All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 73.3
Mean Score:
- Watching45
- Completed330
- On-Hold38
- Dropped6
- Plan to Watch336
- Total Entries755
- Rewatched1
- Episodes4,530
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 15.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries208
- Reread0
- Chapters2,715
- Volumes245
All Comments (2389) Comments
🌟No.. I haven't forgotten you! :P GL in 2k17!🌟
What animes are u watching?
how are u?
Do you want to be a night kid?
You can join us!^^
It was amazing! Tho another downside was the lack of English speakers there. XD Never thought Google Maps and Google Translate could ever be so useful! They were literally the saviors to my journey. xD Well.. tbh I swear I never really have any Japanese food in the UK. xD Like other than Sushi once or twice in the past... tho Ofc Japan's was better since the fish was soo fresh! The red tuna sushi literally melts in your mouth.. *o* I went there with a mental list of foods I wanted to try out and managed to try most of them. xP
As for merchandise.. I woulda brought a hella lot more if I had more money on me. I brought a lot of stuff back for friends and not too much for myself. XD Like I think the last picture in the album is a pile of items, the left being mine and the right being gifts. xD
I had to travel from my house to Heathrow Airport. o: The time I was in Rome I had to stay in the Airport so the whole 5 hours was at the gate. x.x Like I had wifi but I had to conserve battery on my phone since it had the details on it for the hotel etc.. it ended up with me and my friend talking for 5hrs and playing random games we made up. XD
I usually host 1 BBQ a year in the Summer but this year I did 2 for one for each of the two different groups of friends. Yesh I did make the invitations as they are a key part of of the BBQ and serve as the images I use for the Facebook Group Cover Pics. xP Last year's BBQ I did 2 ice-bucket challenges at the event whereas this year for Group A I did "The Super Amazing Gift Prize Draw!" and for Group B I debuted the parodies my friend made for everyone attending the BBQ. o:
Ah yes I can imagine it being stressful planning a wedding tho I've never planned or attended one myself. Just making sure everything goes according to plan on the day can cause a lot of stress. xP Oooh Fashion Design, there gunna be lots of coursework for this too? XD
Oh it the trip was Awesome! Although quite tiring and hot at the same time; the anime merchandise, the food and the views made it all worthwhile! :D The most tiring part was the flight. x.x I mean the trip there was like a 1hr 30 mins car journey to the airport, a 1hr wait at the airport, then a 2hr flight to Rome followed by a 5hr wait in Rome before then finally boarding for the flight in Japan, then the actual flight to took 11hrs. Dx
Oh and the invitation to one of the BBQs looked like this. xD
Well hanging out with friends, going to the beach and going to London quite a few times doesn't seem that boring. xD And a wedding coming up is always nice to look forward to. xP Speaking of which I went to London a couple weeks back. xD But yea, whutcha studying at Uni? o:
I've been doing pretty good. ^^ I've been to Japan for 2 weeks and hosted 2 BBQs over the summer! There's an album of the pictures of Japan if you wanna see them! xP Shame your summer has been boring. D: Not done anything fun at all over it? :c
But anyhow, I hope your doing fine and have had a awesome summer! :D
playing ps4 and that stuff aaaaaand (!) playing pokemon on nintendo 3ds xD
i never give the picture back! nyahahahaha
new animes or maybe u killed some people? o.o
PS: i've stolen your layout picture couse it looks cool :P