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Nov 17, 2023 5:51 AM

Apr 2023
That was certainly a brilliant episode, but I wondered how did that gun fired after soaking in the sea?
Nov 17, 2023 10:44 AM

Jan 2019
A lot of hype moments this episode, the reveal of Hyoga (although he went down way too easy), Ibara revealing exactly how the Medusa is used and Yo finally landing a shot!

Nov 17, 2023 11:57 AM
Sep 2021
Poor Kinro can’t catch a W to save his life. And funny how Magma is literally a non-factor when it comes to combat as of recent times
Nov 17, 2023 12:04 PM
Sep 2021
Police guy can end the arc if he acts quick
AnAverageEnjoyerNov 17, 2023 12:09 PM
Nov 17, 2023 12:49 PM

Jun 2015
We got it! Oh my God we finally got it. However, how is the gun working?
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Nov 17, 2023 3:01 PM
Jul 2017
a lot going on this chapter, but hyuga getting rekt was not expected. although i was wondering when he'd come back

also the evil master getting shot and dropped medusa was going to happen ever since the gun guy got thrown in the ocean
Nov 17, 2023 3:02 PM

Dec 2022
Reply to StallionXD
But it's Uei, he will most likely fuck it up anyway lol

btw is it wrong if I find Nikki to be really hot? 😳
StallionXD said:
btw is it wrong if I find Nikki to be really hot? 😳

No it's not wrong.
Nov 17, 2023 5:24 PM

Sep 2015
Yo having Mozu in his line of sight the whole time he was running up the gangplank and still not shooting was really stupid, immersion breaking even.

Same with Mozu kicking down a steel bulkhead and the gunpowder in Yo's gun somehow not being soaked through when Yo shot Ibara's hand.

Just a couple of small problems.
Nov 17, 2023 6:03 PM

Feb 2021
Finally they got the pendant that makes people petrified :)
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Nov 17, 2023 11:13 PM
John Titor

Jul 2017
Oh my, this is getting better episode after episode. I'm a little afraid that we're only six episodes in. That can be a blessing (getting better every time and still way to go) or a curse (could the show hold its pace for the rest of its duration?).

Again, things not going as planned generates very entertaining situations where we can wonder what new strategies will be developed. Now I'm looking forward to know what scientific gimmick used You or Senku's gun design so it didn't malfunction after being submerged.
Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
Nov 17, 2023 11:36 PM
Nov 2021
Reply to Dawizz
You know things are about get real when the closed eyed dude opens his eyes.

Also gotta love the fact that there isn't any "love" for that forced "inclusive" character Francois😂 The ppl behind this project understood the mantra "everything woke turns to 💩" and they cut their loses and decided to side line an unwanted & unwelcomed character off😂
@Dawizz God I can't stand right brain rot talking about woke when the best anime (including Dr.Stone) is left leaning and "woke" as shit. Calling a minority in a story existing "forced", the type of people saying a black person existing in a movie in 1967 was "hippie propaganda"
Nov 17, 2023 11:56 PM
Jul 2021
Reply to SuperLupinHero
@Dawizz God I can't stand right brain rot talking about woke when the best anime (including Dr.Stone) is left leaning and "woke" as shit. Calling a minority in a story existing "forced", the type of people saying a black person existing in a movie in 1967 was "hippie propaganda"
SuperLupinHero said:
the type of people saying a black person existing in a movie in 1967 was "hippie propaganda

And it wasn't hippie propaganda? FYI it was.

The same goes for this "Francois" thing, put in just to get muh WEF/Soros money, and to push a certain agenda to children/teens, that thing didn't bring anything to the table and was quickly forgotten.
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣
Nov 18, 2023 12:00 AM
Nov 2021
Reply to Dawizz
SuperLupinHero said:
the type of people saying a black person existing in a movie in 1967 was "hippie propaganda

And it wasn't hippie propaganda? FYI it was.

The same goes for this "Francois" thing, put in just to get muh WEF/Soros money, and to push a certain agenda to children/teens, that thing didn't bring anything to the table and was quickly forgotten.
@Dawizz You are a complete troll dude, you realize up to a certain point all movies from hollywood were all white people. You think that's just a reflection of reality? LMAO. Trans, gay, black, asian, people exist. It's not inherently politically whether they're in movies or in reality. You probably watch nothing but alt right youtube media and think college is full of marxist propaganda and "liberal brainwashing"


Back to the episode, it was amazing. One of the most intense and subversive yet
Nov 18, 2023 5:03 AM
Jul 2021
Reply to SuperLupinHero
@Dawizz You are a complete troll dude, you realize up to a certain point all movies from hollywood were all white people. You think that's just a reflection of reality? LMAO. Trans, gay, black, asian, people exist. It's not inherently politically whether they're in movies or in reality. You probably watch nothing but alt right youtube media and think college is full of marxist propaganda and "liberal brainwashing"


Back to the episode, it was amazing. One of the most intense and subversive yet

No I don't, I watch from both side of the fence. I was once a bloody liberal myself. Thank the flying spaghetti monster & baby Jesus & the Universe I woke up, made my bags and left the left plantation. And never looked back.

LMAO putting in token characters like Francois is political! What did that thing did in the anime? Did it do anything meaningful? I don't recall that thing doing anything useful. Proof is how quickly "it" was forgotten, not even "the thing" boss remembers "it"

FYI in America all media was 92/94% White because that what the Country was made off! I'm American, I grew up in the 80's in a sea of White, all shades of Blonde and all shades of Green/Blue/Silver & Gray and Hazel eye color people. This member berry members!

FYI at one point in American history, 80 or so years ago, 50% of all Americans had Blue eyes! So don't come in here talking about reality this and what not.

You are the troll one & bot, with your two years old, with only one anime in your watched list alt account.

FYI American academia was always lefty/marxist. It was already that way when I went to College in the mid 90's. And yes now a days all American Colleges are full of marxist & liberal brainwashing. Before the "pandemic" I visited my alma mater and I didn't puke on the floor because reasons. BLM/LGBT/Commie flags and full on liberal ret@rdat!on for all to see. So yes it is full of marxist & liberal brainwashing.
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣
Nov 18, 2023 8:09 AM

Jul 2010
Reply to Dawizz
You know things are about get real when the closed eyed dude opens his eyes.

Also gotta love the fact that there isn't any "love" for that forced "inclusive" character Francois😂 The ppl behind this project understood the mantra "everything woke turns to 💩" and they cut their loses and decided to side line an unwanted & unwelcomed character off😂
Dawizz said:
Also gotta love the fact that there isn't any "love" for that forced "inclusive" character Francois😂 The ppl behind this project understood the mantra "everything woke turns to 💩" and they cut their loses and decided to side line an unwanted & unwelcomed character off😂

FYI, "inclusive" characters existed in anime even before you knew the word "inclusive". Stop seeing everything as your enemy, you snowflake.
Nov 18, 2023 11:55 AM
Nov 2021
Reply to Dawizz

No I don't, I watch from both side of the fence. I was once a bloody liberal myself. Thank the flying spaghetti monster & baby Jesus & the Universe I woke up, made my bags and left the left plantation. And never looked back.

LMAO putting in token characters like Francois is political! What did that thing did in the anime? Did it do anything meaningful? I don't recall that thing doing anything useful. Proof is how quickly "it" was forgotten, not even "the thing" boss remembers "it"

FYI in America all media was 92/94% White because that what the Country was made off! I'm American, I grew up in the 80's in a sea of White, all shades of Blonde and all shades of Green/Blue/Silver & Gray and Hazel eye color people. This member berry members!

FYI at one point in American history, 80 or so years ago, 50% of all Americans had Blue eyes! So don't come in here talking about reality this and what not.

You are the troll one & bot, with your two years old, with only one anime in your watched list alt account.

FYI American academia was always lefty/marxist. It was already that way when I went to College in the mid 90's. And yes now a days all American Colleges are full of marxist & liberal brainwashing. Before the "pandemic" I visited my alma mater and I didn't puke on the floor because reasons. BLM/LGBT/Commie flags and full on liberal ret@rdat!on for all to see. So yes it is full of marxist & liberal brainwashing.
@Dawizz Completely obsessed with people that LGBTQ+ people lmao. You cry when David Bowie and Prince were pushing gender norms in music? You cry when you see a scottish guy wear a kilt? Francois being gender amiguous isn't even a fucking major point in the show, what are you talking about??? You do realize gender amiguous people exist in reality and they're allowed to be in things and exist and that doesn't make it inherently forced??? GTFO, sounding like Hyuga.


To stay on topic, my favorite moment from this episode was the ending. Never expected that, the show is a masterclass in organic and believable twists
Nov 18, 2023 12:31 PM

Jan 2014
I was looking forward to Hyouga's return though it wasn't as triamphant as I was expecting. Things started picking up for the finale. Now we only need Kohaku and Ginrou to return.
Nov 18, 2023 1:17 PM

Jul 2022
damn is moz so strong even hyoga can't do anything about him
Nov 18, 2023 3:53 PM

Jan 2011
Now this was a fun episode.

"You're under arrest for being a jerk!"
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Nov 18, 2023 5:01 PM
Apr 2018

So sad for Kirisame though...

Nov 18, 2023 5:03 PM
Apr 2018
Reply to TigersAndDragons
Yo having Mozu in his line of sight the whole time he was running up the gangplank and still not shooting was really stupid, immersion breaking even.

Same with Mozu kicking down a steel bulkhead and the gunpowder in Yo's gun somehow not being soaked through when Yo shot Ibara's hand.

Just a couple of small problems.
@TigersAndDragons I completely agree, specially the gunpowder point, but I just take it for the laughs, it's a manga about people being petrified for 3700 years
Nov 18, 2023 5:24 PM
Jul 2020
Damn, I really loved this episode, it was amazing. So excited for the next episode.
Nov 18, 2023 11:53 PM

Jan 2021
The title for the next episode is mighty ominous. I'm assuming something is gonna go down with the petrification device. As a sidenote, I can't help but wonder when the Kingdom of Science is gonna start facing internal problems. All of these people with questionable personalities and weapons that can do some serious damage, someone's gotta make a move for power at some point.

Finally, I'm really missing Kohaku.

Nov 19, 2023 1:26 AM

Oct 2013
Hyoga is back and he's become an ally, yay. But damn, Moz going all out is insanely strong.

Noo, Kirisame-chan! She's been turned to stone right after finding out the truth about the Master. 😭

Thanks to Yoh, the petrification device is not in Ibara's hands anymore. Now, getting to Senku or to anyone far away from the Perseus ship will be crucial for this mission's success.
Nov 19, 2023 2:11 AM
Jul 2021
Reply to SuperLupinHero
@Dawizz Completely obsessed with people that LGBTQ+ people lmao. You cry when David Bowie and Prince were pushing gender norms in music? You cry when you see a scottish guy wear a kilt? Francois being gender amiguous isn't even a fucking major point in the show, what are you talking about??? You do realize gender amiguous people exist in reality and they're allowed to be in things and exist and that doesn't make it inherently forced??? GTFO, sounding like Hyuga.


To stay on topic, my favorite moment from this episode was the ending. Never expected that, the show is a masterclass in organic and believable twists

Your the one obsessed with lgbt "représentation" and with me, little troll/bot account. FYI I am lgbt, I am bi married to a gay man and we're the parents of three boys.

What I am "obsessed" with is the fake representation, the pandering, the crying/moaning and b!tching of White knights & "allies" of the community like yourself. You are nothing more than a fake ally, a clout chaser, running around looking for your next fix/hit. Just like any RL crackie.

👏 If you have a pen and a ink sack, congrats you are a boy, if you don't you are a girl👏

👏FYI there are just two sexes, male & female, everything else is delusion & mental health issues👏

Funny that you are so "worry about representation" that you have forgotten that there are zero, say it again zero black characters on Dr Stone. Hypocrisy much?

Oonokami said:
FYI, "inclusive" characters existed in anime even before you knew the word "inclusive". Stop seeing everything as your enemy, you snowflake.

Shut up dude, I'm 15 years older than you, and I was watching anime before you knew what a tv was. Also I came out long before the Gamete that made you was swimming in your dad ink sack.
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣
Nov 19, 2023 5:08 AM

May 2015
Who thought that corrupt cop will be the one saving the day after all but damn I didn't I would say it but poor Kirisame, hope they bring her back, she have potential as a character.
Nov 19, 2023 11:35 AM

Aug 2022
nThey finally got the petrification device! I can't wait to learn the secret behind it!
Nov 19, 2023 3:40 PM

Dec 2016
Very engaging episode, it's about time we've had the tides flipped.
Nov 19, 2023 4:14 PM
Mar 2019
Me thinks the tide has turned...just when I thought it was already going downhill, Senkuu's ace in the hole made it worthwhile. That's why you don't mess with a guy with a gun.
Nov 19, 2023 10:58 PM
Oct 2019
i thought the revival of that guy was ingenious. i had forgotten all about him, so when i realized what was happening when the revival fluid was dropped into there i was like "oh shit"

and yet despite that...THIS WAS A BAD EPISODE haha

the whole choosing which side to fight for scene was lame. the weirdo leader guy escaping to the shop of the ship, and then the rest of the science group escaping to the top shortly after, but neither group seeing each other was dumb. then the science group getting in boats and heading for the island at the same time the petrification girl is coming to the boat, but neither group seeing each other was even dumber. does it defy logic like that in the manga, too? or has the anime rushed the scene(s) for whatever reason? it just made no sense at all. and there were other smaller things in this episode i just thought weren't great either (let's go fight at the top of the ship because...reasons, and let's jump off the boat while being petrified because...derp, and we're going to piece back together an entire stone statue and carry that statue down to the shoreline all within a few minutes)

this show is only good when they're explaining science-y things and trying to rebuild civilization. when it comes to fights and non-science timeline type things, it really, really struggles imo
Nov 20, 2023 6:31 AM

Jan 2017
I love the different personalities in this show
Nov 20, 2023 9:25 AM
Oct 2016
I'm glad I'm not the only one confused on how that gun still fired after Yu was thrown into the ocean. Gunpowder just doesn't like water, and will refuse to go off when wet. That said I sure hope Yu doesn't pull a Yu and think he has the device figured out and hucks it back to Ibarra in the misbegotten notion that he will be a hero that saves the day.
Nov 20, 2023 4:34 PM
Dec 2020
THE CLIFFHANGER!!! Each episode is so good so far. Now that Ibara doesn't have the medusa anymore I wonder how it'll go. What's the next objective now? We already have everything back so is the only threat Hyouga and Moz? We'll see!!!
Nov 20, 2023 6:36 PM

Jan 2013
What a great episode, this is why i love this series!
Wasn't expecting to see Hyoga revived but they didn't have a chance.

And oh boy, that shot on Ibara!!! Our police guy redeemed himself fully now, what an end to the episode!
Can't wait for the next one!
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Nov 22, 2023 6:11 PM
Nov 2021
Reply to Dawizz

Your the one obsessed with lgbt "représentation" and with me, little troll/bot account. FYI I am lgbt, I am bi married to a gay man and we're the parents of three boys.

What I am "obsessed" with is the fake representation, the pandering, the crying/moaning and b!tching of White knights & "allies" of the community like yourself. You are nothing more than a fake ally, a clout chaser, running around looking for your next fix/hit. Just like any RL crackie.

👏 If you have a pen and a ink sack, congrats you are a boy, if you don't you are a girl👏

👏FYI there are just two sexes, male & female, everything else is delusion & mental health issues👏

Funny that you are so "worry about representation" that you have forgotten that there are zero, say it again zero black characters on Dr Stone. Hypocrisy much?

Oonokami said:
FYI, "inclusive" characters existed in anime even before you knew the word "inclusive". Stop seeing everything as your enemy, you snowflake.

Shut up dude, I'm 15 years older than you, and I was watching anime before you knew what a tv was. Also I came out long before the Gamete that made you was swimming in your dad ink sack.
@Dawizz I don't care if you're LGBTQ+, you can still have erroneous beliefs. You could also be like that one senator guy who pretended to be a minority online, and if not you're literally aligning with a party that wishes for your destruction no matter where you fall on the spectrum lmfao. Me? YOU'RE the one who brought up something completely random, shit you should have picked a show that was more explitly political, you sound insane to be honest, sorry to say . Oh wow biological essentialism, completely ignoring innumerable intersex combinations of X and Y , completely ignoring that there's empirical scientific brain scan evidence of trans people being "trapped" in the wrong body. Completely ignoring cultures from the beginning of time, ancient ass tribes have "third" genders, you know because gender is psychological and DISTINCT from BIOLOGICAL SEX. Google "gender versus sex" and tell me what it says lmao

Anyway it doesn't matter it's like me trying to educate a racist, you're running on a low processor and not able to pick up nuance.
SuperLupinHeroNov 22, 2023 6:28 PM
Nov 26, 2023 12:41 PM
Apr 2019
Hole show its perfect
Nov 28, 2023 12:15 AM

Oct 2008
another awesome energetic exciting hype episode! give us more!!!

Nov 29, 2023 11:50 AM

Apr 2016
Hyoga is here boys an girls!!!
Nov 29, 2023 4:00 PM

Sep 2017
Something bad is going to happen right now isn't it?
هیچوقت بهتر نمیشه
Dec 15, 2023 4:00 AM
Aug 2023
I don't know how they can make Kirisame look innocent now, like she petrified tons of villagers for years upon years. She even petrified that father who was trying to rescue his daughter from the harem, and watched stoned people like him being smashed up right after she petrified them.

I also don't know how Kirisame can be betrayed and petrified right in front of that underling guy she was trying to stand up for, and that underling doing absolutely nothing after witnessing all of that.

I didn't like how Hyouga gets taken down so easily by Moz just because he stops holding back, I hope it's a fake out, and the real fight happens next episode.
Dec 16, 2023 2:34 AM
Anime Archivist

Aug 2019
A lot of things happened this episode. Between the de-petrification of their "Joker", the re-assembling of "The Master", Ibara's plans which seem to have been thwarted, not to mention getting the gun back under control during the boat raid. Magama is completely useless with a gun, it makes you wonder what he planned on doing with it.. but Magma never thinks so that's his schtick.

Shame the girl had to be turned to stone before Ibara lost Medusa tho. She would have beat him up any normal circumstance, but no amount of strength can beat the stone. Welp, now that it's out his hands he's just an old man. With a bullet hole through his hand.
Dec 24, 2023 11:44 AM

May 2015
Of all people this guy got petrification device xD
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Dec 26, 2023 4:15 PM

Aug 2022
I won't lie; I was hoping Senku would revive Tsukasa to go against Moz, but I guess they didn't bring him with them. Though Hyouga isn't exactly a friend, it's better to choose the devil you know, I guess.

Yo was the true MVP of the episode, though. Sure, he failed at first against Moz, but even though the gun is a powerful weapon, theirs is still rudimentary, so he tried his best. To be fair, I think he made the right choice when shooting Ibara first; since the Kingdom of Science has the only people capable of reviving petrified individuals, Ibara technically committed murder in front of him. I'm also glad that they managed to scare off most of the goons on the ship thanks to Gen's brilliant performance.

Glad Ibara’s nonsense has come to light. And now Yo has the Medusa. I just hope this is not going to turn into something bad for Senku and friends, as Yo isn't exactly the loyal type either ^^'
Jan 4, 2024 9:38 AM

Mar 2010
Huh now they got me curious.. Damn that bald lads mom had some huge tits

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Mar 12, 2024 9:29 PM
Dec 2022
joker mr evil has been summoned
Ibara sucks bro cares about himself only
Master was epic ):

Its getting crazy now THE GUN RAAAAA


me candies:
Apr 13, 2024 1:06 PM
Mar 2019
The Killer is out of the cage.
May 9, 2024 1:24 PM

Mar 2013
I was always curious to know how they decide the range and activation of the petrification device. Looks simple. The device takes voice commands to get activated.
May 18, 2024 2:44 AM

Jun 2017
This entire episode was so exciting. I didn't expect, even the slightest, that they would revive Hyouga again. I was disappointed about the fight between Moz and Hyouga though. They should've made it longer.

Everything was going well and they got the Petrification Weapon. The only problem they have now is Moz.

She got him back. If you understand the characters well enough, you'd know she did!
May 20, 2024 3:11 PM

Dec 2007
just another super crazy episode, even crazier than previous episode.

well, i actually saw hyuga getting freed long time ago, from the minute they said "only at last resort".

and that end, damn. what the hell gonna happen?
Jul 13, 2024 7:02 AM
Apr 2022
Applause to the first police man of the post-stone world!!
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