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Jun 25, 2010 5:45 AM

Mar 2008
It's the end of the season and much like the end of the first season, the episode finishes with meal time and a text message from Kanou.

Slightly disappointed that Mihashi seems to be back to his normal Awawawa mode but the fact he managed to talk with Abe is a big step forward I suppose..
And a smile is obviously a bonus!
A big target to achieve now as well.

On a totally different note, Abe's younger brother's really cute.....

Now time to wait for a third season with fingers crossed.
Jun 25, 2010 12:14 PM

Oct 2009
Really, It was OK.

BUT I`m disappointed. My expected were for nice and funny situations, funny and weird faces. And sure I hated the end >>"
Jun 25, 2010 5:18 PM
Nov 2008
Nothing to add except that this was the best anime sequel I've seen. If only they'd hurry up with the manga scanlations (though it's 100x better in animation but still...)
Jun 25, 2010 7:13 PM

Nov 2007
Loved it!

Great to see everyone is already settled and ready for the next big tournament, abe and mihashi moments were as priceless as ever!

also, loved the ending when mihashi's face started to glow as he leaned towards the cell phone.

this is one of the best sequels in anime. I hope they make a third season, boy i just love nishiura nine! :)
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Jun 25, 2010 10:18 PM
Dec 2008
Expect subbed version from us on Wednesday morning. My translator is traveling again this weekend.
Jun 26, 2010 12:01 AM
Jun 2008
show is awesome i hope there's gonna be another season.

shanime i miss you i never see you on BW any more. even-tho i think its gone for good now
Jun 27, 2010 9:44 PM
Dec 2008
Got he script a day earlier than I thought. Expect a Tuesday morning release if nothing changes.
Jun 27, 2010 11:47 PM

Nov 2007
Wusoldier said:
show is awesome i hope there's gonna be another season.
shanime i miss you i never see you on BW any more. even-tho i think its gone for good now

Omaye wa dare? lol, seriously. :)
aww. i am being missed :(

demo, mou modorenai. :/
hope someone pops up and revives BW.

Heibi said:
Got he script a day earlier than I thought. Expect a Tuesday morning release if nothing changes.

and thank you Heibi for the info. looking forward to it and hopefully it wont be the last release :)
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Jun 29, 2010 5:32 AM
Dec 2008
Sorry for the delay but my encoder had a computer problem and is replacing his CPU. He says he'll get it encoded tomorrow. So, Wednesday morning if all goes well.
Jun 30, 2010 11:49 AM
Jun 30, 2010 1:51 PM
Jun 2009
Heibi, you're the man, thanks for subbing this awesome series, i hope that yoyu'll sub the third series because it will definitely air someday
Jun 30, 2010 2:24 PM
Dec 2007
Incredible transition episode for this last one of the second season. It was just perfect as usual, the developments were great and everything felt just right. The only thing one can complain about this 2nd season of Oofuri is its 13 episodes format. 10/10 for me and I must say this series is probably the best sports adaptation from manga to anime ever (direction, storyboard, animation, voice actors etc... are just fantastic).

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jun 30, 2010 2:39 PM

Jan 2010
This episode went way too fast, even though all everyone did was talk. I'm so sad that it's over. Season 3 please!?
Jun 30, 2010 2:46 PM

May 2008
There had better be more of this. This kicked Ippo: New Challenger's ass in terms of sports anime sequels.
Jun 30, 2010 3:40 PM

Jul 2007
;o; i nearly cried near the end, i didnt wont this anime to finish yet -sigh-
Jun 30, 2010 3:57 PM

Apr 2010
I really am going to miss this one...what will I do without Oofuri? Best series to air this season by far. This was a perfect episode to end the season. I loved the conversation between Abe and Mihashi, and the short scene at the end in which it showed what all the members of the team were doing was a nice touch. I'm a bit torn between giving this a 9 or a 10. I had enough issues with it to give it a 9, but it definitely deserves a 10 for pure enjoyment. =) Hoping for more in the future.
Jun 30, 2010 4:25 PM

Apr 2008
Aww I'm going to miss this anime so much going forward. As always the episode was a perfect blend of comedy and sports slice of life. This season surpassed the first I think so it gets a 10/10 from me and I am praying for a 3rd season.

I would also like to thank Heibi and the central anime team for subbing this show. The subs were great and without you guys the subs might be nonexistant. Again thanks so much!
Jun 30, 2010 4:51 PM

Nov 2007

Heibi can I add you as my friend. Thank you so much <3
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 30, 2010 5:04 PM

Aug 2008

This anime make me smile like a idiot in front of the computer! I can't wait for a s3!!!!
KuriniJul 1, 2010 12:39 PM
Jun 30, 2010 5:39 PM

Jan 2008
The Goal IS Koshien Victory! Isn't that a promise for 100 more episodes? gee I hope so.

Once again, Thanks to Heibi and all of Central Anime for top quality subs on archive quality video. You guys ROCK!
datsunvicJun 30, 2010 5:46 PM
Jun 30, 2010 6:18 PM

Dec 2008
I just love this show.

The little random animated hearts made me snicker a bit for some reason.

I really liked how some goals were Koushien champions, but Tajima went for national conquest, which is different. I really liked the national conquest goal.
How long would it take to earn 50 million yen, Karasawa? - Katsuya
No longer than it would take to get to the bank, provided I have a gun. -Karasawa
I'm through talking with you. -Katsuya
Jun 30, 2010 7:58 PM

Aug 2008
I'm still of the same opinion of this show as I was at the end of the first season. The atmosphere in the series is good, however the characters are extremely weak, and the baseball games are nothing special.

The anime is good compared to most anime. However, it still fails in comparison to other baseball animes like Major and Cross Game.

6/10 for me. 10th best show this season. Slightly better than the first season.
Jul 1, 2010 1:12 AM

Mar 2009
Awesome ending.

There MUST be a third season!
Jul 1, 2010 1:38 AM

Jul 2007
I'm just happy for a tiny bit of Haruna flashback x3
(Abe starting to understand why Haruna was so uptight about not wanting to get injured again....)

wah can't Haruna get his own show? I miss him T__T
Jul 1, 2010 1:45 AM

Apr 2008
llamaben said:
I'm still of the same opinion of this show as I was at the end of the first season. The atmosphere in the series is good, however the characters are extremely weak, and the baseball games are nothing special.

The anime is good compared to most anime. However, it still fails in comparison to other baseball animes like Major and Cross Game.

6/10 for me. 10th best show this season. Slightly better than the first season.

HAVE YOU NO SOUL??? I haven't watched Major but I did watch all the episodes of Cross Game. The only episode that really impressed me was the first but the rest was just OK. Just surprises me that you would rank that over this......different strokes i guess
TaihakuJul 1, 2010 1:48 AM
Jul 1, 2010 2:06 AM

Jul 2009
Ah, this pulls at my emotions. I love Abe-kun and Mihashi. They talked! Ah, I can't wait for season 3~

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Jul 1, 2010 2:42 AM

Aug 2008
Taihaku said:
HAVE YOU NO SOUL??? I haven't watched Major but I did watch all the episodes of Cross Game. The only episode that really impressed me was the first but the rest was just OK. Just surprises me that you would rank that over this......different strokes i guess
Cross game is primarily a character/relationship anime with the theme of baseball. What sticks out to me is that pretty much every main-ish character is well developed and likeable.

To me, Oofuri tries to take a semi realistic approach to baseball, and to do that means having useless characters no one cares about (half the baseball team, the cheerleaders, the parents etc). They develop them to an extent, but in the end they are all just forgettable, except the main 3, which at times are annoying. Without likeable characters, I simply don't enjoy a series as much, and naturally feel less emotion on the loss etc. The 3 things that I most think about when rating series are enjoyment, emotion, and suspense (all of which are pretty much a result of the characters and pacing)... Thus this series didn't appeal to me much.

Major is more of a shounen baseball series, which appeals more to my rating style than this. I'd say it's easily the best out of the 3 (at least S1, 2, 3, and 5), but that's another story.
Jul 1, 2010 8:24 AM

Sep 2008

OoFuri = Best baseball title if you take this objectively
As a writer too, I'm very impressed with chara developent on this title, very smart writing I must said.

for the games too, this one is the most realistic than other baseball title. And I like the game here the most than the Major does for example, this one is the most unpredictable and intense on field game execution on otherside Major is very predictable.

For Objective view : OoFuri >>> Major
For Fun : I rate both at same level.
Jul 1, 2010 8:46 AM
Nov 2008
Nice ending to the season; the format's pretty much similar to the last episode of S1. However, in this case, we are guaranteed a S3 with their fight towards Koushien. Can't wait!!

Finally Mihashi gets to get his thoughts across to Abe. I definitely hope to see them cooperate and get better! In addition, we also understand a little bit more about Haruna and his behaviour --> they better further develop this character in future episodes.

While I simply love this season, I kinda hate the fact that it's too short and we've to wait some time before S3 will be out. I'll rather them releasing everything at one go...

As for Oofuri vs. Major vs. Cross Game, I guess their focus are all different, although they are all kinda classified as baseball (=sports) anime. I am no pro when it comes to baseball, but I feel that the most outstanding aspect of Oofuri is that it's realistic and easy to relate and understand.

For Major, I enjoy the "drama" of Goro struggling to make it to the Majors; he's basically the only character that has enjoyed some character development (since the story evolves around him). You'll have to agree that it was Goro who made the show enjoyable, with that character of his.

As for Cross Game, I feel that it's more of a romance-centered anime, sprinkled with some baseball action. The matches are pretty much predictable (= less enjoyable to me). What I simply adore about this anime is the witty conversations between the characters and to a smaller extent, the romance drama.

In short, they each have their pros and cons, and I must say that Oofuri is the best baseball anime ever made, in terms of wanting to "learn" more about the game itself, without making everything too boring or dry. Oofuri was actually my first baseball anime (baseball is almost unheard of in the place I live) and boy, I was totally lost when all the baseball terms and strategies were flying about in Oofuri S1. I will definitely be looking forward to more baseball action in S3 when Nishiura aims for National Conquest! =D
Jul 1, 2010 9:13 AM

Aug 2008
I sort of don't care for this episode because it is so familiar, but it does exactly what it needs to do. If a 13th episode is necessary, then this is about how it needs to pan out. I'm not sure that I needed to see it though. It probably would have been better as the first episode of season 3. I assume they'll pick up doing the exact same thing as the beginning of this so, it will feel slightly redundant if there isn't a large gap between the seasons.

llamaben said:
Cross game is primarily a character/relationship anime with the theme of baseball. What sticks out to me is that pretty much every main-ish character is well developed and likeable.

I couldn't disagree more. The only character who saw any kind of development in Cross Game was Azuma. Everyone (especially Kou and Aoba) stayed exactly the same, and for a show that covered the cast over a 10 year period, that's quite pathetic compared to Oofuri which has half as many episodes cover a few months. Add to that the fact that relationships do develop much more, and smaller characters like Nishihura face some sort of dilemma (as opposed to many of the first years in Cross Game), and I can't see how you can justify your opinion at all.

This was the perfect sequel. 10/10
Jul 1, 2010 12:04 PM

Oct 2009
Great show!! Now I'm just hoping for season 3...
Jul 1, 2010 5:09 PM

Aug 2008
noteDhero said:
llamaben said:
Cross game is primarily a character/relationship anime with the theme of baseball. What sticks out to me is that pretty much every main-ish character is well developed and likeable.

I couldn't disagree more. The only character who saw any kind of development in Cross Game was Azuma. Everyone (especially Kou and Aoba) stayed exactly the same, and for a show that covered the cast over a 10 year period, that's quite pathetic compared to Oofuri which has half as many episodes cover a few months.
I probably phrased it wrong, as I was referring mainly to the characteristics of those characters, rather than the development throughout the series. While there may not be any technical "development", the characters still have enough screen to have their personalities grow on the audience. Oofuri, with the exception of the 3 main characters, does not.

smaller characters like Nishihura face some sort of dilemma (as opposed to many of the first years in Cross Game), and I can't see how you can justify your opinion at all.

And that is what brings Oofuri down imo. There pretty much both useless characters to the series, and are just there to fill up the numbers. While Cross game focuses on those that do count, Oofuri wastes time on those forgettable characters.

...and while it is no justification of my opinion, Cross Game is given a higher MAL rating than this, so theres obviously people who agree with me... Not to mention this is boosted by .20 or so because its a sequel.

fertygo said:

for the games too, this one is the most realistic than other baseball title. And I like the game here the most than the Major does for example, this one is the most unpredictable and intense on field game execution on otherside Major is very predictable..
It's definitely the most realistic, but that alone doesn't give it an advantage. Out of all 3, Cross Game is definitely the most predictable. Major is mostly predictable, except the final game of each season. And really, Oofuri isn't any less predictable than Major. It was easy to see that they would lose the final match this series even before the game started... To me, it definitely doesn't have the same intensity as Major.
Jul 1, 2010 9:23 PM

Sep 2008
I will never call Cross Game is sports anime, more like romance and drama title with baseball as plot device, because even Adachi fans admit baseball games in his title never looked good.

Btw How can OoFuri games in't any less predictable than Major ?

Major sure have pattern like this in every match > Strikeout > Homerun > little other device. and make it predictable, what worse isn't really you can predict the winner but you can also can predict there will be Homerun or Strikeout.

And for OoFuri we know together it'll very hard to predict it Inning-per-Inning a la Major.

But surely Major and OoFuri have different charm about field games execution.

Major is About GAR Showdown between their stars, and OoFuri offer tactical and mind games.

I love all title you mentioned, but comes to from baseball and objective view I can't see why OoFuri is the worst.
Jul 2, 2010 1:12 AM

Jul 2008
What a series. None of the games were as good as the Tousei game, but they were still executed very well. Oofuri is the best baseball anime for the sake of baseball, as it does the game a lot of justice in its depiction of the intricacies and complexities of the game. 9/10, same score I gave the first season. Extremely hoping for a 3rd season.
Jul 2, 2010 2:43 AM

Nov 2007
When I first started OoFuri S1 on a whim to try a sports anime, I never expected myself to end up liking it so much and actually end up attached to all the characters. I also never expected it's sequel to be so good that it just blew my mind away. This is such a rare case where a sequel ends up being better than it's already good prequel. I'm in awe how well thought out and executed this series is and I'm really liking that Mihashi and Abe finally sorted out their issues which were developing for the past 37 episodes. I have not watched enough sports anime to be able to back my claim, but for now OoFuri remains the best sports anime I've ever had the pleasure of watching and any other sports anime I may end up watching in the future will have a hard time proving me wrong. Forget sports, as a series itself OoFuri is very solid. 10/10.
Jul 2, 2010 3:07 AM

Jul 2008
Love every bits of this episode especially how the relationship between Tajima and Mihashi grows.
Fingers crossed for the next season soon!
Jul 2, 2010 3:32 AM

Aug 2008
fertygo said:
Major sure have pattern like this in every match > Strikeout > Homerun > little other device. and make it predictable, what worse isn't really you can predict the winner but you can also can predict there will be Homerun or Strikeout.

And for OoFuri we know together it'll very hard to predict it Inning-per-Inning a la Major.

But surely Major and OoFuri have different charm about field games execution.

Major is About GAR Showdown between their stars, and OoFuri offer tactical and mind games.

I love all title you mentioned, but comes to from baseball and objective view I can't see why OoFuri is the worst.
While I can see you point about Major being in that style, I still say Oofuri isn't that different. If you look at all the hints given before the innings, with reason you'll still be able to predict what will happen in that innings the majority of the time. I will admit that season 2 of Oofuri had less of this, but the first season was very predictable Inning-per-Innings.

There are definitely different charms to the series, and I do take that into consideration, but Oofuri doesn't impress me greatly with what it does. I wouldn't really call Oofuri tatical/mind games though. Sure, a couple of the characters use tatics, but it definitely isn't the charm or focus of the anime (Giant Killing definitely fits that category though). If anything, I'd say the charm of Oofuri is it's realism.

Anyway, I've expressed the reasons for my views. I'm not going to continue this discussion as it would go nowhere, and its a fact that Oofuri didn't entertain or appeal to me personally as much as other baseball animes. Which is also quite strange, as I usually like Oofuri's type of style in non-sports anime (I'm not sure if I simply don't like that style in sports animes, or if its just Oofuri.).
Jul 2, 2010 4:19 AM

Aug 2009
Oofuri mustn't end like this! I will start a riot if there wont be a third season. This season was simply awesome.
Jul 2, 2010 6:58 AM

Aug 2008
llamaben said:
I probably phrased it wrong, as I was referring mainly to the characteristics of those characters, rather than the development throughout the series. While there may not be any technical "development", the characters still have enough screen to have their personalities grow on the audience. Oofuri, with the exception of the 3 main characters, does not.

I still very much disagree. Sakaeuchi, Oki, Nishiura, Izumi, and the others are much more fully realized than the extras on Cross Game. On top of that, I think that Oofuri does a better job of making individual characters from the opposing team interesting and charismatic. Also, Cross Game uses the same archetypes that the creator has used in his other baseball series, so they're just a hell of a lot more stale.

And that is what brings Oofuri down imo. There pretty much both useless characters to the series, and are just there to fill up the numbers. While Cross game focuses on those that do count, Oofuri wastes time on those forgettable characters.

As a team sport everyone counts. That's why I enjoy Oofuri more. Eveyone has to pull their weight. Just because you have a great pitcher and a great hitter doesn't mean you can win. You have to rely on good coaching, and a full team.

...and while it is no justification of my opinion, Cross Game is given a higher MAL rating than this, so theres obviously people who agree with me... Not to mention this is boosted by .20 or so because its a sequel.

Yeah. That really doesn't mean anything to me.
Jul 2, 2010 8:02 AM

Aug 2008
noteDhero said:
I still very much disagree. Sakaeuchi, Oki, Nishiura, Izumi, and the others are much more fully realized than the extras on Cross Game. On top of that, I think that Oofuri does a better job of making individual characters from the opposing team interesting and charismatic. Also, Cross Game uses the same archetypes that the creator has used in his other baseball series, so they're just a hell of a lot more stale.
While they are "fully realized", my point is that extras don't need to be realized. Honestly, I didn't care for the opposition teams in Cross Game (except Miki's team), and not much in Oofuri either, especially this season. Opposition teams however, are a strong point in Major. While Cross game does use the same archetypes, obviously they must be effective, or they wouldn't be used again.

As a team sport everyone counts. That's why I enjoy Oofuri more. Eveyone has to pull their weight. Just because you have a great pitcher and a great hitter doesn't mean you can win. You have to rely on good coaching, and a full team.
In a team sport, yes they do. In an anime, not so much. As I previously said, realism can make an anime better, or it can make it worse. I personally lean towards the latter, but that's just a matter of opinion. Once again, Major is in between the two by developing the characters without too much focus on them, which I feel works best.

Summing up, Cross Game handles the "life outside of matches" the best, and Major does the matches them self the best. Basically each has one main focus, and excels in it. Oofuri tries to do them both with a realistic touch, and while still doing a decent job, comes nowhere near matching either of the two in their primary focuses, or overall.
llamabenJul 2, 2010 8:26 AM
Jul 2, 2010 11:45 AM
Nov 2008
I agree with NoteDhero and fertygo on this one.
Oofuri >>>>>> CG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Major

I mean CG is a nice little story but that's it. Oofuri is much more, beautifully executed games, great animation, lots of humour, great characters and real char. development. You know everyone in the game (even the enemy team! I mean I actually felt sorry for Tosei when they lost...), and they are all needed to win. Its not like in CG, where Kou just pitched a shutout or almost shutout and Azuma batted in a homerun or two when they couldnt or didnt walk him.

And Major is just baaaaaaaaaad, the drama is nice at times but the games are laughable, gyroball is a joke. Its a shounen, only difference from naruto or bleach is that the main char doesnt fight ninjas or a condomman. If you love that style you might like it, but Oofuri is above it in almost every aspect.
Jul 2, 2010 10:55 PM

Jan 2008
I can't believe it ends. Aw, I want moar. This is a nice, slow, and sweet sport anime. Yeah, this episode can be a start for another season but with the manga and its pacing, maybe it will take another 3 years just like the first season's gap? Hopefully not.

BTW, my mouth watered seeing those food. Heh.
Jul 3, 2010 11:02 PM
Jul 2010
I liked episode 13. At first I was expecting an unimportant and rushed episode to end the season, but episode 13 turned out to be very entertaining because we get to see each player's motivation. It gets a 5/5

I was a bit disappointed that the season only had 13 episodes, 26 would have been nice :)

This anime is really good, it's a baseball anime, but it entertains in a different way than other sports anime like Major. Major is the master of cliffhangers and has the most dramatic moments.

While Big Wind-Up shows us how important and difficult the role of a catcher is. I've been watching baseball since I was a kid and I never realized how mentally taxing being a catcher is. It's by far the most difficult position, and you get to retire early because of knee injuries :D

And I think Bing Wind-Up explored the friendship and relationships between players better. BWU is very original and super realistic, with a refreshing emphasis on tactics and coaching. And I love the camera shots when someone is diving for a catch, running the bases or getting a good hit.

I think Major is like a home run champion while Big Wind-up is like a batting champion (that's also a catcher!)
Jul 5, 2010 9:38 PM

Jul 2007
A very nice ending. I loved this season even more than I did the first.
A 10/10 from me. I just hope the 3rd season comes along soon.
Jul 6, 2010 2:23 AM

May 2009
Nothing majestic, but I loved Abe's reaction to Mihashi's smile. :))) hilarious!
But the simplicity reflected their life.
It's gonna be an anxious wait for the next season! Hope it's soon! ^_^

_____ _ _ ______

Within pain, there is desire.

_____ _ _ ______
Jul 6, 2010 8:48 PM

May 2009
Even with a post-game wrap-up finale, Oofuri is very enjoyable, never boring and even a little educational. Loved the second season and very much hoping for a third. As for Cross Game and Major, I love them too and will just leave it at that.
Jul 7, 2010 4:16 AM

Jan 2009
Malestel said:
I agree with NoteDhero and fertygo on this one.
Oofuri >>>>>> CG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Major

I mean CG is a nice little story but that's it. Oofuri is much more, beautifully executed games, great animation, lots of humour, great characters and real char. development. You know everyone in the game (even the enemy team! I mean I actually felt sorry for Tosei when they lost...), and they are all needed to win. Its not like in CG, where Kou just pitched a shutout or almost shutout and Azuma batted in a homerun or two when they couldnt or didnt walk him.

And Major is just baaaaaaaaaad, the drama is nice at times but the games are laughable, gyroball is a joke. Its a shounen, only difference from naruto or bleach is that the main char doesnt fight ninjas or a condomman. If you love that style you might like it, but Oofuri is above it in almost every aspect.

couldnt agree more man ive watched Major too and its really funny the way you described it because its the truth gyroball with super fork ball in it whatever it is its just comparable to kamehameha lol

mean while Ookiku is very well executed the animation is consistent and each character on this anime is enjoyable to watch and Ookiku is educational too but season 1 is more scientifically educational though like those alpha or beta waves of human brain waves
Aug 18, 2010 8:44 PM

Aug 2009
llamaben said:
realism can make an anime better, or it can make it worse.


Just no.
Sep 7, 2010 7:07 PM

Jul 2009
Aww, Ima a bit disapointed by the last ep. (>*<) Thought it be moar exciting! but this ep. was really good too!

It was really expected by how the anime has being going, . . . I WANT A S3, I mean theres SO MUCH it could be about!!

Sep 12, 2010 11:46 AM

Mar 2010
yeah a very nice season indeed... looks like if there would to be a third season... we'll be seeing tons of improvements from all the players... and seems to me that Mihashi will be an even more awesome pitcher in the next season if there would to be one(lets just hope that there'll be one aite!)... ^_^ and his personality too is changing haha well good to see that... well great ending i'd say... love it! :) a 10/10...
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