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Apr 17, 2011 4:56 AM

Jun 2009
-Quasar said:
But seriously, how can the family of his classmates can believe that a single normal student could kill 29 of his classmates and blow up their entire room is beyond me.

Why is this so unbelievable? Here's an explanation for you. Ganta made a makeshift bomb from instructions found on the internet. Ganta brought said explosive device to his classroom and detonated it after running out. Resulting in the deaths of all his classmates. Media blows it out of proportion by saying he was bullied or had a history of metal instability. As long as nobody looks at the original crime scene then nobody would deny it wasn't possible.
The police could go along with it as well. They would be under tremendous pressure from the parents and public to catch the murderer. However the crime scene has no clues to another murderer and the police have no leads. Then you have the sole survivor. No family, no friends, and nobody who gives a damn about him = Prefect scapegoat. It isn't impossible.

"I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila."

Apr 17, 2011 4:59 AM

Mar 2010
Awesome first episode, made more of an impact than the manga opening :D
Apr 17, 2011 5:27 AM

Jul 2010
Mind=Blown. Definitely looking forward to next week.
<img src="" border="0" />
Apr 17, 2011 5:32 AM
Nov 2007
Wow, and we have another winner this season. Seems like 2011 is the best year for anime in a long, long time. Excellent voice-acting and production values and quite a unique first episode. Poor Ganta. I'm guessing he was framed to hide the existence of the Red Man.

I'm eager to watch the next episode.
Apr 17, 2011 5:38 AM

Dec 2009
I'm not sure how long I'll stick with this because after this first episode I'm already struggling with suspension of disbelief. What bothers me the most is how casually the show moves past events that should be major plot points, like the entire trial and the leaked confession video. It's all brought in such an overwrought and unsubtle way that at no point I felt like it could actually go like this. I'll give it a couple of episodes to change my mind but this is not a good start.
Ara ara.
Apr 17, 2011 5:58 AM

Jul 2009
If you're a candy-loving, blood-loving etc. kind of person, it seems this would be the right anime for you.
'Everything is impossible until proven possible.' - Me

Apr 17, 2011 6:01 AM

Jan 2009
Strange but Cool
and Romi Paku <3
Apr 17, 2011 6:10 AM

Dec 2007
Fucking censorship -_-
Apr 17, 2011 6:17 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
NIRGILIS ED, fuck yeah!!




[H+] ³  
Apr 17, 2011 6:19 AM

Mar 2009
Apr 17, 2011 6:36 AM

Dec 2009
The episode was "okay".

Not a fan of the animation and the censor. Even though I don't just watch it for the gore, the gore did set the mood for the manga in so many chapters.. Well be seeing many completely dark scenes from here on out, which frustrates me to no end.
Apr 17, 2011 6:38 AM

Aug 2010

there is this fucking guy who spoils everything.
he spoiled it on EVERY FCKING VIDEO OF DMW -,-

i think his name is "sky9ross"

^ douche guy
Apr 17, 2011 7:00 AM

Feb 2009
F*ck this censorship... Seriously...

Otherwise for me this is the best first episode of the season.
Apr 17, 2011 7:22 AM

Feb 2010
Another awesome spring anime!
Apr 17, 2011 7:39 AM

Jun 2009
AidanAK47 said:
-Quasar said:
But seriously, how can the family of his classmates can believe that a single normal student could kill 29 of his classmates and blow up their entire room is beyond me.

-snip and lulz-

It is impossible. We are talking about a kid here who is around age of 14-16. I can't believe you're making me to buy that explanation of yours to this ridiculous setup.

It is an anime I get it so I understand there were parts that won't be possible no matter how you twist it.
-QuasarApr 17, 2011 7:46 AM
Apr 17, 2011 7:48 AM

Apr 2008
If a moron like the tokyo governor can get reelected IRL then a kid can get convicted /framed for massacring his classmates in anime
Apr 17, 2011 7:51 AM

Dec 2009
Darklight0303 said:
If a moron like the tokyo governor can get reelected IRL then a kid can get convicted /framed for massacring his classmates in anime

Undeniable logic.
Apr 17, 2011 8:10 AM

Feb 2009
I was waiting for Ganta to clap to stop that debris from falling xD.

Great start but my friend says that 12 episodes isn't gonna cut out for the story as the manga does better later on.
Might check out the manga to compare the gore as he also says it's pretty graphic in the manga. Dem censors are fine but as the hype says that this is gory, I expected more.

Dat Kana Hanazawa though :D
And I heard Touko and Archer here. Works for me.
Apr 17, 2011 8:29 AM
Oct 2007
Loved this one. I wonder when Funi will license/simulcast this one. I look forward to a future BR release
Apr 17, 2011 8:45 AM

Jan 2009
Good thing I hardly remember the first couple of chapters.
And from what I do remember, I'm hoping they'll follow it faithfully, because it's so full of awesome.
Oh and, Makina's cool, as she should be.

Also, BDs, I need 'em, because these censors are terrible.
And this episode needed more than just a single short scene with Minatsuki. D:
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Apr 17, 2011 8:55 AM

Apr 2009
I really, really want more. The only thing that bothered me is who can really believe that such a little boy could kill 29 people in a day?
"If you feed me, Seymour, I can grow up big and strong!"
Apr 17, 2011 9:18 AM

Feb 2009
AngelicFeces said:
I almost want to stop watching for how unbelievably stupid the setup is.
"Yep, this child DEFINITELY brutally murdered 29 of his classmates and wrecked this room to such a degree."

He's proving that he can manipulate his blood as a weapon, they didn't know the Redman planted that thing in him, so yeah, it would make sense. I mean, he can stop a giant freaking sphere from crushing him and Shiro and yet he couldn't massacre a classroom?

If you think it's that bad, stop watching.
Apr 17, 2011 9:20 AM

Sep 2009
Denizen said:
You gotta love the people saying the court case was bullshit, simply because they saw the event themselves (They must be so unable to recognise different perspectives in real life)
You're stupid. The court case was bullshit for a number of reasons:

1: Reasonable doubt.

2: No weapon was found.

3: He had no reason to be knocked out if he was the killer.

4: No psychological tests were run (this is sort of standard in this situation).

5: They had absolutely no proof. Not even the slightest trace of it.

Also, you're forgetting that the video was shown AFTER the verdict was cast.

Additionally: There was an audience. Not one of them raised a problem with any of the above. There's no way every single one of them is corrupt. There is no avoiding it. A very large number of people there were retardedly blind to circumstance.

Vhaeraun said:
@Lind: Fair points, all of them. Forgive me for misunderstanding your comments. Grats on 1000 posts, btw ^^
Ohey, didn't notice that. Thanks for pointing it out.

AidanAK47 said:
Ganta made a makeshift bomb from instructions found on the internet.
Which explains why there was no forensic evidence of one, nor any trace of him having brought it. You're welcome to say some shit like the police were in on it or something and planted stuff, but since it was never brought up in series that's utterly moot coverage.

MrTall said:
Darklight0303 said:
If a moron like the tokyo governor can get reelected IRL then a kid can get convicted /framed for massacring his classmates in anime

Undeniable logic.
Well put.
Apr 17, 2011 9:25 AM

Feb 2009
torrentsven said:
pretty good! to bad about the cencoring


Else. very solid
Apr 17, 2011 9:31 AM

May 2010
Not bad, they change a little bit and add a new scene which is nice , I'm just hoping them to keep up the good work and if possible they could be better than before !
Apr 17, 2011 9:57 AM
Apr 2011
me loves, i can't wait for the rest of the anime. the manga is really good too. :3
Apr 17, 2011 10:37 AM

Nov 2007
Very promising start, and a lot grittier than I expected.
They did a great job in creating the overall feel of how wrong it is what happens Ganta. First he sees all his friends massacred, than he gets framed, abused, and sentenced for life, while doing nothing to deserve it.
Also, with a setting where the government builds an amusement-park prison, aiming at profit, it's not that hard to believe the trial was a sham. They wanted the kid in jail, and they've got him.
Apr 17, 2011 11:17 AM
Nov 2008
Well before i comment on episode i got to say.....ongoing manga....12 episode anime...>.> *has a bad feel about the adaptation.

Didn't read the manga yet's freaky...well they censored most of the gore so..che..damn xD...but it's kinda weird.Plot has a chance of being epic like Gantz or turn Gantz [ on some point xD ] I'm talking about anime only not manga [yet ]
Guess I'll definitely check out episode 2.
Apr 17, 2011 11:19 AM

Nov 2007
We don't know how corrupt their system is, but we do know Ganta had a lawyer who had no interest in saving him, quite the opposite. How much did he falsify? Combine that with the convincing leaked video and I'm able to suspend my disbelief enough... and apparently there's more to this later that will be revealed. Still, it is too vague and I wish it had been addressed better out of the gate.

I'm just glad it wasn't a 1:1 adaption or this conviction would have been worse.
Apr 17, 2011 11:31 AM

Apr 2008
mel-hime said:
Well before i comment on episode i got to say.....ongoing manga....12 episode anime...>.> *has a bad feel about the adaptation.

Didn't read the manga yet's freaky...well they censored most of the gore so..che..damn xD...but it's kinda weird.Plot has a chance of being epic like Gantz or turn Gantz [ on some point xD ] I'm talking about anime only not manga [yet ]
Guess I'll definitely check out episode 2.
The manga is actually close to what seems to be the final battle so it shouldn't take more than a year to wrap it up.
Apr 17, 2011 12:35 PM

May 2009
Honestly I'm quite surprised the music doesn't get much of a mention. The music producer for this anime, NARASAKI, is a god tier producer. He's current frontman of Coaltar of the Deepers and 1/2 of Sadesper Record. If anyone found the music to be amazing (much like myself) check out his bands.

As for the episode in general. I loved the bleak and dark theme this anime gives out. No hope, framed for doing no wrong, and meeting someone who helps you through your darkest hours. Anime's I could compare this to so far I would say RAINBOW. Not as mature and gritty, sure, but the same idea.
Apr 17, 2011 12:50 PM
Apr 2011
@Lind: the audience might not have all been corrupt, but most of them lost children so all wanted justice/revenge - regardless who the scapegoat may have been. The trial was a sham, but it delivered closure to the families, and that's all they wanted.
Apr 17, 2011 12:57 PM

Oct 2010
Really nice, I liked it better than C, though some parts of the anime (murder scene) were too dark.

I loved the "how big are your tities" line, it was just ftw XD
Apr 17, 2011 12:58 PM

Sep 2009
Vhaeraun said:
@Lind: the audience might not have all been corrupt, but most of them lost children so all wanted justice/revenge - regardless who the scapegoat may have been. The trial was a sham, but it delivered closure to the families, and that's all they wanted.
That's a tremendous generalization/rationalization.
Apr 17, 2011 2:24 PM

Mar 2008
i always knew deadman wonderland would get an anime when i read the manga
loved it =D
Apr 17, 2011 2:42 PM

Feb 2009
I stop reading DW @ chapter 25, but now I'm gonna pick it up and continue reading it, thanks to the anime. As for the anime, very good first episode, honestly, I was expecting my jaw to hit the floor. Disappointed? No. Did I overestimated Manglobe? Yes.

Being a fan of the manga, despite having it on hold, I didn't felt very much connected with the anime like I did with the manga, and that's coming from an anime guy. Also I imagine that a 2nd season has to be in works, because literally the first episode almost covered the 1st chapter of the manga (not entirely due to the cen) and the manga currently has like 43 chapters and every chapter has like 40 or more pages. Either each episode will consist of one chapter of the manga and in the end the series will have almost 50 episodes (which I doubt) or they are gonna take another route with this and finish it with 12 or 24. I hope is not the latter, but time will tell.

Very good episode. BTW Makina looks like a clone of Michiko from "Michiko to Hatchin". Oh and can't wait to see Crow animated.
Apr 17, 2011 2:53 PM

Oct 2007
Kipcha said:
AngelicFeces said:
I almost want to stop watching for how unbelievably stupid the setup is.
"Yep, this child DEFINITELY brutally murdered 29 of his classmates and wrecked this room to such a degree."

He's proving that he can manipulate his blood as a weapon, they didn't know the Redman planted that thing in him, so yeah, it would make sense. I mean, he can stop a giant freaking sphere from crushing him and Shiro and yet he couldn't massacre a classroom?

If you think it's that bad, stop watching.
You completely missed the whole point AngelicFeces was saying.

As for the serious unbelievable plot set up, I mean if a government allowed some people to use prisoner as a toy for business then being an idiot sitting on those seat and pretend to be a judge is not unreasonable to me.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Apr 17, 2011 2:58 PM

Aug 2010
All I thought was "this is some crazy shit" but it was still awesome. I am starting to prefer shows like this that have straight up gore action over the more tame damn near harem shounen action shows of the past seasons.
Apr 17, 2011 3:25 PM

Oct 2010
I wished they would have elaborated more on the friends at the beginning to create a bigger shock when they got murdered ^^. The first couple of events where really rush IMO.
Nevertheless this was an amazing way to introduce an series. Really looking forward to this next week.

On a side note, I know Nessa and Shiro have the same seiyu, but i think is sad that even the body language soooo similar (the same).
Apr 17, 2011 3:50 PM

Sep 2009
Siva said:
As for the serious unbelievable plot set up, I mean if a government allowed some people to use prisoner as a toy for business then being an idiot sitting on those seat and pretend to be a judge is not unreasonable to me.

On the one hand, that is true. On the other hand, that is an enourmous "if" right there.
Apr 17, 2011 3:54 PM
Apr 2011
Lind_L_Tailor said:
That's a tremendous generalization/rationalization.

Aye, but it's no worse than all the other generalisations noted from the plot already ;p
Apr 17, 2011 4:01 PM

Feb 2009
I really do not like unbelievable accusation like that how could he kill all these students? In that horrific way nonetheless. It is a nightmarish situation, I like my story a little bit believable like; yeah, that can actually happen to anyone, but this is bull like everyone noticed. -_- Totally piss me off.

Anyway if it was me that something like this happened forget about proving innocence, not only I would go after the bastard who killed my friends, but the entire system who wouldn't send a innocent to his/her death like that!
Apr 17, 2011 4:19 PM

Dec 2009
Looks pretty good.

Apr 17, 2011 4:37 PM

Dec 2008
Oh, this is going to be one hell of a mutha-effing ride and Villetta's going to love every minute of it!!
Apr 17, 2011 4:54 PM

Sep 2009
Vhaeraun said:
Lind_L_Tailor said:
That's a tremendous generalization/rationalization.

Aye, but it's no worse than all the other generalisations noted from the plot already ;p
Not sure I follow.
Apr 17, 2011 6:21 PM

Jun 2008
Vhaeraun said:
AmberFebruary said:
-Arthur said:

But damn, it's beyond my understanding how can they even believe that that kind of boy could kill 29 classmates ? :D

you haven't heard of politics?

and besides, 29 students killed, anyone suspected sure will be picked at no matter how innocent he/she is, that's the way of the world ^^

The sole survivor of a mass murder? The answer that the survivor did it is by far the easiest one (and the excuse of the survivor "I didn't do it, the Red Man did" doesn't give the best impression of mental stability.) since assuming his innocence would require finding both the real killer *and* the motive for leaving a survivor. His outburst in the courtroom didn't help his case any, either.

No he shouldn't be convicted without evidence. There is no need to find the murderer or his motive. The weight of the proof should be on his accusers and not on him. At least that's how any decent law system should act. What you say is instead of the law acting as "innocent until proven guilty", it acts like "guilty until proven innocent".

Anyway. I was right waiting for this show like crazy. It was the show i anticipated most for this season and i was not disappointed. It really looks like is gonna be the best. Interesting mysterious plot and nice artwork. This show looks awesome. Now i feel sad that is not more episodes.
Really though when it ended i was like. NOOOOO! I just wanted to have the next episode so i can keep watching. That's how intrigued i was. It's one of those shows that looks like a torture waiting each week. The people that will discover it later with all the episodes in their hand are lucky.
Must resist start reading the manga.

-Arthur said:
AmberFebruary said:
-Arthur said:

But damn, it's beyond my understanding how can they even believe that that kind of boy could kill 29 classmates ? :D

you haven't heard of politics?

and besides, 29 students killed, anyone suspected sure will be picked at no matter how innocent he/she is, that's the way of the world ^^

I know how it's done, but still.... 1 kid against 29 ? :D

Unfortunately prosecutors and judges get points on how many they convict instead of how many guilty they convict. So whatever suspect they get in-frond of them, they do anything they can to throw him/her in jail even if they see that the person isn't 100% sure of being guilty.

As about one person killing 29. Well we have seen crazier things in the world. In our world a guy bombed the shit out of a country because they where supposedly dangerous and then when it was all proved as lies, he just said, "oops sorry", and you are wondering how they can convict a kid for killing 29 people?
Apr 17, 2011 6:28 PM

Nov 2009
I didn't like it, although its arts look like Eureka7, they both come from the same designer.
Pass then :P, this kind of series doesn't suit me
Apr 17, 2011 6:30 PM
May 2009
AmberFebruary said:
-Arthur said:

But damn, it's beyond my understanding how can they even believe that that kind of boy could kill 29 classmates ? :D

you haven't heard of politics?

and besides, 29 students killed, anyone suspected sure will be picked at no matter how innocent he/she is, that's the way of the world ^^

His "defense attorney" pretty much sent him to jail intentionally. He made it look like it was his own doing. Completely politics.
Apr 17, 2011 6:37 PM

Jun 2010
This is for certain, I'm reading the manga.

Apr 17, 2011 6:43 PM

Apr 2011
Eh. So far it's bad story telling; suspension of disbelief can only go so far before it just becomes blatant plotholes. From what I hear of the manga, the violence was a big selling factor--bad animation decision to leave everything in the dark then? I know I'm not the only one who had trouble telling what was going on for the five minutes of black screen. Aside from that, I'm finding Ganta a bit unlikable at the moment. Will keep up with it if only to see where the plot goes, but it's not my top priority.

On a minor note, am I the only one getting tired of Kana Hanazawa?
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