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Days: 187.7
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed446
- On-Hold124
- Dropped29
- Plan to Watch134
- Total Entries735
- Rewatched15
- Episodes11,440
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 58.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries133
- Reread0
- Chapters10,512
- Volumes512
All Comments (128) Comments
It's really frustrating. It's fun working like 80% of the time though, but those moments where people are being complete idiots ruin everything.
I see. I'll possibly listen to it tomorrow as well since I don't have uni on Wednesday and I'm planning to disinfect my room HAHA
I remember I really loved it! I also had a white, fluffy dog that I named Lajka that I still own :'D It's really cute!
Maybe you should ask Gray for help with that?
Yeah. Looking for Alaska wasn't good imo. The main guy didn't have any friends AT ALL and then he transfers to a boarding school where his priority is to get a girlfriend! Not friends, or A friends, but a GIRLfriend. Way to aim high. And then he finds a group of people that are literally the worst kind imo. Ugh. I didn't like it. Rated it 2/5 haha.
That sounds scary D: what if the drowned baby comes back as a ghost and haunt the person that drowned them? I feel like I've said this to you before, but you should become a (game) creator. :P
It's horrible. To be honest, I never even wanted to study this. I'll just aim to finish and get the stupid bachelor degree and just get it over with.
That pudding gif is so sad because it's so accurate!
Love Lab is perfect! Ah, I re-watched it on the giga flatscreen last year I think (has it been that long?). It was great! Kinda want to re-watch it again.
Yes, I love her theme! Erza vs Erza is REALLY GOOD too!
If you want, I'll link you to all of my favourite Fairy Tail OST tracks haha. I listen to them every day LOL
That song is great! I actually really like it! *goes to find it on iTunes*
This is going to really weird, but I don't really listen to mainstream music. I like Bastille though. They're good. I have some artists from the Balkans that I like. There's this one guy from Macedonia named Those that I listen to EVERY single day. Unfortunately it's been years since he passed away, so there's never going to be new releases :( Still not tired of any of his songs! And I've been listening to them for YEARS!
I like instrumental music the most though. Classical or soundtracks like Fairy Tail's for instance. Hisaishi's instrumentals are really good too.
I occasionally listen to the radio as well so I do listen to popular music every now and then, but I never listen make an effort to it.. it doesn't really appeal to me..
Have you heard the opening to Noragami by Hello Sleepwalkers? The only Japanese songs I've listened to are openings or endings that I really liked hahaha Noragami's opening is REALLY good!
Last time I was in London, my friend and I literally just ate at Nando's, Pizza Hut and Pret for five days HAHA.
Food tastes the best when it's free! Lucky!
Yes! These past few weeks there's been people asking if the beverages in the fridge are cold! ARE THEY COLD. How stupid can people get!?!?!?
Hahaha. I see. Thanks, I guess. I'll call it a movie theater from now on. :P
Well, she's kinda the same as in Transformers. because I think it's because she takes the same role in every film that she does. Like the hottie. She doesn't really have a talent when it comes to portraying a "proper" characters. But she's pretty, so it's forgivable.
Yes! There's a total of 11 books! I haven't listen to them yet myself, but I've heard snippets of it. Tennant does VOICES. I mean as in proper voiceish making. I don't know what to call it haha. The audiobook is really short as well, roughly two-three hours. I suppose it's worth it?
Oh, yes! Ghibli <3
I have a stuffed Rajah when I was little. I wonder where he is :(
We can build a snowman when it snows :D Unless you have the ice power as well?
I've read An abundance of Catharines. It was ok. I've read Looking for Alaska. It was bad. I have the other books are well such as Will Grayson x2 and Paper towns, but I haven't read them yet.
But what happens when you get sent to prison? Do you have to make another character and lose everything you've worked for just because your child was Satan's descendant?
I bet some people are like this when they play Sims (or other games tbh)
Oh, right. Yeah, business and economics. Yeah, I had entrepreneurship haha
Me too! Don't you agree that the main guy's hair was weird looking? I mean it was blond on top and black at the bottom. Or the other way around? Ombre hair gone wrong imo.
Um. My humour may or may not be dry, it depends if yours is or isn't as well D: If that makes any sense.
Yep! Started and finished it after my message last night! It was alright! I ended up really enjoying it. It was kind of weak plot-wise sometimes, but overall a nice time passer. Should give it a shot whenever you've got the time, I think.
Yes yes yes. Seven dragon walk through a portal, most of which are already dead. Igness isn't one of them it seems. Nor is Wendy's mother(?). HOW DISAPPOINTING.
My favourite opening:
Have you listened to FT's soundtracks? THE TRACKS ARE AMAZING. What kind of music do you listen to? Have I asked that before as well? haha
It gets better in S2, THERE'S DRAGONS! I hope this arc lasts forever because it's AWESOME.
Haha, what kind of a person do you think I am? I don't get lost. :P
I thought you brits loved Nando's LOL. Speaking of Nando's I CAN BARELY WAIT! yumyum
It was alright. There weren't a lot of customers that day. My boss already told me I can take a day off with pay since I have the right to stay home with pay when sick. So I'll take advantage of a day off when it's nearing exams or something..
Well, there's only like five or six people at the department that I work at and all of them had shifts that day so there was no one to take my shift later since I worked from 16 to 20.. Workload depends on that's on sale and how many idiots ask stupid questions.. working retail sucks D: Do you have a job? I don't remember whether or not I've asked you this, haha.
I JUST REMEMBERED I CAN CALL IT A CINEMA AS WELL. I swear my English is a lot better than it seems. I CAN BE FLAWLESS WHEN I WANT TO! (okay, not really, but please play along)
That song's great! Groot's dancing was super cute! I love the fact that there's another film coming! :D
How can you not like Megan Fox? She's perfect in every way! The graphics are pretty good in the film and the turtles are quite funny. I don't know, I really liked it! :)
How to train your dragon is great! I downloaded the audiobooks read by David Tennant, but I think the dragons aren't the same size as in the film so it's kind of off from the books D:
Um.. who doesn't like Disney films? I plan on buying all the Disney classics DVDs when I move out HAHA. Lion King is one of my favourites as well! I also really love Aladdin! It's perfect! :D
Frozen was great too! I've seen it about three or four times, but it's not sa great as other Disney films. I actually like Pixar and Dreamworks' animations slightly better than Disney's because their are ALWAYS great!
Oh! I saw TFiOS today! It followed the book really well! I do recommend reading the book though!
Haha, no, I get it. :D
It was! They were super annoying. I wonder if it's possible to drown your kids on Sims? Is anyone sadistic enough to try?
YAY. Ao Haru Ride is sobbingly sweet, and it follows the manga which makes it even sweeter!
Oh, you go to university? What do you study? Have I asked that before?
I think.. you might be slower at catching up that me.. or we're both equally slow, idk.
Do you have a favourite character in Haganai? I like Sena. :)
So we're close to be reaaaaaly doomed. That's good to know. I'm gonna go hide in my bucker justin case (get it? DO YOU GET IT? IT'S A NAME BUT IT'S ALSO JUST-IN-CASE WOW SO FUNNY)
Can you tell by my dry humour that I'm super-duper tired? Well, I'm off to watch anime all night long now. Peace out.
Yeah, I already have over 70 followers on the Wordpress blog! PLUS bloglovin'! Ah, such fun! (get it?)
I'm going from October 12 to 16th :D Already started planning stuff I want to see and places I want to go back to etc. It'll be fun.
Oh, yes. My fever went away on Saturday, but it was horrible because I had to go work on last Wednesday because no one could take my shift. :/
Hahaha, that was a weird example! I guess I somewhat understand what you mean.. or not. I always choose the water type because you need to swim from part to part sometimes and then you need to evolve and learn that skill and whatnot LOL. That's my only reason!
I'm not sure. All I know is that they really liked the series. I haven't seen it myself so :'D
I go to the movies (or is it threatre?) at least once a month. I just recently watched that ninja turtle movie. Megan Fox is so flawless I could cry. Before that, I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy. It was quite funny. I'm going to go see the Maze Runner later this month, can't wait! I don't know about favorite though.. I'm not really THAT big of a film person.. I basically just go to the movies because it's a deal I have with my brother, kinda of a sibling quality time thing.. What about you though? Seen anything fun?
Have you seen the fault in our stars or divergent? I loved both of the books so I'm kinda hesitant about the films.
Yeah, I understand what you mean, but I'd honestly prefer it that no one knew me instead of everyone knowing about everything that I do.. Can you tell I don't like socializing!? :P
It's basically a week filled with shark documentaries! haha It's quite fun although a lot of faked and/or a hoax. It's still pretty interesting because it could happen for real, and some real footage etc is quite interesting D:
It looks like so much fun! No, I don't think I ever had a pet either.. I did have two kids though. They were hell.
I understand. Kirito was surprisingly strong compared to all the other strong players. If you're going to watch it. Watch up to episode 16 only. After that it's just a waste of time as the plot is just
I personally thought it was enjoyable. It lacked a storyline sometimes, but I liked the whole game aspect of it and how he helped others. Like I said, from episode 16 on it was a waste of time. I ended up rating it a 9, but that's me ignoring those episodes even exist.
YES YES don't watch that last arc. It's pointless. I've said that like three times now. I'll stop.
Um, why aren't you catching up on Ao Haru Ride, you rude anti-romantic-anime-person D:
It's going to be slightly shorter and quicker since typing the same message twice.. nah D:
Basically write reviews, books purchases, currently reading etc. Plan on posting travels etc later on. Fun news (for me at least), I booked a holiday to London soon! :D
I was going to play it after my last message, but I ended up getting sick :/ Maybe I'll play it this coming weekend
Don't have any faves in red or green. Always had a thing for Squirtle. What Pokemon do you tend to pick at the beginning of the game? I always choose the water type haha
My parents and bro watched Breaking Bad before the holiday and they really liked it.. have you started watching it?
agree, I should probably rematch the walking dead as well..
I see. Do tell what you think if you ever pick up the series. :)
there's at least 60k more people in your town and you call it "small", you're so weird :P
not knowing everyone might a good thing as well. small town ppl tend to gossip and know everyone's business. it's not that nice. D:
ah.. see, i knew that, just forgot what it was called. i was up all night last night and there were NO STARS at all. but there was shark week on discovery which was really good. animal planet is starting with SHARK MONTH starting today. not that you care...
do you play sims btw? are you going to pick up sims4? idk if i want to get it or not.
oh and are you not liking sword art online?
THere's a beach? I'm not sure. I remember going through this one gate, and then I was in a castle or something. I haven't played it in like a year or so :') Maybe I'll play it this weekend
I'm playing both Pokemon Red and Pokemon Green LOL I downloaded this emulator called John BGC Lite.
Well um idk. how you want actual series or one shots? I've read so many one shots that I literally have no idea what I've read or not HAHA
Yess! It was hilarious how he rejected Sakura when she asked him to do the photoshoot and then those other girls come and ask him :'D def the best character in the show imo
the ones i'm watching this season aren't as bad tbh. i'm actually doing a good job keeping up. but i feel ya. i too have an awful on hold list.. some of the anime i have there are like four or five seasons old... it makes me cringe every time.
:( I didn't laugh at that video clip thing :( it was slightly weird haha
Yeaa, Hannibal's great. I'm still stuck at the middle of the first season, but it's great. :P
NOT HEARD OF CASTLE NOR BONES? WHAT PLANET ARE YOU LIVING ON? joking. you should def check it out though. nathan fillion is an awesome actor (castle).
HAHAHA I THINK I'M THERE TOO. I think the dad (is his name rick or something? it's been a while..) left to the other camp, the governor or something and the kid 's alone with some others at the prison and then those from the other camp are coming over to get rid of them or something idk
You really want to watch it? I feel like it's been hyped so much. Plus I heard there's grotesque(?) sexual stuff going on. Doesn't sound appealing to me.. but then again you should listen to me as my favorite type of shows is murder and eating humans soooo...
do let me know what you think when you start watching it though. have you read the books?
I see, but that's great then. :D What do you define as small though? There's like 30 000 ppl here and I live about 10 minutes by car from the city centrum..
do you know stars and stuff? WHAT IS IT CALLED? i mean those shapes and wagons and what not...
you're joking right? :D do tell me beforehand, i'll be right over to assist. :D
I'd tell you, but I have a feeling you'll think I'm weird and laugh at me. I mean, weirdER..
Okidoki. I will wait. ::P
Calligraphy looks so awesome, I agree. Although I don't think it'll ever beat Karuta. imo at least. I didn't know that the opening had such meaning behind it, aw. D:
I suck at games tbh. I end up rage quitting so often! Like I'm still stuck at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts.......... the only game I haven't quit is Pokemon *hides* Oh, I got an emulator for my Galaxy tablet and I sat FOR HOURS playing it. :o
It issss. And Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji is airing in October. Can't wait.
The thing about the manga is that the majority of them are one shots or just short ones.. :D I started about the same time. I had a friend who wouldn't stop pestering me about it, so.. she's actually half-American as well, so once when she came back from holiday in America, she brought me the first volume on Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge... I only own like three manga books LOL
I also mainly ready shoujo romance since the genre lacks good quality anime >_>
I love Mikoshiba too! Like how he acts all prince-like and then feels embarrassed about it later is super funny! The main girl's (uh what's her name) seiyuu is kind of frustrating me sometimes. Her voice can suddenly get A LITTLE BIT annoying..
Barakamon is hilarious. I love all of it. The latest episode omg when they went fishing.
My brother has told me to watch The Office for quite some time now.. It isn't really my cup of tea tbh. I also don't really understand American humor aside from The Big Bang Theory..
I'm more of a crime-watching girl. Like CSI, NCIS, Bones, Castle, Hannibal etc etc I also watched The Walking Dead, but I'm so far behind I don't even know what the last episode I watched was. I think they were still in a prison.. idk.
Not really.. there's only one Doctor and that's David Tennant! I've seen all of Tennant's Dr Who episodes several times though.. does that count?
Hahaha I know what a telescope is, but I assumed you lived in a city? Are there stars where you live? I usually see stars when I'm on holiday tbh. There's only like a few stars here every now and then :/
This is going to sound really weird, but I love instructions... I managed to build my desk and night stand all by myself :D :D
Thankss! It's just a hobby kind of a thing.. haha