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Feb 15, 8:57 AM

Nov 2011
It's another episode with Tsukasa trying to do his best for Inori. I think at this point, he's the best thing to happen to her in this timeline.

Imo, this wasn't just an episode about competition and improvement but to see how far Inori can reach her potential. Episode also had the usual humor added in. Fun stuff.
Feb 15, 8:57 AM

May 2020
Seven episodes in, and yep we’re talking about our second tournament now. Tbh, you can train for all you want, but yeah, if it somehow isn’t converting to performances, then all of that looks like a big fat waste to the one who was putting in the hours. Inori’s like that. She does make a lot of mistakes while practising, and Tsukasa’s aware of it, so yeah, he does his job by cheering her up, but more than that, I like his approach over how he never discourages Inori when she decides to do something.

New characters were certainly.. some characters lol. Feels like a template for this series, but hey, at least the coach this time knows how to talk like a normal person, and isn't oozing any edge appeal. Tsukasa was pretty straightforward to ask him for the advice lol, though yeah, isn’t that how his character is? If anything btw, Tsukasa isn’t lacking at all when it comes to giving insightful analysis. That being that, girls have passed their badge test, and yeah, most of all, Inori managed to land that double jump. So, really looking forward to the tournament now.
Feb 15, 8:57 AM

Dec 2021
No but seriously, the way Inori meets her fellow competitors, and or new friends has to be studied. Legit this is now twice that it's been some weird first introduction to them. First with the cat-girl and her bumping into them in the middle of the rink and pouncing on Inori, and now miss shy girl over here and how Inori had to save her from being assaulted by pigeons... lol. Both of them got saved though, at least in the end.

And so, Inori's gained two new friends, and even Tsukasa's found himself a new friend. To which, they really do play off each other really well. I'm already loving their chemistry. Really hope we get to see more of them together in the future.... though, I guess I don't have to hope for anything because they're already back together lol. Just in time because Inori also mastered the double loop, so she's all ready to go and win this thing....

... But it won't be that easy, ofc, because she's lost her skates... yikes.

Feb 15, 9:46 AM

Mar 2021
Poor Inori has lost her skates I hope she finds them soon to be able to take part in the contest.
Feb 15, 9:51 AM

Feb 2019
Medalist Saturday! Another great episode this week and we’re all set up for Inori’s first big competition as a level one… assuming she can find those skates 😭 how tf do misplace your suitcase, girl!!?

These weekly pep talks between Tsukasa and Inori are giving me so much life. It’s sweet how they’re not just great for Inori, but also for Tsukasa and gives him something to strive towards. It’s ok to not be where you want to be right now. Don’t worry about imitating other people, everyone’s got their own clock and race they’re running. Just build yourself up brick by brick, day by day, and you’ll get where you want to be.

Inori just can’t help but make friends she’s got a natural aura that draws people to her. Made more friends/rivals this week than in her previous 12 years of life combined lol. So many different characters with vastly different personalities and skating styles. Ema and Suzu were great and I can’t wait to see Inori battling all these people for years to come.

It’s pretty funny Tsukasa wanted feedback from another coach on Inori’s skating issues and the whole time he had the answers himself, just wasn’t confident about it. He and Inori both have the same issue, they aren’t confident enough in themselves. They could not be a more perfect student-coach match.

Double loop mastered ✅ looked like we were ending this episode off on a very optimistic and happy note, but nope, Inori lost her skates?!!? I can’t remember if she had a suitcase when she saw suzu and the coach from Kyoto outside before entering the rink but this is bad.. either someone has to make a run to a shop or lost and found better come up clutch 😭
Marinate1016Feb 15, 2:55 PM
Feb 15, 10:01 AM

Jul 2016
It's funny if not a bit sad how low self-confidence that's inversely proportional to their actual ability is one of the biggest things Tsukasa and Inori have in common as coach and athlete. They'd be such a powerhouse duo if they overcome that somehow.

Well that sucks. Wonder if Inori will have to use rental skates and the next battle is gonna be about improvising with unfamiliar equipment or something.
Feb 15, 10:16 AM
Sep 2015
Tsukasa already has his own fanclub, and some of them even ship him with Jun. Could this fandom expand to the same size as Yuri on Ice?

One thing I find that not just interesting but also very encouraging is that, in this anime male characters are working hard from behind the scene to support female characters while female characters take the spotlight. It's usually the other way around in other anime.
Feb 15, 11:05 AM

Jul 2021
"But I landed it last time... I swear, I did it" was funny. Then Tsukasa going "I won't lose to you, Inori-san" was very him. They make a great pair.

phantomfandom said:
in this anime male characters are working hard from behind the scene to support female characters while female characters take the spotlight.

Good point. But it's like the main character here is the coach, almost more so than the athlete. At the very least, it's a dual-protagonist show.

I also like the coach character having lots of opinions and worries about their own teaching and support. And the show isn't afraid to really dig into it, even down to the technical details.
Feb 15, 12:04 PM

Aug 2020
great ep

i really the ost that brings something more

some characters development about self confidence

she likes to bring stress to herself alala
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Feb 15, 12:56 PM

Mar 2013
Goddam that ending gave me stress. I had a situation where I left behind a suitcase previously during a layover and almost left it behind for good. Good thing no one stole my stuff lol.
Feb 15, 4:14 PM

Jul 2021
From the bottom of my heart, fuck whoever it is at disney that uses the dub transcript to make the shittiest subtitles possible week after week. Lazy pieces of shit.

Who are you exactly? > Now you. Who are you?

"pep talks", turning affirmations into questions and vice versa. I'll fucking do a better job for half the price and I don't even know japanese. So I bet whoever actually does it doesn't know either.
Feb 15, 5:01 PM

Nov 2021
Love seeing Tsukasa and Inori getting more and more confident as the show progresses. Both are gifted in their own way but don't always realize it
Feb 15, 7:17 PM

May 2020
Unreal episode, elevated the whole show for me even further. Loved Tsukasa's realizations about himself. And Inori.... go ask for help!!!!
Feb 15, 7:48 PM

Mar 2018
i really liked this episode, i love how they both are so in tune with their feelings. really relatable.

you've never really played sports until you leave your shoes or jersey back home lmao.
Feb 16, 12:50 AM
Feb 2023
This is so peak, even the side characters are so interesting that we want to see more AOTS for me.
Feb 16, 1:58 AM
Oct 2022
is it just me or the subs for the anime are straight up worst ? i really like the anime but subs are really bad
Feb 16, 4:17 AM

Jul 2023
Another Tsukasa episode. He picks the brain of a top coach only to discover that he has great qualities as a coach and he only needs to be more confident.

Inori though is in a crisis. Where are her skates? It sucks if she can't even compete. Either her sister comes and saves the day, or some kind soul lends her skates to Inori.
Feb 16, 11:01 AM

May 2023
Inori makes new friends, happy to see Seira and Ritsuki debut in this episode. Ema is sooo cuteee, Suzu with her narcissistic lol good thing she's cute.

Tsukasa finally realized his lack of confidence in himself, idk why but I cried at that moment.

The cliffhanger made me upset but in a good way, Inorin lost her ice skates!? Really looking forward to the next episode!
Feb 16, 1:07 PM

Feb 2014
I'm happy that it didn't take long for Inori to attain her level one badge, although now she has to perform more complex moves in order to score higher in tougher competitions and we do see her struggle a bit.

That's where we get introduced to new characters, Emi and Suzu. The way that their coach carries them like a stuffed toy was pretty hilarious, but there's no denying that both girls are pretty talented in their own right. It also gave Tsukasa a chance to ask the coach for advice for helping Inori more, but he was right to point out that Tsukasa knew the answer already, which shows that he should believe in his own skills and abilities more.

Both Inori and Tsuaka are alike when it comes to the self-confidence issues, but this is why they both are the perfect match for each other as a coach and student respectively. It's another reason as to why their dynamic synergy makes this series such a joy to watch. =)

However, the big day of the level one competition arrives and Inori sadly realises that she doesn't have her skates with her, which has left her panicking. Now it's a race against time to either go back to get her own skates or, more likely, she'll have to get a spare set from someone in the venue. I really hope that she can compete, as missing out because she forgot her skates would leave her feeling devastated.
Feb 16, 10:01 PM
Mar 2015
Our gril is no cutie-patootie
Feb 17, 12:03 AM
Sep 2024
Episode 3/5

It was the weakest episode among all those released, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't that memorable either. Basically we have Tsukasa wanting to improve himself as a coach, since he never felt capable and lacks enough self-esteem to improve and put his skills into practice, It's very funny how he underestimates himself, thank goodness that coach managed to wake him up to this fact.

Inori is also slowly learning skills, but like Tsukasa, both sometimes need to better explore each other's potential. There were also new kids appearing, they are all great characters, cute and skilled, man this anime only makes good, incredible characters. That said, it was an "ok" episode.
Feb 17, 11:53 AM

Nov 2013
As expected Tsukasa is giving his all when it comes to tutoring.

Inori's improving, but she forgot her skates? "Cliffhanger" will be resolved with her getting skates back at the last sec, or she'll borrow someone else's, I wonder? She'd be at a disadvantage with different skates though, I assume.

Bunch of new characters added too.
Feb 17, 11:50 PM
Oct 2024
Tsukasa just proves once again that he is great with children. I loved how this episode makes you understand what it means to be a coach. I loved the cliffhanger and it makes me wonder what's going to happen!!
Feb 18, 1:19 AM
Jan 2017
Comment from the original author
At the time of this episode, mike is on a trip to Hawaii with her family.
Feb 18, 3:01 AM
Apr 2020
Reply to IhnalakoKaina
From the bottom of my heart, fuck whoever it is at disney that uses the dub transcript to make the shittiest subtitles possible week after week. Lazy pieces of shit.

Who are you exactly? > Now you. Who are you?

"pep talks", turning affirmations into questions and vice versa. I'll fucking do a better job for half the price and I don't even know japanese. So I bet whoever actually does it doesn't know either.
@IhnalakoKaina If you dont like it, then do it yourself.

Till then, you'll just have to deal with it.
Feb 18, 3:52 AM

Jul 2021
@animefanftw123 Disney wouldn't hire me. I'm not a child predator or a raging psychopath who hates all of disney's pre 2000's works after all.

So I guess I can just comment on how if somebody doesn't feel the drive to faithfully translate something for which they're paid, and instead they copy the work of someone else who also didn't have any respect for the work they were dubbing and saw it as their own creative outlet, then they, former and latter, can all go fuck themselves.
Feb 18, 1:59 PM
Apr 2020
^Someone really needs to chill out.

Its really not that big of a deal.

If it is to you, then just ignore this series.
Feb 18, 5:15 PM

Jul 2016
Stress-inducing cliffhanger with Inori not finding her skates...

Nice episode again. Kinda fast-paced but still enjoyable nonetheless. Inori made two new friends and Tsukasa realized he's highly qualified as a coach.
I liked the new characters that were introduced and as someone else said, I gotta love the fact of both Inori and Tsukasa getting more confident as the show progresses. They are such a good duo~
Feb 20, 11:28 AM

Aug 2013
All these hot looking coaches and their adorable students with unique character designs... Anyway, she successfully executed her first double loop before the competition.
Feb 20, 8:19 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to IhnalakoKaina
From the bottom of my heart, fuck whoever it is at disney that uses the dub transcript to make the shittiest subtitles possible week after week. Lazy pieces of shit.

Who are you exactly? > Now you. Who are you?

"pep talks", turning affirmations into questions and vice versa. I'll fucking do a better job for half the price and I don't even know japanese. So I bet whoever actually does it doesn't know either.
@IhnalakoKaina I recommend the Hulu subs, they seem to be better from what I've read.

Good episode, hope Inori finds her skates.
Feb 25, 9:00 PM

May 2019
Got introduced to a couple of new skaters including one that calls herself cute and their coach who seems to be a cool guy. While it was great that Inori finally pulled off a double jump in front of her coach she needs to find her suitcase with her equipment, hopefully none of the other kids took it...
Feb 28, 2:28 AM

Apr 2016
Wow, Inari lost the suitcase!!!!

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