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Aug 15, 2024 12:14 AM

Dec 2021
So did WIT forget that this is the final episode or something? Why was this so... mediocre? I say this because I know WIT has it in them to try on a project. That is, when they actually care about one. This one they clearly just didn't. Like four of the ten episodes had a standout moment that actually screamed WIT to me.

Animation complaints aside, let's talk about the story complaints. I seriously lost track of what the story was once the Queen turned into a demon or whatever. Like, this is a DC project we're talking about. Most generic isekai's we get every season at least try with the final episode... AT THE VERY LEAST. Ah but it's okay, at least they tried on my queen Harley's final battle outfit. For what though, just for them to fight some ugly ass CGI skeletons... sigh.

Harley comes up with some last minute plan and that's that. One good cut of animation, that being the new Queen hitting the demon with Harley bat into space. They rushed the whole thing with the squad so they could show Joker... and set up a season two... A FUCKING SEASON TWO....

Truth be told, this is just the typical isekai slop we get on a seasonal basis, just with DC characters slapped onto it.

I'm still under the the belief that the whole thing about them having Tappei and Eiji as script writers was a lie to get people to watch this shit. Because where were they the entire show huh?

These companies need to stick to what they're best at, making cashgrab movies. NOT cashgrab animes.

Aug 15, 2024 12:54 AM

Feb 2019
This was definitely one of the finales of all time.. seems like WIT saved all their juice in the episode for the last 10 minutes or so after a lacklustre start. Tale of two halves really. First half looked like the subpar animation and production values we saw in eps 3-5 and the big climax battle looked like last week’s sakugafest. Overall, really liked the show despite its flaws. I love DC so you mix that with anime and at a minimum I’m going to have fun.

I feel like half the budget for the episode went to Harley and the gang’s Mahou Shoujo transformations lmao that was so damn random but awesome! The fight scene that followed was dope and I’m glad we got to see enchantress in action, wish we’d got more of her in this

It’s fitting that the princess takes out the demon lord since she was masquerading as her mom all these years. She really looked bad ass using the legendary sword and this kingdom is definitely in good hands. Love the scene of Harley blasting the demon lord head into the stratosphere lmao.

Those last 3 minutes were something though. The princess getting all excited because her idol Harley finally recognised her and even gave her a nickname was so cute she’s adorable! I hope she and her knight get a nice ending one day. But wtf, Joker being behind everything is such an odd twist considering how he was being set up as such a positive figure in this story. Never seen a Joker story where has shapeshifting abilities like this.. such a wild way to end the season off surely there’s gotta be a sequel manga coming or something to continue the story.
Marinate1016Aug 15, 2024 1:36 AM
Aug 15, 2024 1:11 AM
Jul 2023
Saving “the best” for the last it seems.

The reveal clear some of the narrative decisions, but not much, making the series salvageable, barely.

Overall, an inconsistent product of wasted potential, but there’s Harley, so its enjoyable enough of a watch.
Aug 15, 2024 1:47 AM

Jul 2016
Nanaue's magical girl transformation had every right to look as cool as it did
Aug 15, 2024 2:36 AM

Jan 2009
so the joker is the mastermind all along then

the animation was weak for a finale the only sakuga worthy scenes are the transformation scenes

the show is mid or average but not the worst kind
Aug 15, 2024 3:03 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Welp this was a big disappointment after seeing the first few episodes. It just feels and IS very generic, both in art style and in plot. This having the suicide squad characters just barely spices things up. Otherwise it's just another isekai. That said, there perhaps SOMETHING going here, the writers just need to be let off the leash some more. Harley was great from the start, but the other members do gradually grow on you like they should, at least they did for me. Oh and episode 7 was fire. Every episode should've been that balls-to-the-wall crazy.

As a whole, let's give it a 4/10. Not exactly hoping for a season 2 here, but if one does come some day and it shows some promise, sure I'd watch it.
BetaMaleUltraAug 15, 2024 3:07 AM

whiskey tango foxtrot

Aug 15, 2024 3:12 AM

Feb 2022
Ok, so thats how it ends....

Nice plot twist at the end.
The best part for me has been Harley and her VA, so damn good.

Was it the best show this season, no.... was it the worst, definitely not.
It seemed like the budget for the fight scenes went up for the last few episodes as there was some really good moments.

The magical transformations were great, i loved the Harley one
Aug 15, 2024 3:29 AM

Nov 2013
Twist at the end made it way worse IMO.

Good thing I went in with very low expectations to begin with. Feel less disappointed as a result. I'd say it's "ok" for one viewing. ED certainly is hilarious though. That's one thing I'll definitely not forget.
Aug 15, 2024 4:00 AM

Jan 2009
at least enchantress is sexy hot
Aug 15, 2024 4:20 AM

Jun 2023
The magical girl transformations were cool and all but this ultimately turned out being meh
Aug 15, 2024 5:01 AM
Jan 2021
the Japanese production hand was better limited only to the animation, and leave the screenplay to the American productions.

Not only have they made the softest PG version of Suicide Squad, but transformed it into a genetic battle shonen.

Aug 15, 2024 5:01 AM
Jan 2021
the Japanese production hand was better limited only to the animation, and leave the screenplay to the American productions.

Not only have they made the softest PG version of Suicide Squad, but transformed it into a genetic battle shonen.

Aug 15, 2024 5:24 AM

Jan 2018
Finally, the misery has ended.

For a final episode, the animation didn't look as good as it should've tbh. But the magical girl transformation scenes were cool. Those were the only real highlights. And hey, they actually finally did the Fione and Harley Quinn switcheroo! I knew that was gonna happen at some point since episode 1. But how tf did King Shark survive his stomach being slashed open?

Wtf was that ending? Are they really setting up for another season? Pls no more. It's funny that they think there are people who'll watch another season. Joker showed up way too late into the game. Tho Ig he might make the 2nd season more tolerable. It's sad that DC heroes like Batman and the Justice League didn't even make cameos because they probably couldn't get the rights. I don't think this show was successful so I doubt they'll get the rights ever.

This was a very inconsistent series. The story is lackluster so the action should've been the sole saving grace. But that sucks too. As I said in a previous episode's comment, this should've been a movie like Batman Ninja. It would've been way more digestible then. Episode 5 will go down in history as one of the worst animated anime episodes. Tho Idk if anyone even cares enough to remember it.

I would've preferred it if they just ended it with this season instead of sequel-baiting. The waste of resources is just sad to see.
0451Aug 15, 2024 6:06 AM
Aug 15, 2024 5:24 AM
Jan 2020
pinterest joker with the plot twist of the year
Aug 15, 2024 5:28 AM
Feb 2020
So it was the jokester all along.Man he and Harley got some mad moves tho during that sword fight and guess she never really beaten Katana.Think this show is just "OK" at best,6/10 is the highest it could go.
Aug 15, 2024 5:37 AM

Aug 2020
they put all the budget for this last ep

they did a great job

and we already know that we will have a sequel.

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Aug 15, 2024 5:51 AM

Oct 2017
They got their isekai power up for the finale. Knew Harley and Fione would swap. Lol'd at how they dragged Enchantress' body. She became a tsundere too but she's op. Joker makes his appearance with the reveal. It was his work all along. Nice reveal to end the season which opens up doors to new season possibilities.

Enjoyed watching the suicide squad in another world. Specially Harley Quinn, props to Anna Nagase. Was a fun watch. I knew this would be this type of anime and not some dark edgy stuff.
MegamiRemSep 27, 2024 3:40 AM
Aug 15, 2024 6:22 AM

Jun 2019
My 286th completed series chronologically.

For the record, I extended it a 5/10 rating.
Aug 15, 2024 6:24 AM
Mar 2019
It's insane when the Squad gets all techno-wizardry. And is that last sequence a hint on a possible season two? Hmm...
Aug 15, 2024 6:42 AM

Apr 2022
oh nah they got em doing magical girl transformations, i cba. just a very forgettable ending and series overall. wish harley looked badder at least. hope they actually make something decent with dc one day that i can fanboy over.
Aug 15, 2024 6:42 AM

Mar 2012
ok seriously, the anime industry/DC/Marvel can STOP being desperate now lol

this was 200% carried by Anime Harely Quinn and nothing else and they know it
Aug 15, 2024 7:29 AM

Aug 2022
Well this was certainly something. Excluding Joker, Katana was my favourite character in the show (Which is Ironic considering it was just the Joker in disguise)

I watched the first 9 episodes in dub and then the last one in sub just to get it out the way. I gotta say the dub feels way better for this show. It brings out the real nature of the characters and makes the comedy way better. Especially with the joker. In Sub he sounds more badass but in Dub he sounds like a lunatic. Which id much rather have him sounding like a lunatic. Overall the best way to describe it imo is that the sub felt like Anime and the dub felt like suicide squad.

The animation/Fight scenes were all amazing (with the exception of a few episodes).

Overall this was surprisingly good the dub's Va's and interactions with each other carried the show imo. (and the few scenes of the joker)

(And having Mori sing the ending song immediately boosts the rating for me)


Id love a second season (provided we get more joker)

I honestly think a suicide squad anime or just a batman anime would have been way better than this. The whole isekai thing wasn't needed. A anime in Gotham would have been better. But this was still great

(if you didnt realise from this I love the joker, hes one of my faviorite villians in any media. Him and Megatron)
Aug 15, 2024 7:41 AM

May 2018
Like total nonsense, but I had fun.
Definitely more entertaining that 90% of the isekai trash out there.
Aug 15, 2024 7:42 AM

Apr 2011
It seems that I'm a minority here but I actually enjoyed this from beginning to end. It was very fun for me, as I wasn't really expecting anythimg but entertainment with characters that I already knew and loved in a WTF situation. I really love Harley and they did her justice in this anime so I'm very happy about it. King Shark is in his cutest version, Clayface being hot (and still a dumbass) wasn't in my bingo but I welcome it, Deadshot was as badass as possible, and even tho I'm not a big fan of Peacemaker I AM a big fan of Takehito Koyasu so I enjoyed this depiction of him.

Final episode was very fun for me as well, I really loved the mahou shoujo transformation sequences. Harley looked amazing transformed and they gave her her hyenas!!, Clayface going full Michael Jackson was really funny, and I'm super sure someone in this anime's production wants to bang Peacemaker. I was sure Harley and the princess would switch places at some point since the princess first showed up and I was right, but this was pretty easy to guess.

I don't usually watch isekai anime bc most of them bore me to death as I'm not interested in the tropes by themselves. But with Suicide Squad in it? I want another season already.
Aug 15, 2024 8:16 AM
Oct 2022
Makes sense now about the Harley vs katana fight
Aug 15, 2024 8:19 AM
Feb 2020
Ok that water monster definetely shrunk between scenes. Aint no way in Hell Peacemaker could be able to choke it in it's deput! Also, Clayface and Flag dragging the Encantresses body around was comedy gold!

Overall it was a nice little series despite the inconsistent animation.

The character were mostly true to themselves but honestly Harley, Peacemaker, Clayface and King Shark CARRIED IT (and for real I just did not care about the Princess)

Pluss with main cast like that there was no way in Apocalypse anyone was gonna get killed.

Aug 15, 2024 8:21 AM
Oct 2022
Harley costume goes hard plus they added her hyenas which is cool
Aug 15, 2024 8:29 AM

Feb 2011
We are reaching levels of slop previously thought impossible.
Aug 15, 2024 8:30 AM

Sep 2021
Yeah, figured it would be Joker after all since episode 7 hinted at it.

I really love the henshin sequences but they could've built up the armor lore more so it doesn't look like it came out of nowhere.

So I guess if it's popular enough we could get 2nd season with Joker as the main villain?
Aug 15, 2024 8:54 AM

Jul 2017
So much to do, in so LITTLE time.

The real Enchantress being trapped in the supposed MacGuffin, the Suicide Squad manages to find her to relieve of the copy that Harley is facing. Even Katana relieved Clayface and Rick, as much as King Shark and Peacemaker manages to deal with King Croc. But it's clear that dealing with Enchantress's imitation is the most important to get herself back to her real body to break free from the spell of the Undead King, and the unnecessary Mahou Shoujo-ish transformations with the holy armour's helmet of power, is just Wit Studio's flex to invoke magic to the Suicide Squad.

The only way to defeat her, without the aforementioned sword that'll rue her, though Harley sure has a knock-out plan that would ensure her being gone for good, and they did the outlandish work to get themselves in the spotlight for saving the Empire. But still, to think that Joker was the one to orchestrate the entire affair, it's not a clean-cut affair, and Amelia designates his capture being disguised as Katana.

Like the first movie of its inception which became an infamous cult classic for being bad, Japan's version in anime something to behold.

Forget the fact that this show is marketed on the pure hype of the Teppei-Eiji collaboration of Vivy, it DOES NOT feel like one and is written on the cheap, like a brainless cashgrab. Wit Studio does nice on the production, but it's clear which show is given the better priority this season (a la Nokotan).

Ultimately, I grew even lesser to like the show in its progression...messy, clunky, and ulitmately, very underwhelming.
Suppose that you could turn off your brain knowing that this IS the Suicide Squad after all, so expect the unexpected for a good time.
KANLen09Aug 15, 2024 9:02 AM
Aug 15, 2024 8:57 AM

Nov 2023
The ED is a pretty good listen, seeing that ED for the first time and watching Waller bust down moves like that was crazyyy

A very strong point of this anime is the dialogue, the character interactions between the squad. It feels like these are real people

Clayface is best man this season unironically, & its not even close

EP1 & EP10 is for some reason set at very low brightness & it really takes me out of the experience

Seeing the squad transforming into new drip looks very good (especially Harleys)

I thought it was pretty obvious that the Joker was in the new world but I would have never ever guessed that he was a shape shifter pulling all the strings.

I think people are being too critical & had too high of an expectation because Tappei wrote the script. (He wrote Re: Zero) the guy was given 10 EPs to work with & was most likely given a ton of guidelines from DC. 

Why is the final episode acting like there will be a season 2??? 😭😭 I think we both know that won't happen

Overall, A pretty good ending episode
Isekai Suicide Squad 8/10
So for some perspective that the same as
Overlord S1
Vanitas no Carte P1
ObviousAlt2552Aug 15, 2024 9:19 AM
Aug 15, 2024 9:04 AM
May 2020
I just want the Joker and Harley in another world as a couple running an inn driving the locals crazy!

Aug 15, 2024 9:07 AM

Jan 2024
The show has very little plot to begin with but as it progressed it become more lack luster. The overall story is on par or even worse than avg "trash" Isekai which they trying to parody here. Recognisable character such as Harly & suicide sqd gang made it watchable.
The "big final battle" was ok ig. Animation is decent but this studio is doing better job animating Nokotan. Atleast that princess get the final blow which was nice. Last reveal is kinda bleh.. Harley should have recognised Joker if he was transforming. Also they dared to tease s2 tf.
Mid. But Clayface 10/10 character.
Aug 15, 2024 9:08 AM

Mar 2013
Since when Joker has transformation powers?
Aug 15, 2024 10:06 AM
Oct 2018
I refuse to believe that this show was written by re zero author. There is no way. The finale was mid, so was the whole show.Even animation wise only a few cuts are memorable. Can't believe this is getting a season 2, i highly doubt that i will be there.
Aug 15, 2024 10:38 AM

Oct 2017
Btw i dropped this anime at around ep5
Do anyone who finish the show thinks at later plot is worth my time to complete it with satisfactory ending?
Aug 15, 2024 10:45 AM
Jun 2024
es una lastima que halla terminado con solo 10 episodios, pero no creo que halla que esperar tanto para una segunda temporada.
Aug 15, 2024 10:51 AM

Oct 2017
Reply to Nik03178
I refuse to believe that this show was written by re zero author. There is no way. The finale was mid, so was the whole show.Even animation wise only a few cuts are memorable. Can't believe this is getting a season 2, i highly doubt that i will be there.
@Nik03178 It's pretty common though.
An author does not consistently create good works, especially under more restriction/ more people involved.
Do you know the author who write Fate Zero also write Bubble? (That mediocre netflix anime movie)
Aug 15, 2024 11:14 AM

Jan 2019
I don't believe this anime was actually written by Tappei and Eiji because the only part of Tappei's writing I noticed in the entire series was the Joker plot twist, and nothing else.

If it weren't a Warner Bros IP, we could have seen the original script, unmodified by Warner Bros, like with the Vivy Fluorite Eye's Song novel.

It seems even good writers can't do much when the entire project revolves around Suicide Squad characters and Warner Bros' restrictions. They probably wouldn't even allow original anime characters to stand out more than the Suicide Squad characters because that would reveal how weak the Suicide Squad characters are.

Also, I don't know what happened, but WiT Studio dropped the ball. This is the worst production I've seen from them, considering they're well known for their amazing work. Maybe they didn't even care after Warner Bros got involved.

I know one thing for sure: this story was heavily altered by Warner Bros' own bad writers. They probably thought they could do better but ended up making it much worse, as we've seen in many other series.
G.O.A.T Twitter Account:
Aug 15, 2024 11:22 AM
Feb 2022
It was a really good anime. The outfits for the final battle looked cool. With that ending i hope they make a season 2.

Spanish translation:
Fue un anime muy bueno. Los atuendos para la batalla final se veían geniales. Con ese final espero que hagan una temporada 2.
Aug 15, 2024 11:30 AM

Apr 2011
Reply to BLaCkGuN69
Since when Joker has transformation powers?
@BLaCkGuN69 I assumed it was that sword he was holding that gave him that ability.
Aug 15, 2024 11:52 AM
May 2021
Lol anime was soo shitt, only good thing was the ending 😂😂😂😂
Aug 15, 2024 11:53 AM
May 2024
What a fun show that was! I loved the magical girl transformations everyone got, I just wish we got a few more episodes, I wanted to see them rebel against Amanda Waller. I hope we get a sequel, I know next to nothing about DC comics but I had a lot of fun watching this show.
Aug 15, 2024 12:13 PM
Jan 2021
Reply to Okeanix
I don't believe this anime was actually written by Tappei and Eiji because the only part of Tappei's writing I noticed in the entire series was the Joker plot twist, and nothing else.

If it weren't a Warner Bros IP, we could have seen the original script, unmodified by Warner Bros, like with the Vivy Fluorite Eye's Song novel.

It seems even good writers can't do much when the entire project revolves around Suicide Squad characters and Warner Bros' restrictions. They probably wouldn't even allow original anime characters to stand out more than the Suicide Squad characters because that would reveal how weak the Suicide Squad characters are.

Also, I don't know what happened, but WiT Studio dropped the ball. This is the worst production I've seen from them, considering they're well known for their amazing work. Maybe they didn't even care after Warner Bros got involved.

I know one thing for sure: this story was heavily altered by Warner Bros' own bad writers. They probably thought they could do better but ended up making it much worse, as we've seen in many other series.
@Okeanix is a Suicide Squad anime series, it is more than logical that it is a Warner Bros production, as logical they have the final say on its production.

However, the series has all the clique that we have seen and reviewed in the last 20 years of Japanese animation, this on the one hand confirms that the narrative choices are all on the Japanese side.

Do you want examples of Warner Bros in the field of animation? see all the DC animated films which are all better written than this Japanese co-production.
Aug 15, 2024 12:57 PM

Sep 2009
I am not sure what people were excepting from it? ReZero expy?

For me personally it was highly enterataining show with great action and characters. If they announce a sequel, I will gladly watch it.

Haters gonna hate (c)
Aug 15, 2024 2:24 PM

Jul 2022
The best part of this episode was the magical girl-style transformations. Overall, the anime was mediocre despite having a few fun or seemingly interesting moments; it was repetitive from start to finish, and the way most conflicts were resolved lacked explanation or logic. There wasn’t any real danger for the characters, and the villain of the week was mediocre. Furthermore, the main characters had little screen time and development. I like Harley’s character, but it felt more like an anime about her, with the rest being mere side characters.

Honestly, the only thing that caught everyone’s attention was that they were DC characters, but in the end, it was just another anime. Nonetheless, it seems like they left content for a sequel with that Joker plot twist at the end, revealing he was pulling all the strings.
Aug 15, 2024 2:33 PM
Handler One

Jan 2023
I find it both really ironic and kind of funny that the two worst anime I've seen yet are from Marvel (Super Crooks) and DC.

If that doesn't say something, I don't know what will.

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
Aug 15, 2024 3:49 PM

Sep 2011
That sure was a show. I expected much worse honestly
Aug 15, 2024 3:58 PM

Nov 2023
There's not much to say other than I had fun watching it.
Aug 15, 2024 5:07 PM

Nov 2021
Really not a bad anime at all like some are making it out to be. Sure, I also had high expectations when I saw who was working on this, but in the end it was a simple fun show. They pretty much just played it as safe as possible with the plot and characters, they were basically just cookie cutter versions from the movies. Clayface was definitely a standout though. The comedy was also done well IMO, most of the jokes landed for me.

My only complaint for this episode was the dimming, it was distracting af.
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