last card...and make a comeback somehow in ep 23.

Me too! More than "get the feeling" I was hoping for that too...

Damn, Chihaya is just to cute to go against such devious opponents... She went for "I'm passionate with this game" to being passive, let Yumin contest all of her cards and lose her confidence because "she was cocky against the previous Queen" (but given the circumstances at the beginning hell yeah, she should have been!).

Oh well, she is still young, those mistakes are normal. I'm sure she'll grow a lot stronger from it. B-but the anime is already so near to its end! x_x
Mar 6, 2012 7:16 PM

Nov 2009
omg this episode was really horrible because for the past few times now Chihaya lost her matches so its pretty sad. and that yumin girl was annoying as heck.
Mar 6, 2012 7:18 PM

Nov 2011
Takashi981 said:
parfaited said:
Unless we get another season, I don't see how we can get a solid good ending out of this in just 3 episodes.
Color me freaking impressed if they can pull it off, but I highly doubt it.

I've given this series a 10/10 since the beginning and I don't want to see this being all rushed at the end.

I really do hope we get more.

Exactly, I demand another season XD

I have one word for this episode:
I mean seriously I don't have any expectations anymore -.-
The match was good but...she keeps on losing lol (i'm a horrible person >.>)

Ohh, I haven't saw those posts before.

Maybe those three final epis are all about Arata becoming the Meijin? That I can see being done in such a short time and would be a nice way to close the series.
Mar 6, 2012 7:38 PM
Sep 2009
Chihaya lost her confidence so much that she became meek, it was a pretty shocking defeat though.

Yumin's methods methods are kind of underhanded, but valid in my opinion; I don't think she was cheating, she just knows how to use technicalities to her advantage... although I am still bitter that she beat Chihaya. Although now that she did, part of me really wants to see her reclaim the title of Queen against Shinobu... as much as I like Shinobu, I'd like to see her lose because things seem to come way to easy for her.

Not that I think I'll see any of this happen (at least not in detail) with only 3 episodes left, which will doubtless focus on the central cast.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Mar 6, 2012 8:02 PM

Feb 2010
This episode was okay... Yumin kinda pissed me off, but someone's gotta win and someone's gotta lose. I just don't know how this show will wrap up....

....2nd season please!?!
Mar 6, 2012 8:18 PM
Feb 2009
The ex-Queen didn't win that match, Chihiya lost it. She was overconfident and made mistakes, but on top of that she allowed the ex-Queen to break down her composure. Which is really sad considering she's made all these mistakes before and should have known better.

I guess now we all just have to wait and see what they do with the last three episodes. Since competing against the Queen or Arata is pretty much out of the picture I'm not really sure what more we have to look forward to.
Mar 6, 2012 8:20 PM

Jan 2010
I didn't like this episode. I found it irritating. The pacing was unpleasant. It wasn't just Yumi, Kitano-sensei was also irritating. The window scene went on for too long. There was too much condensation on the windows. And they kept recycling the same stuff again and again. The execution of their idea was poorly done.

Offhand, it's the first time that the show failed in delivering game drama that kept me interested. I'm sure that they'll get back on track next episode.
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