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All Comments (226) Comments
I was certain this self-entitled know it all pest of the forums would be somewhat more experienced. No offense but to be honest you come off as a prick. Do you really take yourself and your own opinion THAT seriously?
Now to make things clear - if you enjoy the shows and novels you enjoy, that's great! If you find great happiness in spending your time in the forums, good for you! What I'm really curious about is why you spend so much time shit-talking others opinions, zealously trying to claim their opinions are factually wrong, and seriously shit talking others opinions with the occasional odd people who happen to be like-minded? (I'm also kind of tempted to ask how much excessive time you spend on forums vs actually enjoying the medium but whatever)
Protip of the day: Try to focus on the positives. Live and let live, this is a medium of entertainment and everyone will have their own subjective opinion.
Or to put it in more relatable terms to you: opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. Including yours.
All the best
So I'm just issuing out this message to some of the persons in my friend list as was suggested by the mod.
The cliche of black and white is fit for children to know what is right and wrong, but seriously as one grows up they should realize that themselves and me watching anime opened my eyes to it.
I can only imagine what those people's reaction be when the SPLAT SPLAT scene finally happens in the next few weeks, I'd probably be laughing my ass off reading their outrage the same way they did with Overlord S3's latest episode.
I mean fine, it's okay to feel sorry for the characters who met such grisly fates (aka Arche) but what did they expect from a dark fantasy series whose protagonist is basically the villain of the world.