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Jun 10, 2011 5:45 AM

Aug 2007
Whoa, the Menma hug of Jintan was really nice. Really loved it. I don't mind Yukiatsu x Anaru, as it is quite interesting. Guess it's a step forward for them, moving over Menma. Nuu, just 2 more episodes left... ;_;
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Jun 10, 2011 6:16 AM

Dec 2010
Jintan's run down the hill to Menma made me realise just how much I'm going to miss this show after the final two episodes...this was one wonderful series :-D
"Ah yes, the demon drink...'Nature's Alzheimer's' they call it"
Jun 10, 2011 6:20 AM

Oct 2010
Orulyon said:
Funny. Sure everyone has their own opinions, but i would really like to see how Yukiatsu haters would react if the person you loved died and you only could talk to its ghost through your love rival. Man you sure all must be super humans, i can already imagine you being so happy to talk with the person you loved through your love rival. ofc you wont be pissed, after all, your all super humans.
No, I do understand his frustrations in regards that's not the problem, the problem is Yukiatsu failing at managing his anger and instead cooperate more with Jintan to talk to Menma.
Orulyon said:
Seriously?=_= Just because a person reacts differently to a certain situation, that person is already stigmatized? O_O because one thing would be if he reacted wrong, but he didn’t. he had a very normal reaction which many people have, because not every person in the world gets extremely happy to know that not even after dying, the person you love doesn’t show up to you but to the guy that always got her attention since their childhood. Menma practically ignored Yukiatsu and the others and centered herself with playing with Poppo. Not nice, since they´re a group.
That is very interesting but it's maybe because she knows that Anjou/Tsuruki have a deep jealousy of her that even being dead she is still very much liked by all 3 guys.
Orulyon said:
I would like to see how many people would be on his knees and beg, like Yukiatsu did, yet, no one talks about it, when basically the guy saved the day.
I will admit he had guts and most of all guts to confess to Menma's father of his love for Menma but it stops for me there.
Orulyon said:
and oh, did u noticed he also cheer up Anaru? He allowed her to put her rage on him so she could relief her stress. did Jintan actually looked at Anaru at least to give her a decent reply to her confession? No. Yet, nobody blames him, but if it was Yukiatsu everyone would be criticizing.
Don’t give me the same talk that Jintan suffered the most with Menma´s death because Yukiatsu suffered so much as him, yet, he managed to keep going his studies and social life, and Jintan became a NEET.
Unfortunately you missed out the point that Yukiatsu may still have his parents while Jintan does not and possibly Yukiatsu did help out Anjou. Certainly he has a obligation to cheer up anyone who is down but I just plain don't like the way he may be going on. He is very deceiving as much as he was with the cross-dressing arc. I have a hard time believing he did only what he had to do and not more to let's say flirt or take advantage of the whole thing. If he wants to fix stuff maybe he should explain himself towards Yukiatsu in regards to Anjou's feelings. Sometimes a good punch may help and Jintan may in need be one to wake up at least.
Orulyon said:
Why are you all assuming he wants to date Anaru to piss off Jintan, when he perfectly knows that Jintan does not love Anaru?
I see it more in another perspective: two broken hearts getting together and sharing their pain.
People deal with things with different ways. Not everyone must be cliche.

I see it that he knows that Anjou loves Jintan because he is smart enough to have observed it easily.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 10, 2011 6:40 AM

Jul 2009
Poor Tsuruko ;A;....
Yukiatsu you bastard, leave Anjou alone!! D<

Cute times with Menma and Jintan ;W;~~
Really cute episode <3
SasuXNaruXSasu it's love~ <3

92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are part of the 8% who still listens to real music, copy and paste this into your signature!!!
Jun 10, 2011 7:00 AM
Dec 2007
It was a pretty strange episode with virtually nothing new and only two episodes left. I wonder how they'll wrap everything up with a fireworks night as the main event for the ending (maybe Menma disappearing and the life of the five remaining friends quietly resuming ?).

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jun 10, 2011 7:06 AM

Jun 2009
I don't like how it looks like Tsuruko likes Yukiatsu and Yukiatsu x Anaru seems possible now. I totally don't like either of them.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jun 10, 2011 7:09 AM
Aug 2008
Anime is better and better with nexts episodes.
I like it that now Menma start writing and do things that everyone can reconize her. I hope in last episode everyone will see Menma : )

Let's get it up on 1st position on MAL. Now it has 35th place with 8.67
I think after last episode it will be higher that FMA:B and Gintama'
Jun 10, 2011 8:00 AM

May 2008
This anime went up to a way higher ranking then i expected and Jinta is getting a little on my nerves not understanding Anjou's feelings and only caring about Menma ... Not that i can blame him, its a typical guy's attitude

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jun 10, 2011 8:09 AM

Jan 2011
greenmush said:
This anime went up to a way higher ranking then i expected and Jinta is getting a little on my nerves not understanding Anjou's feelings and only caring about Menma ... Not that i can blame him, its a typical guy's attitude

You cant force yourself to love anyone. I think he understands Anjou, she confessed to him after all. But nothing you can do when you love somebody else.
Yukiatsu I like more and more with every episode. But he is a mess as well. He and Anjou really are in the same boat, but relationship based on that? How is it going to work?
And since there are only 2 episodes left I think its gonna end with no pairing at all.
Jun 10, 2011 8:58 AM
Sep 2009
I don't really care who ends up with who at the end (though I do like the idea of Jintan & Anaru), just as long as it treats all of the characters well. Yukiatsu and Anaru being together, Tsuruko letting go of her long time crush, and Jintan finding determination to do something with his life even without Menma sounds like a perfectly good ending to me. Course that is just one possibility. Just as long as all the characters get their fair do, I'll be happy however it decides to end.

Two episodes left, can't wait to see that it's going to do with them.
NeverKnowsBest26Jun 10, 2011 9:03 AM
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Jun 10, 2011 9:13 AM

Nov 2008
darkerealm said:
Gah so complicated! It's a love triangle rectangle pentagon!

One that has been helped because of the fact that no one in this group has moved on. If they do I have feeling things would more 'fall into place' and I sort of doubt a yukihatsu x anaru would be falling into place if Jinta Anaru and Yukihatsu (and a Tsuruko who has been to passive) were not guilt ridden and stuck in the past and trying to in Anaru's case compete and such than just be herself around Jinta which he seemed to genuinely enjoy. Double high Five .. and ace tape throw etc?

All that said.. so far no matter what story has done.. I just really dislike Yuki- he comes across so .. douche-like and self-servingly hypocritical .
Jun 10, 2011 10:15 AM

Oct 2010
another heart felt episode, this series is only 11 episodes! i thought it was going to be a 2-cour anime?!?
Jun 10, 2011 10:44 AM

Jan 2009
Don't do that, Yukiatsu. Dont.
And, so, what? Menma goes re-killing herself by falling into the river again? Sorry Menma, but I don't think it really works that way. Fine, she didn't.
And Jintan's now my second most disliked character in this show. After Menma. Even Yukiatsu is better.

Also, again, Anaru <3
On another note, wow, Menma's mom sure was a huge hindrance. >_>
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jun 10, 2011 10:53 AM

Oct 2008
This episode made me like Yukiatsu even more. He's the most interesting character of the show and at this point I think he's more suited for Anaru than Jinta. I'm be perfectly fine (and actually prefer) if the show ended with everyone single. But if that's not the case, I think that Yukiatsu and Anaru's ability to talk openly about the pain they share in common is a good way to move on.

Something I'd also like to see is Menma acknowledging Yukiatsu's devotion in some way. Sure he's been a bit pushy and awful but he's working hard in his own way. He's always asking her to answer him and she basically ignores him every time. It's like even now, she's too afraid to face him and that bothers me.

I hate the idea of Poppo having a crush on Menma. That ruins the show for me. One of the reasons I liked Poppo so much was that he seemed to care deeply without forming a romantic attachment.
softJun 10, 2011 10:58 AM
Jun 10, 2011 10:56 AM
Jun 2010
What a terrible episode way to go with the worst possible developments show.

Her actually being a ghost that can interact with everyone may be the stupidest ass development ive seen in awhile.

Its grown to the point where the only characters on the show I even like at all or Anjou and Poppo. This show needs to end well and stop having so much damn loli focus/fanservice(seriously did you see that foot fetishist shot).
Jun 10, 2011 11:19 AM

Jun 2011
I'm quite surprised at the fact that many peoples here hate Menma. How? She is who she is, the memory and personality of her past made her this way. Well, she is definitely the most flat character (no pun intended), but hate or dislike her is , well, unconventional :/.
And Yadomi too? Why???
That's really something...
Yukiatsu still live in the past, he can't let go, even more than that now he know Menma really do exist, and Yadomi- his rival is the only one can see her. That's hard. But it's not an excuse for his way of thinking, his action (toward Menma's dad and Anjou) prove that he has high moral, and willing to do anything he can to achivoe his goal. But still, deep inside he's still a sick, sick man who haunted by the past. A deep and flawded character, and my second least favorite character of this show (Tsukuro top that).
Doesn't mean i hate him though, just can't stand the bugger for 1 second.
Jun 10, 2011 11:22 AM

Aug 2010

Menma and Yadomi are hated because they had make Anaru cry. I guess She is everybody favourite character (mine too....)
Jun 10, 2011 11:43 AM

Nov 2008
then hate yuki because hes emotionally manipulating Anaru AND made her cry
Jun 10, 2011 11:50 AM

Jul 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
Orulyon said:
Why are you all assuming he wants to date Anaru to piss off Jintan, when he perfectly knows that Jintan does not love Anaru?
I see it more in another perspective: two broken hearts getting together and sharing their pain.
People deal with things with different ways. Not everyone must be cliche.
I see it that he knows that Anjou loves Jintan because he is smart enough to have observed it easily.
ironic... yukiatsu is smart, he perfectly knows that jintan does not love anaru, when he doesn't even know how tsuruko feels for him...

did someone assume that he wants to date Anaru to piss off Jintan? well i dont know, put personally, i dont like him saying he's serious about dating anjou when he's not...
(he's just saying that to comfort anjou) - probably but when there's thousands of other things to talk about, and ways to comfort a girl... why focus on that thing... >.<

but it cant be helped, that is what the producers wanted....

oh and for the record, im not a yukiatsu hater... im just a pro "tsuruko must be happy" and an anti "yukiatsu x anjou pairing"
chaelmiiJun 10, 2011 12:00 PM
Jun 10, 2011 12:40 PM

Apr 2008
Menma!! I don't want her to disappear but maybe it's for the best. I can't stand Anjou being upset anymore, damn it Jinta how can you let anaruuu be upset like that >_< ANARUUUUUU
Jun 10, 2011 1:29 PM

May 2009
a love hexagon!

and first ending with no epic cliffhanger or somethin like that =D
Jun 10, 2011 1:35 PM

Nov 2007
I really really dislike Jintan at this point. he completely ignores Anjou despite her telling him her feelings from this whole time. he skips school, and looks like a freaking psycho. I'd be pretty freaked out if I was one of the others. why can he only see this ghost and didn't "share" her with the others earlier? Tsuruko also gets ignored for a ghost.

Jintan and Yukiatsu deserve each other. hey idiots you HAVE NO FUTURE WITH A GHOST. is there really only 2 episodes left? still haven't seen how/why she actually died and aren't close to a resolution other than fireworks. I'm not liking where this is going. Anjou deserves better, does Jintan really not care about her at all?

Yukiatsu is as bad or worse. he doesn't acknowledge Tsuruko and asks out Anjou when he's not interested. he's still stuck in the past on a ghost that died years ago. please don't ruin Poppo by having him love Menma too. an energetic and extremely childish ghost can't really be so appealing to them all.
Jun 10, 2011 1:35 PM

Oct 2009
Yukiatsu... what ON EARTH are you doing near Anjou and manipulating her?

Menma's showing more of her presence.

However, Menma will probably end up disappearing, all for the best hopefully at the end of this series.

Jun 10, 2011 1:51 PM

Sep 2009
mystik said:
I really really dislike Jintan at this point. he completely ignores Anjou despite her telling him her feelings from this whole time. he skips school, and looks like a freaking psycho. I'd be pretty freaked out if I was one of the others. why can he only see this ghost and didn't "share" her with the others earlier? Tsuruko also gets ignored for a ghost.

Jintan and Yukiatsu deserve each other. hey idiots you HAVE NO FUTURE WITH A GHOST. is there really only 2 episodes left? still haven't seen how/why she actually died and aren't close to a resolution other than fireworks. I'm not liking where this is going. Anjou deserves better, does Jintan really not care about her at all?

Yukiatsu is as bad or worse. he doesn't acknowledge Tsuruko and asks out Anjou when he's not interested. he's still stuck in the past on a ghost that died years ago. please don't ruin Poppo by having him love Menma too. an energetic and extremely childish ghost can't really be so appealing to them all.

+1 !!
so true !!
Jun 10, 2011 2:14 PM

Sep 2007
Hmmm. At least they somewhat addressed the issue of Menma's existence not being proven this whole time even though it was through Yukiatsu's jealous words. Although Menma could've done it herself but she isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed either.

People may say Yukiatsu is obsessed but honestly, Jinta is worse. The guy's world is completely wrapped around Menma his whole life. He completely refuses to acknowledge Anaru's confession and is starting to go borderline psycho... over a ghost.

Yukiatsu gets so much hate too for all the wrong reasons. If anything, Yukiatsu is probably the person in the whole group that's actually taking steps to even move on. Even if he's slightly manipulating Anaru, what would've happened if he didn't? Anaru would be stuck in a unrequited love for who knows how long. The both of them realizes the person they like will never look at them. Such a similar bond could definitely attract them together. Anaru just doesn't seemingly notice it yet. Besides, what steps did Tsuruko take to get with Yukiatsu? None. Out of the whole group, she's the one that's putting up a front the most. All she does it send out cryptic messages.

I would've nerdraged if the episode ended with Menma getting into another "accident" at the bridge. What a ridiculous plothole that would've ripped open.
Jun 10, 2011 2:37 PM

Feb 2010
Only 2 more episodes left.... >_<

and there's still so much to uncover... I have a feeling the last few episodes will be epic!
Jun 10, 2011 3:10 PM

Jun 2009
Nice episode, heavy feeling for all (Except Yadomi) can't wait 2 ep back, damn >.<

Jun 10, 2011 3:16 PM
Jun 2010
There is way too much shipping in this thread. Hopefully the series ends leaving the relationships open-ended; the relationship that matters here is the one between Menma and her friends, which should be resolved once she disappears (the end).

The show still has a lot of questions to answer, and I am beginning to doubt it can answer them with only two episodes left. I would really like to see just what the circumstances behind Menma's death were. There were hints in this episode. Yadomi also needs to confess his feelings for Menma. He really needs to get on that. -_-

The final 2 episodes ought to be the most emotional this season, assuming they plan to resolve everything. Looking forward to them.
Jun 10, 2011 3:20 PM

Jul 2010
mystik said:
I really really dislike Jintan at this point. he completely ignores Anjou despite her telling him her feelings from this whole time. he skips school, and looks like a freaking psycho. I'd be pretty freaked out if I was one of the others. why can he only see this ghost and didn't "share" her with the others earlier?
i agree on hating jintan for somehow ignoring anjou's feeling
at first i thought menma was just an imagination of jintan but menma ended up as a ghost... jintan is the only one who can see menma so i assume that menma still has something to do related to jintan...
and he didn't share her before, because at first he think it was only his imagination/hallucination and telling it to others will make them think his crazy where everyone already think he is XD...

Wasabi said:

People may say Yukiatsu is obsessed but honestly, Jinta is worse. The guy's world is completely wrapped around Menma his whole life. He completely refuses to acknowledge Anaru's confession and is starting to go borderline psycho... over a ghost.
yeah, jintan is crazy in love or obssesed with menma where he shuts himself in his house, and doesn't go to school.... but i know that crossdressing the attire of your love one who died is worse. so when it comes to obsession, i think yukiatsu is worse... or rather weird...

Wasabi said:

Even if he's slightly manipulating Anaru, what would've happened if he didn't? Anaru would be stuck in a unrequited love for who knows how long
though, i think anjou is still stuck with her unrequited love to jintan...

but still jintan is sht, doing all those things he had done too poor anjou...
chaelmiiJun 10, 2011 3:24 PM
Jun 10, 2011 3:22 PM
Nov 2010
Why didn't we get Tsuruko and Poppo's viewpoint again? :(

Will they manage to give us all the answers in only two episodes? I'm a bit anxious about it...

P.S. Gonna love the soundtrack from this series! :)

Jun 10, 2011 3:42 PM

Jul 2010
Feel bad for Tsuruko and Poppo. The last two episodes will be great ones.
Jun 10, 2011 3:44 PM

Sep 2008
Nice ep. =)
Jun 10, 2011 3:50 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I guess it's his wish after all, not her's.




[H+] ³  
Jun 10, 2011 3:55 PM

Jun 2008
Yumekichi11 said:
No, I do understand his frustrations in regards that's not the problem, the problem is Yukiatsu failing at managing his anger and instead cooperate more with Jintan to talk to Menma.

Where did he failed to manage his anger? When he tried to punch Jintan, he stopped himself and didn’t do it. When he was angry in this ep, he didn’t tell a word to Jintan or Tsuruko, he just kicked the wall. He never said bad words to anyone, but only the same question which, although said in a hurt/aggressive way, was nothing more than the truth: “Why does Menma only appear to Jintan?”. It’s a reasonable and logical question.
But I agree he should talk and cooperate with Jintan.
There is nothing more complex than the human heart. And all hearts are different, we should always try to see the reasons why someone acts in a certain way in a certain situation and don’t make quick judgments.

sirwence said:
then hate yuki because hes emotionally manipulating Anaru AND made her cry

She was going to cry anyway,(im I wrong? ) that why she ran away and went to that place, she was already trembling when Yukiatsu reached her. Who´s manipulating who?! The guy made her a question and even had a gentleman attitude to wipe her tear and apologize.
If asking someone out is manipulating than the world is filled with manipulating people.
Oh, and until now the scene where Anaru cried like a river was because of Jintan. And even in this ep, she cried only for Jintan…again. So I don’t think it was Yukiatsu´s fault.
Honestly I still cannot see why so much hate for Yukiatsu. It gives the wrong impression that no one here on this thread ever made a mistake in life or behaved on a different way. Everyone feels sorry for Jintan, but no one looks at the pain Yukiatsu feels in his heart.
Yes, Yukiatsu haters! Keep throwing stones at him. In the end, he will build a castle…
And yes, I do LOVE Yukiatsu, it doesn’t matter if he has flaws, because everyone has them. He made mistakes and he will probably keep doing them till the very end. Yet that does not make him a human crap. It simply makes him HUMAN.
OrulyonJun 10, 2011 3:59 PM

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Jun 10, 2011 4:25 PM

Jul 2009
ONLY TWO EPISODES LEFT!? Damn this show needs to have 25 episodes like Clannad or something...

Great episode. 5/5
Jun 10, 2011 4:37 PM

Nov 2008
Ok so Jinta is the most obsessed.. .. Not the guy who dresses up as her.. shaves his legs.. manipulates and uses people.. Gotcha makes perfect sense. Yuki is really a good guy.. once you get past him being manipulative hypocritical bitter person.

As for the Person who called Jinta obsessed for locking himself away in his house.. That is a form of dealing with Grief and Stress it has nothing to do with an obsession in Jinta's case. Its all about dealing or I suppose failing to deal with something. He didn't force it on others. He shut himself away from the world or tried to.

He ignored Anarus feelings? I doubt he ignored them (in fact he seemed shocked as hell and had NO idea what to).. as he went to apologize after- You have a guy who has a fair amount of Baggage and hes torn in at least 2 or 3 directions. He needs to settle that stuff before he could even think of a relationship. No one in this group is ready for a relationship yet in my opinion.

Though on the relationship bit : still seems like its heading towards the starting pairings though (J A and T Y ) .. just throwing the obsticles up that need to be over come .. just making the issues 'pronounced' and giving 'pushes' to solve them as they havent' been pushed yet to do so, and now they are; to deal with them (their guilt and issues) and with what happened to menma in general.

Thats if we get any pairings.. so yes I think if there are any its going to be Jinta and Anaru and Tsuruko and Crossdresser
sirwenceJun 10, 2011 4:41 PM
Jun 10, 2011 5:16 PM

May 2011
After watching the episode again, all i can say is Menma is really going to have to step up to the plate and knock some sense into the group one last time. At the rate they're going as soon as the wish is fulfilled and she disappears the group is going to fall apart all over again. "Super peace busters are friends forever" is a pipe dream when Yukietsu can't stand Jinta and berates him whenever possible, treats Tsuruko like a throw away toy, and is manipulating Anjou's emotions.

Menma is the only one who will be able to make Yukietsu stop. At this rate he'll turn into a complete tool by the end of the series. Tsuruko even said "If you drain the infection, if Yukietsu is rotten to the core, there might be nothing left". Menma needs to hit him with a triple dose of Neosporin, Peroxide, and Antibiotics. Hopefully there's still some good in him.

Mind you, Menma also needs to kick Jinta in the pants too. He's being such a single minded knucklehead now it's ruining his friendships with the others.
CirrisJun 10, 2011 5:21 PM
Jun 10, 2011 5:24 PM

Dec 2010
I dont understand how suddenly Yukiatsu wants to go out with Anjoiu... hmmm
Jun 10, 2011 5:26 PM

Apr 2011
For some reason, I thought this series would be something more (not exactly sure what, though). Now we've just got some mediocre love triangles. I guess if it ends a certain way, it could have a touching finish. The last 2 episodes are really important here.
Jun 10, 2011 6:14 PM

Feb 2010
Urgh... I think I like the characters a little less than before now, too many complications ><

I actually liked the idea of Anaru&Yukiatsu getting together but after reading what people said... yeah, don't want it happening now.

And if Poppo ends up liking Menma ASWELL, I will officially hate her >A> I mean, come on, it's getting a bit too much now. With everyone liking everyone, I was hoping there could be someone neutral. =___=

I really don't want it to end in 2 eps though >___< Maybe since ALOT of people like it, they might maybe hopefully make it longer >^< *prays*
Jun 10, 2011 6:16 PM

Jun 2009
WHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYY !!! only 11 episodes , now that's cruel .. i really started to enjoy this anime , it's one of the best slice of life animes , everything is amazing ^o^

anyway , great episode as always ..
but .. yukiatsu & anjou .. now that's strange .. & i think tsurumi has something for akiatsu .. well it's obvious i say :D

Can't wait for next week :3
Jun 10, 2011 6:30 PM

Nov 2008
Yeah, I could go in rage too if Yukiatsu goes with Anjou...
Nice episode.
Jun 10, 2011 6:31 PM

Nov 2007
Orulyon said:
Even if many people dont believe in friendship between girls and boys, the reality is that, YES, you can have a male best friend even if you´re a girl or vice versa and never fall in love with him

Exactly, having friends of opposite sex with no romantic feelings is possible. Especially when you grew up with them.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jun 10, 2011 6:40 PM
Feb 2010
Somebody has thougth about this?

- Menma can only write in the secret base.
Jun 10, 2011 6:44 PM

Aug 2009
Only 2 eps left? When did that happen?

Yukiatsu... on the one hand he seems creepy and manipulative, but I sympathize with him a lot more than Jin-tan. As for him asking out Anaru, I see it more as him trying to find ways to move beyond Menma as opposed to screwing with Anaru or Jin-tan. Might not be the most ethical way to do it, but at least he's trying. Or maybe he's trying to convince her (and himself) to give up not only on Jin-tan but on the idea of true love that formed when they were what, 6?

As for the whole Tsuruko thing though, he's not psychic and all she's done is casually berate him.
Jun 10, 2011 7:14 PM

Mar 2011
i can fell a school days ending coming along
Jun 10, 2011 7:25 PM

Jan 2010
darkblade889 said:
i can fell a school days ending coming along

Nahh. This is nothing like school days. Although I wonder if Jintan might commit suicide so he can be with menma
Jun 10, 2011 7:28 PM

Dec 2007
Still quite a lot of things that seem missing despite only 2 episodes left. Not sure they have wrap this up cleanly :(.
Jun 10, 2011 7:53 PM

Jul 2010
Bet it'll end with Menma being the one who's actually alive while the others are dead. Would be pretty surprising to see that at least :].
Jun 10, 2011 7:56 PM

Jul 2009
only 11?!?! i remember it saying 24 before. well it makes sense though, i wouldnt want this anime to drag on, regardless of how good it is. that said, this episode was a bit lacklustre compared to the last few.

though when jinta tripped, i started to laugh then i was like, oh fuck, no, dont die, it was such an awkward emotion.
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