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Monogatari Series: First Season
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Feb 11, 2012 9:12 AM

Mar 2010

Wow, that was a long conversation with Mayoi (who keeps reminding me of QB and Ryouko's voice) and Gahara-san (who seems to have found a new hobby of playing with sharp pencils). Anyway, it looks like Koyomi will finally be able to find Mr. Kaiki thanks to Shinobu's help and hopefully, there'll be plenty of actions in the next episode.

Feb 11, 2012 9:25 AM

Jul 2011
That episode was essentially the best episode so far. The sheer amount of bad-ass moments, paralleled with great development. Oh, and the further accentuated characterization of Aragagi and Senjougahara's relationship is always welcome; along with the incredibly awesome introduction of the instrumental of the first opening playing in an "emotional" scene.

Yeah, great episode.
mdzFeb 11, 2012 1:44 PM
Feb 11, 2012 9:40 AM

Nov 2008
Hitagi will always scare me when she's around sharp objects, Koyomi was dodging some of them that she threw at him. Mayoi seems to take up the episodes she's in with very long but great dialog. Shinobu is take home cute in the white dress.

Feb 11, 2012 10:25 AM

Aug 2008
Nice talks between Koyomi and Mayoi.

Gahara-chan is preparing weapons!! Pencil towers are so full of arts.
And that pose when she dodge the Hanakawa-sama topic!! That was epic!
Ghost Buster Kaiki! I LOL'ed!!!
Oh. So she tsundere'd? Birth of the new verb in this world.

Wow. I have to love Koyomi's resolution of his love for Hitagi and his sisters that is expressed in his words.
Hitagi is right, he's damn cool.

So Shinobu is tsundere-ing too.

This arc is quite long. I thought it would end at Episode 6 but it did not.
Feb 11, 2012 10:28 AM

Jan 2008
Nise is so good that I always think the episode ended in 10 minutes. The dialogue really captures your attention.
Feb 11, 2012 10:41 AM

Sep 2011
I really liked this episode.

LOL, Mayoi was disappointed.

Hitagi continues to demonstrate violent tendencies and a fondness for sharp objects. When she asked Koyomi the 'hypothetical' question regarding an 'accident' and 100 pencils, I was visualizing a certain con-man turned into a pencil holder. Very curious as to what hold Tsubasa has over her, if it really is just a threat to take Koyomi from her.
Feb 11, 2012 10:44 AM

Oct 2010
Ok... bake was awesome because it had the right amount of dialog and story progression (an average of 4 ep per girl if i remember correctly).
Taking 6 episodes to just postulate the problem is rather overkill... I'm not saying this haven't been fun, but this seriously needs to start moving forward -.-
I haven't read the novel so i'm sure if the Karen Bee is only problem to be solved in this story, but I honestly hope they add something else with other characters as well.

It was nice to see Koyomi man up in front of Hitagi like that.
Its nice to see more of Shinobu and It sure was fun when Mayoi got mad for not been sexually harassed
Feb 11, 2012 10:45 AM
Aug 2009
What in the world could Hanekawa have done to make Hitagi so.submissive

Anyways, SHINOBUUU~ *Wet*
Feb 11, 2012 10:52 AM

Jan 2012
awesome episode, like always.
The part with hitagi was funny and what araragi said to her was touching
Shinobu was epic and really can't wait for next ep, where the hell is karen??!??
the animation is flawless like always ^^
Feb 11, 2012 11:01 AM

Aug 2010
I want a loli vampire who gives me a hand when I need help.
Feb 11, 2012 11:11 AM

Apr 2010
A episode with Senjougahara in it is always interesting.
Just her conversations make it worth watching still the way she was talking it seems she never met Araragi's sisters which means we will get to see a interesting meeting in the future.
Mentioning to Araragi that he won't get any rust tonight is a nice and daring sentence and leaves allot up to the imagination.

I wonder if Araragi will get any rest at all then since he also has to look for his sister.
And who knows what Karen will be up to it might be revenge it might be other things but in her current condition she should not be able to do much.
Hope Araragi finds her fast.
Feb 11, 2012 11:13 AM
Feb 2012
I love the Detective Conan reference xD
Feb 11, 2012 11:13 AM

Jan 2012
Any episode that has Araragi/Senjougahara banter is a 5/5 in my book anyday.
Feb 11, 2012 11:17 AM

Jan 2010
Araragi's and Senjougahara's conversations are what I love most about this series :D They never fail to enjoy me~

So, great ep as always, hope some action is included next ep
Feb 11, 2012 11:25 AM

Jan 2010
The only words that can really describe Nise are "I love it."
Dear Math,
I'm not a therapist. Solve your own problems.

Oh, and Algebra?
Stop asking us to find your ex, she's NEVER coming back.
Feb 11, 2012 11:26 AM
Jul 2018
Just plain awesome, from Senjougahara/Koyomi's beyond great as usual conversation to Hachikuji and Shinobu's brief segments there wasn't a second i didn't love.

/fanboy mode off
Feb 11, 2012 11:36 AM

Dec 2011
No kiss.. Well, it was to be expected. :[

I liked this. Nise needs more Gahara!
Feb 11, 2012 11:37 AM

Jun 2011
Wow. Just wow. Too much win in one episode! Squealing in delight in public :] Mayoi anti-anti-harassment + no doesn't mean no wut wut?, pencil scene + gorgeous Senjougahara, awesome speech, shinobu tsundere! Awwww Guuuuushhhhh! BWAHAHAHAHHA NEED MORE! <3
Feb 11, 2012 11:42 AM

Mar 2011
Great episode~
I loved the Mayoi & Gahara~
Feb 11, 2012 11:43 AM
Sep 2011
Not surprised that they left out the kiss since the fanservice regarding Karen which many people claimed to be "incestious" was very tamed to begin with compared to what we're used to when it comes to this series.

I'm aware that I begin to sound like a broken recourd but I can't refrain from praising the eye candy that is delivered here as the visuals of this show never cease to fill me with joy whenever I lay my eyes on them. No other studio knows how to handle lightning better than SHAFT.

Also, using the pencils to form several formations was a nice touch. They are a weapon for Hitagi, sharp and lethal, truly fitting for someone as deliciously homicidal as her. At one moment they form a building symbolizing the shelter she intends to grant Koyomi, only for it to collapse when he proposes to expand it to mutual protection therefore breaking the shell which Hitagi build up to make herself invulnerable by making it partly unnecessary.

So, Hitagi claims that she wouldn't be herself anymore if she forgave the con men as Koyomi proposed? It's unsettling to know that her whole personality may be absorbed by the desire of revenge and hatred towards these men that she is intending to go on a campaign of vengeance ala Kill Bill. On the other hand she might have just "tsundere-ed" as she phrased it herself and that her first concern was to protect her boyfriend. It's quite ambiguous as I see it.

I assume the foreshadowing Hitagi mentioned revolves around cutting her hair since I don't think it's a coincidence that she mentioned Tsubasa cutting hers in the same sentence who supposedly did it in order to move forward and settle things with her past. Most probably because of a broken heart.

Koyomi's banter with Hachkuji about growing-up and adulthood was pretty nice and
on another note, it looks like Kaiki used reverse pyschology on Hitagi when giving her his business card. Such a sleazy bastard.
EudaimoniaFeb 11, 2012 12:06 PM
Feb 11, 2012 11:47 AM
Jan 2012
BringDownTheSun said:
Any episode that has Araragi/Senjougahara banter is a 5/5 in my book anyday.

I second that. It's intense action far surpasses those of battle with physical weapons.
Feb 11, 2012 12:04 PM

Aug 2010
Such a good episode!
First, awesome encounter with Hachikuji, and then an incredible scene with Hitagi, just to end up with Shinobu <3
Can't wait for the next one.
Feb 11, 2012 12:07 PM

Oct 2010
Oh wow when Mayoi declared that she wants to be sexually harassed I was totally off guard. That was quite something I did not think Mayoi would admit to. So it means she does mind you doing anything sexual to her? I wonder what made her become like that? Was it for play or does she have a love interest in Araragi. Is so solely developed by being saved by him or in the course of the time passed in this series? Questions and questions still arise.

About Mayoi, well at first it looked strange as she was like that but I assume it was browsing around that store’s board. However as the sequence in the spoiler
started I though it was going to be the return of pedo Araragi from how his smile was and how Mayoi is acting up. However to my surprise he only greed her like that and even worse was his expression like he was shocked at how Mayoi reacted to it. Which was surprising and that made it interesting of the change. I laughed really hard at Araragi’s face here with the mask and his angered face here. While it was more comedic when Mayoi compares him to a flea here and as such a most marvellous diagram gets born. While people might not have what a wonderful references they were for “Going around the World till its edge” and “RPG save points” in the spoiler
very nice parts.
I really liked this scenery they use during Mayoi’s part and the glass bottle scene here was nice to show a art approach in showing Mayoi’s red shoes in a certain way. I love Mayoi’s face in the spoiler
all of them were win in MOE and comedy. Mayoi’s looking through the glass bottle here was another nice art approach or visual should I say. Well there is detective Mayoi in the following,

one think I do liker of Mayoi is the MOE she creates and her serious tones. What does make me RAGE is most know of her fan service. It comes down to all that. Nothing more nothing less. That's why I can say I much more enjoyed her character in this episode.

Another good visual is when they change the colour around Mayoi and Araragi in the spoiler
as they walk across the bridge. It was genius in a way to represent an aspect of their characters. The game here that was played was not something I understood well enough as to why but it looked amusing with wordings. Finally Mayoi’s last faces in the spoiler
were very nice once again as another set, however I have to feel sorry for her in terms of the crying bear here. Damn it Hitagi! Why can’t you just accept Mayoi already. She just a ghost kid that needs company. How mean can you be to her? Hitagi that is disappointing that Mayoi feels like that due to you. Especially when you see her walk away in the light here and that last smile she gives out here.

About Hitagi, her pencils being in forms like this one here and that one here made me scratch my head as to a meaning of them and if anyone can guess so be it. Please do answer as I want to know too of there are any meanings. Regardless of that somehow Hitagi was sexy in the spoiler
I mean the way her pose is there but that pointy here is not something I would want to play around with. One of the neat things are what symbol the pens show here. Her face here and there show already of her serious stance and quality IMO. I find that Hitagi when she is threatening looking with the exacto here was best shown from the other episodes before. While in response Araragi’ face here being surprised did a good number to show his response to Hitagi. I am still wondering how this house here of pencils was made suddenly. Araragi’s face here was funny but notice the behind panels. It’s a pun to watch out in not creating any sparks around Hitagi due to her sudden outbursts. Hitagi during keeps being consistent in delivering good stuff such as this pose of hers that made some comedy, that serious face her has its charms but a good aspect is the details given to her lips in the spoiler
major nice details IMO.

Hitagi looked nice holding the card like that. I was surprised she did not throw it away. The head tilting part of Hitagi here had its charms, seems that was done before. I did get interesting in the pencil changing shape into a pyramid here. To me however it was more to connect with the “Pyramid scheme” with Kaiki’s scams. What really got to me is Hitagi in the following,

With how it all went in the spoiler
the glory of her danger is back. One slight mistake could have made Araragi with on eye only. The recovery process would be long too even as vampire. It was nice that the bee was shown as a big shadow. It gave out feelings that it may be a fearless bug but in the other world where things are dead and shadows live, it’s a huge fearsome enemy. Poor poor Karen in the spoiler
her suffering looks terrible there
but at the same time there is something sexy there. Araragi’s pose here looks defensive but for some reason it has its charms. While I would like to know what does this shape of pencils here mean? Still Araragi’s serious face here looking through the pencils was nicely shown. While that pencil sharpened point here still makes you cringe when one thinks of its consequences while it’s planted in you. I do find that Kaiki in the spoiler
just got his best representation visually. He looks bad ass more than ever.

I do find that scene 1, scene 2, and scene 3 do a most interesting job in showing Hitagi and a dilemma of hers. I am still a little confused as to its meaning exactly. What I am not confused of is how sexy those poses of Hitagi are in the spoiler
does put out mass appeal for her more than before. It was nice to see her face being shown here since it creates a different art aspect and so did the sign posts around here. They showed a nice side to her. The flashbacks were interesting in terms of seeing the crab as a shadow here, seeing a younger self of Hitagi and seeing Oshino here when he was around. That was the most fun. I miss the guy. I found the most pissing off the one in the spoiler
WTF at the doll parts and the rape thing by hands. That’s why. It’s fascinating how those pencils uphold here that structure. Hitagi is great with her pencil pose here but I find her face the way it’s shown here to be appealing artistically. As another face of Hitagi appears of serous tone and that Sai weapon here is nicely shown I find Araragi’s thinking of Hitagi in the spoiler
to be most sexy.
It showed very nicely the contours of Hitagi. I still find it strange of how this structure maintains its shape with all those pencils but I did like Araragi’s smile here that has to do with his love for Hitagi.

Hitagi’s poses with her faces in the spoiler
Continue the appeal and that proves only how much emphasized so much is of her due to being not enough in the previous episodes. Araragi’s face here and here in supplication also continue the marvellous rich expressions to be shown in his interaction with Hitagi. I still have loads of questions for Hanekawa in how did she make Hitagi kneel down in the spoiler
that makes no sense.
Hitagi would never be like that less you have some leverage against her. Strangely enough
the telescope part here was hilarious.

About thee end, the fact that Karen still barely having recovered escapes and Tsukihi is sick worried in the spoiler
directs to shit coming that may hit the fans. Araragi being all serious here and ordering out Shinobu here spells a War that turns out not so in favour against Kaiki. A vampire on your side can be deadly for Shinobu has quite some power left in her and I am not sure if Kaiki has some anti-vampire stuff. Could prove to be a bitch to Kaiki.

I admit I love using my brain power in this episode. It was intellectually stimulating to say the least.

BTW GIFs are done in the club:
Among them Hitagi avatars.
Yumekichi11Feb 11, 2012 6:17 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 11, 2012 12:10 PM
Jan 2011
flame_master_14 said:
The only words that can really describe Nise are "I love it."

Nice Nise Ep.
Feb 11, 2012 12:23 PM

Feb 2011
"i want to restart from save point!" with a save stone near there xD

not much movement during this episode, except the end, both hachijiku and senjogahara's talk time was introspective but not much revealing

Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★"
Feb 11, 2012 12:26 PM

Nov 2009
Awesome episode with great dialogues.
All my favorite chars from the show did shine in the episode (even Hanekawa, though she did not appear visually, still won the day.)
All I can say: I'm satisfied!
Feb 11, 2012 12:31 PM
Apr 2011
Why the hell does she talk like that? I'm surprised her neck isn't broken yet -_-;;
Feb 11, 2012 12:32 PM

Dec 2010
Awesome episode, how can there already be 2 hates for it? while in any case

BringDownTheSun said:
Any episode that has Araragi/Senjougahara banter is a 5/5 in my book anyday.

This, and adding Shinbou "tsundere" at the end was a major plus as well.

Citrix said:
What in the world could Hanekawa have done to make Hitagi so.submissive

Her intellect is scary enough to make someone who can kill with pencils bow? because i doubt that her just saying she will take away Araragi like Hanekawa teased about would bring that reaction, all though it may factor into it if Senjougahara was insecure about being able to "beat" Hanekawa.

I guess what i read on these forums was true, Karen's arc is way longer than Tsukihi's arc, so even if it ends next episode it would be 7-4. So did Araragi actually kiss Karen and they didn't show it, or did he use another method to take away half of the illness?

Oh a little side question, does anyone know how long this takes place after the events of Bakemonogatari? they may have said it but with all the dialogue i forgot.
Feb 11, 2012 12:33 PM

Apr 2011
I just love Nise. I wonder did Senjou turn Karen into a vampire. And just love her conversations with Araragi,they so funny:D
Feb 11, 2012 12:45 PM

Dec 2011
lololol mayoi ftw. very interesting and hilarious conversation between her and araragi, although i wish there were more mispronunciations and sexual harassment (even though kanbaru taught araragi his lesson xD )

still wondering what the hell is going on between her and hanekawa though :S
is senjougahara REALLY that scared that hanekawa will take araragi? i would be, too D:

and cant wait to see how that cliffhanger turns out. looking forward to the conclusion of karen bee

<img src="" />
Feb 11, 2012 12:57 PM

Feb 2010
as usual good ep with high quality dialogs.
Feb 11, 2012 1:01 PM

Jan 2008
Mayoi Edogawa destroyed my life.

Any way, SO MUCH RAGE at not knowing when the toothbrush scene is exactly, so I can't tell whether they've skipped it or not.

I wish I could read Japanese better so I could tell WHERE in the novel that scene is.
Feb 11, 2012 1:06 PM
Jul 2018
Glad to see the dere side of gahara-san in this episode. Wish to see much more of her dere side in future episode as well :)
Feb 11, 2012 1:10 PM
Sep 2011
Yumekichi11 said:
Oh wow when Mayoi declared that she wants to be sexually harassed I was totally off guard. That was quite something I did not think Mayoi would admit to. So it means she does mind you doing anything sexual to her? I wonder what made her become like that? Was it for play or does she have a love interest in Araragi. Is so solely developed by being saved by him or in the course of the time passed in this series? Questions and questions still arise.

I seriously doubt that Mayoi has any romantic feelings for Koyomi as there were no hints for that at all. Her disappointment doesn't derive from her missing the feeling of sexual harassment but rather from the fact that the running gag of her getting harassed by him was spoiled. I think we all know how she loves to break the fourth wall so it shouldn't be surprising that she complains about something like that.
Feb 11, 2012 1:23 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Any episode with Senjougahara is brilliant. Her dialogue and interactions with Araragi are delicious. Her face when he reaffirmed his love for her was so very cute.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Feb 11, 2012 1:26 PM
Nov 2010
Great episode, I liked the conversation between Araragi and Senjougahara, it's always fun... It looks like they'll meet Keiko soon...
Feb 11, 2012 1:39 PM
Jul 2018
Tsunderes epindemic?
Shapr pencils to war?(well, i guess it's not a bad idea if they are 7H pencils...)
Can someone help me gather my brain parts from all over the room, coz i think my head exploded and that whould explain the new colour on the walls.
Also, need of information on ''What the holy hell kind of leverage does THAT Hanekawa has against That Senjougahara''.
Feb 11, 2012 1:51 PM

Mar 2011
I want more Shinobu! She's a wonderful tsundere loli! Now that she's told Araragi where Karen is, he'll probably find Kaiki aswell.

Long talk with Senjougahara, I absolutely love her, the sharp pencils made her seem a little more intimidating, but the fact that Hanekawa is 'bullying' her makes her harmless (but then again Hanekawa is smart, she must have something on her). And I'm guessing the request she's going to ask Araragi is to cut her hair like Hanekawa's?

Hachikuji and Araragi was great, how dare he act normal instead of the usual pervert he is around Hachikuji! Hahaha, she didn't stutter because of that.
As it turns out, living was a punishment...
Feb 11, 2012 1:55 PM

Oct 2010
Lestrade said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Oh wow when Mayoi declared that she wants to be sexually harassed I was totally off guard. That was quite something I did not think Mayoi would admit to. So it means she does mind you doing anything sexual to her? I wonder what made her become like that? Was it for play or does she have a love interest in Araragi. Is so solely developed by being saved by him or in the course of the time passed in this series? Questions and questions still arise.

I seriously doubt that Mayoi has any romantic feelings for Koyomi as there were no hints for that at all. Her disappointment doesn't derive from her missing the feeling of sexual harassment but rather from the fact that the running gag of her getting harassed by him was spoiled. I think we all know how she loves to break the fourth wall so it shouldn't be surprising that she complains about something like that.
I see so it was the fact she was missing out that sensation whom made her interested in Araragi in the first place. She took the sexual more as playfyl thing and as result of it not being around was bored so decided to act the way she did? I assume that is what it was. Nice clear up still but there is some doubt in her blushes around Araragi, I would therefore question that in terms of romantics feelings.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 11, 2012 1:57 PM
Jul 2018
Yumekichi11 said:
Lestrade said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Oh wow when Mayoi declared that she wants to be sexually harassed I was totally off guard. That was quite something I did not think Mayoi would admit to. So it means she does mind you doing anything sexual to her? I wonder what made her become like that? Was it for play or does she have a love interest in Araragi. Is so solely developed by being saved by him or in the course of the time passed in this series? Questions and questions still arise.

I seriously doubt that Mayoi has any romantic feelings for Koyomi as there were no hints for that at all. Her disappointment doesn't derive from her missing the feeling of sexual harassment but rather from the fact that the running gag of her getting harassed by him was spoiled. I think we all know how she loves to break the fourth wall so it shouldn't be surprising that she complains about something like that.
I see so it was the fact she was missing out that sensation whom made her interested in Araragi in the first place. She took the sexual more as playfyl thing and as result of it not being around was bored so decided to act the way she did? I assume that is what it was. Nice clear up still but there is some doubt in her blushes around Araragi, I would therefore question that in terms of romantics feelings.

It is just banter mostly i wouldn't read into it so much
Feb 11, 2012 1:58 PM

Jul 2009
Kah, kah.
Still sad that our Princess is going to cut her hair any day now.
Feb 11, 2012 2:02 PM

Dec 2011
The eps always end when I get excited. Or maybe I'm excited all the time when watching this. :D

Okay, Hachikuji's conversation was really short this time, not half an episode! I enjoyed seeing a little more Senjougahara this week.

The conversation between Araragi and Senjougahara was so sweet. <3

baka little sister is baka.
Feb 11, 2012 2:34 PM

Jul 2010

Hitagi's so dangerously cute.

Shinbou had her cute "ka ka" laugh which made me HHNNGG. Just can't get enough of Nisemonogatari.
Feb 11, 2012 2:46 PM

Feb 2011
Glad that they decided to get shit moving. I would call it an pretty solid episode.
I liked the track they played during the scene at Senjougahara's house, it kinda reminded me of Bakemonogatari's ED theme.

Feb 11, 2012 2:50 PM
Dec 2007
Haha, I expected something along those lines as a request from Senjougahara. Good episode overall even if there's even less action and development than in the first season for now.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Feb 11, 2012 3:54 PM

Jan 2011
I found it hard to pay attention this episode because of all the Senjougahara Greatness which was due needed!,and finding out Mayoi enjoyed the harassment was pretty funny another wonderful episode~.
Feb 11, 2012 4:21 PM

Oct 2010
OK so I did some GIFs whom I put a link but I want to share one moment among them. The following one,

only moment that made cringe and fear from Shinobu. When I though that this is how her fangs are like and were when she planted them in her victims to drink blood got me *shivers* A first time TBH of Shinobu. I did cringe in season 1 when she did bite people but nothing as the moment of the GIF shows.

Incredible details there. I also mentioned in Another that MOE + horror might be around. IMO that part is a good example. As the MOE was shown like wild of Shinobu, as her teeth showed it makes a viewer IMO either completely wanting to get bitten by Shinobu out of sheer MOE not minding turning into something else for the MOE she provided and in the fact you will be stuck with her. Or it could result something of a weird tingling of repulse.

As MOE + vampire fangs don't mix in terms what they do and provide visually when you think about it. Even if MOEfied. That being said this part truly repulse me of her teeth by sheer MOE trolling. Not in bad way. Shinobu with that part is truly becoming a dangerous loli anyone would want to become a vampire to serve gladly more so than before IMO.
jpem said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Lestrade said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Oh wow when Mayoi declared that she wants to be sexually harassed I was totally off guard. That was quite something I did not think Mayoi would admit to. So it means she does mind you doing anything sexual to her? I wonder what made her become like that? Was it for play or does she have a love interest in Araragi. Is so solely developed by being saved by him or in the course of the time passed in this series? Questions and questions still arise.

I seriously doubt that Mayoi has any romantic feelings for Koyomi as there were no hints for that at all. Her disappointment doesn't derive from her missing the feeling of sexual harassment but rather from the fact that the running gag of her getting harassed by him was spoiled. I think we all know how she loves to break the fourth wall so it shouldn't be surprising that she complains about something like that.
I see so it was the fact she was missing out that sensation whom made her interested in Araragi in the first place. She took the sexual more as playfyl thing and as result of it not being around was bored so decided to act the way she did? I assume that is what it was. Nice clear up still but there is some doubt in her blushes around Araragi, I would therefore question that in terms of romantics feelings.

It is just banter mostly i wouldn't read into it so much
Coming from a ghost I would not be surprised of "Vagueness" being part of Mayoi considering she is a ghost. Strangely enough when she does get serious she looks to have a strong mentality of wise man ROFL! That is my IMO.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 11, 2012 4:23 PM

May 2011
LOL Hatchikuji make parody of Conan.
Feb 11, 2012 4:24 PM

Dec 2010
This arc is quite long, and the anime is only 11 episodes. My god it will take ages for the whole monogatari series to be animated.
Feb 11, 2012 4:26 PM

May 2011
Elite60 said:

Hitagi's so dangerously cute.

Shinbou had her cute "ka ka" laugh which made me HHNNGG. Just can't get enough of Nisemonogatari.

Damn straight! ^^
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