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Aug 23, 2011 11:43 AM

Dec 2010
Good episode, expecially the second half. :)
Aug 23, 2011 11:44 AM

Oct 2010
The second half with Hibino and Aki as follows,
was most interesting especially Hibino's attitude towards it. What really bugs me is that Aki's kakashi looked semi-stealth there. So what's the deal in the invisible aspect of these Kakashis? Did Aki evolve his somehow?

Simple and nice gags such as Utao getting the water splash in the spoiler
although fan service wise with Hibino was nice. Drama wise with the father, yeah that was just plain risky.

BTW image assemblies in the spoiler
and finally done with those stitches but I love the ones of Utao playing with Kyouhei on the beach of course all imaginary, Hibino in the swimsuit and China dress is amazing but her breasts in the China dress are way too revealing IMO. The one with Utao and Kyouhei together is nice.
Yumekichi11Aug 23, 2011 8:01 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 23, 2011 11:53 AM

Dec 2010
So the shota can smile too.

HAHAHAHA Utao was swimming in the tub.
My god... filler.

This episode is mostly Utao being cute.

Real people? In MY anime?

You just realized they're all insane Hibino?
Oh boy, falling over!

Is the plot finally going somewhere? Looks like everyone's in the city. I assume they'll go back to Karakami and fight the big bad.
Aug 23, 2011 12:06 PM

Aug 2011
LOL at the beginning, she really tried her best!! >.<
and that scene in the library was good to, overall, great episode!! :D
Aug 23, 2011 12:26 PM

Oct 2009
Unfortunate typhoonish start for the group.

That detective.... he's getting curious about Karakami Village...

Aki appears again in this episode.

Hibino realizes the village has all gone insane...

Aug 23, 2011 1:28 PM
May 2011
How dare that Aki point that blade near my HIBINOOOOOOOO!!!!. I wonder when they are going to show Kana Hanazawa's character: Mahiru. Im sure she was the one who was crying in the first scene of the first episode.
Aug 23, 2011 1:32 PM

Jun 2011
Utao cries too easily, lol.

Aki is back, again, woot. He's god can go invisible?

And Kyohei is one annoying bastard.
Aug 23, 2011 1:42 PM

Dec 2010
I really like the part where imouto moe Utao beats Kyohei up.

....The part where Utao bumps into Hibino in the dark was surprising. Utao must be pretty strong or that was done kind of bad.
Aug 23, 2011 2:16 PM
Apr 2011
The crew's all here.
Aug 23, 2011 2:49 PM

Sep 2008
Yumekichi11 said:
What really bugs me is that Aki's kakashi looked semi-stealth there. So what's the deal in the invisible aspect of these Kakashis? Did Aki evolve his somehow?

Sanguis said:

Aki is back, again, woot. He's god can go invisible?

Err. Someone's not being attentive here... all kakashi can go invisible. More than that, it's their normal state since obviously, you can't drag them around in the crowd without hiding them somehow. And all users (Utao, Kirio etc) can use this feature.
Aug 23, 2011 3:43 PM

Jun 2008
i believe that is needed a lot of experience and power to make the kakashi invisible. Utao´s kakashi most of times is visible obviously because she doesnt have enough experience and power to keep him invisible for much time, but Aki seems to have.

i really enjoyed to see Aki again, and his words kinda make sense. I believe Kyohei also has a lot of power inside of him, but he tries to deny it, and may not be aware of that power yet.
Also, clearly Aki is still very sensitive when someone speaks of sensei.

Preview for next ep seems awesome with Aki living together with the megane girl XD LOOOL, those two look so funny together.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Aug 23, 2011 3:56 PM

Oct 2010
seishi-sama said:
Oh no no! You got it wrong my friend. They go into another dimension perhaps? In any case the stealth thing may be more draining to them them hiding them in another dimensions and we can see that in the very first episode it does that. Thing that surprised me is that I should mention is that he did both. Hid the Kakashi in a dimension and then dragged it's blade arm out while it was semi-stealth towards Hibino in a flash.

That IMO is a improvement over his control. Utao may be in big shit with her Kakashi if Kyouhei does not take control of it.
Orulyon said:
Preview for next ep seems awesome with Aki living together with the megane girl XD LOOOL, those two look so funny together.
I wonder if love would stem from this. I do not think the Kuuko looks like Chihaya but Kuuko may have a chance to fall in love. Aki x Kuuko anyone?

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 23, 2011 4:21 PM

Feb 2008
No beach? :(

It was a bit funny when Utao kicked and punch him lol but still very sad :(

Every single episode Utao so adorable cute :)

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Aug 23, 2011 4:24 PM

Jun 2008
Yumekichi11 said:
I wonder if love would stem from this. I do not think the Kuuko looks like Chihaya but Kuuko may have a chance to fall in love. Aki x Kuuko anyone?

Me! meeeeeeeeeeee! im totally Kuuko x Aki. If there is anyone who can bring back the "good" old Aki, im sure it will be her, but i doubt we will ever see that on the anime, perhaps we´ll get to see it only in the manga.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Aug 23, 2011 4:40 PM

Oct 2010
Utao can beat a brother up. That's probably the side she needs to show to her secret twin.
Visit my blog for my anime and video game sheet music!
Aug 23, 2011 6:27 PM

Jul 2010
Why was I not surprised Kyohei fell onto Hibino's breasts when she opened the door....

Haha, even the anime is aware of the all the expressions Utao makes. Needs more Koushirou though.
Aug 23, 2011 7:36 PM
Feb 2011
Im excited for the new kakashi girl. Hopefully she is good, and a major battle comes up not involving the super god. Hibino has finaly hit the nail on the head, and her development could really be good. She is changing her happy go lucky mood. Utao was so cute in this one, and she is improving in her skills. I will say that this show knows how not to be action every second and for the humor to make me watch it.
Aug 23, 2011 8:39 PM

Feb 2011
I'm pretty disappointed right now. We're a little past the halfway point and I really don't see how they're going to wrap this anime up in 5 episodes. It's probably going to feel half-assed in the end, which sucks since it started off so well.

Also, the "Falling on a girl's boobs" thing is getting reeeaaallly old with each passing anime.
VaanskylordAug 23, 2011 8:42 PM
Aug 23, 2011 8:41 PM

Jun 2010
I don't know ever since I saw Aki and his sensei have sex, this show doesn't feel the same anymore. It just lost that feeling.

Nevertheless I still laughed in the beginning when Hibino's dad said "I'm getting mad."

Aug 23, 2011 8:56 PM

Nov 2007
kinda boring episode. Utao is just annoying still. last episode seemed an improvement and they go to a beach without any actual beach footage? why is Utao even still there? Koushiro should be able to do it with the other kid. speaking of Utao her obsession with her brother is a bit weird..... that's no wincest.
Aug 23, 2011 10:50 PM

Oct 2010
Utao still remains the champ of epic face making in my book.

Shame, no beach episode due to power outage and stormy weather. And it immediately went back to the city.

I thought it was cute when Utao suddenly had a doggy tail and wagged it, wanting to go to the library.

That part where Kyouhei made that joke about Cosplay Cafe, then Hibino's dad laughing with him for a second before saying he'll get mad...Priceless.

Dat jealous little sister. She even added the word "Cheater" at the end of that brother beating session. XD
Aug 23, 2011 11:21 PM

Jun 2009
13man18 said:
I don't know ever since I saw Aki and his sensei have sex, this show doesn't feel the same anymore. It just lost that feeling.
That feeling of being bored out of your mind? Yeah, I know that feel.

Sadly, with this episode, it's back worse than ever.
Aug 23, 2011 11:57 PM

Sep 2009
I'm ready for something major to happen. It feels like the show has been stalling for the longest.
Aug 24, 2011 1:08 AM

Feb 2011
The only thing good in this episode is Aki looking so handsome in this ep. is my fav. part :D
Aug 24, 2011 1:09 AM

Sep 2008
Yumekichi11 said:
seishi-sama said:
Oh no no! You got it wrong my friend. They go into another dimension perhaps? In any case the stealth thing may be more draining to them them hiding them in another dimensions and we can see that in the very first episode it does that. Thing that surprised me is that I should mention is that he did both. Hid the Kakashi in a dimension and then dragged it's blade arm out while it was semi-stealth towards Hibino in a flash.

When I say they all can go invisible, I mean they all can go invisible, not go to another dimension or whatever. Utao did that around episode 3 or so.

Lefake said:

Shame, no beach episode due to power outage and stormy weather.

And if it was an actual beach episode, people would be complaining about "stupid shitty generic beach fanservice episode".
Aug 24, 2011 1:21 AM
Jul 2011
Boring episode.
Hibino just realized that everyone is insane....ya you got a good brain there my dear.
Utao is as annoying as ever and kyohei bonded with Hibino's breasts so good character development all around.
Aug 24, 2011 3:11 AM

Sep 2010
What was the point of the first half? They don't have time to waste episodes like that.
Aug 24, 2011 3:14 AM

Dec 2010
AngelicFeces said:
What was the point of the first half? They don't have time to waste episodes like that.
So that Utao got resolve on what she thought kakashi are meant for. Helping people. Still, half an ep is a bit much.
Aug 24, 2011 3:54 AM

Mar 2010
Eghh, this anime is so flipping DULL!!
I'm very close to just abandoning the whole thing. I fucking haate utao, I hate her tsundere moments, I hate her 'cute' moments, I hate her obsession with her brother; all in all I hate that she's a main character.
I'm curious as to why there was a beach episode when there weren't any beach scenes whatsoever, retarded.

I think the only reason I'm on episode 8 now is Aki.

Aug 24, 2011 4:29 AM

Jul 2010
Meh, nothing really worth mentioning aside from Utao trying to figure out what begin a Kakashi is and of course the meeting with Aki. Hopefully it'll pick up a bit more next week.

Aug 24, 2011 6:36 AM

Jun 2008
After the last good episode this was disappointing really. It might not have been so disappointing if we weren't already more than halfway there but we are and they just kill air time showing us nothing for half the episode.

Let's hope that the events in the last 10-15 minutes will mean the pace is gonna pick-up.
Aug 24, 2011 10:56 AM

Jan 2009
And the most annoying part of the show (except the shitty excuse for a preview at the end) is still Hibino. Followed by Utao. The rest is pretty average.

13man18 said:
Nevertheless I still laughed in the beginning when Hibino's dad said "I'm getting mad."
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Aug 24, 2011 11:03 AM
Jun 2008
Its seem that the Kakashi has a sense of vision but it has zero sense of touch..Its amazing kakashi didn't crush someone when he grab a person .

Utao said unfaithfulness(浮気) idea what is the relationship between Utao x Kyouhei

Next episode, Lies of fate. If you don't watch I gonna curse you ^^
Yumekichi11 said:
What really bugs me is that Aki's kakashi looked semi-stealth there.

Its much more effective if they fight with stealthy shield.At least the public eye won't notice the fight.
Aug 24, 2011 12:01 PM

Oct 2010
MorningGlory said:
Yumekichi11 said:
What really bugs me is that Aki's kakashi looked semi-stealth there.
Its much more effective if they fight with stealthy shield.At least the public eye won't notice the fight.
Well yes but even so the people got awfully suspicious at that park TBH.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 24, 2011 1:10 PM

Apr 2010
Aside from overly sized woman parts,

I'm enjoying this show
Aug 24, 2011 1:24 PM
Jan 2011

Wow, nice to see Hibino in a bikini.

WHOAAAAAAA,HO,HO,HO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm jealous.

I would have thought that she's a goner, nice to see her alive.
Aug 24, 2011 2:15 PM
Dec 2010
aki has gained the spot of "favourite charecter" from me. his past totally justifies everything he has done, and unlike kyouhei, he isnt a freaking wimp.
Aug 24, 2011 2:40 PM

Feb 2008
Aki! Aki! Aki! Aki!

Are your guys a moron?
And how can you hate Utao, she still cute.

If you want some more bloody and slicing watch something else.

Aki is totally crazy, go back to Code Geass! lol

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Aug 24, 2011 2:56 PM

Jul 2011
lol I am the only one who hates Aki here?

I already have to tolerate Sasuke and now Aki too...damn god
Aug 24, 2011 6:02 PM

Jul 2009
13man18 said:
I don't know ever since I saw Aki and his sensei have sex, this show doesn't feel the same anymore. It just lost that feeling.

Same problem here...

Miyuki Sawashiro in meido-fuku next week?!? Do want.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Aug 25, 2011 2:08 AM
Dec 2007
Great episode, the first part being mainly filler but still interesting, and the second part was the usual goodness : development and direction.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Aug 25, 2011 2:43 AM

Jul 2007
Sanguis said:
Utao cries too easily

You are underestimating about what having power to potentially destroy can do.


Anyway, would not call this episode a filler. It both served as stress-relief after very intense previous episode, as well as gave another good mood shift and insight into main character's personality. I do have to say that this reasoning makes it quite clear on why he acts like he does around Aki. he sees himself in him and that angers him beyond comprehension. Not to mention that OP and its contrasts with village/town, modern/nature is a lot more clear now with police being interested in the village's shady stuff.

As for "stalling - you do know that this anime followed manga so far? That is they will either throw some anime-original ending by the end of the season or do another season latter on.
Aug 25, 2011 4:17 AM

Feb 2010
I am enjoying this series so far. Even though some of the episodes haven't been the best they have enough interesting episodes to make up for it.
I don't believe there are so many haters on Utao! She has quite grown on me throughout the series. I'm glad that she actually acts like a kid instead of all those other animes where you would think they were just depraved of thier childhood or something. She has gotten better at controlling the kakashi as well, following her fight with Aki. I can understand Kyohei's problem with Aki now as well. Seems he is more scared that he is more like Aki than he thought he was. Aki may be cool, but at the end of the day turning into a murderer is a no-go.
Aug 25, 2011 6:56 AM

Jul 2008
Meh, a very bad ep, made even worse by stereotypical "I'm misunderstood that's why I do these things. And because of that, that's the only things I could and would do" Aki.
Aug 25, 2011 10:04 AM

May 2010
Nothing really happen but I still enjoy it
Aug 25, 2011 7:18 PM
Nov 2009
This would be a good series if the loli were gone and it just focused on Aki.
Aug 26, 2011 6:03 AM

May 2007
Am I the only one who finds Utao annoying and a spoiled brat?
Aug 26, 2011 12:59 PM

Feb 2010
rutix said:
Am I the only one who finds Utao annoying and a spoiled brat?

Not really, lots of people have complained about how annoying she is.
Aug 26, 2011 5:09 PM

May 2011
So-so episode. It wasn't as great as ep 7, but that's kinda unfair to compare because that one was my fav. Next ep should be good, now that everyone's here. It looks like things are getting ready to wrap up.
Aug 26, 2011 6:44 PM
Nov 2009
That was a good episode all those little things. I thought this episode was an improvement not that it was bad before though (kinda)
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