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How are you doing??
I don't think you should worry yourself over that, simple errors always pop out of nowhere, I just finished a chemistry test and As I was going through the questions and answers in my head I remembered I made a mistake somewhere, but I had already submitted my sheet. I just got over it.
HAHAHAHA, Aliens??? I really find those things creepy, ever since I watched Aliens and it's side stories.
I really don't have any idea of how 2012 will look like especially the first half, I'm hoping and praying it goes well. Well, January is practically over.
I haven't being watching animes of recent, don't even know why. I guess I will go back to mangas then......
Have an awesome and great year!!!!
(same here,but not issue with exams xD)
Unfortunately I don't have any scientific means. I only read and pray. When I read I basically write down what I'm reading or what I've difficulty in remembering. I can write the same up to 5 times (that's if I read it 5x). hahaha. A lot of guys have different ways of reading.
LOL, I was just fortunate to know a friend. She told me about it and I decided to go. I ALMOST did, but I didn't :p.
Thanks for the wishes. Merry Xmas!!!!
I'm done with High school, preparing to go to the Uni. Yep there are exams like that. My younger sis has to write one like that in 2 yrs. Plus I have an exam next yr (For prospective medicine students).
No problem. Read your books!!! And prepare well for the exams. When I have tests and all I don't really the time to reply msgs and all.
International bazaar --- Different countries across the globe come together, they sell stuffs ranging from clothes or other important or peculiar stuffs associated with that particular country. There are foods, art and crafts and others stuffs from each country present. The countries are mainly countries in the UN.
Ganbatte kudasai in your exam!!!
anyways how is it going revising? BTW gintama is sik lol like always and Nurarihyon no Mago Sennen Makyo is going to finish this week end actually quit a few are so i cant w8 for the new year cuz i think some new series will start lol plus i bought my self some bakuman manga from Water Stones. SO what are you up to over the hollydayz???
Also, you may want to see my new Gunslinger Girl review as well that I just posted.
I'll also have a review for Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori once I finish it (will probably be up tomorrow or something).